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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XII: The Masters of Darkness

  1. #106
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Distruggiamo le loro menti con i nostri possenti pensieri ariani!
    spamm is life.

  2. #107
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Invisibility, parliamo la sua fottuta lingua e infiltriamoci da bravi ninja

  3. #108
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004



    Btw, Teg okak aga kog Argazad, shad? significa What's your buisness in Argazad, soldier?

    Quote Originally Posted by 17.
    When you fail to answer, the burly sergeant strides forward and repeats his command impatiently. You meet his cold stare and project a surge of psychic energy directly into his brain. He begins to shiver, his cruel eyes widening as your attack erodes his ability to concentrate. You will him to allow you to pass, and mechanically he turns around to face his troops. ‘Agna tok!’ he says. ‘Dok lug shad.’

    As the armoured soldiers stand aside, you ride quickly through the gate and along a shadowy street that leads down to the quay. At the end of the street is a sign that indicates the way to the two main areas of Argazad: the ironclad harbour and the supply depot.

    If you wish to investigate the harbour, turn to 295.

    If you wish to investigate the supply depot, turn to 328.
    Agna tok! significa Open the door!; Dok lug shad significa He's a friendly soldier

    Ormai conosc il Giak O-o

    Cosa vogliamo investigare ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  4. #109
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    supplpy depot

  5. #110
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Il Lupo va dove il loot abbonda!

    Supply depot!

  6. #111
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Quote Originally Posted by Jesper View Post

    Btw, Teg okak aga kog Argazad, shad? significa What's your buisness in Argazad, soldier?

    Questo non è il Lupo solitario che state cercando...

    Btw andiamo a ravanare nel torbido 328
    Last edited by Bortas; 9th April 2013 at 15:01.


  7. #112
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  8. #113
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Il lupo perde il pelo (e la pelle) ma non i loot.
    spamm is life.

  9. #114
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Vediamo che genere di supplì si mangiano i Drakkarim

    Quote Originally Posted by 328.
    You follow a cobblestoned alleyway and soon arrive at a large square, flanked to the north, south, and west by warehouses, yet dominated by a smaller building on the east side. Its granite walls are festooned with black flags bearing the emblem of a silver ship and fiery sword, and atop its flat roof there sits a huge, winged creature with mottled grey skin—an Imperial Zlanbeast. You watch with grim fascination as the beast feeds from a pile of horse carcasses stacked beside its perch. Then a daring thought comes to mind. If you could reach the roof of the building and steal the Zlanbeast, it would be possible to reach Aarnak by air in a matter of hours, rather than the days it would take by land or sea.

    After riding once around the building to assess its defences, you leave your horse tethered to a rail near a side entrance and approach the only door that appears to be unguarded. It is locked, but the crude bolt that secures it proves no match for your basic Kai skill of Mind Over Matter. The bolt clicks back, the door swings open, and you enter the building unseen.

    Turn to 140.
    Poteri mentali!

    Quote Originally Posted by 140.
    Beyond the door lies a corridor that leads to a narrow hall of stone. Its ceiling, flat and undomed, is supported by thick columns that march in rows down the sides of the walls. Between the columns are plain steel doors, the largest one guarded by Death Knights. From the safety of the shadows you watch as this great door swings open and a man, swathed in a voluminous scarlet robe, emerges into the corridor. He speaks at length with the two guards, who depart in haste when he has finished, as if running an important errand. Beyond the great door you can see a flight of stairs ascending into darkness. The man in red watches the Death Knights leave, and then turns and ascends the stairs hurriedly, leaving the great steel door ajar.

    Hoping that this staircase leads to the roof, you cross the corridor and follow the robed man, taking care not to be seen, as you stalk silently in his wake. Your Kai skills keep you hidden from view and enable you to gain entry to the chamber that occupies the entire top floor of this building. There you take cover behind one of many statues that encircle the floor, and witness a scene that chills you to the core.

    Turn to 216.
    Ok, a sto giro è senz'altro Paido nudo

    Quote Originally Posted by 216.
    On a throne of hewn granite, ringed by seven pillars of fire, sits a being whose form radiates pure evil. A loose grey robe shrouds his skeletal frame. It is drawn closely about a stringy throat that swells and shrinks repulsively as he sucks the sulphurous air. With a claw-like finger, he scrapes nervously at the blistered flesh that is stretched tightly across the swollen left side of his face, attempting in vain to hook the head of a snake-like parasite that has burrowed into his jaw. His eyes, deep-sunken and red-rimmed with the unbearable pain of his affliction, burn with sick fanaticism as he listens impatiently to the pleas and excuses being offered by two who stand before him—the man in red and one other, both humbly bowed.

    The luckless mortals plead their case, speaking in the Vassagonian tongue—a language that you mastered long ago. They speak of delays in the construction of a mighty battleship, of shortages of material and of too little time in which to finish their work. Their words anger the seated one. He curses them, and the floor shudders beneath the weight of his unnatural voice. ‘You would dare defy me?’ he roars. ‘You would court the anger of Kraagenskûl, Lord of Argazad? Fools! Know you this. If your work is not completed before the next moon, you shall wish yourselves truly dead. A thousand years of agony shall be the reward for your failure, a thousand years of undeath in the dungeons of Helgedad!’

    Illustration XII—Darklord Kraagenskûl draws his sword.

    Fired by his own rage, the corpse-like Darklord Kraagenskûl rises from his throne and draws the sword that hangs sheathed at his side. The blade is unlike any that you have seen. It is wholly black, a black so dense that it appears entirely separate from the hilt, like a tear through which you glimpse the nightmare depths of space. He levels the sword at the cowering men to reinforce his threat, but the blade rebels. It twists in his hand and points accusingly at the place where you are hiding. The Darklord narrows his feral eyes and a wave of psychic shock buffets your mind.

    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 21.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 267.
    I Kraagenskûl sono buonissimi con la polenta taragna, se non sbaglio.

    Comunque, abbiamo Psi-Screen

    Quote Originally Posted by 21.
    Desperately you draw on your psychic defences, erecting a shield to deflect the surge of mental energy that is coursing through your mind.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. For every Magnakai Discipline you possess, including your initial three skills, add 1 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–6, turn to 244.

    If it is 7 or more, turn to 152.
    Il numero delle nostre discipline ci da un successo automatico!

    Quote Originally Posted by 152.
    The swiftness of your reactions, and the degree of psychic mastery you have attained, save you from sustaining any injury to your central nervous system. Rapidly the shock fades, leaving you alert and ready to face Darklord Kraagenskûl.

    Turn to 147.
    E' il momento di spaccare il Kulo a uno dei Darklords!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 147.
    The two Vassagonians unsheathe their rapier-thin swords and advance towards you, secretly thankful that they are no longer the target of Kraagenskûl’s wrath. The Darklord orders them to halt and demands that you step within the circle of the fiery pillars and explain your intrusion. You sense that he has not detected your true identity, that his psychic skills are solely destructive, and that he is, for now, deceived by your Drakkarim disguise.

    ‘I have come from the victorious army of Darklord Xog, the conqueror of Cloeasia, with vital information to impart, O Mighty Lord of Darkness,’ you say, slavishly. You speak partly in Vassagonian and partly in Giak to maintain your deception. ‘There is a traitor in your court. He has tried to send word to the enemy, to warn them of what is being constructed in Argazad. I know who he is and I carry proof of his treachery.’

    ‘Speak!’ commands Kraagenskûl. ‘Speak or die!’

    ‘I shall speak, O Invincible Lord of Death and Decay, but I crave your confidence. Can we not speak alone?’ You cast an accusing glance at the two Vassagonians, and they return your look with fear and hatred blazing in their eyes.

    ‘Leave us!’ snarls Kraagenskûl, pointing to the stairs with his jet-black blade, ‘but stray no further than the hall below, and do not disturb us until I call for you.’

    Reluctantly, the Vassagonians leave, their heads bowed in reverence but their eyes still fixed murderously on you.

    Turn to 286.
    O forse possiamo prima prenderlo un po' per il Kulo...

    Quote Originally Posted by 286.
    As you watch the Vassagonians leave, you edge nearer to Kraagenskûl and prepare yourself to launch a surprise attack. You will need all your speed and skill if you are to catch him off-guard. From the bottom of the stairs you hear the steel door click shut and immediately you spin around to face your enemy. But he has a plan of his own and it is he who catches you by surprise. A crackling arc of blue electrical fire surges from his hand and connects with your chest, shaking you like a helpless puppet on the tip of a fiery lance.

    ‘Now tell me everything you know!’ he growls, as he increases the current. It is a torture that he has employed countless times, and always it has elicited the truth from his human victims.

    Your skin tingles and the charge causes you to shiver, yet you feel no pain. Staring down, you see that the crackling bolt is being drawn to the Golden Amulet that hangs around your chest: its magical properties are neutralizing the evil charge. Kraagenskûl senses that something is wrong. He breaks off his attack, his bulbous eyes filled with fearful suspicion. He steps back, and then utters a curse in the dark tongue, which echoes like thunder around the walls. Black mist pours from his fingers, swirling into a cone that grows in his bony palm. Shadow-shapes writhe at the core, and then gush towards you, engulfing you in a choking flood of deadly Crypt Spawn.

    If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 57.

    If you possess the Dagger of Vashna and wish to use it, turn to 171.

    If you possess neither of these Special Items or choose not to use either of them, turn to 109.
    Il Dagger of Vashna è caduto tragicamente vittima di una serratura qualche tempo fa

    Usiamo la Sommerswerd? O preferiamo mantenerla segreta e usare un'altra arma?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  10. #115
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Ah ma non avevamo houserulato che non si era distrutto il Pugnale di Vashna? QQ

    Vabbè se così è, usiamo la Sommerswerd per forza, anche perchè non penso che possiamo combatterlo a parolacce...

  11. #116
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    ma come? non avevamo deciso che il dagger sarebbe rimasto intatto? se è così usiamo il dagger altrimenti niente sommerswerd

  12. #117
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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  13. #118
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Diciamo che avevamo deciso di mantenerlo se tutti erano d'accordo e Rho aveva fatto il Bortas e aveva votato no

    Anche io mi ricordavo che avevamo deciso di mantenerlo, ma sono 4-5 libri che non ce lo stiamo più portando dietro lol
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  14. #119
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Maledetto pecoraro è tutta colpa sua se ora sommersuxiamo è____é

  15. #120
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Ma che suchiamo...siamo la Furia Ariana DIDDIO... stiamo barando l'impossibile con le armature, go di Sommerswerd e disegnamogli una svastica sul culo a sto pezzente.
    (se proprio ci mette troppo sotto abbiamo pure la nostra roBBBa buona direttamente da Amsterdam da usare)
    spamm is life.

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