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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XIII: The Plague Lords of Ruel

  1. #16
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Noi siamo animali de furesta. Ergo 228
    spamm is life.

  2. #17
    Bortas's Avatar
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  3. #18
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Ci infrattiamo!

    Quote Originally Posted by 228.
    Shortly before midnight, you and the captain ride out of Stonewatch on two fine Slovarian steeds. It is another moonless night and the plain is shrouded by darkness, yet you have no difficulty in seeing the terrain that lies ahead. Using your natural Magnakai skill of Huntmastery, every flowing contour of the grassy plain is revealed to you. The captain is not so gifted, but the special spectacles he wears fully compensate for his lack of night vision. They were a token of gratitude from the Arch-Chief of Chaman for his services in defence of the city of Gleesh during the war against the Darklords, and often they have been of use to the captain when scouting his country’s border with Ruel.

    In less than an hour you arrive at a grassy knoll which overlooks the dense, forbidding wall of trees that is the Forest of Ruel. You are dismounting when something causes you to halt mid-way. You perceive a scent being carried on the night air: it is the heavy, cloying stench of decay.

    ‘There is great evil here,’ says the Captain, observing your reaction. ‘You would not be thought faint-hearted were you to return with me to Stonewatch.’

    ‘I will return to your fortress, Captain,’ you reply, your voice quietly resolute, ‘but not until my task at Mogaruith has been completed.’

    The captain smiles and raises his steely hand in a salute to your brave determination. ‘Very well, my lord. So be it. Until that glad day dawns I shall pray for your safety and success.’

    Then he brings his horse about, takes yours by the reins, and bids you a final farewell before heading back to Stonewatch. ‘May the gods watch over you and deliver us swiftly from the darkness of Mogaruith.’

    You return his salute and watch as he gallops away with your steed in tow. Then, when finally he disappears, you turn to observe the gloomy forest perimeter. At first, the tangle of underbrush and trees appear to be so interwoven that they form an impregnable wall. Yet, at length, you see that there are two points where entry is possible. The first is where a sickly stream emerges from the forest to feed a stagnant, scum-encrusted pond; the second is where a tree has fallen and torn a hole in the thorny briars.

    If you wish to enter the Forest of Ruel by way of the stream, turn to 155.

    If you choose to enter through the gap created by the fallen tree, turn to 84.
    Costeggiamo il ruscello, o ci facciamo strada dove è caduto il tronco?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  4. #19
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Acqua = pericolo!!!

    Passiamo dal tronco caduto.
    spamm is life.

  5. #20
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    L'acqua è malvagissima, evitiamola come la peste bubbonica...

    Tronco caduto ftw!

  6. #21
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Cazzo è un ruscello, sta paura dell'acqua va vinta una volta per tutte... Namo su per il rigagnolo.


  7. #22
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bortas View Post
    Cazzo è un ruscello, sta paura dell'acqua va vinta una volta per tutte... Namo su per il rigagnolo.
    Capace che noi baldi supereroi ninja Ariani psionici e chi + ne ha + ne metta inciampiamo in una radice, cadiamo faccia in giù nel ruscello e moriamo affogati...

    meglio non sfidare la sorte.
    spamm is life.

  8. #23
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    go di ruscello cazzo

  9. #24
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Siamo a uno stallo! Il prossimo voto, anche se duplicato, decide!
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  10. #25
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Acque letali..non ci avrete!

    (Tronco caduto FTW)
    spamm is life.

  11. #26
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    LW continua a infilarsi in ogni pertugio che trova!

    Quote Originally Posted by 84.
    Using your innate Magnakai skill of Invisibility, you take care to mask your body heat and scent lest they should stir the curiosity of any keen-nosed denizens of Ruel. Then, with caution guiding your every step, you advance through the knee-high grasses towards the fallen tree. As you approach, you focus your powers of Divination and scan the surrounding darkness for invisible or hidden enemies. Sensing no immediate threat, you continue to the forest’s edge where you are greeted by an unwholesome warmth. It rises out of a mulch of insects and fungi that are feasting upon the corpse of the tree. Silently you offer up a prayer to Ishir before venturing a step further into this inhospitable domain.

    Beyond the dead tree you find a muddy track which is bordered on both sides by the tall trunks and thorny briars of the forest. So dense is this tangle of trees and brush that it is impossible to leave the track. You feel as if you are walking along an endless passage, one so unnatural that its construction could only be the result of evil herbcraft.

    At length the track widens and the trees begin to thin out. Ahead you see a clearing and at once your senses tingle: it is a warning that you are not alone. Instinctively you reach for your weapon and, as your hand closes upon it, you see that the floor of the clearing is alive with a carpet of loathsome scuttling creatures. At once you attempt to use your Magnakai powers of Animal Control to determine if these creatures are hostile, but your efforts go unrewarded.

    If you possess Animal Mastery, turn to 7.

    If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 171.
    Niente Animal Mastery!

    Quote Originally Posted by 171.
    You focus your power upon the scuttling horde and try to bring them under your control. They do not respond to your commands and, at once, you sense that they are under a spell that has robbed them of all free will. You draw on your inner strength and attempt to break this spell, and the creatures cease their frenzied movement with an abruptness you find unnerving; it is as if they have suddenly turned to stone. Now that you can see them clearly they remind you of beetles, save that they are far larger and have long, rat-like tails. You observe them for a few moments longer, and then take a tentative step forwards. Instantly they burst into life, only this time they do not confine themselves to the forest floor.

    With a sound like a thousand squeaky door hinges, they sprout wings and soar into the air in a formation which resembles a small black cloud. Soon they have left the clearing, and as you watch the last of them disappear over the tops of the trees, you can only hope that they are not some form of lookout employed by the Cenerese.

    On the far side of the clearing you discover that the trail continues deeper into the forest. You follow it for nearly an hour until your keen senses warn of danger ahead and immediately you halt in your tracks. You hear a movement: it is above and behind you. With incredible speed you spin on your heel and raise your weapon to parry a possible attack. Your reactions are fast, but they may not be quick enough to protect you from what lurks in the canopy of branches high above.

    From out of the darkness there falls a wriggling mass of thorny creepers that come snaking towards your head as if driven by a single mind.

    If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 257.

    If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 140.
    Ma abbiamo Grand Pathmanship!

    Quote Originally Posted by 257.
    Forewarned by your powerful senses, you are able to avoid the wriggling creepers by diving and rolling across the spongy forest floor. As you begin to rise to your feet, you fix your eyes on those vines and suddenly you realize that they are not plants after all—they belong to a creature that is hiding in the canopy above. The creeper-like tendrils are part of its natural camouflage.

    Suddenly another mass of the tendrils descend and spread out in an attempt to locate you. One brushes against your foot and immediately the others hone in on your position like a swarm of hungry eels. You raise your weapon and strike a mighty blow which tears away a great swath of the creature’s wriggling limbs. A fountain of ichor erupts from every severed end and, from somewhere above the canopy of branches, you hear an unearthly roar of pain. Once more the remaining tendrils seek you out; this time they are no longer soft and fibrous, but stiff and studded with barbed thorns.

    The swirling mass strikes out for your throat. Desperately you hack at them with devastating effect yet more and more emerge from above to replace them.

    If you wish to evade this creature, turn to 180.

    If you choose to stand and fight it, turn to 202.
    Oh God, tentacle rape incoming!

    Che si fa ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  12. #27
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    andiamocene e anche alla svelta prima di venire penetrati analmente

  13. #28
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Siamo Kai Grand Master e ci facciamo spaventare da qualche tentacolo spunzonato?

    Puah! Stand and fight e facciamogli assaggiare la Sommerswerd!

  14. #29
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Inizio di nuova saga pericolosissima, da distruttori di mondi era siamo al livello di un bimbo di 5 anni, sti tentacoli sono sicuramente più potenti di qualsiasi derklord finora incontrato evitiamo lo scontro la vedo meglio, 180...


  15. #30
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 180.
    You duck to avoid the sweeping tendrils, and then turn and begin to run towards the clearing. You have taken but a few steps when a barbed limb lashes out and rakes the back of your legs (lose 4 ENDURANCE points).

    You cry out at the sudden pain and stumble to your knees, but quickly you regain your footing and manage to escape without sustaining further injury. Without looking back, you cross the clearing and press on towards the east.

    Turn to 242.
    Che bambinone

    BTW, se guardate bene, sopra ho messo la pagina sbagliata (è quella di "se abbiamo Animal Mastery"), ma il risultato è esattamente lo stesso

    Quote Originally Posted by 242.
    For an hour you follow the muddy track as it twists a tortuous route through the trees of this accursed realm. Baleful eyes observe your passing yet you choose to ignore them for you sense that these watchers pose no real threat to your safety. They are lowly animals that possess little intelligence and even less courage (though you fancy the latter would not be so if you were weak or wounded). The path ascends a ridge, and then drops steeply towards the floor of a mist-enshrouded valley where you happen upon something that brings you to a halt.

    A moss-grown skull lies on the path ahead, its jawbone agape as if uttering a silent scream. Beyond it lie two skeletons in rotting mail, half-buried in a nest of saw-toothed briar. Then, through the mist, you see weapons, rusted and mouldering, and the grisly remains of a warhorse, its armoured rider slumped astride its ruined back. You are advancing towards the horse when you hear a sound that draws your eyes away to the east. It is a busy, squeaking noise, muffled by the dense undergrowth.

    You leave the path and melt into the tangled trees. With careful steps you edge towards the noise, your senses straining to extract information from your surroundings until you become almost a part of the forest itself. Then you detect movement ahead and, from the cover of a thorny bough, you draw your weapon and wait in readiness.

    A line of rat-like creatures, each as tall as a youth, is wending its way along the forest path. They are armed with crude and rusty weapons and clothed in rags that once were worn by human soldiers. Your keen sense of smell detects the vile aroma of disease which hangs heavy about these loathsome rat-men, and at once you realize that these must be the Vazhag that Rimoah spoke about. Shielded by your Magnakai skills, you watch in silence as they file past your hiding place and slowly disappear. When you are sure they have gone, you sheathe your weapon and continue your trek towards Mogaruith.

    Turn to 206.
    44 Ratti in fila per 3 col resto di 2? Comunque sia, se ne sono andati. Sono certo che non li rivedremo mai più

    Quote Originally Posted by 206.
    Dawn breaks and the sun appears through a rent in the ominous mass of grey cloud that is swirling overhead. You stop and tilt back your head to enjoy the warmth of its life-giving rays upon your face. It is a brief respite, for within minutes the clouds close ranks and you find yourself immersed once more in the forest’s gloom.

    During the night the track has led you out of the valley and up a steady rise towards a plateau where a jutting spur of slate-grey rock stands surmounted by a score of lightning-blasted trees. There, in the shadow of the rock, your eagle-eyes detect three dark pits which have been dug side by side. You cannot see what lies at the bottom of these excavations, but you can sense that they radiate a powerful aura of evil.

    If you wish to use your Magnakai Discipline of Divination in order to detect any psychic residues which may be lingering at this site, turn to 111.

    If you decide not to use this ability, turn to 32.
    Ecco una cosa nuova: possiamo scegliere di usare Divination, anche se è una Disciplina Magnakai. Non succederà spessissimo, ma a volte capita.

    Vogliamo sondare i residui psichici?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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