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Thread: Spidey mini review

  1. #1
    Randolk's Avatar
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    Default Spidey mini review

    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelMayhem
    Spider-Man has received a revision to some of his powers to bring his clear times and survivability up, and improve his general quality of life. All Spider-Man players will be receiving a free respec of their power points as a result of these changes. (not seen in this test center build)

    -Spider-Man's Hero Synergy has been doubled in effectiveness. The synergy nodes now grant 2% each, a maximum of +4% dodge. (not seen in this test center build)


    We've simplified the design mechanic of Webbed, altering powers that referred to Webbed to instead refer to Ranged. This will allow new Spider-Man players to more easily grasp the hybrid gameplay concepts that exist within his kit.

    -Spider to the Fly now grants a melee damage rating bonus for a duration after hitting with a Ranged power. This allows melee Spidey players to rotate in a Ranged power once in awhile during a combat rotation, but not ensure that every enemy is hit with webs to receive the damage bonus.

    -Constrictive Webbing now grants damage rating to Ranged powers, and causes a DoT when hitting with a Ranged power.

    -Due to the above two changes, the 'Webbed' debuff mechanic has been removed. This will improve Spider-Man's quality of life and clarify how to utilize his hybrid mechanics. Horizon Labs Web-Shooters, as a result, now provides bonus damage to targets affected by Constrictive Webbing.

    Rotational Powers

    Spider-Man had some powers that are designed to be used sporadically, so we've slightly raised their cooldowns or costs in order to warrant some significant damage boosts. These powers will now be more attractive to rotate into combat in order to maximize damage potential.

    -Amazing Smash's damage has been moderately increased, and now also inflicts a lingering damage-over-time component as the enemies are constricted within the webs. The power now costs 40 spirit.

    -Web Yank's damage has been moderately increased. Cooldown raised to 2 seconds (up from 1).

    -Leaping Assault's damage has been significantly increased. Cooldown raised to 4 seconds (up from 1).


    We've made some changes to Spidey's survivability powers. The intent here is to free up more power points for use in other places, while improving his overall survival times in endgame encounters.

    -Superior Agility - Now grants damage rating to Spider-Man for a duration whenever he dodges an attack or uses a movement power (not seen in this test center build), instead of damage rating to targets attacking him. This change allows Spider-Man to keep that damage buff up indefinitely even in group play when another player is tanking enemies. Additionally, this buff also yields a 10% total reduction in incoming damage.

    -Acrobatic Attack - Buff duration increased to 15 seconds, matching the new buff granted from Superior Agility.

    -Spider-Sense - Chance to evade attacks has been flattened to 8% at all ranks (higher than the previous rank 40 value)

    -Web Shield - As a result of the change to Superior Agility, Web Shield's passive component has been removed. The amount of defense rating granted on activation of the shield has been doubled, and the projectile deflection chance has been flattened to 50% at all ranks (higher than the previous rank 40 value)(not seen in this test center build). This allows one power point in Superior Agility to serve as the method of mitigating damage passively, increases Web Shield's desirability as a one point power, while retaining the defensive steroid choice for players that fully invest in it.


    -Stick Around's damage has been slightly reduced. This power had a piece of old data from prior to his level 52 which was causing this power to deal higher damage than intended.

    Spider-Man's overall TTK has been increased as a result of this patch.
    mcpupp dagli un giro se hai tempo e reportizza pls.

  2. #2
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
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    Palermo, Nord Africa


    ieri c'ho fatto un giro ma senza notes di cosa avevano cambiato ed i tooltip non aggiornati era difficile caprici qualcosa stasera lo riprovo e vedo
    Last edited by McLove.; 20th March 2014 at 18:12.
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

  3. #3
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
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    Palermo, Nord Africa


    osto la build ed il tuning di spidey me l'aveva chiesto crescent se nn erro.

    full unici
    4 hela
    neck doc doom cosmic (ottimo per damage rating spirit hp e bis per il duration di ogni boost del dot di web shield e persino del dot della signature all around e il miglior neck per spidey)
    adv crimson, pym, adv meta, adv kung fu

    ring cosmico con hp damage ranged e damage melee

    uru defense con lunar
    gung level 5
    insignia ogrady

    affissi del costume
    - heal on basic
    - damage rating
    - heal on basic
    - damage rating
    Il totale dell healt on basic sul core level 60 e 250 ad hit che si somma ai 100 hp/hit delle 201 lemuria

    core level 60 LL 0.5 rare e durability (l'unica stats che con l'head non arriva a 7 punti , qualunque altra stats e slot buttata).

    17590 hp
    44% riduzione danni dovuta alla defense (che diventa 46% dopo un hit melee per il kungfu e 49% se webshield attivo.)
    25% attack speed che diventa il 30% dopo dodge o movement per agility
    35% crit (40% post dodge per il lunar)
    183% crit damage
    31% brutal
    3426 phys damage rating (piu il danno su webbed , l'ulteriore danno su webbed per la slot 1 ed il danno melee per la slot 3 ed i proc degli stivali)

    build no gear

    build col gear

    con il gear che ho non ho di fatto bisogno di maxare alcuna passiva ne il dodge 1 pnto a spider sense, ne web shield dove ho messo 4 punti leftover ma ne basta 1, l'incremento di defense e ottimo ma e' timed ed anche con un punto alza di un 5% la riduzione del danno e cura per 408 hp per secondo. e' l'oh shit button
    maxare agiliy puo aver senso solo per il damage rating mentre per tenacty ed attack speed non ha senso: con un punto solo ho gia 25% fisso che diventa 30% dopo dodge o movement power, i punti in piu verrebbero mangiati dal diminish

    la signature maxata fa semplicemente i buchi ed ha cd basso, quei punti se nn la volete maxare li mettete dove volete in relazione alle lacune del vs gear.

    oppure volendo si puo fare una build senza il basic usando solo spidey brawl che fa un danno cane.
    la mana resta sempre alta con pym e con il bonus di 10 spirit sul crit del lunar
    L'ho usata per un po ma sinceramente la surv che da 250 hp on basic con una ratio di 3.3 attacchi al secondo (quasi 1000 hp sec quando si mena con quella) al secondo e' impareggiabile quindi preferisco maxare ANCHE spidy pummel e da anche un gameplay piu vario: basic per rifullare mana (la rare volte che accade nei combat piu lunghi o per surv per ll'hp on hit, spender melee per big damage, signature per aoe e fare cc e danno, webshield per subire meno dannoe cura, aoe molto potente con leaping strike e debuff slow area con cui fare anche agire il 5% di danno della synergia di loki su slowed.

    il resto e abbastanza ovvio

    sto pg ha una surv immensa e fa anche un danno cane atm e' nuovamente uno dei migliori in circolazione se gearato a puntino.
    Last edited by McLove.; 27th March 2014 at 02:29.
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander CrescentMoon's Avatar
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    Reggio Emilia


    grazie mille mc


  5. #5
    Randolk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    non sono meglio gli spider bots rispetto ai guanti?
    io leaping assault non riesco proprio a farmelo piacere.

  6. #6
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Palermo, Nord Africa


    Quote Originally Posted by Randolk View Post
    non sono meglio gli spider bots rispetto ai guanti?
    io leaping assault non riesco proprio a farmelo piacere.
    no non danno healt (ed healt on kill) e danno rating vs not attacking you e dodge che servono ad un casso

    li ho entrmabi e sinceramente preferisco di una spanna i guanti
    Last edited by McLove.; 27th March 2014 at 16:52.
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

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