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Thread: [Shard] Eden

  1. #76
    Shalee's Avatar
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    Nuovo evento su Eden.
    Si parte Venerdi sera ore 21.00 fino a lunedi mattina ore 01.00

    Server wide RvR Event!

    Realm vs Realm vs Realm

    The realms have amassed their armies and it is time to settle the score! This event pits all three realms against one another in a race to the top. The RvR focused actions of each realm will be scored and contribute to an overall score for each realm. The actions that will earn points in order from highest to lowest are:

    Relic take major (Enemy Temple)
    Relic take minor(Non Temple)
    Enemy realm keep take (scaled per level)
    Home realm keep take (scaled per level)
    Enemy realm tower take (scaled per level)
    Home realm tower take (scaled per level)
    Relic hold major (Temple)
    Relic hold minor (Keep)
    Enemy keep hold (lvl 10) per hour
    Home keep hold (lvl 10) per hour
    Player kills

    1st place: 50,000 rps
    2nd place: 40,000 rps
    3rd place: 30,000 rps
    AkA Sheldon

  2. #77
    Shalee's Avatar
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    Lag a parte... Evento su Eden con punte di 400 player X BG/Reame in frontiera.
    Lagspike e LD a manetta ovviamente , ma non si puo' dare la colpa ad eden dato che e' DAOC che e' troppo vecchio per certe prestazioni (leggasi 4gb Ram cap)

    Ho fatto tipo 350.000 RPs in meno di 1 gg

    Naturalmente Estrema era piu' in LD che altro.

    Stiamo aprendo un crowdfunding per acquistare un microfono al comunistello di Perugia.
    AkA Sheldon

  3. #78
    Shalee's Avatar
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    50% RP Buff event omg

    ma secondo voi mi alzo alle 2 del mattino?
    AkA Sheldon

  4. #79
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    Non dormi direttamente come quando eri giovane

  5. #80
    Shalee's Avatar
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    ed ora " ADDIO AD AHK"

    Spells and Styles Recorder
    In an effort to help level the playing field with Auto Hotkey and mouse/keyboard software, we are introducing an easy to use, built in Spells and Styles recorder! This new feature will only offer a subset of what is already possible with Auto Hotkey and mouse/keyboard software, however this will be a much more approachable way to bind multiple abilities to one action. This also will do away with the underlying delay between each client input, ensuring a more consistent experience.

    Use /recorder command in game to see a list of commands. You can create, rename, delete, or update icons on saved Recordings.

    As an example, to create a new ability that fires all Paladin chants, you would do the following:

    Place the abilities you want to record somewhere on your quickbars
    Type /recorder start
    Click/press the abilities in order that you want them to fire (note: Delays and Loops are not allowed and are not supported with /recorder).
    Type /recorder save <name>, so in this case you could do /recorder save Chants
    Open your ability window. There will now be a list of abilities under "Recorder"
    Drag the new "Chants" ability to your quickbar.
    Click/press the "Chants" ability on your quickbar to fire off all of your chants in one press!

    We understand that this topic is extremely controversial. The reality is that outside of delays and loops, it is nearly impossible to regulate a one key firing off multiple abilities, given how ubiquitous AHK and mouse/keyboard software is. This new feature will hopefully help to lessen the gap, create more fluid gameplay with less /qbinds and open up space on player's quickbars!

    As with all new features, if you notice any issues, please report any bugs.

    Take a minute to watch a video of the example above as well as a player created short by one of Eden's own for more ideas on how you can use /recorder!
    DAOC Equality? AutoHotkey RIP (Eden S2) #darkageofcamelot
    AkA Sheldon

  6. #81
    Shalee's Avatar
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    World’s First Realm Invasion
    The time has come to have the world’s first Realm Invasion! The battles during our inaugural Season 2 “For The Realm” event were fierce and amazing to watch. However, as the dust settled, the pathway to one homeland laid opened – Midgard.
    The gates of Midgard will be opened for invasion on March 2, 2024 7:00 PM and be opened for approximately 36 hours. The event will end if the great King Eirik of Midgard has been defeated or if Midgard is able to defend their homelands for the allotted time.
    We have been hard at work fixing items with the server and doing all we can to help with client side performance where we can. There are a lot of moving parts, and something of this scale has never been done in DAoC before. Several Staff will monitor the event and adjust mechanics as it goes but we are incredibly excited to bring this content to you all for the first time. Also note we may have to change these parameters/settings before the event launch if needed.
    A reminder of the rules for Realm Invasion are below:
    The Old Frontiers
    The two invading realms will launch their invasion campaigns at their portal keeps in the old frontiers of the defending realm!
    As an invader, gather on the border keep pad and wait for the portal ceremony. For defenders, simply walk out from your border keeps into the old frontiers.
    Once a keep has been taken by an invader, it can not be taken back by the defending realm.
    Once all keeps have been taken, the border keeps of the defending realm will become capturable, and the relic keeps become spawn points for the invading realms.

    Once a border keep has been captured, it becomes the new spawn point for the invading realm.
    Invaders enter into the homeland of the defending realm through the border keeps.
    Homeland towns of the defending realm become capturable - but beware, the townsfolk fight back and are equipped with their class specific spells and abilities!
    Towns reward realm points and chests scattered throughout the towns when captured.
    Towns level up over time, increasing rewards and defenses. Attackers and defenders will automatically /release to the nearest town their realm has captured.
    There will be a timeout window after a town is captured in which it is unable to change hands

    The Spoils of War Town chests have a chance to reward brand new exclusive dragon weapon reskins of the defending realm! For example, a Cuuldurach styled flex weapon, or a Golestandt
    styled scythe!
    Invaders can travel throughout any of the classic homeland zones and dungeons, and attack any players, townsfolk or monsters of enemy realms.
    Invaders can not enter the capital city or Shrouded Isles.
    Dragon and adolescent dragons also drop exclusive cross realm dragon weapon reskin patterns when defeated by invaders.
    Mounts and whistles that are normally unique to realms can drop and be kept by invaders.

    The King Once all towns are simultaneously captured by invaders, the king of the defending realm will leave his throne room to defend his realm. Meet him in battle outside of the gates of the capital city!
    A defeated king will drop a brand new helmet reskin: The king's very own crown!
    New plate, chain and scale chest piece reskins for defending your realm and king!
    The Final Phase: Reclaiming the Homeland
    Once a king has been successfully slain by invaders, defenders are given a final chance to reclaim their lands.
    The frontiers are reopened. The portal ceremony will no longer port invaders into the defending realm's homelands.
    Invaders can continue to stay in the defending realm's homelands but their time is limited: Invaders who /release will be teleported back to their own homelands!
    Towns taken back by defenders after the king has been slain can not be retaken by invaders.
    Once all towns and border keeps have been reclaimed by defenders, the invasion is officially over and all invaders will be purged completely from the realm.

    2 Marzo 24
    AkA Sheldon

  7. #82
    I'm not good enough Milker's Avatar
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    ciao sono nuovo

    cosa dovrei fare per poter giocare su Eden?

  8. #83
    Warrant Officer Theodentk's Avatar
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    Rinunciare al paradiso cristiano e abbracciare in tutto e per tutto l'Eden daocchiano senza possibilità di ritorno o redenzione.
    Come fare? Scaricare il Launcher dal sito (googlando daoc eden, da smartphone sono scomodo per queste cose) e seguendo la guida che trovi lí. Tutto molto user friendly.

    Uthgard Gnammy - Necromancer // Mattacchione - Armsman

    Ywain: Taraas - Cabalist
    Karigurashi - Sorc
    Korovev - Merc

    Vortigern: Theodentk , Armsman.

  9. #84
    I'm not good enough Milker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Theodentk View Post
    Rinunciare al paradiso cristiano e abbracciare in tutto e per tutto l'Eden daocchiano senza possibilità di ritorno o redenzione.
    Come fare? Scaricare il Launcher dal sito (googlando daoc eden, da smartphone sono scomodo per queste cose) e seguendo la guida che trovi lí. Tutto molto user friendly.
    Grazie caro
    Adesso qualcuno mi fa 50 al druido?

  10. #85
    Shalee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milker View Post
    Grazie caro
    Adesso qualcuno mi fa 50 al druido?
    Semplice, basta che sendi Estrema in game e te lo fa fare lui ( Giano in game)
    AkA Sheldon

  11. #86
    Lieutenant Commander Vindicare's Avatar
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    Ma si sa quando partirà la terza stagione su eden? mi è tornata voglia di giocare a daoc ma non vorrei cinquantarmi un pg per poi vedermelo resettato prima di subito...
    Dark Age of Camelot
    ~Vindikare~ Warden RR11L5 -Random-
    ~Vindyria~ Valk RR11L4 |Random|

    Quote Originally Posted by Il professor Oak View Post
    sei una nullità, sei il classico trasher zerger che passa le giornate a zergare o segare pvers

  12. #87
    Shalee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vindicare View Post
    Ma si sa quando partirà la terza stagione su eden? mi è tornata voglia di giocare a daoc ma non vorrei cinquantarmi un pg per poi vedermelo resettato prima di subito...
    c'e' ancora molta gente che gioca al momento. in prime time credo siano circa 1000pg online fra tutti.
    Cmq puoi già iniziare. fai il 50, e ranki un poi e quando ci sarà il wipe, il nick, RR e craft saranno mantenuti. dovrai solo rifare il 50 (per altro fatto in 1 ora con PL a DF) e rifai il tp.
    AkA Sheldon

  13. #88
    Lieutenant Commander Shub's Avatar
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    Locckate sto thread che vederlo uppato mi fa salire la scimmia...

  14. #89
    Lieutenant Commander Darkmind's Avatar
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    Dai Shub che a breve inizia la preparazione

  15. #90
    Lieutenant Commander Vindicare's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shalee View Post
    c'e' ancora molta gente che gioca al momento. in prime time credo siano circa 1000pg online fra tutti.
    Cmq puoi già iniziare. fai il 50, e ranki un poi e quando ci sarà il wipe, il nick, RR e craft saranno mantenuti. dovrai solo rifare il 50 (per altro fatto in 1 ora con PL a DF) e rifai il tp.
    Eh ma serve supporto immagino per questo PL a DF, cosa che non ho... mi sto tirando su un cleric, mi metterò a fare un po' di bg nel frattempo mi sa! tra l'altro il fatto che ovunque ci sia un realm buffbot mi ha un po' spiazzato
    Dark Age of Camelot
    ~Vindikare~ Warden RR11L5 -Random-
    ~Vindyria~ Valk RR11L4 |Random|

    Quote Originally Posted by Il professor Oak View Post
    sei una nullità, sei il classico trasher zerger che passa le giornate a zergare o segare pvers

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