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Thread: [EMULATORE] Direi che ci siamo quasi

  1. #1

    Default [EMULATORE] Direi che ci siamo quasi

    A meno che la scelta per altri motivi non cada su altri lidi, sono riuscito ad avere una versione operativa "scriptabile" di Sphere 0.56b

    CI ho schiaffato sopra anche Axis Server e con Axis dal pc riesco a gestire items, spawn, e le attività varie da GM/Seer/Admin/Conselour.

    Se qualcuno ha una versione recente di pol scriptata almeno per ciò che concerne i comandi da Admin/GM, mi faccia sapere che provo a installarla sulla Gentoo qui in ufficio e la testo.
    Jarsil, the Nervous Admin of [W] Forums
    Quote Originally Posted by Ipnotik
    non gli bastava averci tolto il nostro caro PD, ora ci tolgono pure l'ASD. Manca solo una coalizione di centrosx in italia chiamata LOL, e poi siamo al completo.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Il premier: “L’Italia è vittima di un passato che non passa”. E di un dittatore con una ditta.

  2. #2


    Allora, a quanto mi risulta il POL ha gia i comandi da GM scriptati e praticamente fornisce un server funzionante, va solo avviato

    qui di seguito una lista comandi presi dal txt della distribuzione
    Player Commands
    Syntax: .c [message]
    Function: Use to send messages to all players with in your guild.
    Notes: type just .c to set your guild chat options.
    Syntax: .consider
    Function: allows a player to get information on their murdercounts.
    Syntax: .flip
    Function: Allows a player to change the direction of certain items (Chairs, ect)
    Syntax: .motd
    Function: Displays the shards message of the day.
    Syntax: .resign
    Function: Allows a player to resign from a guild.
    Counselor Commands
    Syntax: .concealme [level]
    Function: Allows you to move while hidden. Optional parameter level allows you to be conceacled to those the level selected and below. You can never conceal yourself to those the same level or higher than you.
    Syntax: .counpage
    Function: Displayes the page queue for councelors.
    Syntax: .disable [priv]
    Function: disables an access privilage granted to a player with granpriv.
    Example .disable invul
    Syntax: .enable [priv]
    Function: enables an access privilage granted to a player with granpriv.
    Example .enable invul
    Syntax: .fetch
    Function: moves a targeted player or npc to your location. Useful for helping players that are stuck.
    GM Broadcast
    Syntax: .gmbcast [message]:
    Function: Allows the initiator to broadcast a global message to all gms online. Only Gms will hear the message.
    Syntax: .goto [player name]
    Function: Teleports you to the given player. typing .goto without a player name will display a list of all players to choose from.
    Syntax: .msg [player name]
    Function: Will prompt for a message to send privately to the given player. Typing .msg without the player name will display a list of all online players to choose from.
    Syntax: .mtele
    Function: Teleports you to multiple targetted tiles. Hit ESC to cancel.
    Syntax: .nsight
    Function: Sets your lightlevel to daylight (0) for a duration of 600 seconds.
    Syntax: .tele
    Function: Teleports you to the targetted tile.
    Syntax: .time
    Function: Prints the time of day.
    Notes: Military time. (24:00)
    Syntax: .unconcealme
    Function: Unconceals you. Used with .concealme.
    Seer Commands
    Syntax: .addgoloc
    Function: Adds a new location to use with the .go command. Type .addgoloc and target the area to use as the location. Then type in a name for your location! NOTE: This is saved by character name. Locations will not be available to other characters or if you .rename to a variant.
    Syntax: .bank
    Function: Opens your own bankbox wherever you are in the world. However, moving will make it close again.
    Syntax: .booklock
    Function: Makes targeted book readonly.
    Syntax: .bcast [message]:
    Function: Allows the initiator to broadcast a global message
    Broadcast As
    Syntax: .bcastas [name] [Message]:
    Function: Allows the initiator to broadcast a global message as another name (or anonymous if name is not specified).
    Example: .bcastas Bucon: You shall all perish, mortals.
    Syntax: .copylook
    Allows you to diguise yourself as any npc including name, graphic, clothing ect.
    Syntax: .create {objtype or name} {amount}
    Function: .create with no parameters brings up a small item creation menu. Otherwise, creates the specified item amount times (amount defaults to 1).
    Create At
    Syntax: .createat {objtype or name} {amount}
    Function: Same as .create but it prompts for a target to create the item at.
    Create Light Source
    Syntax: .createlightsource
    Function: creates a magical lightsource can follow you or any player with the follow or followme command.
    Create NPC
    Syntax: .createnpc [template]
    Function: Creates a single NPC of the specified type. Templates are defined in npcdesc.cfg.
    Example: .createnpc walrus
    Syntax: .createstack [objtype / itemdesc] [amount]
    Function: Creates a stack of the specified objtype and amount. Non-stackable items will only use one graphic, but show the amount in the name.
    Example: .createstack goldcoin 1000
    Syntax: .createstackat [objtype / itemdesc] [amount]
    Function: Creates a stack of the specified objtype and amount at the location you target. Non-stackable items will only use one graphic, but show the amount in the name.
    Example: .createstackat goldcoin 1000
    Syntax: .darken
    Function: Allows you to set the light level of the target to the darkest level possible (30)
    Dart trap
    Syntax: .darttrap
    Function: Allows you to set a dart trap on a container
    Explosion trap
    Syntax: .explosiontrap
    Function: Allows you to set an explosion trap on a container
    GM Form
    Syntax: .gm
    Function: Sets you to the GM graphic and allows you to walk through doors
    Syntax: .go [place]
    Function: Transport to the given location. New locations can be defined in the script.
    Example: .go green transports you to green acres.
    Syntax: .goxyz [x] [y] [z]
    Function: Transport to the given coordinates.
    Notes: coordinates must be space-delimited.
    Syntax: .hideme
    Function: Hides yourself. Note that you will be unhidden for the same reasons as if you were using the hiding skill. The advantage to this is that none of the normal LOS or distance checks are made.
    Syntax: .lockdown
    Function: Makes the targeted item locked down(sets unmovable) by anyone with out the moveany priv
    Syntax: .lockradius [radius]
    Function: Locks down (sets unmovable by anyone with out the moveany priv) all items in the specified radius.
    Log notify
    Syntax: .lognotify
    Function: sets or unsets whether or not you will be notified when players log in/out as well as their time online.
    Syntax: .mark
    Function: marks a targeted rune with your current x,y,z coordinates
    Syntax: .mpx [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item or items x level up or down multiple times. To cancel hit ESC.
    Syntax: .mpy [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item or items y level up or down multiple times. To cancel hit ESC.
    Syntax: .mpz [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item or items z level up or down multiple times. To cancel hit ESC.
    Syntax: .openpack
    Function: opens a targeted players backpack.
    Poison trap
    Syntax: .poisontrap
    Function: Allows you to set a poison trap on a container
    Syntax: .px [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item's x level up or down.
    Syntax: .py [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item's y level up or down.
    Syntax: .pz [amount]
    Function: allows you to modify an item's z level up or down.
    Syntax: .recall
    Function: Allows you to recall to a targeted runes marked x,y,z coordinates.
    Syntax: .refreshme
    Function: Refills your hp, mana, and stamina
    Note: Use .nsight to get nightsight.
    Syntax: .rename [newname]
    Function: Renames the targetted object to the given newname. Use this instead of ".setprop name blah"
    Syntax: .sayabove [text]
    Function: Prints the given text above the targetted object for all to see.
    Syntax: .sayabovepvt [text]
    Function: Prints the text above the targetted object for you to see only.
    Syntax: .setbook
    Function: an administrative tool that allows a GM to change properties of a book such as the book's graphic and whether or not a player can edit it.
    Syntax: .setobjproperty [propname] [integer value]
    Function: Sets a property of the given name and value on the targetted object. (Value is an integer)
    Syntax: .setlight [region name] [amount]
    Function: Changes the global light level in the given region name (see regions.cfg for names) to the given amount (0-15)
    Syntax: .shelfe
    Function: creates and registers a bookspawning bookcase facing east.
    Syntax: .shelfs
    Function: creates and registers a bookspawning bookcase facing south.
    Syntax: .teleto
    Function: Teleports targeted player to the targeted tile.
    Syntax: .where
    Function: Prints your current coordinates.
    GM Commands
    Syntax: .action [number]
    Function: Forces the targetted mobile to perform the given action (i.e. bow, breathe fire..)
    Notes: Use decimal or prepend with "0x" to use Hex.
    Syntax: .addset
    Function: takes a group of items in a given area and records their layout so that same pattern can be duplicated as needed. Recreate the items using the .makeset [name] command
    Syntax: .addtele
    Function: add a system teleporter
    Syntax: .attack
    Function: forces a targetd npc to attack another npc or player.
    Syntax: .bow
    Function: Forces all npcs and players with a human graphic to bow.
    Syntax: .buzz
    Function: Give the targetted human a buzzcut (i.e. remove hair)
    Syntax: .campspawner
    Function: creates roaming critter camps (orcs, lizardmen, ratmen, bandits or gypsies) with a defineable number of critters, a locked, trapped, and filled treasure chest, as well as some standard camp items.. once a user defined amount of time has passed, the camp will relocate itself 50 tiles in a random direction and respawn all the necessary components.
    Syntax: .chestspawner
    Function: creates a treasure chest spawner that will take user settings and spawn filled, locked, and trapped treasure chests with user defineable loot.
    Syntax: .control
    Function: Accesses the list of registered packages and brings up a gump to access them from.
    Syntax: .createnode
    Function: Creates a merchant or banker node.
    Notes: See readme for info on setting up merchants.
    Syntax: .crim [1/0]
    Function: Sets a targetd players criminal status on or off.
    Syntax: .d
    Function: Gm concealme command with a cool falling rock effect.
    Syntax: .destroy
    Function: Destroys the targetted item.
    Syntax: .destroyboat
    Function: Destroys the targetted boat by targeting the tillerman.
    Syntax: .destroymulti
    Function: Destroys the house you are in.
    Syntax: .dmany
    Function: Destroys the all items with in a 1 tile radius of targeted location.
    Syntax: .e [conceal]
    Function: Cool sparkle and flamestrike effect. If you send a flag (ie, type
    .e conceal), it will also conceal you in the process.
    Syntax: .ekill [effect]
    Function: this command plays a moving effect, then kills the target.
    Syntax: .equip
    Function: forces a targeted npc or player to equip a targeted item.
    Syntax: .eraseglobal [propname]
    Function: Deletes a global property
    Syntax: .eraseobjproperty [propname]
    Function: Erases the given property from the targetted Object.
    Syntax: .freeze
    Function: Paralyzes the targetted mobile. Use .thaw to undo.
    Syntax: .getglobal [propname]
    Function: Prints the value of the given global property.
    Syntax: .getprop [propname]
    Function: Prints the value of the given object property.
    Syntax: .getscript
    Function: Prints the AI script thats attached to the targeted NPC.
    Syntax: .getstatic
    Function: Prints the objtype of the targeted location.
    Syntax: .getusescript
    Function: Prints the use script thats attached to the targeted item.
    Syntax: .gfchart
    Function: Displays a 640x480 GUMP colour-chart.
    Syntax: .gmpage
    Function: Displayes the page que for GMs.
    Syntax: .gmtools
    Function: Opens the gmtools utility which includes various utilities to make a gms life easier.
    Syntax: .goserial [serial number]
    Function: Teleports you to x,y,z coordiantes of item with attached serial number.
    Syntax: .hide
    Function: Sets the hidden property on a targeted item.
    Syntax: .ident
    Function: Prints the serial and objtype of the targetted object.
    Syntax: .info
    Function: Displays and edits various information about a targeted player or npc such as stats, skills ect.
    Syntax: .ip
    Function: Prints the ip address of the targeted player.
    Syntax: .iteminfo
    Function: Displays and edits various information about a targeted item.
    Syntax: .jump [Direction]
    Function: Moves a player 59 tiles in a given direction (N,S,E,W). Useful for setting up guard nodes.
    Syntax: .kick
    Function: Disconnects the targetted player from the server.
    Syntax: .kill
    Function: Kills targeted player or NPC.
    Syntax: .lkill
    Function: Plays lightning bolt effect on player or NPC then kills them.
    Syntax: .lock
    Function: Sets the "locked" property on the targetted container to true.
    Notes: The original key will still open the container.
    Syntax: .makekey
    Function: Makes a key to match lock of targeted door or container.
    Notes: Will only work on doors and containers.
    Syntax: .makeregs [amount]
    Function: Creates a bag in your pack with specified amount of each type of reagent in it.
    Notes: If no amount is specified, 20 of each will be created.
    Syntax: .makeset [name]
    Function: creates a group of items that were created using the addset command.
    Syntax: .maketele
    Function: creates a teleporter from the location you are standing at to the location of a marked rune.
    Syntax: .mdestroy [range]
    Function: destroys all items with in the set range around your character.
    Syntax: .meplayer
    Function: Sets your cmdlevel to 0 (player).
    Syntax: .mflip
    Function: changes the direction of an item or items multiple times. Hit ESC to cancel.
    Syntax: .moveitem
    Function: Moves the targetted item to a new position.
    Syntax: .movetocont
    Function: Moves the targetted item to a new container.
    Syntax: .myform
    Function: Changes you back to the human male graphic.
    Notes: Good if you somehow change your graphic to an invisible one and cant target yourself to change back.
    Syntax: .powerdown
    Function: Sets all your skills to 0.
    Syntax: .powerup
    Function: Sets all your skills to 100.
    Syntax: .propedit
    Function: displays a list of all props associated with an Character or Item for editing.
    Syntax: .recreate
    Function: Kills and recreates the targetted NPC.
    Syntax: .regionmanger
    Function: Displays the regionmanager gump to edit regional npc spawns. Spawns can be added, edited and deleted on the fly.
    Syntax: .rekey
    Function: creates a new lock and key for the targeted door.
    Syntax: .relock
    Function: creates a newlock on targeted door to match targeted key.
    Syntax: .res
    Function: Resurrect the targetted player.
    Syntax: .resme
    Function: Resurrects yourself.
    Syntax: .restartregionmanager
    Function: Restarts the region manager.
    Syntax: .savenow
    Function: Forces a worldsave.
    Syntax: .seehidden
    Function: shows hidden system teleporters
    Syntax: .setglobalprop [propname] [value]
    Function: sets an global property.
    Syntax: .setmovable [0 or 1]
    Function: Sets the targetted item to movable (1) or not (0).
    Syntax: .setobjproperty [propname] [value]
    Function: Sets a property of the given name and value on the targetted object.
    Syntax: .setprop [propname] [value]
    Function: Sets the given property to the given value.
    Syntax: .setscrpt [script name]
    Function: sets the specified Ai script to the targeted npc.
    Syntax: .setskill [skill#] [amount]
    Function: Sets the given skill number to the given amount.
    Syntax: .settextprop [propname] [value]
    Function: Sets the given property to the given text value.
    Syntax: .setscrpt [script name]
    Function: sets the specified use script to the targeted item.
    Syntax: .Sfx [number]
    Function: Play the given sound number to those in the vicinity, centered around you.
    Syntax: .shave
    Function: Shaves off the targetted human's facial hair.
    Syntax: .showstats
    Function: Prints the str, int, and dex above the targetted mobile.
    Notes: Faster than using getprop.
    Syntax: .spellbook
    Function: Creates a full spellbook in your pack.
    Syntax: .squelch [minutes]
    Function Squelches (Silences) a players for the specified amount of time.
    Syntax: .strip
    Function strips all items from a targeted player or npc.
    Syntax: .summon [name]
    Function summons the specified player to you. if no player is named a list of online players will be displayed to choose from.
    Syntax: .tame
    Function: Artificially tames the targetted NPC.
    Syntax: .thaw
    Function: Unfreezes the frozen target (frozen from .freeze command).
    Syntax: .thawme
    Function: Unfreezes yourself.
    Syntax: .tile [obj number] [z level]
    Function: This is a "fastbuild" command and is great for putting down floors etc.
    Syntax: .Unlock
    Function: Sets the "locked" property on the targetted container to false.
    Syntax: .unloackradius [range]
    Function: Sets everything within the given radius to movable.
    Syntax: .whereship
    Function: Prints the coordinates of the ship by targetting the ship key.
    Syntax: .wipebank
    Function: Empties the bankbox of the targetted player.
    Syntax: .writequip
    Function: Writes the equipped items of the targetted mobile to equip.cfg for later use with "equipt"
    Admin Commands
    Syntax: .addbook
    Function: Adds targeted book to the datafiles to be spawned with the book spawner.
    Syntax: .booklock
    Function: Makes targeted book readonly.
    Syntax: .bookspawntest
    Function: Fills the targeted Spawnning bookcase (created with .shelfe and .shelfs) with books.
    Syntax: .booksweep
    Function: manual spawner that fills all the book spawning bookcases created with the shelfe or shelfs commands. Basically this script just forces the respawn of all registered book spawners...
    Syntax: .critterpurge
    Function: kills all nontamed npcs within a 20 tile radius.
    Syntax: .dyehair
    Function: displays a menu of haircolors to to change current haircolor.
    Syntax: .forgive
    Function: Removes all murders(long term and shortterm) from a player as well as perma red status and criminal status.
    Syntax: .grantpriv [priv]
    Function: Grants an access privlage to a targetted character.
    Syntax: .gzone
    Function: Informs you if you are within a guardzone or not.
    Syntax: .makemoongates
    Function: Creates the 8 world moongates.
    Syntax: .newaccount [Username] [password]
    Function: Creates a new user account using the specified name and password.
    Syntax: .nodewipe
    Function: Destroys all merchant and guardnodes throughout the world.
    Syntax: .npcwipe
    Function: Kills all mobiles in the world. Including online players.
    Syntax: .release
    Function: Unlocks and makes movable all locked down items within the given multi (House or boat).
    Syntax: .restart
    Function: Restarts the targetted NPC's AI script.
    Restart All
    Syntax: .restartall
    Function: Restarts all NPC's AI scripts in the world.
    Syntax: .revokepriv [priv]
    Function: Revokes an access privlage from a targetted character.
    Syntax: .setcmdlevel [level]
    Function: Grants a new access level to the targetted player.
    Syntax: .setmurder [ 0 / 1 ]
    Function: Toggles a targeted players murderer status on or off.
    Syntax: .storebook
    Function: Stores the contents of targeted book into ::bookstorage
    Syntax: .unloadcfg [filename]
    Function: Forces POL to re-read a config file without restarting.
    Notes: Do not append filename with ".cfg"
    Test Commands
    Syntax: .clock
    Function: displays the ingame time.
    Syntax: .firestorm
    Function: Kills all Non Invul NPCs with a nice meteorstorm effect.
    Syntax: .getmapinfo
    Function: Returns the tile info of a targeted static map tile (X,y,z and tile graphic).
    syntax: .getobjprop [prop name]
    Function: Returns the value of the specified cprop of an item. If no prop exist an error is returned.
    Syntax: .getregionstring [region name]
    Syntax: .itemcount
    Function: Returns the total number of items in a targeted container.
    Syntax: .killmods
    Function: Removes all stat, ar and skill mods on the targeted player.
    Syntax: .killpid [serial]
    Function: Kills a current running script. PID is shown in the console.
    Notes: Useful to kill runaway scripts.
    Syntax: .landtile
    Function: Returns the graphic of the targeted land tile.
    Syntax: .openit
    Function: opens the targeted container.
    Syntax: .smember [member name]
    Function: Returns the value of the specified member of the targeted item or character.
    Example .smember weight
    Syntax: .startscript [script name]
    Function: Starts specified script
    Syntax: .worldheight [ X , Y ]
    Function: Returns the world height of the specified x,y coordinates.

  3. #3



    Se prendi la 097, nella cartella dei comandi non ha una fava... se usi la versione su SVN, ha qualche cosa in piu', ma non è completo per niente.

    Ce l'ho su installato, pure quello, e lo sto testando... ma se vogliamo fare le cose anche veloci, pol non è la soluzione ideale... troppo complicato, anche per uno che è esperto porta via veramente molto tempo.

    Ho visto che forse potremmo ottenere un mondo decente con la 095 del Pol, vediamo come va...
    Jarsil, the Nervous Admin of [W] Forums
    Quote Originally Posted by Ipnotik
    non gli bastava averci tolto il nostro caro PD, ora ci tolgono pure l'ASD. Manca solo una coalizione di centrosx in italia chiamata LOL, e poi siamo al completo.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Il premier: “L’Italia è vittima di un passato che non passa”. E di un dittatore con una ditta.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarsil View Post

    Se prendi la 097, nella cartella dei comandi non ha una fava... se usi la versione su SVN, ha qualche cosa in piu', ma non è completo per niente.

    Ce l'ho su installato, pure quello, e lo sto testando... ma se vogliamo fare le cose anche veloci, pol non è la soluzione ideale... troppo complicato, anche per uno che è esperto porta via veramente molto tempo.

    Ho visto che forse potremmo ottenere un mondo decente con la 095 del Pol, vediamo come va...
    ho letto che la 0.97 è ancora in versione beta ed è altamente sconsigliato utilizzarla per chi si avvicina per la prima volta al POL. Consigliano tutti di iniziare con la 0.95

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Glasny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Hmm ma non si usa solo RunUO 2.0 ora ? Emula OSI molto bene ed è opensource, inoltre lo avvii e hai un server funzionante di già..
    Waiting for nothing
    AKA Ganondorf - Lista giochi giocati dal 97 a oggi in spoiler :

    "Chi non sa fare la guerra, molto difficilmente può fare la pace"
    Playing Starcraft 2

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Glasny View Post
    Hmm ma non si usa solo RunUO 2.0 ora ? Emula OSI molto bene ed è opensource, inoltre lo avvii e hai un server funzionante di già..
    Già, ma gira solo sotto Windows, e questo lo esclude a priori. non ho voglia di dover correre a riavviare un server windows di domenica mentre sono al mare o cazzeggiare in giro solo perché non ha una cazzo di shell ssh per entrarci da remoto...

    E non ho nemmeno voglia di comprare un quad Xeon per farlo girare decentemente veloce per via del Framework .NET

    Il server gira su linux, e siam tutti piu' felici
    Jarsil, the Nervous Admin of [W] Forums
    Quote Originally Posted by Ipnotik
    non gli bastava averci tolto il nostro caro PD, ora ci tolgono pure l'ASD. Manca solo una coalizione di centrosx in italia chiamata LOL, e poi siamo al completo.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Il premier: “L’Italia è vittima di un passato che non passa”. E di un dittatore con una ditta.

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Glasny's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Jarsil View Post
    Già, ma gira solo sotto Windows, e questo lo esclude a priori. non ho voglia di dover correre a riavviare un server windows di domenica mentre sono al mare o cazzeggiare in giro solo perché non ha una cazzo di shell ssh per entrarci da remoto...
    E non ho nemmeno voglia di comprare un quad Xeon per farlo girare decentemente veloce per via del Framework .NET
    Il server gira su linux, e siam tutti piu' felici
    Hmm non credo occupi tutte ste risorse, a meno che non hai 500 pg online allora forse un quad xeon serve indipendentemente dal s.o., per il riavvio quando mi occupavo di server di UO avevo scritto un programma apposito che permetteva un riavvio (del pc) da remoto senza dover usare pcanywhere, oltre che utilizzare un tool che riavviava il server (l'emulatore) automaticamente in caso di crash. Il tool era per UOX ma si adatta facilmente a RunUO (io l'avevo adattato ai tempi per il mio emulatore, un misto tra uox vecchio, nuovo e roba mia, vuole solo un packet handler per rispondere alle sue richieste di "ping"), sempre che non esista di già.

    Magari scherzavi ma le tue argomentazioni non stanno in piedi, anche io preferisco linux per i server intendiamoci, però qui ti complichi la vita inutilmente
    Waiting for nothing
    AKA Ganondorf - Lista giochi giocati dal 97 a oggi in spoiler :

    "Chi non sa fare la guerra, molto difficilmente può fare la pace"
    Playing Starcraft 2

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Glasny View Post
    Hmm non credo occupi tutte ste risorse, a meno che non hai 500 pg online allora forse un quad xeon serve indipendentemente dal s.o., per il riavvio quando mi occupavo di server di UO avevo scritto un programma apposito che permetteva un riavvio (del pc) da remoto senza dover usare pcanywhere, oltre che utilizzare un tool che riavviava il server (l'emulatore) automaticamente in caso di crash. Il tool era per UOX ma si adatta facilmente a RunUO (io l'avevo adattato ai tempi per il mio emulatore, un misto tra uox vecchio, nuovo e roba mia, vuole solo un packet handler per rispondere alle sue richieste di "ping"), sempre che non esista di già.
    Magari scherzavi ma le tue argomentazioni non stanno in piedi, anche io preferisco linux per i server intendiamoci, però qui ti complichi la vita inutilmente
    Ovviamente era una forzatura scherzosa, ma tieni conto che se uno utilizza l'accoppiata Linux+POL, almeno nel nostro caso, significa che posso hostare probabilmente il pol dove mi pare senza rompere le palle a nessuno e senza dover avere una macchina dedicata, inoltre posso permettermi di non doverla nascondere, perché non ho bisogno di alcun software con licenza. Dato che probabilmente finirà in un posto dove i controlli li fanno, di avere un Windows non originale o comunque di pagare un centinaio e rotti di euro di licenza XP Pro OEM non ho granché voglia (e questa è una motivazione seria).

    Io vorrei arrivare (come sono abituato a fare) che non ci sia alcun bisogno di un riavvio della macchina, al massimo si riavvia l'emulatore, il che già piu' o meno ti libera da alcune incombenze non da poco.

    Tralasciando il fatto che se si rimane in ambiente Linux me la cavo molto meglio a sistemare eventuali problemi con altri softwares
    Jarsil, the Nervous Admin of [W] Forums
    Quote Originally Posted by Ipnotik
    non gli bastava averci tolto il nostro caro PD, ora ci tolgono pure l'ASD. Manca solo una coalizione di centrosx in italia chiamata LOL, e poi siamo al completo.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Il premier: “L’Italia è vittima di un passato che non passa”. E di un dittatore con una ditta.

  9. #9
    Tunnel's Avatar
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    Jarsil come Stallman (anche politicamente)
    on Camelot Unchained (alpha):
    Nichodemus <GildaDiVecchieGlorieInPensione> - LaClasseCheCura - ServerName [soon]
    PG dei giochi vari in spoiler

  10. #10
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunnel View Post
    Jarsil come Stallman (anche politicamente)

    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  11. #11
    Lieutenant Commander Kith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tunnel View Post
    Jarsil come Stallman (anche politicamente)

    featuring new Uber Computer: i7-950(turbo on 3,2ghz) with 6 GB XMS Corsair RAM , Nvidia Geforce 460 GTX @ 700mhz , on Gigabyte X58A UD3R rev 2.0, HD Seagate 1TB, Ali Corsair Modular 650w, Thermaltake V9 BLACCKX.

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