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Thread: ArcheAge

  1. #151
    Chief Petty Officer
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    quasi 2 anni in korea e un bel po di mesi in russia mi pare
    Brely, Brely everywhere

  2. #152
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    09.09.2014] TrionWorlds Livestream Recap
    These notes were taken by EraChanZ, and all credit goes to him. I was simply tasked with making the information look pretty and presenting it as a post on the forums. So here you go.
    Trion is in talks with XL Games to revert LP pots (Worker's Compensation) to old price and 12h cooldown.

    Costumes sold on the Marketplace will be for looks only, stats removed

    Trion has collected tons of data on Archeum drops; Database stats do not really match actual stats. Adjustments in droprates were not high enough.

    The Archeum crate is NOT intended to be a main dropper for Archeum. It is meant as a bonus ON TOP of a reasonable droprate.

    Droprates will be increased again in the future.

    Reason behind mounts normalization:
    - in the Korean build, they saw that 'only' the best mount was useful for end-game; and that's not what they wanted.
    - Mounts are now more meant as a cosmetic thing; every mount-look will be a viable option. You can pick mount based on looks/skills only, don't have to worry about stats. (They want more mount variety)
    - Donkeys/cows have their own ''tier'' with lower speed; will remain the same as old.

    Trion will be resetting servers to make sure they're all working and capable, making sure everyone gets their founder pack items, etc. Testing server individually to make sure there are no errors.

    OB servers are the launch servers, "or at least the headstart servers" (Scapes: IF we add additional servers at launch it will be due to traffic needs)

    No need to re-download entire game.

    Everyone starts with 0 LP.

    Database will be 100% reset.

    Fishing boat crafting item was wrongfully removed. They will be re-added again 'soon'.

    Healing-item class rewards (clubs) are going to be added, but they have no time on that yet. Won't be before launch though.

    As soon as game launches, founder packs will be removed. Starter packs will be added, including a few items and patron status that are designed to give people a nice and easy start.

    Character slot expansions will be available from the start, for 1k credits per character slot. (4 per server max, 6 max in total PER continent; 6 for NA, 6 for EU.)

    LP / loyalty tokens are NOT shared in EU / US servers; they are separate.

    US 3 servers per AH, EU 2 server per AH.

    Launch build is OB build; so it's already available for everyone. Any updates will be done as patches.

    Patron pricing is identical to Rift. (15$/month)

    F2P players CAN buy AH listing ability; can be obtained via cash shop or APEX.

    Everyone can purchase from AH; you can unlock the ability to SELL for it via the AH-listing item.

    AH listing item is NOT shared, you need to unlock it for every character.

    APEX is a trade-able item that can be bought for real money, and be sold to other players in game. This APEX can then be exchanged for credits, cash points, to buy items from the cash shop.

    APEX pricing is identical to Rift prices (10$)

    30 day patron pass requires 2 APEX. (2 x 10$; leaving you with 5$ to spend on other stuff)

    Chat filters are being improved continuously; unwanted blocks will be less common.

    Chat system kicks spammers etc

    In-game system also checks for killrates etc. People that kill or do too much stuff or too long they will be put on a list. A human will review the list and kick/ban where needed/justified.

    Your patron period starts the moment you log in (as a founder). This INCLUDES headstart.

    Skill queue, windowed borderless mode, flagging, inverse mouse etc ARE brought up to XL, but not all are easy to implement. They will come (was hinted) but might take a while.

    Servers will re-start bi-weekly to keep them stable/healthy. (restarts will be announced on forums and in-game)

    If you report a bot, and it turns out to be a good report (it was a bot, he gets punished), you do not only get your labor back, but a bonus on top of it! (False reports = you don't get your labor back)

    Market place will be available at the start of headstart, as will housing.

    There is no limit on how many houses you can own; taxes will increase exponentially after 3 PER ACCOUNT; not per character.

    You can craft your own tax certificate, get it off the loyalty store, OR from the marketplace. (can also use APEX)

    Character deletion cooldown: Info is posted on the forums. It scales from 10 minutes (lvl 1-10) to a full week (40+).

    Additional security added to the Glyph client. (IP-check; location verification)

    Founder perks will be send to your first 6 characters; a few will only go to your first (Daru chests; crest brainstorm), everything else to your first 6.

    Contents inside of Daru's chests are tradeable, most other founder items are not.
    Last edited by LuKas; 10th September 2014 at 12:01.
    TheLuk#2271 on
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  3. #153
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    se la trion riesce a modificare il gioco a piacimento (dato quello che hanno fatto su rift) e' tutto buono..... ascoltano molto la community e sono molto attivi su quel fronte in rift (o almeno lo erano quando ci giocavo)
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  4. #154
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiinn View Post
    Lol vabbeh vorra' dire che ci sara' uno in piu' da flammare quando ci si stendera' a vicenda
    appunto...dalle info che mi sono arrivate saremo avversari sul server, almeno all'inizio sperando non esploda perché temo sarà VAGAMENTE popoloso...con diverse gilde (4-5 di mia conoscenza..) da 300 giocatori...
    Sperem...perché alle prime avvisaglie di code da 1 ora & co. saluto e vado altrove
    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  5. #155
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Laz's Avatar
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    si sa niente del client da utilizzare per l'early access?

    edit: client beta,tocca scaricare tutto di nuovo -_-
    Last edited by Laz; 11th September 2014 at 09:37.

  6. #156
    Lieutenant Commander
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    Ma se volessi provarlo da dove scarico il client????

  7. #157
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laz View Post
    si sa niente del client da utilizzare per l'early access?

    edit: client beta,tocca scaricare tutto di nuovo -_-
    Veramente hanno detto e scritto che NON bisogna riscaricare tutto...

    No need to re-download entire game.
    pochi reply più su...
    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  8. #158
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faz View Post
    Ma se volessi provarlo da dove scarico il client????
    senza hs parte il 16, scaricatu glyph il programma della trion e vedi se c'è già il dl, è la stessa build dell' Obeta cmnq
    TheLuk#2271 on
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  9. #159
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Faz View Post
    Ma se volessi provarlo da dove scarico il client????
    Da dentro l'account management, come nella maggior parte dei casi
    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  10. #160
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laz View Post
    si sa niente del client da utilizzare per l'early access?

    edit: client beta,tocca scaricare tutto di nuovo -_-
    No se hai il client Alpha basta che rinomini la cartella da beta ad Alpha e lanci glyph

  11. #161
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Laz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boroming View Post
    No se hai il client Alpha basta che rinomini la cartella da beta ad Alpha e lanci glyph

  12. #162
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Laz's Avatar
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    che classe farete?

  13. #163
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Laz View Post
    che classe farete?
    Topo Gigio
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  14. #164
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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  15. #165
    Chief Petty Officer
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    vabbe alla fine riscaricarlo non è un grossissimo problema sono "solo" 8 giga.. giochi come tera/aion/wow sono 30+ giga ormai lol
    Brely, Brely everywhere

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