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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XII: The Masters of Darkness

  1. #16
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Diamogli l'envelope che sennò questo ci porta a Durenor peeehhh

  2. #17
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Nuovi ordini per lei, capiteni!

    Quote Originally Posted by 142.
    ‘What have we here?’ muses the captain warily, as he accepts your envelope. ‘Guildmaster Banedon instructed me to deliver this into your charge as soon as we cleared the blockade,’ you reply. ‘It contains confidential details about our voyage to Durenor.’

    ‘I’m sure the matter can wait ’til morning,’ he says slipping the envelope into the pocket of his gold-braided jacket. ‘You’d best get some sleep. We could be in for some rough weather come sunrise.’ You insist that he read the contents of the letter without delay but he dismisses your request with a flick of his calloused hand. ‘It can wait. A few hours’ll make no odds,’ he snaps, and he descends the stairs before you can argue otherwise.

    If you wish to accompany the first mate to your cabin, turn to 24.

    If you decide to stay on the forecastle with the lookouts, turn to 115.
    Uno dei problemi di essere in incognito è che la gente non ha il sacro e reverenziale timore di noi che dovrebbe avere

    Allo stesso tempo, stiamo tranquilli che la Death Aura funziona anche con i baffi finti

    Che facciamo ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  3. #18
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  4. #19
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Ho del sesso anale da offrire vieni in cabina con me maschione. 24


  5. #20
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Andiamo a dare i nostri Ariani consigli a questi smidollati

    OT-Se fosse anticipato

    spamm is life.

  6. #21
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    In verità non ti dava nulla, ti manda direttamente alla pagina dopo se vedi.

  7. #22
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Si son scemo

    come giustamente detto, il paragrafo che ho spoilerato relativo a

    è in un passaggio quasi identico ma in un libro più avanti. Andavo a memoria e ho failato

    Comunque sia, è ora di far vedere perchè ci chiamano skarn

    Quote Originally Posted by 24.
    The mate leads you through the bowels of the ship to your quarters near the stern. You are hoping for some degree of comfort but the cabin turns out to be cramped and smelly, sandwiched between the galley and the bilge. Despite the lack of space, and a stomach-churning smell redolent of dead fish, you manage to catch a few hours’ sleep before the grey dawn haze filters through the glass of the cabin’s solitary porthole.

    Desperate for fresh air, you make your way up to the forecastle where you find the captain, standing alone at the rail, reading the contents of the envelope. ‘ ’Tis a brave risky adventure you’ve committed yourself to, comrade,’ he says, without raising his eyes from the parchment clutched in his gloved hands. ‘Yet these be risky times. I can only guess at what lies beyond your journey to Dejkaata, but of one thing you can be sure—I will do all in my power to see you safely there.’ Immediately, he issues orders to turn the ship about and steer a new course—north by northwest. The crew react to the sudden change of plan with great speculation, yet, despite the dangers they know they may have to face, none challenge their captain’s decision or voice dissent.

    Turn to 241.
    Senz'altro nessuno sospetterà niente

    Quote Originally Posted by 241.
    For two days and nights the Intrepid forges a course through stormy waters, running ahead of a chill wind that sweeps down from the glaciers of Kalte in the north. The sea becomes increasingly hazardous, with sleet squalls and lightning storms that break without warning. Yet the dawn of the third day heralds a sudden change in the weather: fog, a windless, soundless, grey, forbidding damp that cuts off eyesight at an arm’s length and leaves the crew soaked and shivering. Many stare enviously at your Kalkoth hide cloak as they attend to their early morning duties in quiet discomfort.

    ‘Curse this fog,’ grumbles Captain Borse, staring helplessly at the clammy mist that holds his ship becalmed. ‘Better a gale or a Kuri-storm than this.’ For countless hours the ship lies dormant, rocking gently on the cold, listless sea. Staring at the wall of fog, it is easy to imagine all manner of creatures lurking within. The eerie silence does little to allay the superstitious fears of the crew, and when suddenly the quiet is disturbed by a shoal of red-finned sea carp, more than one man cries out in shocked surprise.

    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, turn to 305.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 60.
    Il controllo animale non ci manca!

    Quote Originally Posted by 305.
    The still water is set to boiling by the shoal of glistening fish, as they swarm around the Intrepid. They have been drawn here by the warmth of the ship’s hull, and as you stare down into the seething turmoil, you estimate that there must be hundreds of thousands of fish directly beneath the keel. You watch with fascination until you recall something about the sea carp that you learned when you were a novice at the Kai Monastery, something that sends a tingle of premonition down your spine.

    The tales and legends of the northern seas tell of the Xargath, a fearsome breed of giant reptilian sea creature that inhabits the black depths of the Kaltersee. Once, a century ago, the fishermen of Sommerlund trawled these waters and grew rich on the fruits of their labours, for the sea carp were plentiful and the markets of Sommerlund and Durenor paid highly for their catch. Trade thrived until the Xargath appeared and began to attack their boats. So devastating were the attacks, and so terrifying were the descriptions of the Xargath by those fortunate few who survived them, that all fishing in these waters was abandoned and has never been resumed.

    A swarm of sea carp, as huge as that which now surrounds the Intrepid, is sure to attract a hungry Xargath. You turn to look for the captain, to warn him of the danger his ship is in, when suddenly the shoal cease their thrashing and fall silent and still.

    Turn to 60.
    Nemmeno i pesci sono al sicuro dalla Death Aura: finalmente il rapporto LW/acqua si sta pareggiando

    Quote Originally Posted by 60.
    From the crow’s nest there comes a scream of abject horror. It echoes down the rigging, alerting all to a great scaly head that has broken through the surface twenty yards off the port bow. ‘Xargath!’ The lookout’s cry is taken up by the crew as, one by one, they glimpse the fearful sight of this legendary terror of the Kaltersee.

    ‘Ishir preserve us!’ gasps Captain Borse, as the beast opens its jaws revealing the glitter of its jagged, razor-sharp fangs. For a moment he is stunned by the terrifying sight, but quickly he recovers and begins shouting urgent orders to his awestruck crew. ‘Man the ballistas! Break out the billhooks! All hands stand by to defend the ship!’

    Illustration IV—The Xargath rises up from the sea and lunges at the ship.

    The Xargath observes the commotion in silence, its hooded eyes aglow with baleful green fire as calmly it considers the moment to attack. Then, with an awful suddenness, it rises from the sea, roaring and hissing angrily, and lunges forward. Captain Borse gives the order to fire and a volley of ballista bolts sink into the monster’s scaly throat. Undeterred, it presses its attack and falls upon the port beam with devastating effect. Tortured timbers bend and crack asunder. In seconds the deck is torn apart by huge claws, each as long as a mammoth’s tusk. Then the cavernous, fang-filled mouth sweeps down through the fog to snap shut upon the forecastle. Screams of pain and terror fill the air as it withdraws, soaring upward above the masts, jaws bulging with a dozen wriggling bodies. You take cover behind the ship’s longboat with the captain and prepare to defend yourself as the Xargath returns for a second strike.

    If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 270.

    If you possess the Sommerswerd and wish to use it, turn to 192.

    If you choose to unsheathe a hand weapon, turn to 344.
    Dopo aver rimirato l'utilità estrema di Animal Control in questa situazione, cosa facciamo ?
    Last edited by Jesper; 5th April 2013 at 15:05.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  8. #23
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    andiamo a violentare il capitano per non averci preso sul serio

  9. #24
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  10. #25
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Sai che per una volta tanto non userei l'arcoddiddiooo ma la sommersux, troppo tempo che suka ha bisogno di una rivalsa 192


  11. #26
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Niente Sommerswerd che se no ci sgamano!

    andiamo di arco

  12. #27
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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  13. #28
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 270.
    You load and take aim at the beast’s massive head, as it swings low across the deck, smashing and crushing all before it. Its scaly hide looks as tough as steel plate and you search desperately for a part that may be vulnerable to an arrow. Your heart pounds and your face is drenched in cold sweat as the Xargath, its jaws agape, swings back its head and lunges straight at you.

    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and Divination, turn to 186.

    If you do not possess both these skills, turn to 12.
    Le abbiamo entrambe!

    Quote Originally Posted by 186.
    Your senses tell you that the most vulnerable parts of the Xargath’s head are its ears: the wall of the creature’s skull is thinnest near the ear canals. Penetrate its ear with an arrow, and it could pass straight through the skull and enter its brain.

    The Xargath roars and a gale of putrid breath tears at your face and clothing, forcing you away from the longboat. As you fight to stay on your feet, the beast bears down, tilting its head from side to side, revealing just a glimpse of your chosen target. Guided by instinct alone you raise your Bow and fire.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add to it any bow-skill bonuses to which you are entitled.

    If your total is now 0–8, turn to 313.

    If it is 9 or more, turn to 105.
    Se non avevamo le discipline giuste avevamo una scelta multipla da cui potevamo selezionare anche le "orecchie" del serpente marino...sarebbe stata dura indovinarlo, però

    Con +8 possiamo fallire solo con uno 0.


    Quote Originally Posted by 105.
    Your Arrow speeds towards its target and disappears. Seemingly uninjured, the Xargath draws back its head in readiness to strike, its awesome jaws poised to seal your doom. Death seems but moments away, when suddenly the creature freezes. It shudders, its green eyes roiling in their sockets, and then gives vent to a scream so loud that you are forced to cover your ears for fear of being deafened. The scream grows louder until, with a mighty splash, the Xargath lurches sideways into the fog-wreathed sea.

    Turn to 217.
    Abbiamo oneshottato un serpente marino sparandogli in un'orecchia a scoppio ritardato

    Quote Originally Posted by 217.
    The Xargath sinks swiftly beneath the icy waters. Its tail breaks the surface and slaps the swirling foam, and then it too is gone, trailing the creature’s lifeless body as it spirals a hundred fathoms to its final resting place at the bottom of the Kaltersee.

    An eerie silence descends upon the shattered decks of the Intrepid as the few who have survived the attack stare in horror at the swirling, bloodstained sea. Then begin the cries of the injured, and those who are still able to stand begin the grim task of recovering bodies and staunching wounds. You help with the search and find Captain Borse lying near the ship’s longboat. He is unconscious and badly injured: both his legs have been broken at the thigh by one swipe of the monster’s tail. You attempt to revive him with your basic Kai healing skills, but he is in deep shock and does not respond.

    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 159.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 41.
    Death Aura?

    Quote Originally Posted by 159.
    Shock, as a result of his severe leg injuries, has reduced the captain’s blood pressure to a dangerously low level. Your mastery of the Discipline of Curing enables you to increase his blood pressure gently to ensure that his brain is not starved of its vital supply of oxygen. Once he is stable, the first mate, whose name is Davan, helps you splint the captain’s legs and construct a makeshift stretcher on which to carry him to his cabin. Slowly he regains consciousness, and, although he is in great pain, he insists on speaking.

    ‘Davan,’ he says, through gritted teeth, ‘the ship’s under your command now. You must do all you can to see that our passenger reaches his destination.’ Dutifully, the first mate promises to obey the captain’s order. ‘Open the chest,’ the captain says, motioning with his eyes to a large casket, resting at the foot of his bunk. You oblige and discover that it contains a vest made of finely crafted bronin chainmail, and a pair of engraved silver bracers designed to protect the forearms during combat. ‘Take them, friend,’ he says, ‘they may be of some help to you on your journey.’

    The Bronin Vest adds 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. It may be worn with a Padded Leather Waistcoat, but not with a Chainmail Waistcoat. The Silver Bracers add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL and 1 to your ENDURANCE. If you wish to keep either the Bronin Vest or the Silver Bracers (or both), mark them on your Action Chart as Special Items, which you wear accordingly.

    Turn to 262.

    E' il momento di effettuare delle scelte tattiche

    Preferiamo +4EP o +3CS +1EP?

    I bracciali li intaschiamo senza manco chiederlo Scegliete!

    Quote Originally Posted by 262.
    Before you can thank the captain for his generosity, he lapses into a merciful unconsciousness that spares him the pain of his injuries. Having done what you can to make him comfortable, you return to the deck to survey the damage.

    Over half the crew have been killed or injured in the attack and the ship herself is badly mauled. The mainmast is down, the sails hang in tatters, and there is a gaping hole that stretches along the port beam to within a few feet of the waterline.

    ‘We can patch up the canvas and work the ship on a skeleton crew,’ says Davan, peering over the splintered rail, ‘but if we catch a storm this far out to sea, we’re all done for.’

    Turn to 330.
    Quote Originally Posted by 330.
    For the following two days and nights the Intrepid remains a prisoner of the windless fog. Davan and his crewmen work tirelessly to repair the ship, and come the morning of the third day, when a gentle breeze arises with the dawn, the mainmast is secure and the sails are patched and ready to carry the ship onward. With the port side still holed and storms a constant threat in the open reaches of the Kaltersee, it has been decided that the safest course to steer is towards the coast. Then, should a sudden squall threaten, or a gale arise, the ship could run to shelter in one of the hundreds of coves that indent the rugged shore east of Point Vashna. However, to sail along this stretch of coastline is to risk hazards that could prove as dangerous as any storm. Darkland ironclads, unstable in high seas, favour the coast when venturing to and from their base at Argazad, and the cliffs and shores themselves are peppered with watchtowers and Giak encampments.

    By early afternoon the fog has cleared and the Intrepid is making good headway through the cold, sparkling waves. League after glittering league fall away to the stern until, an hour or two before sunset, the lookout catches sight of the coast. ‘Land ahoy!’ he calls. ‘Land afore the bow!’ The crew are cheered by the news, feeling safer now that they are within sight of land, but their spirits are soon dampened when the lookout calls out again, this time in alarm. ‘Enemy off the starboard bow!’

    Turn to 100.
    L'acqua è piena di insiedie come sempre

    Quote Originally Posted by 100.
    Almost invisible against the horizon of black cliffs and cloudy grey skies are two enemy warships, anchored a few hundred yards offshore. At first they look deserted; then the sudden clang of alarm bells and the appearance of huge clouds of yellow smoke from their funnels indicate they are manned, and they intend to give chase.

    ‘Our only chance is to outrun them,’ says Davan, his eyes narrowing as he surveys the ironclads hauling their anchors and turning about. At his command the crew spring into action, breaking their backs to coax every last knot of speed from their battered ship, but the winds are against them and the enemy, not reliant on sails for their propulsion, are soon closing the gap.

    ‘Prepare to repel boarders!’ shouts Davan, as an ironclad draws alongside. Hastily they abandon their attempt to outrun the enemy, and draw weapons in readiness to receive a unit of leather-clad Drakkarim marines who are poised to spring aboard the very moment the two vessels collide. Then, with a resounding crash, the ironclad smashes into the side of the Intrepid and the enemy come scrambling over the rail, screaming and howling like a pack of demons.

    One of their number singles you out. He strides forward, his black blade swinging viciously as he attempts to cleave your skull in two. Owing to the speed of his attack you are unable to make use of a Bow.

    Drakkarim Marine: COMBAT SKILL 23 ENDURANCE 27

    You can evade combat at any time: turn to 7.

    If you win the combat, turn to 248.
    Ok, prima di avanzare mi occorre una decisione sul ricco bottino di prima

    Ditemi anche se volgiamo svicolare o smazzare!

    EDIT: ho anche corretto Mindblast a +3 invece che a +2

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Archmaster

    CS: 35 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, +4 Weaponmastery, +1 Solaris, +1 Fire, +2 Silver Bracers)
    --> 38 (con Mindblast +3)
    --> 41 (con Psi-Surge +6)

    EP: 40/40 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris, +3 Light, +2 Fire, +1 Silver Bracers)

    Discipline Magnakai
    - Pathmanship
    - Invisibility
    - Huntmastery
    - Curing
    - Animal Control
    - Weaponmastery (Sword, Bow, Dagger, Spear, Mace, Axe)
    - Divination
    - Psi-Screen
    - Psi-Surge

    Circoli completati
    - Circle of Solaris (+1CS, +3EP)
    - Circle of Light (+3EP)
    - Circle of Fire (+1 CS, +2 EP)

    Weapons (2): Axe, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope, Meal, Blanket, Meal, Meal, Khetu Spores, Conch Shell, Yacor Food (cura 3 EP)

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+2CS, +1EP), Quiver (5), Psi-Ring, Fireseeds (3), Serocca's Map
    [Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Gold Amulet

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    - Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
    - 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
    ************************************************** ******
    Last edited by Jesper; 5th April 2013 at 15:45.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  14. #29
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Meglio 3 al danno.
    Buttiamo via la mappa di serokka e la chainmail visto che la sostituiamo.
    spamm is life.

  15. #30
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    accoppiamoli e prendiamo l'item nuovo

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