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Thread: [CELODURISMO] WvW World ranking attuali!

  1. #16
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
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    Feb 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Sylent View Post
    Il cap in frontiera se non dico fesserie c'è già...ecco il perché delle code
    E' quello che penso anche io, ma allora lo "zerg dei server ultrapopolati" che diceva boro sarebbe una fesseria per questo chiedevo

  2. #17
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    semplicemente certi server sono piu zergosi di altri.
    ieri avevamo in matchup il server dell'allenza fubar(seafarer il server). si muovevano in monoblocco. una noia mortale.

    sta mania di girare in 30-40-50 la gente la deve perdere... con 10-15 persone competenti fai sostanzialmente tutto.
    Last edited by Boroming; 14th September 2012 at 13:06.

  3. #18
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    su far non si riesce ad entrare in wvw. su gandara come sono le code?

  4. #19
    Lieutenant Commander Pazzo's Avatar
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    ieri sera ci ho messo piu di un ora a entrare in wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwv

  5. #20
    Lieutenant Commander Warbarbie's Avatar
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    Su Fow zero code

  6. #21
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pazzo View Post
    ieri sera ci ho messo piu di un ora a entrare in wvwvwvwvwvwvwvwv
    su far ce ne vogliono più di 3 lol.

    @warbarbie e ci credo stai su un server orrido

  7. #22
    Lieutenant Commander Warbarbie's Avatar
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    Vabè mo perchè è ultimo

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by IveL View Post
    E' quello che penso anche io, ma allora lo "zerg dei server ultrapopolati" che diceva boro sarebbe una fesseria per questo chiedevo
    Il discorso è leggermente diverso. Nonostante la popolazione dei server ormai sia più o meno uguale ovunque ( sono tutti high o full ) su alcuni, piuttosto che in altri, c'è una maggiore concentrazione di giocatori che preferisce fare pvp piuttosto che pve. Ne consegue che server come i primi della lista, nelle frontiere sono quasi sempre full e possono permettersi di fare wvw competitivo a qualsiasi orario. Molto importante è anche la lingua del server. I server DE come quelli EN tendono ad andare a dormire più o meno alle stesse ora, cosa che evidentemente non accade con i server FR, dove è presente tantissima gente anche alle 4 del mattino, probabilmente a causa della presenza di giocatori da nazioni con fusi orari diversi. Ne consegue che la zerg francese si ritrova a conquistare tutta la frontiera quando gli altri sono a dormire, con conseguente scalata delle classifiche

  9. #24
    Lieutenant Commander Boroming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xangar View Post
    Il discorso è leggermente diverso. Nonostante la popolazione dei server ormai sia più o meno uguale ovunque ( sono tutti high o full ) su alcuni, piuttosto che in altri, c'è una maggiore concentrazione di giocatori che preferisce fare pvp piuttosto che pve. Ne consegue che server come i primi della lista, nelle frontiere sono quasi sempre full e possono permettersi di fare wvw competitivo a qualsiasi orario. Molto importante è anche la lingua del server. I server DE come quelli EN tendono ad andare a dormire più o meno alle stesse ora, cosa che evidentemente non accade con i server FR, dove è presente tantissima gente anche alle 4 del mattino, probabilmente a causa della presenza di giocatori da nazioni con fusi orari diversi. Ne consegue che la zerg francese si ritrova a conquistare tutta la frontiera quando gli altri sono a dormire, con conseguente scalata delle classifiche

    il server fr in cima alla classica ha una comunity canadese (lato francese) che gioca a notte fonde qua in eu. un esempio di region lock necessario imho

    ma a parte questa eccezione (loro alla fine giocano nel loro prime time) il problema sono i nerd che zergano di notte in generale. c'era un post a riguardo sull'ufficiale dove i devs dicevano che con i matchup da 1-2 settimane (iniziano domani) gia dovrebbe sentirsi meno. puoi prendere roba di notte, ma se poi tanto suchi di giorno il vantaggio si annulla.

    imho basterebbe dare un valore in punti diverso in base alla popolazione attiva nei border.... prendi un keep alle 6 di mattina quando ci sono 50 persone in totale in quella zona (di cui la metà tua?) ? il keep non vale 25 ma 10... e via cosi a scalare...

    o piu semplicemente. region lock + 12 ore di apertura. noon to midnight
    Last edited by Boroming; 14th September 2012 at 18:00.

  10. #25
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    hanno anche aumentato il tempo che serve perche una location dia punti a 15min.

    edit: stanotte passa a settimanale lo scontro wvw. ecco le meccaniche finali

    With WvWvW changing from daily
    resets to week long matches, I
    thought I’d post a few basic
    concepts to help players who may
    be confused about the goals and
    mechanics of WvW. I don't profess
    myself to be a WvW master, but
    here's a run down of what I have
    Like most PvP scenarios in MMO
    games, there’s more going on than
    just finding noobs and slaying
    them. In WvW there are two ‘greater
    good’ assets that help your world in
    various manners; The Orb of Power
    Orb_of_Power ) and Control Points
    (Keeps, Towers and Supply Depots).
    Controlling an Orb of Power offers a
    stacking 5% HP & 50 to all stats
    bonus to all players in WvW, and
    overall Control Point ownership
    increases the points your world
    gain, which has a number of
    outside of WvW bonuses.
    The Maps: There are four WvW
    zones: Three Borderlands (http://
    Borderlands), which all share the
    same map layout, and the Eternal
    Battlegrounds (http://
    Eternal_Battleground ). Each world in
    your matchup has it’s own
    Borderlands, and each Borderland
    contains an Orb of Power. The basic
    goal for each Borderland is to
    control the Orb.
    Controlling the Orbs: When the
    match resets, all worlds start with
    control of one Orb. It is located at
    the Cradle of Power, at the very
    north of your home world’s
    Borderland. There are a few fairly
    weak NPCs who will defend the Orb
    for you, but they are very easily
    overcome by even a small force.
    Once the Keeper of the Orb is
    defeated, the opposing worlds can
    take the Orb and attempt to move it
    to a Keep or Garrison under their
    control, transferring the Orb HP &
    stat bonuses to their players. Orbs
    can only be stored in four locations:
    The initial Cradle of Power, the
    Home World’s Garrison and either
    of the Keeps on the east and west
    side of the map (Located as so: ). While
    the Orb is unseated, you should see
    the location of the Orb in real time,
    on both your minimap and the full
    screen world map. (This seems to
    be buggy and/or exploitable leading
    to the map not displaying it’s
    location, in these cases Team and
    Map chat should be used to
    communicate the Orb’s location to
    your team.) The Home world can
    not move the Orb at the start of the
    match, and the Orb can never be
    moved by the team that controls it.
    If you want to move the Orb, you
    must wait for an enemy team to
    take it and take it from them.
    At the start of the game, each
    worlds goal should be to secure the
    Orb in whichever Borderland you’re
    playing in. If you’re in your Home
    World’s Borderland, you should
    expect that both of the opposing
    worlds will be moving to take the
    Keep on their side of the map
    before moving up and taking your
    Orb from you. If you’re in an enemy
    team’s Borderland, your goal
    should be to do the same, take a
    location that you can store the Orb
    and then obtain the Orb. With
    control over multiple Orbs, you
    offer your world the greatest bonus
    you can towards your world
    winning your match up.
    Eternal Battlegrounds: While the
    EB doesn’t offer anything that
    affects the overall WvW power of
    your realm, many players view EB as
    ‘the place to be’. Inside the EB each
    world has roughly one third of the
    zone that’s fairly simple to own, and
    the center of the map offers you
    find Stonemist Castle, which offers
    your realm a greater points bonus
    than a smaller Keep, or Tower, but
    controlling the Castle is easier said
    than done.
    Upgrades & Siege Machinery: With
    the switch from 24 hour resets to
    week long match ups, be prepared
    for the ‘meta-game’ of WvW to alter.
    While under the 24h resets fostered
    a Zerg vs Zerg vs Zerg gameplay,
    you’ll likely find that people will
    become more willing to part with
    their cash to upgrade the Keeps and
    Towers they control, more willing to
    set down more defensive siege
    machines and, in general, play more
    defensively. At this point, ignoring
    defense can lead to your world
    unable to leave the spawn point, as
    your opposition chose to defend
    and upgrade while your world got
    left in the dust, unable to attack
    even the lowliest Supply Camp.
    Each WvW zone has vendors who
    will sell you plans for a seige
    machine for silver, or in exchange
    for Badges of Honor (If you’re
    unsure of the use of each Siege
    Machine, you can find out what
    they’re good for here: http://
    Siege_weapon ). You can also obtain
    random plans from the Jumping
    Puzzles in each WvW zone.
    Communication and Awareness:
    From what I have seen, this along
    with ignorance to what’s going on
    lead to most people being confused
    about why their world is losing their
    WvW matchup. While the winning
    worlds often suffer from the same
    problems, they generally will have a
    guild, alliance, or a player willing to
    take the reins and do enough
    directing to get things done. Think
    about what’s important to your
    world, think about what you would
    do to take, or defend that objective
    and prepare to counter it. And
    double check if that Commander
    icon you’re following knows what
    they’re doing (I’ve seen a very, very
    low level Commander running
    around; don’t assume that they
    spent 100g on the book because
    they’re good and know what they’re
    I believe those to be the key points
    to WvW that aren’t obvious. I didn’t
    delve into much strategy, as that’s
    going to vary dramatically between
    worlds, and up to you and your
    comrades to put together.
    The biggest growing pain we’re likely
    to see this week will be the slow
    realization that ZergvZergvZerg isn’t
    going to be the winning formula,
    and if success in WvW matters to
    you in the least, you’re going to
    need to start playing more tactically.
    And, finally, if you see players flying
    around, or doing otherwise game
    breaking exploits, do your best to
    have fraps at the ready, or take
    screenshots of them doing it. Please
    email your information to exploits at
    arena dot net to help them identify
    and close the loopholes a small few
    players are taking advantage of.
    Hopefully I haven't made any grave
    errors, but please let me know in
    the comments and I'll revise my
    Last edited by Jesper; 14th September 2012 at 22:59.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  11. #26
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    grazie per la bella lettura a 2 parole per riga PD!
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  12. #27
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Ho postato copia incollando dal cell, immagino sia venuto formattato da cazzo?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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