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Thread: [LET'S PLAY] Lupo Solitario - Nostalgia, nostalgia canaglia: il ritorno

  1. #781
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004



    PS: ovviamente mentre ero a telefono con un cliente mi è entrata una chat di supporto tecnico 1 secondo dopo <.<

    Quote Originally Posted by 36.
    The Warhounds lope towards you at an unnerving speed. You can see their great red-lipped jaws clearly and hear the clacking of their fangs. You fight to control your breathing, to concentrate all your warrior skills, for you must dispatch the Warhounds quickly and with precision if you are to avoid being torn to pieces. Two dogs, faster than their brothers, break free of the pack and close upon you. They leap simultaneously, their slavering jaws spread wide for attack. You dive forward and roll, striking at their bellies from beneath as they pass above. Both howl with rage and pain and tumble lifeless to the ground. You are back on your feet as the next Warhound attacks.

    Vassagonian Warhound: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 25

    If you win this combat in 3 rounds or less, turn to 155.

    If you win the combat in more than 3 rounds, turn to 277.
    3 Round di time limit! COMBAT RATING: +10

    Roll...1 FUCK
    Lupo Solitario -3
    Vassagonian Warhound -8

    Roll...1 4 :/
    Lupo Solitario -2
    Vassagonian Warhound -11

    Roll...1 F4
    Lupo Solitario -2 (22)
    Vassagonian Warhound -11 (morti!)

    Ok, nonostante la TURBOSFIGA abbiamo vinto in 3 round!

    Quote Originally Posted by 155.
    Beyond the approaching Warhound pack, you can see that a dozen bandit archers are closing in. If you were to survive the rending jaws of the Warhounds, the archers would be sure to pick you off with ease. Without wasting a second, you turn towards Ruanon and run as fast as your legs will carry you.

    Turn to 225.
    Quote Originally Posted by 225.
    You try to ignore your aching legs and the fear that knots your stomach by forcing your concentration on the sun-flag, a fluttering symbol of hope in the distance. Your face is streaked with sweat, and your lungs feel as though they will burst, but you dare not slacken your pace; the thought of Warhound fangs closing and tugging on your skin is all you need to drive you forward.

    At four hundred yards, you can see that the barricade and watchtower are inhabited, but at this distance the faces you can see are only a line of small, pink dots on the walls. At three hundred yards, you run into some gruesome remains, where the corpses of bandits lie twisted on the ground, most killed by arrows. Many have lain in the open for weeks; a flock of startled carrion crows rise shrieking from their feast as you race through the bodies. You turn away in disgust.

    Suddenly a new sound drifts across the plain: the sound of cheering. The beleaguered defenders have spotted you and recognized your green Kai cloak. Two hundred yards to go. You have just passed the ruins of a burnt-out cottage when you feel an agonizing pain tear through your left thigh. An arrow has pierced your leg, and you pitch forward into the mud and ash.

    Crouched in the ruined cottage, a bandit sniper raises his bow and takes careful aim at your head.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 1–5, turn to 20.

    If it is 6–9, turn to 300.

    If it is 0, turn to 181.


    Quote Originally Posted by 20.
    An arrow hisses overhead; a scream of agony fills the air. The bow slips from the archer’s fingers as he sinks to his knees, the arrow lodged deep between his startled eyes. The clack of fangs and the soft swift pad of stealthy feet tell you that the Warhounds are closing in. You look up to see a man running towards you from the barricade. He has a shield in one hand and a longbow in the other; it is Guard Captain D’Val. He reaches you, breathless from his run, and draws an arrow from his quiver. D’Val aims and fires, drawing another arrow from his quiver as soon as the first is loosed. The Warhounds tumble and crash to the ground around you, felled by D’Val’s deadly shafts. Eight lie dead before his quiver is empty.

    The captain grabs you by the arm and, swinging you over his shoulder in one swift motion, carries you back towards the barricade. Others run forward to help you, but the bandit archers are now in range and your men are forced back by a hail of arrows. The red shafts of the enemy whistle past on all sides. You reach the barricade, a wagon is pulled aside, and you are carried in through the gap. Captain D’Val is close to exhaustion; he staggers, and his men rush to catch him before he drops to the ground.

    Turn to 341.
    YEEEE Captain D'Val!

    Quote Originally Posted by 341.
    A circle of unshaven faces are staring down at you. A soldier cradles your leg as another snaps the shaft buried deeply in your thigh. But before you can even cry out in pain, he has drawn the arrow from your leg with one swift tug. ‘You are very lucky, Kai Lord,’ he says, as he bandages a handful of Laumspur to your aching limb. ‘The wound is clean, and the bleeding is but slight.’

    You lose 4 ENDURANCE points, but the soldier’s quick thinking and skill has saved your leg from infection. With great care the soldiers carry both you and Captain D’Val into the stone watchtower.

    Turn to 116.
    Cioè, ci bendando con il Lampspur e ciononostante il chirurgo ci fa 4 DANNI per toglierci una freccia che ce ne ha fatti 0.

    Quote Originally Posted by 116.
    ‘I was hoping the King would send a large search party,’ says Captain D’Val wryly, now having fully recovered from his exhaustion. ‘I was beginning to tire of this town.’

    You rise from your straw bed and offer your thanks to the captain. His brave and timely action saved you from certain death. ‘’Tis nothing to compare with you, Lone Wolf. Your bravery is legend. Your presence here is worth a hundred men.’

    He asks you about your mission, and you recount the events that have led you to this meeting; the ride south, the loss of your company, your passage through the Maaken Mines and the bandits.

    ‘Yes, the bandits—Barraka’s men,’ retorts D’Val, his gruff voice conveying his contempt for them and their leader. ‘It seems we have both suffered at his hand. A month ago, he and his Vassagonian renegades ambushed my troop on the Ruanon Pike. We were sorely outnumbered and the fight was indeed bitter. But we broke free from them and escaped here to Ruanon. We have been beleaguered ever since and praying for help to arrive. We have enough weapons to resist them, but we have barely enough food and water to survive.’

    You ask what has become of the people of Ruanon. ‘Most are now slaves. Barraka has taken the mines and he uses the Ruanese as forced labour. Other than yourself, only one man has escaped from the mines and survived the Warhounds and the bandit snipers. That man is Baron Oren Vanalund. Come, I shall take you to him.’

    D’Val leads you to the topmost chamber of the watchtower and pushes open an iron-shod door. The sight that greets you fills your heart with sorrow and pity.

    Turn to 318.
    Quote Originally Posted by 318.
    Oren Vanalund is the fifteenth baron of Ruanon, a noble warrior of royal lineage, and fifth in succession to the throne of Sommerlund. This once proud and chivalrous warlord now lies upon the cold stone floor of the chamber, red-eyed and whimpering like a frightened dog. ‘He has lost everything,’ says D’Val quietly. ‘Barraka has destroyed his castle, his land, his town, and his family. His sons are dead, and his only daughter has been taken captive by Barraka himself. I fear the ordeal has turned his mind.’

    Illustration XIX—‘He has lost everything… his castle, his land, his town, and his family…’

    The pathetic man raises his tear-stained face, and with feeble voice mutters a curious rhyme, over and over again.

    When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,
    The dead of Maakengorge shall rise.

    If you possess a Scroll, turn to 279.

    If you do not possess a Scroll, turn to 57.
    Bel posto...Abbiamo la Scroll del vecchio deforme!

    Quote Originally Posted by 57.
    ‘You must save her, Lone Wolf. You must prevent the sacrifice!’ The Baron’s voice is choked with emotion.

    ‘Save who? Who must he save?’ questions Captain D’Val, as he tries to calm the excited Baron.

    ‘My daughter, Madelon, of course,’ the Baron answers. Tears are welling up in his eyes and nervously he wrings his hands. Then he utters the ominous prophecy:

    When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep,
    A sacrifice will stir from sleep
    The legions of a long forgotten lord.
    When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,
    The dead of Maakengorge shall rise
    To claim their long-awaited reward.

    ‘Don’t you see? Barraka has found the dagger of Vashna. He is going to sacrifice my daughter upon the altar of Maaken to release the undead of Maakengorge, the Chasm of Doom.’

    ‘During the Age of the Black Moon, King Ulnar of Sommerlund killed the mightiest of all the Darklords, Vashna, with the Sommerswerd—the sword of the sun. Vashna’s body and the bodies of all his troops were hurled into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. He plans to lead the dead to victory; first to conquer Sommerlund and then all of the Lastlands,’ explains the Baron, fear in his eyes.

    You stare at the Baron in stunned silence. If Barraka completes the sacrifice, all is lost. What mortal army can stand against a legion of the dead?

    Captain D’Val ushers you from the chamber and closes the door. ‘I feared he was insane, and I refused to listen to his words. But the events of the last few days confirm my worst nightmare. He speaks the truth!’

    As the dreadful significance of the prophetic verse begins to chill your spine, your thoughts are broken by the shrill blast of a war-horn. Captain D’Val strides over to an arrow slit in the wall and looks out across the desolate plain. As he turns to speak, his face is ashen grey. ‘The bandits—they’re launching an attack!’

    If you possess Captain D’Val’s Sword, turn to 327.

    If you do not possess this weapon, turn to 289.
    Abbiamo anche la spada di D'Val!

    Quote Originally Posted by 327.
    You draw the sword and offer it to the captain. A look of surprise and delight crosses his face as he examines the blade. ‘I never expected to see my trusty steel again. It is a good omen for the battle ahead.’

    Thanking you, the captain sheathes his sword in its scabbard, that until now, has hung empty from his belt. (Remember to erase this Sword from your Action Chart.)

    Turn to 289.
    Grazie eh!

    Quote Originally Posted by 289.
    You follow Captain D’Val as he hurries down the broad watchtower steps and out to the barricade. A rolling sound like distant thunder fills the air. Cavalry are pouring onto the plain from all sides, grouping up into battalions in preparation for the advance. Columns of foot soldiers in bright scarlet armour march through their ranks, herding a frightened wall of people before them.

    ‘They’re Ruanese!’ cries D’Val, his hand shielding the light from his eyes. ‘That cur Barraka; he’s using them as a shield!’

    All around you, the captain’s men have drawn their bowstrings, awaiting his signal to fire. But it is an order he dare not give. Suddenly a hidden catapult hurls a massive black rock through the air, straight towards the barricade. You stare in horror as it bursts into flame and disintegrates, showering a rain of blazing oil on everyone beneath. The soldiers cannot evade the deluge, and many are badly burnt before the flames are smothered. A battle-cry resounds from the enemy ranks: the signal to attack. The Ruanese are pushed aside and trampled by the onrush of scarlet warriors who now race towards the barricade.

    Illustration XVII—You stare in horror as a deluge of blazing oil rains down.

    The blazing oil has scattered D’Val’s men, and the barricade is poorly defended. You hear D’Val shout your name. His cloak and tunic are ablaze, and he is screaming for your help.

    If you have reached the Kai rank of Warmarn (you possess 8 Kai Disciplines), turn to 255.

    If you wish to help the captain, turn to 5.

    If you wish to rally the defenders before the enemy reach the barricade, turn to 86.
    Si, abbiamo 8 discipline!

    Quote Originally Posted by 255.
    You must rally the defenders or all is lost. You order two soldiers to help the captain and then leap onto an overturned wagon in order to see clearly the enemy advance. They have already reached the ruined perimeter of Ruanon and are now creeping forward under cover of the broken cottage walls. You shout orders to D’Val’s men to defend the barricade, but the enemy are less than one hundred yards from the wall; you are afraid it might be too late to repel their attack.

    Turn to 186.
    Siamo l'ultima speranza per le orrende genti di Sommerlund!

    Quote Originally Posted by 186
    The Vassagonian bandits break cover and charge, and you give the order to fire. A cloud of arrows sweeps down upon the armour-clad men, the hardened tips penetrating their scarlet plate. The first wave of assailants tumbles and falls; the second wave falters. Another volley forces them back, and they retreat to the ruins to reorganize themselves.

    Here and there, groups of bandit warriors have survived the hail of death and reached the barricade. Most are slain as they try to enter, but a small and determined section of their boldest fighters have broken through close to where you stand. Suddenly, a thick-bodied warrior with oily, black hair tied in a knot at the back of his scarred head leaps onto the wagon and attacks you.

    Vassagonian Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 25

    You can evade combat at any time by jumping from the wagon. Turn to 66.

    If you win the fight, turn to 243.
    Combattiamo o saltiamo nel carretto?

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

    CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

    EP: 28/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

    Sixth Sense
    Animal Kinship
    Mind Over Matter

    Weapons (2): Bone Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Piccone (2 spazi), Torcia, Acqua Santa

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

    ************************************************** ******
    Last edited by Jesper; 6th March 2013 at 12:25.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  2. #782
    Bortas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Deve morire Lupo solitario je fa er culo, 243


  3. #783
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  4. #784
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    München - Vicenza


    243 con la sfiga di prima sto qua lo instakilliamo

  5. #785
    Master Chief Petty Officer
    Join Date
    Apr 2006


    sodomizziamolo brutalmente

  6. #786
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    MORTE! (per qualcuno, sicuro )


    Lupo Solitario -1
    Vassagonian Warrior -14

    Lupo Solitario -3
    Vassagonian Warrior -9

    Lupo Solitario -0 (24)
    Vassagonian Warrior -16 (morto!)

    Quote Originally Posted by 243.
    D’Val runs past the wagon, leading a dozen of his best swordsmen in a countercharge and driving the enemy all the way back to the barricade. None escape alive. Those who survive D’Val’s swordsmen are cut down on the plain by his archers as they run towards the ruins. The shout of victory has barely died away before you are faced by a new threat.

    Turn to 124.

    Quote Originally Posted by 124.
    A mantlet, a large shield on wheels, is being pushed slowly across the body-strewn battleground towards the barricade. Arrow shafts soon bristle from its thick wooden planks as D’Val’s men fire their bows time and time again in an attempt to hit the shielded foe.

    Illustration VII—A mantlet is being pushed across the battleground towards the barricade.

    Suddenly a robed figure darts from behind the mantlet and levels a black staff at the barricade. He is cut down by an arrow, but not before he has let loose from his staff a guttering ball of flame. It cartwheels across the plain and explodes with a tremendous roar, hurling the bodies of defenders and shattered barricade high into the air. Through the cloud of dust and debris, you can see a line of enemy cavalry charging across the plain. They wear tall plumed helmets of polished steel and breastplates of deepest crimson. In the wake of the fireball they pour through the remains of the barricade and attack—they give no quarter. A horseman spurs his horse towards you, his lance levelled at your chest.

    If you wish to stand and fight the horseman, turn to 333.

    If you wish to run back to the watchtower, turn to 107.
    Combattiamo i cavalieri o scappiamo alla torre di guardia?

    PS: avete notato come il 99% dei nostri nemici non mostruosi siano "swarthy" o comunque non perfettamente ariani, al contrario di LW? Non mi ero mai accorto di questo da bambino lol E ho idea che peggiorerà, prima di migliorare...

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

    CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

    EP: 26/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

    Sixth Sense
    Animal Kinship
    Mind Over Matter

    Weapons (2): Bone Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Piccone (2 spazi), Torcia, Acqua Santa

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  7. #787
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    *con la voce di Ivan Drago* "FINO ALLA FINE!"


  8. #788
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    München - Vicenza


    a sto punto stiamo in frenzy e gg


  9. #789
    Lieutenant Commander
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    Sep 2004


    Uccidiamoli tutti!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. #790
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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  11. #791
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    siete noiosi , immagino che siate di quelli che se giocavano a d&d chiedevano al master di piazzere 3 draghi per ogni stanza 4x4 nei dungeon

    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  12. #792
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    FOR TEH REALM!!!!111!!1

    Quote Originally Posted by 333.
    The horseman is charging at you very quickly. You will only be able to fight for one round of combat before the momentum of his attack carries him past you.

    Vassagonian Horseman: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 28

    If you lose more ENDURANCE points than your enemy in this one round of combat, turn to 209.

    If your enemy loses more ENDURANCE points than you in this round of combat, turn to 220.

    If you both lose exactly the same number of ENDURANCE points in this round of combat, turn to 344.
    Good News! Dato che abbiamo un combat rating così alto, non possiamo perdere più EP del nemico indipendentemente dal roll...ovviamente sarà un 1 perchè oggi il dado è posseduto.

    Lupo Solitario -2 (24)
    Vassagonian Horseman -11 (17)

    Quote Originally Posted by 220.
    Your blow has unhorsed the bandit. He falls to the ground heavily, shattering his lance beneath him. He staggers to his feet and, raising the hinged eye-shield of his helm, he stares at you and smiles wickedly, exposing a jagged line of blackened teeth. He spits his battle-cry and runs towards you, unsheathing a broadsword as he closes in.

    If you wish to fight the warrior, turn to 90.

    If you wish to evade combat, turn to 163.
    Tornando al discorso del velato razzismo di prima: questo c'ha pure i DENTI neri

    Poniamo fine alle sue sofferenze o ce la diamo?

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

    CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

    EP: 25/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

    Sixth Sense
    Animal Kinship
    Mind Over Matter

    Weapons (2): Bone Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Piccone (2 spazi), Torcia, Acqua Santa

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  13. #793
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by -=Rho=- View Post
    siete noiosi , immagino che siate di quelli che se giocavano a d&d chiedevano al master di piazzere 3 draghi per ogni stanza 4x4 nei dungeon
    Perchè, esistono anche stanze di dungeon senza MINIMO 3 draghi dentro?

    Per la scelta di adesso, che domande... MOOOORTEEEEEEEEHHH!!!


  14. #794
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Jan 2005


    90! A morte il moro!

    Btw a me a d&d piacevano le quest,gli enigmi,ma anche un bel cazzo di scontro,era parecchio che non ci facevamo una bella dose di sangue

    E poi una volta in battaglia non si torna indietro! GOOO!!!
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  15. #795
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    uccidiamo il moro

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