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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XIII: The Plague Lords of Ruel

  1. #76
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    ma non hai sbagliato pagina? dice turn to 98 e sei andato ad 80

  2. #77
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    LOL è vero. I numeri non tornano anche se i paragrafi si collegano bene tra loro.
    spamm is life.

  3. #78
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Ho scritto 80 (perche i numeri mi sono nemici) ma e' il paragrafo 98
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  4. #79
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Apr 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Bortas View Post
    Search e loot

  5. #80
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    loot dunque

  6. #81
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by 48.
    You scan the walls of this reading room and as your eye passes over the books and scrolls stored upon its shelves, you feel an almost uncontrollable urge to tear every one of them to pieces. The wickedness they contain, gleaned after thousands of years of perpetrating the vilest herbcraft known to Magnamund, is so potent that you feel your Kai strength waning in their presence (lose 2 ENDURANCE points).

    Mindful of the insidious effect of these books you search as quickly as you can. On one of the lower shelves you notice an ornately carved wooden box, banded with gold and inlaid with precious gemstones. You carry it to the main table where the light is brightest and, as you place it there, you hear a riddle emanating from a design engraved on its lid. It speaks in the Cenerese tongue but you instantly recognize the words:

    ‘My treasure is hidden from view
    But I’ll open myself for you,
    If you ponder this puzzle then state
    The right answer to determine my fate.
    Divide 80 by one half,
    Then examine what you see.
    From this number take 14,
    What remains will open me.’

    Your Kai senses tell you that by solving the riddle, and then speaking the answer aloud, you will cause the lid of the box to open.

    When you think you have solved this riddle, turn to the entry number which is the same as your answer.

    If you cannot answer the riddle, or if your answer does not lead to the page number which opens the box, turn instead to 311.
    In sto libro prendiamo danni anche a respirare

    Sappiamo risolvere l'enigma di Joe ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  7. #82
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    boh? 12?

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    146 oppure 26 dipende dall'interpretazione di "Divide 80 by one half", anche se propendo piu per la prima


  9. #84
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    146 obv

  10. #85
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Jan 2005


    Io credo che intenda :


    Indi per cui 146 e speriamo di non beccare danni per qualche scureggia psionica che vola per l'aria questo libro mi ricorda molto il primo della serie,dove come ci muovevamo prendevamo saraccate da ogni angolo
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  11. #86
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Vediamo se 146 è il paragrafo giusto!

    Quote Originally Posted by 146.
    You speak your answer and instantly the lid of the box clicks open. Congratulations, Grand Master Lone Wolf, your reckoning was correct. Dividing any number by one half actually doubles that number. Therefore, 80 divided by one half becomes 160. Subtract 14 from 160 and you have the solution to the puzzle.

    Inside the box you discover a Map of Mogaruith, which details its dungeon levels. This is a Special Item which you carry tucked into your tunic. You need not discard any other Special Item in its favour if you already carry the maximum allowed.

    An unexpected shuffling noise, somewhere in another part of the library, causes you to freeze. Someone else has entered. You look over your shoulder at the door and decide that now would be a very wise time to leave.

    Turn to 335.
    Vè com'è fiero Joe delle sue furberie Si vede che all'Università ha fatto Kai Mate-Magic

    Comunque sia, ci intaschiamo la mappa! Bravi!

    Quote Originally Posted by 335.
    You hurry out of the library and follow a series of corridors which end at a large antechamber. This domed hall is decorated with tapestries which depict Cenerese legends, ignoble and infamous deeds that were perpetrated during the Age of the Old Kingdoms, when, for nearly a thousand years, the Cenerese tyrannized Northern Magnamund.

    A single heavy oaken door in the opposite wall offers the only exit from the antechamber. As you approach it you notice that it is slightly ajar. Suddenly you hear the doleful sound of chanting emanating from beyond this door. Curiosity coaxes you nearer. You approach and peer through its narrow opening, and a chill runs the length of your spine when you see what lies beyond.

    Turn to 200.
    Ovviamente mentre è nella fortezza dei suoi nuovi arcinemici, LW va in giro a cazzo matto a curiosare senza manco chiedere a noi

    Quote Originally Posted by 200.
    Beyond the door lies a secret Cenerese prayer hall, a chapel of evil where the druids worship and make sacrifice to their foul gods. Kneeling in pews before a blood-red altar are dozens of figures. They chant a soulless dirge as they read from books bound in black cloth. Around the walls hang grim decorations: skulls, flayed skins, tattered battle-banners, and other ugly tributes to the power that is worshipped and coveted here—the power of death, disease, and decay.

    Illustration XII—You look beyond the door into the secret Cenerese prayer hall where the druids worship and make sacrifice to their foul gods.

    You look with loathing at the congregation. In the main they are Cenerese, but there are others among them, old adversaries whose origins you recognize immediately. Acolytes of Vashna, Drakkarim, Vassagonian outlaws, Hammerlanders, and even a few Giaks. No doubt the remnants of the Darkland armies found sanctuary here after their masters’ demise.

    A noise in the corridor behind warns that someone is approaching the antechamber. To avoid them, you slip inside the prayer hall and hide in the shadows cast by a column which supports the roof. Moments later, three druids enter the hall and close the door before taking their places among the congregation.

    Turn to 265. sono proprio tutti! Festa!

    Quote Originally Posted by 265.
    In case there are any among the congregation who have the power to sense your presence, you draw upon your Disciplines of camouflage and mental defence to minimize the risks of being detected.

    A few uneventful minutes pass until another druid enters the hall, ascending from a circular stairwell to your left. He is a tall, imposing figure, dressed in glittering blue robes edged with black velvet. The congregation rises as he walks to the altar, where he turns to face them.

    ‘Be seated my brothers,’ he commands, in a voice that is deep and resonant. At once you suspect that he is Arch Druid Cadak himself, but his opening address soon dispels this idea.

    ‘The battle against the Slovians goes in our favour. We have repulsed their puny attacks and our defences along the Storn remain intact. The Slovians are beaten. They are too weak to threaten us again. I, Kadrian, have seen the great river running red with the blood of their slain.’

    Upon hearing this the congregation screech their approval until Kadrian calls for silence. Then, from a tome lying on the altar, he begins to read the opening passages of a service dedicated to Xuzargha, the Cenerese God of pestilence. The gathering fall to their knees, raise the hoods of their robes, and close their eyes in reverence as they listen devoutly to Brother Kadrian’s sonorous voice.

    Anxious to leave this hall, you look around for a means of escape. Two opportunities present themselves: the circular stairwell by which Brother Kadrian entered the hall, and a door to your right marked ‘Vestibule’.

    If you wish to descend the circular staircase, turn to 119.

    If you decide to enter the door marked ‘Vestibule’, turn to 280.
    Dove ci infrattiamo ?

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Grand Defender

    CS: 39 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail)
    --> 43 (con +4 Mindblast)
    --> 47 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

    EP: 28/38 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers)

    Discipline Grand Master
    - Grand Huntmastery
    - Grand Pathmanship
    - Kai-Alchemy
    - Kai-Surge

    Weapons (2): Axe, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope, Khetu Spores, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Gnallia Meal (cura 2 EP), Copper Key

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1)
    [Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

    Money (50): 42 Corone, 10 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    - Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
    - 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  12. #87
    Sturm's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    Boh rimaniamo fedeli alla sinistra,scendiamo le scale! 119!
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  13. #88
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    MA nel vestibolo ci potrebbe essere da Lootare!
    Magari qualcuno ha lasciato una mega-arma di distruzione di mondo nell'armadietto, chi lo sà...andiamo a vedere.
    spamm is life.

  14. #89
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003



  15. #90
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    LW segue la pista del possibile Loot...

    Quote Originally Posted by 280.
    Once inside, you close the door gently and breathe a sigh of relief. You find yourself alone in a small room which reeks of a heady mixture of incense and sulphur. Scarlet robes line the walls, hanging from wooden pegs driven into the crumbling plaster, and upon a solitary table are heaped a pile of green masks, fashioned from a glass-like mineral.

    If you possess a Cener Robe and a Cener Mask, turn to 126.

    If you possess neither (or only one) of these items, turn to 304.
    Accento svedese mode: ON

    Quote Originally Posted by 126.
    A sudden noise startles you and you spin around to face it. A section of the wall is moving inwards, carrying with it the robes that are hanging there. A figure, dressed in a hooded purple cloak and clasping a large leather-bound book, appears in the opening. As he steps into the room the section of wall closes behind him.

    ‘What are you doing here, brother?’ he asks, his voice heavy with suspicion. You sense that he is a druid of high rank and you know your answer must be convincing if you are to avoid his wrath.

    If you wish to answer by saying that you have come here to help him, turn to 170.

    If you wish to say that you are looking for a lost possession, turn to 156.

    If you decide that actions speak louder than words, you can attack him by turning to 212.
    Come agirà Lupozzi ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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