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Thread: [LET'S PLAY] Lupo Solitario - Nostalgia, nostalgia canaglia: il ritorno

  1. #961
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Infatti stavo per dirlo, la Firesphere assolutamente NON molliamola...

    In considerazione di questo molliamo la torcia (useless) e la sostituiamo con... boh? Prisma? La clessidra me pare na cacata, idem il pettine d'argento da froci.

    Per gli oggetti speciali, scarterei la Stone Effigy e la Prophecy Scroll (roba della precedente avventura, ora inutile)

    Che poi a dirla tutta basta anche solo la Sommerswerd a metterci in god mode, il resto chissene

    P.S: @ Jesper, ma sei sicuro che la pozza di cura si possa usare quando uno vuole? Nella descrizione dell'item c'è scritto chiaramente "after combat" (che mi sembra un po' strano ma tant'è..)

    Edit: avete già fatto la spesa PEEEEHHH

    Vabbuò, vai al 67 che dovrebbe essere la combinazione seggrecia
    Last edited by Defender; 7th March 2013 at 17:24.

  2. #962
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    @Deffo: ho fatto confusione con l'Alether, c'hai ragione come al solito. La pozza di cura possiamo berla nei paragrafi in cui non siamo in combat, sostanzialmente. L'Alether possiamo berlo prima dei fight.

    Quote Originally Posted by Defender View Post
    Che poi a dirla tutta basta anche solo la Sommerswerd a metterci in god mode, il resto chissene
    Nei prossimi libri

    Cmq non perdiamo altro tempo che st'enigma è de fuffibus!

    Quote Originally Posted by 67.
    You hear a faint click followed by a soft whirring sound; the bronze door slides open. As you hurry through, the door clicks shut behind your back, as softly as it had opened.5

    Instinct tells you that you have entered the chambers of the upper palace, the sumptuous private enclave of the Zakhan. You walk upon glistening tiles of opal and platinum, past sculptures and statues of pure gold. The door of solid amethyst ahead seems plain in comparison to the breathtaking splendour of this private world. Beyond the door lies another unique and startlingly beautiful world: the arboretum. A circular, cathedral-like arena spreads out below you, the green velvet canopy alive with the sound of bird song. Trees of every colour, shape, and size flourish in the deep, dark soil of the floor. The Zakhan’s arboretum houses a specimen of every tree that grows in Magnamund, and many species that are now extinct elsewhere. As you walk the wrought iron balcony which encircles the arboretum, you recognize the leaves of a Sommlending oak. You feel a sudden wave of homesickness, but it does not make you despair; rather it renews your determination to escape from this hostile, sun-bleached land.

    At one of the exits from the arboretum, you discover a Quarterstaff propped against the wall. (If you wish to take this, remember to mark it on your Action Chart.) The desire to escape urges you on as you leave the arboretum and hurry through a network of lavish corridors and empty, deserted vestibules. You reach a landing where a broad staircase descends to a massive room that occupies most of the lower palace.

    From the top of the staircase, hidden by the shadow of a pilaster, you stare down on a sight that freezes your blood with terror.

    Turn to 200.
    Ditemi se vogliamo prendere la Quarterstaff al posto di una delle altre armi.

    Quote Originally Posted by 200.
    Upon a raised platform, carpeted with scarlet fur, sits the Vassagonian Emperor, Zakhan Kimah. He is robed in gold but devoid of all ornamentation. In his hand is an orb of black metal, and in his eye an ice-cold cruelty that chills your spine. The Zakhan is a man of awesome countenance, but he pales in the shadow of his companion.

    Before him stands the cause of your terror. A helm as black as death itself hides the face, but the stench of decay and a hideous sepulchral voice betray the identity.

    ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’

    It is the fell voice of a mortal enemy—a Darklord of Helgedad. As the Zakhan rises to his feet, you notice a flicker of doubt, or perhaps of fear, dim his cruel gaze, but he is quick to mask it. ‘He will be brought to you at sunset in exchange for the Orb of Death. It is agreed.’

    ‘You have the Orb,’ echoes the chilling voice. ‘Give me Lone Wolf!’

    The Zakhan hides his fear well, but time is not on his side. The game of bluff he is playing is deadly. However, the fact that he has not yet been discovered is evidence of his powerful will, for you sense the Darklord is persistently clawing and probing at his mind.

    ‘You will get your Northlander, Lord Haakon,’ says the Zakhan, his voice curt with anger, ‘when you tell me why your servants defile the Tomb of the Majhan. You claim to have no need for gold and jewels—why then do you plunder the graves of our ancestors?’

    A deathly quiet fills the hall; only the unnatural hiss of the Darklord’s breath disturbs the silence. ‘This land, this insignificant speck of sand, harbours two small thorns that prick our skin. We seek to remove them both—forever. The fledgling Kai, Lone Wolf, is the thorn that denies us Sommerlund. The Tomb of the Majhan hides the other thorn that threatens us—the accursed Book of the Magnakai.’

    Your heart pounds as the words echo in your head. The Book of the Magnakai! Suddenly, the reason why you have been enticed into a deadly trap becomes clear, and the sinister truth is revealed.

    The Book of the Magnakai is one of the oldest legends of Sommerlund. With the wisdom of the Magnakai, Sun Eagle, the first Kai Grand Master, instilled the disciplines into the warriors of the House of Ulnar, the bloodline of your king, that were to save your land from devastation at the hands of the Darklords. The Book of the Magnakai was lost hundreds of years ago, but its wisdom was kept alive, handed down through generations of Sommlending warriors so that they could share the strength to resist their eternal enemies, the Darklords of Helgedad.

    If the Darklords discover and destroy the Book of the Magnakai, the secrets will be lost forever, and when you die, the Kai will become extinct. However, if you discover the Book of the Magnakai first and deny the Darklords their prize, all the wisdom of the Magnakai will be revealed to you. Through its wisdom you will become strong, strong enough to reach the ultimate achievement for a Sommlending warrior—to become a Kai Grand Master.

    However, the peril and the glory of the quest that lies ahead are distracting you from more immediate danger. To discover this danger and to begin the quest for the Book of the Magnakai, turn to Part Two of Shadow on the Sand.

    Begin your adventure at 201.
    Come detto, questo libro è più grande degli altri e di conseguenza non finisce a 350!

    Cominciamo pure la caccia al Libro dei Magnacapre!

    Quote Originally Posted by 201.
    Suddenly, you catch sight of two warriors creeping towards you from a passage to your right. They are clad in jet-black armour and scarlet robes, and their hideous death-masks identify them as Drakkarim warriors. They are men, but they are evil men, as evil as the Darklords whom they serve.

    One of them holds a razor-fanged Akataz, a creeping leathery war-dog, straining on a chain leash. The Drakkar hisses and the Akataz springs towards your throat.

    If you wish to fight this creature, turn to 273.

    If you wish to try to evade the attack and escape, turn to 285.
    Ci hanno sgamato! Combattiamo il cane mannaro, o scappiamo?
    Last edited by Jesper; 7th March 2013 at 17:29.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  3. #963
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jesper View Post
    Nei prossimi libri

    In tutta onestà li ho giocati troppo tempo fa e non mi ricordo un caSSo :P

    Mi ricordo solo che a un certo punto andremo a
    , ma al di là di quello è più o meno buio totale..

  4. #964
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  5. #965
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Istintivamente sarei per i calci in culo durissimi a queste merde mascherate da magnamorte e al loro cane der cazzo, ma anche riorganizzare un pò le idee sull'avventura e telare non sarebbe male, quindi spacchiamo il culo agli stronzi e al cagnaccio 273 e che l'istadeath sia con noi.


  6. #966
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    mah, direi per il combat ma come minimo il cane ci infetta e crepiamo, diamocela a gambe, 285

  7. #967
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Puah! Ora che siamo di nuovo gearati, non esiste scappare di fronte a questi insetti!


  8. #968
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Deffo sono con te! Liberiamoci la strada a suon di calci! E facciamogli sentire tutto la nostra Kai-potenza!
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  9. #969
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    verremo sodomizzati dal cane

  10. #970
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    As usual, una volta sceao dal bus postero l'update! nel mentre vediamo se qualcuno rompe la parita'!
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  11. #971
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    kill the fucking dog.
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  12. #972
    Lieutenant Tibù's Avatar
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    Last edited by Tibù; 7th March 2013 at 19:36.
    mandale83 on PSN

  13. #973


    Ammazza il cagnaccio! 273

  14. #974
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Ah cmq, per la cronaca, ho rispolverato il libro originale e ho provato a scappare dai giannizzeri all'inizio..

    E' vero come dice Jesper che, facendo le scelte giuste e avendo le giuste abilità,

    Devo dire che con questo libro si sono cmq decisamente sforzati di più dal lato della diversificazione dei percorsi

  15. #975
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Dov'è finito Jesper? E' morto? Magari...

    Sulla via del ritorno a casa sono stato aggredito da un nemico terribile (per le arterie).

    Basti dire che se non avessi posseduto Kai Grand Fried Chickenmastery sarei stato fottuto.

    Ecco gli esiti dello scontro:

    Comunque dicevamo...Morte alle bestie!

    Quote Originally Posted by 273.
    The Akataz leaps through the air at your face. You fall backwards, kicking with both feet, but you are winded as the war-dog jolts the air from your lungs. It slashes your shoulder (lose 1 ENDURANCE point), before cartwheeling over the edge of the stairs, its howl cut short as it smashes into the marble floor of the lower palace.

    You spring to your feet and draw your weapon, for the Drakkarim are running towards you. A terrible roar of hate and rage fills the hall: ‘Kill him!’ The Drakkarim unsheathe their black swords, eager to obey their master’s command. They attack you simultaneously.

    Drakkarim: COMBAT SKILL 18 ENDURANCE 35

    You can evade the combat at any time by running into the adjoining passage.

    If you wish to evade combat, turn to 238.

    If you win the combat, turn to 345.
    Tutta sta tiritera col cane mannaro e poi si ammazza da solo lol, priceless

    Comunque, il padrone incazzato ha -11 di CS rispetto a noi

    Lupo Solitario -0
    Drakkarim INSTAKILLATO!

    Quote Originally Posted by 238.
    You glimpse the silhouette of Darklord Haakon in the hall below, his spiked fist raised. There is a deafening crack as a bolt of blue lightning streaks from a stone in the Darklord’s hand and hurtles towards you. You dive for cover behind the body of the Drakkar as the bolt explodes. In a flash of light, the Drakkar is gone. Only cinders and the rotten odour of scorched flesh remain.

    You scramble to your feet and sprint along the passage. Another bolt hurtles from the hall, tearing into the ceiling with shattering effect. Splinters of razor-sharp marble whistle down, slashing your cloak and tunic. You race down some stairs, through a silver archway and along a balcony that overlooks the lower palace. A peal of bells and the crunch of iron-shod boots echo in your ears—the Zakhan has sounded the alarm, his guards close in on every side.

    At the end of the balcony are another arch and a staircase: both look deserted.

    If you wish to escape through the arch, turn to 381.

    If you wish to race up the stairs, turn to 317.
    Mmm Haakon sembra di tutt'altra pasta Che strada prendiamo per proseguire la fuga?
    Last edited by Jesper; 7th March 2013 at 21:44.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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