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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro X: The Dungeons of Torgar

  1. #121
    Join Date
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  2. #122
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    maledetta moneta antibari psionici.


  3. #123
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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  4. #124
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 212.
    Lord Adamas opens his hand and the coin shows ‘tails’—you have guessed correctly. ‘Very well,’ he says, unbuckling his cumbersome sword belt and shouldering the satchel which contains the crystal explosive. ‘Wish me luck!’

    He orders the vanguard to provide covering fire with their crossbows; then he clambers over the rampart and sprints towards the Torgar gate.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

    If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 221.

    If it is 5–9, turn to 32.
    AHAH! Cazzi tuoi, Adama!


    Quote Originally Posted by 32.
    The Drakkarim give a loud yell as soon as they see Adamas appear. At once the vanguard fire their crossbows and many bolts find their mark, but the Drakkarim who fall do not hamper their comrades, who are preparing to welcome Adamas with huge chunks of rock. With cat-like agility he veers right and left, weaving his way through the deluge of falling boulders, which smash down with a terrific crack. He reaches the door unscathed, rips the satchel from his shoulder, and primes the crystal explosive. Automatically you start to count as he runs back through rubble and dead bodies. Six…seven…eight…He leaps, and as you count nine he clears the rampart and lands beside you, breathless and exhilarated.

    Turn to 301
    Gli è andata bene

    Quote Originally Posted by 301.
    The crystal explodes with a blinding flash, releasing a bolt of sun-like energy that tears a massive hole in the one-foot-thick iron plate and transforms what little remains into red-hot slag. The shuddering concussion jars the entire causeway and fragments of glowing metal fall all around you. Triumphant cheers rise above the thunderous boom that is rumbling through the ravine, as the spearpoint of Adamas’ army surges across the causeway towards the ruined gate.

    Illustration XVII—A massive hole is torn in the iron plate and the spearpoint of Adamas’ army surges towards the ruined gate.

    Turn to 273.
    Sticazzi O___o

    Quote Originally Posted by 273.
    You take your place beside Lord Adamas and charge through the smouldering gap, leaping over the charred and broken remains of the Drakkarim who were caught by the blast. The allied soldiers follow your lead and sweep into the startled city, through a gate now guarded only by the slain. Despite their shock, the defenders begin to rally as they receive fresh reinforcements from other parts of the city, and soon a vicious battle rages in the cramped, gloomy streets.

    You lead a group of Palmyrion men-at-arms across a courtyard and into a dingy street where you find yourselves confronted by a regiment of Drakkarim garrison troops. They have gathered to make a wall of shields behind a pair of small figures, black-robed and cowled, each holding a yellow globe.

    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Divination and have reached the rank of Tutelary or higher, turn to 22.

    If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to reach this level of Magnakai training, turn to 57.
    Abbiamo Divination e il Rank!

    Quote Originally Posted by 22.
    Your Magnakai skill warns you that the robed figures possess magical abilities. The glass globes they are holding contain a volatile mixture of phosphorus and oil. If the globes were to break, the contents would burst into flames immediately on contact with the air.

    If you have a Bow and wish to fire an Arrow at one of the globes, turn to 293.

    If not, turn to 199.
    Spariamo ai globadieri skaven?

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Mentora

    CS: 34 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +3 Weaponmastery, +1 Solaris, +1 Fire)

    EP: 25/39 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris, +3 Light, +2 Fire)

    Discipline Magnakai
    - Pathmanship
    - Invisibility
    - Huntmastery
    - Curing
    - Animal Control
    - Weaponmastery (Sword, Bow, Dagger, Spear, Mace, Axe)
    - Divination

    Circoli completati
    - Circle of Solaris (+1CS, +3EP)
    - Circle of Light (+3EP)
    - Circle of Fire (+1 CS, +2 EP)

    Weapons (2): Axe, Spear

    Backpack (8): Rope, Meal, Blanket, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Silver Bow of Duadon, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Quiver (6), Psi-Ring, Fireseeds (3), Invitation

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  5. #125
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Lone Wolf Basics:


  6. #126
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Lone Wolf Basics:


    Arcodiddio come sempre


  7. #127
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    spara spara
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  8. #128
    Lieutenant Tibù's Avatar
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    freccia frecciahh
    mandale83 on PSN

  9. #129
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    Cazzo manco Robin Hood.
    Vai facciamo esplodere tutto.

  10. #130
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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  11. #131
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Arcodiddio aiutaci tu!
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  12. #132
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Freccia zen

    Quote Originally Posted by 293.
    The two diminutive magicians see you level your Bow and realize that they are in danger. As you take aim, they get ready to hurl their spheres at the Palmyrions.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table and add any missile bonuses you have to this number.

    If your total is now 7 or less, turn to 149.

    If it is 8 or more, turn to 164.
    Bitch please...+8 di base!

    Quote Originally Posted by 164.
    Your Arrow screams towards a magician and shatters the sphere clasped in his claw-like hand. There is a brilliant flash as it explodes, scattering fragments that hiss like a host of fiery snakes among the Drakkarim. The second magician drops his sphere setting off another explosion. The Drakkarim scream in pain and terror as the fragments burn everything they touch.

    Turn to 332.

    Quote Originally Posted by 332.
    The surviving Drakkarim scatter into the surrounding alleys and you are able to advance towards the centre of Torgar unopposed. The Palmyrions meet up with their regiment and you continue alone along the dingy thoroughfare. It leads to an open square where a conical tower of iron points accusingly at the sky. Here the flagstones vibrate to a continuous throbbing that beats like a gigantic pulse somewhere deep in the bowels of the city. The battle has drawn most of the Drakkarim away from this square and you have no difficulty in reaching the tower and entering it via an open archway. A corridor of steel lies beyond, empty save for the constant din that assails your ears. Countless passages lead off from the main corridor, all sloping downwards, and many occupied by Drakkarim warriors. The passages are poorly lit and it is easy to avoid your enemies until you reach a vast stairway bathed in a bright orange glow that radiates from a level below.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris, add 3 to the number you have picked.

    If your total is now 0–6, turn to 348.

    If it is 7 or more, turn to 47.
    Abbiamo tutto il circolo di Solaris! Dobbiamo rollare almeno 4

    Roll...6! +3

    Quote Originally Posted by 47.
    You are about to descend when a shadow looms into view and a Drakkarim officer appears at the foot of the stairs. Instantly you press yourself to the wall and use all your Kai skills to mask your presence. He strides up the stairs, passing within a few feet of you, but miraculously he fails to notice you and continues without stopping. After wiping the sweat from your brow you continue down the stairs.

    Turn to 285.
    Nooo ci siamo persi questo bell'uomo!

    Da bambino mi faceva sempre ridere tantissimo sto disegno

    Quote Originally Posted by 285.
    Beyond the staircase lies a circular parapet which overlooks a huge, cavernous crater. It is filled with thousands of human slaves toiling with pick and shovel deep in the sulphurous heart of Torgar. Their bodies are filthy and covered with sweat despite a freezing wind, which howls in the depths like a hungry wolf. Drakkarim overseers urge them to greater effort, and the crack of their whips is answered by the slaves’ anguished cries of pain.

    Angered by what you have seen, you leave the parapet and enter a dimly lit passage that descends to a door of black steel. A twist of the handle reveals that it is locked.

    If you have a Black Key, turn to 80.

    If you have a Skeleton Key, turn to 219.

    If you possess neither of these Special Items, turn to 130.
    Abbiamo la stocazzo key!

    Quote Originally Posted by 130.
    You examine the lock and recognize its simple latch mechanism.

    If you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, turn to 328.

    If you possess a Dagger, turn to 142.

    If you possess neither this skill nor this Weapon, turn to 17.
    Abbiamo il Dagger of Vashna

    Vashna aveva predetto che sarebbe venuto questo giorno

    Quote Originally Posted by 142.
    It takes several minutes to pick the lock using your dagger, and in doing so you snap the tip off and ruin the blade: delete this Weapon from your Action Chart.

    The door opens on to a passageway lined with torches. Halfway along the left wall you see another door—a solid slab of iron broken only by a small, barred window. Silently you approach it and peer in through the grille.

    If you have visited the Danarg in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 260.

    If not, turn to 114.

    Arma mistica con infiniti poteri cosmici VS serratura = serratura WINS!

    Dite addio al Dagger of Vashna

    E siamo stati a Danarg...questo può vuole dire solo una cosa! Dietro la porta c'è lui...

    Quote Originally Posted by 114.
    Beyond the door you see a dank dungeon cell. A prisoner sits cross-legged on the cold stone floor, his head resting on his chest. The dark skin on his hands and arms is covered in tiny scars, and his plaited hair is matted with grime and dried blood. Wearily he raises his head and your pulse races as you recognize the face of Lord Paido, warrior-magician of Dessi.

    Turn to 278.

    Quote Originally Posted by 278.
    A key to the cell door hangs on a hook nearby. You grab it, twist it in the lock, and kick the heavy slab of metal. It creaks open and Paido rushes forward to embrace you.

    ‘Thank the gods you have found me, Lone Wolf,’ he says, his voice filled with emotion. ‘The Drakkarim said you were dead, that your body lay rotting in the Danarg, but I never once believed their lies.’

    Paido is overjoyed to hear that the Torgar Gate has fallen and that a battle is raging in the streets above.

    And when you inform him of your mission he replies with news that raises your hopes of success.

    Turn to 307.
    Ora non possiamo fallire

    Quote Originally Posted by 307.
    ‘I can help you, Lone Wolf,’ he says, his warrior pride restored by the thought of avenging his cruel imprisonment. ‘I know where the Lorestones are being held and I will take you there.’

    Turn to 88.
    ‘I can help you, Lone Wolf’

    Quote Originally Posted by 88.
    Stealthily you follow Paido through the dungeons of Torgar, using the shadows to avoid being seen. Ragged columns of slaves stumble along the passages, dragging their tortured, half-starved bodies to and from the work pits. They are beaten, cursed, and whipped relentlessly by their Drakkarim guards, who seem to delight in their suffering.

    Illustration V—Ragged columns of slaves stumble along the passages, beaten, cursed, and whipped by their Drakkarim guards.

    You emerge from a corridor into the shadows of a circular chamber, where a staircase ascends to a pair of huge triangular iron doors guarded by a squad of crack Drakkarim Death Knights. A tingling sensation electrifies your skin as your senses detect the presence of the Lorestones somewhere behind these doors. Suddenly an alarm bell fills the chamber with a deafening clangour; the Death Knights begin to descend the stairs and your stomach churns with the fear that you have been detected.

    If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 299.

    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 52.
    Abbiamo Divination!

    Quote Originally Posted by 299.
    The alarm bell signifies that the entrance to the tower is under attack. Adamas and his army have reached the centre of the city and are now fighting their way down into the dungeons in an attempt to free the slaves. The Death Knights are hurrying to their battle stations and they are unaware of your presence in this chamber.

    Turn to 136.
    Quindi ce ne sbattiamo dei prigionieri, giusto?

    Quote Originally Posted by 136.
    The Death Knights tramp past your hiding place and hurry out of the chamber. Paido breathes a sigh of relief as the sound of their heavy footfalls is quickly lost in the noise of the alarm bell; but only when you are sure you are alone do you leave your hiding place and approach the triangular doors.

    Turn to 230.

    Quote Originally Posted by 230.
    You pull a metal bar set into the wall and the huge lead-lined doors rumble open to reveal an incredible sight. Before you stands a domed chamber, its ceiling criss-crossed with gantries of rusted iron. At its centre is a circular black pit around which are gathered groups of ghoulish creatures clad in transparent robes and masks. Angled upwards from the floor are slender crystal rods that glow with green fire. They pour forth a constant stream of pencil-thin light which focuses at a point directly above the centre of the pit. Your eyes are drawn to this point, for here you can see the three remaining Lorestones of Nyxator, the objects of your quest, held suspended in a ball of flickering green flame.

    Illustration XIII—At the point where the rods meet, the Lorestones of Nyxator hang suspended.

    The harsh clang of the alarm bell, and the sudden sight of you silhouetted in the doorway, has startled the creatures. They slink away from the pit and escape through an archway, leaving you and Paido alone in the chamber.

    Turn to 100.
    Le Lorestone! Con Paido non possiamo failare!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 100.
    Cautiously you approach the edge of the pit and look down into its midnight depths. No light penetrates the blackness and no sounds can be heard in this seemingly bottomless abyss.

    Above you the Lorestones hang suspended in a ball of green flame, beyond reach from the ground but within a hand’s breadth of the gantries which criss-cross above the pit.

    If you wish to climb a gantry and attempt to retrieve the Lorestones from above, turn to 249.

    If you wish to examine the crystal rods, turn to 160.

    If you wish to search for a way of retrieving the Lorestones from below, turn to 201.
    Ok vittoria è a portata di mano! Sicuramente nulla andrà storto! Come procediamo ?

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Kai Mentora

    CS: 34 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +3 Weaponmastery, +1 Solaris, +1 Fire)

    EP: 39/39 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris, +3 Light, +2 Fire)

    Discipline Magnakai
    - Pathmanship
    - Invisibility
    - Huntmastery
    - Curing
    - Animal Control
    - Weaponmastery (Sword, Bow, Dagger, Spear, Mace, Axe)
    - Divination

    Circoli completati
    - Circle of Solaris (+1CS, +3EP)
    - Circle of Light (+3EP)
    - Circle of Fire (+1 CS, +2 EP)

    Weapons (2): Axe, Spear

    Backpack (8): Rope, Meal, Blanket, Meal, Meal, Meal, Meal

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Quiver (6), Psi-Ring, Fireseeds (3), Invitation

    Money (50): 50

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  13. #133
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Al mio ufficio piacciono i doppi post

    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  14. #134
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    controlliamo i cristalli

  15. #135
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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