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Thread: UO 2.0 ? Albion Online

  1. #31
    Crewman michetek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Io ci sto giocando , il farm e grind regna sovrano, ma le basi per fare un buon pvp full/partial loot ci sono tutte.
    Stile grafico molto bello, ma grafica penosa(potevano aggiungere almeno i filtri per la versione pc) interfaccia nuda e cruda , troppo grezza, dovrebbe essere il fulcro del gioco, ma han già detto che la miglioreranno a breve.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "Flame in your language chat since 2005"

  2. #32
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Jan 2004


    ci sto perdendo la salute ahahah
    TheLuk#2271 on
    Luk4s82 on Uplay
    LuK4s on Steam

  3. #33
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    reggio emilia


    Ok non fa per me grindare ore a caso

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk
    MMO History:
    EXTEEL - Finalyoko CLOSED
    DAOC USA - server Lancelot/Midgard - Whiteyoko(Healer)+Finalyoko(Berserker) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Deira/Midgard - Finalyoko(Savage) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Glastonbury/Hib - Finalyoko(Blademaster) SOLD
    FFXI - server Ragnarok - Finalyoko(Ninja/Warrior) CLOSED
    FFXI - server Fairy - Finalyoko(Warrior/Thief) CLOSED
    WOW EU - server Hakkar/Orda - Finalyoko(Shaman)+Karasu(Warlock) SELLING
    WAR EU - server Karak Azgal/Des - Finalyoko(Zealot)+Hellyoko(Black Orc) SOLD
    RF EU - server Fire - Finalyoko(Templar) CLOSED
    AION EU - server Perento/Asmo - Finalyoko(Cleric) SOLD
    GA - server xxx - Finalyoko(Medic)
    RIFT - server Whitefall - Finalyoko(Rogue) SELLING
    MOBA history
    HON beta tester
    LOL : teams = Predator Gaming - Made in Italy - Audere Semper
    DOTA2 beta tester
    GW2: Finalyoko Asura Guardian - server Gandara - GoodFellas
    MH: Finalyoko - Black Panther
    NOW ON HS : Finalyoko#2723 TEAM - Hearthstone Arena
    NOW ON BC : Finalyoko TROOP - WoW

  4. #34
    Crewman michetek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by finalyoko hellslayer View Post
    Ok non fa per me grindare ore a caso

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

    Si può far pvp già dal tier 3 , non sei 100%efficAce ma comunque fai male, per dirti 2 tier 3 tirano giù un tier 5 .
    Per raggiungere il tier tre ci metti 3 ore

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "Flame in your language chat since 2005"

  5. #35
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    Quote Originally Posted by michetek View Post
    Si può far pvp già dal tier 3 , non sei 100%efficAce ma comunque fai male, per dirti 2 tier 3 tirano giù un tier 5 .
    Per raggiungere il tier tre ci metti 3 ore

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I tier non cambiano poi tanto da un all'altro... lo fa' il piu' arma se ha spell aggiuntive/passive...
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  6. #36
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    io mi sa a sto punto aspetto il reset per provarlo, anche se mi avete incuriosito.

  7. #37
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    reggio emilia


    Il gioco mi interessa, sopratutto per la possibilità di utilizzarlo 1/2 tablet.
    Il discorso che non avrò il tempo di giocare tutte le sere TOT ore.
    Capiteranno momenti in cui riuscirò a nerdarmi , ma non sempre.
    è quello che interessa a me per la godibilità.

    Qualcuno lo ha testato su Tablet ??? Quale modello ? Come funziona? Sopratutto Android.
    Last edited by finalyoko hellslayer; 30th November 2015 at 13:29.
    MMO History:
    EXTEEL - Finalyoko CLOSED
    DAOC USA - server Lancelot/Midgard - Whiteyoko(Healer)+Finalyoko(Berserker) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Deira/Midgard - Finalyoko(Savage) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Glastonbury/Hib - Finalyoko(Blademaster) SOLD
    FFXI - server Ragnarok - Finalyoko(Ninja/Warrior) CLOSED
    FFXI - server Fairy - Finalyoko(Warrior/Thief) CLOSED
    WOW EU - server Hakkar/Orda - Finalyoko(Shaman)+Karasu(Warlock) SELLING
    WAR EU - server Karak Azgal/Des - Finalyoko(Zealot)+Hellyoko(Black Orc) SOLD
    RF EU - server Fire - Finalyoko(Templar) CLOSED
    AION EU - server Perento/Asmo - Finalyoko(Cleric) SOLD
    GA - server xxx - Finalyoko(Medic)
    RIFT - server Whitefall - Finalyoko(Rogue) SELLING
    MOBA history
    HON beta tester
    LOL : teams = Predator Gaming - Made in Italy - Audere Semper
    DOTA2 beta tester
    GW2: Finalyoko Asura Guardian - server Gandara - GoodFellas
    MH: Finalyoko - Black Panther
    NOW ON HS : Finalyoko#2723 TEAM - Hearthstone Arena
    NOW ON BC : Finalyoko TROOP - WoW

  8. #38
    Crewman michetek's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Sul tablet se vuoi farmare risorse funziona , appena entri in città lagga è ingiocabile, stessa cosa per il pvp

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "Flame in your language chat since 2005"

  9. #39
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    reggio emilia


    Quote Originally Posted by michetek View Post
    Sul tablet se vuoi farmare risorse funziona , appena entri in città lagga è ingiocabile, stessa cosa per il pvp

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Sarebbe già qualcosa.
    Anche se poi porca miseria che crossplatform è se su ios e android "lagga" ??? Spero nell'ottimizzazione ....
    MMO History:
    EXTEEL - Finalyoko CLOSED
    DAOC USA - server Lancelot/Midgard - Whiteyoko(Healer)+Finalyoko(Berserker) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Deira/Midgard - Finalyoko(Savage) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Glastonbury/Hib - Finalyoko(Blademaster) SOLD
    FFXI - server Ragnarok - Finalyoko(Ninja/Warrior) CLOSED
    FFXI - server Fairy - Finalyoko(Warrior/Thief) CLOSED
    WOW EU - server Hakkar/Orda - Finalyoko(Shaman)+Karasu(Warlock) SELLING
    WAR EU - server Karak Azgal/Des - Finalyoko(Zealot)+Hellyoko(Black Orc) SOLD
    RF EU - server Fire - Finalyoko(Templar) CLOSED
    AION EU - server Perento/Asmo - Finalyoko(Cleric) SOLD
    GA - server xxx - Finalyoko(Medic)
    RIFT - server Whitefall - Finalyoko(Rogue) SELLING
    MOBA history
    HON beta tester
    LOL : teams = Predator Gaming - Made in Italy - Audere Semper
    DOTA2 beta tester
    GW2: Finalyoko Asura Guardian - server Gandara - GoodFellas
    MH: Finalyoko - Black Panther
    NOW ON HS : Finalyoko#2723 TEAM - Hearthstone Arena
    NOW ON BC : Finalyoko TROOP - WoW

  10. #40
    Crewman michetek's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    Spero che non venga mai ottimizZato, sai che palle giocare con gente che fa pvp da tablet e crepa in continuazione perché lagga e missclika

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    "Flame in your language chat since 2005"

  11. #41
    Master Chief Petty Officer finalyoko hellslayer's Avatar
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    Dec 2008
    reggio emilia


    Quote Originally Posted by michetek View Post
    Spero che non venga mai ottimizZato, sai che palle giocare con gente che fa pvp da tablet e crepa in continuazione perché lagga e missclika

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    SE fosse ottimizzato non ci sarebbero di tali problemi , poi credo che da tablet nessuno si metta a fare pvp seriamente.... nel senso che da quanto letto e sentito necessita di una certa coordinazione fra i membri del team.
    Già poter farmare in tranquillità non sarebbe male
    MMO History:
    EXTEEL - Finalyoko CLOSED
    DAOC USA - server Lancelot/Midgard - Whiteyoko(Healer)+Finalyoko(Berserker) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Deira/Midgard - Finalyoko(Savage) SOLD
    DAOC EU - server Glastonbury/Hib - Finalyoko(Blademaster) SOLD
    FFXI - server Ragnarok - Finalyoko(Ninja/Warrior) CLOSED
    FFXI - server Fairy - Finalyoko(Warrior/Thief) CLOSED
    WOW EU - server Hakkar/Orda - Finalyoko(Shaman)+Karasu(Warlock) SELLING
    WAR EU - server Karak Azgal/Des - Finalyoko(Zealot)+Hellyoko(Black Orc) SOLD
    RF EU - server Fire - Finalyoko(Templar) CLOSED
    AION EU - server Perento/Asmo - Finalyoko(Cleric) SOLD
    GA - server xxx - Finalyoko(Medic)
    RIFT - server Whitefall - Finalyoko(Rogue) SELLING
    MOBA history
    HON beta tester
    LOL : teams = Predator Gaming - Made in Italy - Audere Semper
    DOTA2 beta tester
    GW2: Finalyoko Asura Guardian - server Gandara - GoodFellas
    MH: Finalyoko - Black Panther
    NOW ON HS : Finalyoko#2723 TEAM - Hearthstone Arena
    NOW ON BC : Finalyoko TROOP - WoW

  12. #42
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    ma gia' il fatto che finalmente hanno capito che devono fare 2 diverse UI per PC/MAC e per tablet e' cosa buona....

    tablet farmi mob/risorse in zone non rischiose (green/yellow) finche' stai seduto sul cesso a pensare al mistero della vita e se vuoi fare raid/pvp giochi da PC.
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  13. #43
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    la cosa mi sta intrippando <.<

  14. #44
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    il gioco merita e diro' di piu'.... non ho mai visto dei dev che seguono i feedback veramente tanto e sono sempre a chiacchierare in chat con chi gioca (discord)

    qui sotto alcune cose che verranno cambiate durante questa beta e nuove che verranno implementate:

    "Here is a few (though it is not sure if all of them will make it into the game)
    Conquerable open world buildings (Watchtowers, (a different kind of) castles)
    Significantly improved mission and quest system (don't worry, it won't try and copy a themepark game)
    "Gateways" (those will come during this beta, stay tuned. Don't want to share details right now)
    A significant upgrade to player cities, allowing more customization, upgrading of cities, etc
    Rankings / War scores for the PvP zones, potentially with some nice special rewards for those at the top
    A much deeper and reworked faction system, with fully reworked faction items that still rely on player crafting
    Market upgrade, with more detailed stats and price charts for the traders among you
    A PC optimized user interface, with lots of quality of life features
    News mobs, dungeons and biomes

    We will be posting a more detailed development roadmap soon."

    "I have an update regarding the charge system for fame and the related destiny board progression.

    After discussing the matter intensively today, we believe that we came up with a solution that combines the best of both worlds:
    The fame progression needs to be balanced on the assumption that the mobs that you kill have freshly respawned
    We want to keep the charge system in place also for fame, however, on the new balancing logic, extra fame would really act as a bonus and not a pseudo-requirement to unlock destiny board nodes.
    The reason to keep the charge system in place is that it rewards exploration / visiting less frequented areas and also makes sure that the player-base spreads out across the world, with is hugely important for our open world concept to work"

    "HI all,

    we are aware of the issues with healers at the moment, in particular, that the damage spells for PvE are far too weak

    They will get a strong buff very very soon.

    On top of this, when it comes to the other spells/abilities, we feel that the HoT on the nature staff is currently too weak and will also get a significant buff.

    Any feedback / input on other spells is much appreciated."

    "Our experience from the past is that if we change too many things at the same time, it is very hard to get reliable results - or you fix some problems, but others suddenly pop-up.

    For our next balance patch, we want to try the following changes:
    somewhat reduce the damage of AoE spells (based on our analysis, the perceived problems with AoE might actually come from too high base damage values and not so much from the scaling, which isn't actually that strong
    On top of that, have a close look on Meteor to see if an additional nerf is warranted
    somewhat reduce the power of focus fire protection -> this will help single target spells in larger group fights
    Our goal is to both types of spell: single target and AoE - to play meaningful and important roles in group combat, be it 5vs5 or 20vs20"

    "We will keep the 3 levels of cloth, leather and plate
    However, all plate armors will be aimed at tanks (similar to heavy now), all leather armors will be similar to the current medium armors and all cloth armors will be similar to the current light armors.
    The different levels of plate, leather and cloth armor will differ by their spells and stats, and support different versious of the respective role. For example, when it comes to the plate armor, it could be that the level 1 version would be made for a balanced tank, whereas level 2 would be more like an offensive tank and level 3 would be an extremely durable tank geared at absorbing and reflecting damage
    As a result, gathering, crafting and equipping armors will be aligned, so you can progess them in line with each other.
    Details will be shared at a later stage - it will take some time to get the rework done, but it will likely happen during beta"

    "I can confirm to you that the following UI features will be rolled out very soon:
    Bank stacks up to 999 resources for most items
    Repair All + Quick Salvage function (salvage all wouldn't be a great idea as you'd probably salvage your tools, too!)
    Tab targeting
    Move with right mouse button
    Option that allows you to disable gathering/looting in combat (so you don't accidentally click on the wrong stuff)
    Auto sort button for inventory
    Move items between inventory and bank/chest with shift-click"

    questi reply sono stati fatti ieri..... tra poco dovrebbero comunque far uscire una roadmap con tutti i cambi che verrano fatti o che sono in pipeline....
    so' che alcune cose di queste non interessano a chi non ci gioca ma almeno vi fate un'idea di come lavorano....
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  15. #45
    Lieutenant Commander Glorifindel's Avatar
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    Nov 2003


    Ok, in before the fail!

    Vediamo un po' com'è
    On Steam: Gildarts
    On Glorfurion#2394

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