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Thread: Problemi attuali: info da

  1. #1
    Lieutenant Commander Galandil's Avatar
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    Jan 2005

    Default Problemi attuali: info da

    This is the current status of the most important issues we're tracking with Guild Wars 2 live service.

    Account security - We're seeing an uptick in reports of account theft and attempted account theft. We believe hackers are using databases of email addresses and passwords stolen from other games and web sites, and pre-existing trojan horses, to search for matching Guild Wars 2 accounts which they attempt to compromise. To prevent this, we have temporarily disabled the "reset password" feature, and we're working to bring email authentication online. To protect yourself, please ensure that you use a unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you don't use for any other game, email account, forum or web account.

    Email authentication - Email authentication is a feature that notifies you if someone tries to log into your account from a location you've never logged in from before. Thus, even if someone guesses your game password, he can't log in unless he also guesses your email account password. You can make email authentication even more secure by using an email provider that supports two-factor authentication, such as Google or Yahoo, and taking advantage of that. We're currently preparing email authentication and intend to deploy it in a phased rollout, starting on Thursday, August 30.

    Parties, guilds, etc. - Parties, guilds, and other social features are periodically failing. This causes issues such as party members not appearing on the map, and party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps. This happens particularly during times of peak usage. We're working to fix related problems and mitigate this issue with each subsequent update.

    Worlds - Many worlds are filling up. We're keeping the number of worlds constrained so that worlds stay well populated even after the initial surge of high concurrency. However, we will add worlds as necessary. As of Wednesday, August 30, all German language worlds are full and all French language worlds are at high usage, so we're adding two new German language worlds and one new French language world.

    Overflow worlds - During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while many characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it's common for players to be directed to overflow maps. If you want to play with a friend, but you’re not on the same overflow map, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend's portrait in the party list and click "join". Note that this functionality is sometimes intermittently unavailable due to the "parties, guilds, etc." issues noted above.

    Trading Post - We're working to bring the Trading Post back online. To help test, we've temporarily made it available to a random 15% of players, while we work to resolve remaining capacity constraints that will allow us to open it to everyone.

    Edit: We have completed our live testing of the Trading Post for today and the Trading Post is now in maintenance for all players. Thank you everyone that participated; this test has helped us tremendously.

    In-game mail - We detected a potential abuse of the in-game mail system and have temporarily disabled in-game mail to prevent any such abuse. We'll reenable it soon, hopefully in tonight's update.

    Edit: The fact that in-game mail is disabled means that it's currently impossible for account hackers to loot stolen accounts, so we're going to leave it disabled for just a little while longer, while we work to ramp up email authentication.

    Botting - We'll start substantial banning of bots on Wednesday, August 29. Since we're currently seeing widespread casual, unsophisticated botting, we will start with 72-hour bans for first offenses. In the coming days, as we address the casual botting problem, we plan to switch to our normal policy of permanently banning anyone who runs a bot.

    Forums - Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.

    Next software updates - The next update of the game server and back-end server software will take place tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform the update. We expect this update to have fixes for email authentication and in-game mail. Our continued work on the Trading Post is not tied to game updates, so we will continue to test Trading Post updates throughout the day.

    La cosa + triste è stato il dover tirare giù il sistema di mail/scambi a causa di possibili abusi. In effetti pensandoci, la cosa meno peggio è che bimbiminkia/teste di cazzo potrebbe spammare un utente rendendogli la vita impossibile (magari con dei banali bot a macro fatti con autokey), per passare a ruberie + pesanti ecc.

    A riguardo del problema del join in: spesso non funziona ed è vero, MA, fate così, fino ad ora a me ha sempre funzionato - gruppate, tentate il join in, se non va, andate tutti assieme nel Mist, e poi tornate tutti assieme in PvE: il 95% delle volte funziona (a volte c'è bisogno di restare in party e sloggare/riloggare).

  2. #2
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    mah, che roba

  3. #3
    Mastrota de Youtube Drako's Avatar
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    Aug 2004


    avrebbero fatto meglio ad implementare un sistema di trade e lasciare le mail per le reward degli eventi.

  4. #4
    Warrant Officer Kadmillos's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Si ma una alternativa per passarsi oggetti c'è attualmente o si suka ?
    la mia nuova attività :

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    si suka.

  6. #6
    Warrant Officer Kadmillos's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Doh! Ieri in party abbiamo droppato una bella pistola verde (ovviamente all'elementalista) ed una bella staffa (ovviamente al thief) ..... pehhhhh che due coglions....
    la mia nuova attività :

  7. #7


    Comunque è incredibile, gioco uscito da 3 giorni e ci sono gia i bot, ieri ne ho beccato una marea farmando mob che uscivano da un evento di un gate asura

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Gramas's Avatar
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    Roma,Sotto la collinetta artificiale..


    non ricordo tanti bug nelle release degli mmorpg che ho giocato al day1 lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Arthu View Post
    E' incredibile quanta gente si sia reputata sempre al di sopra della media.
    Che strano se fossero tutti cosi al di sopra della media la media sarebbe piu alta.

  9. #9
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xangar View Post
    Comunque è incredibile, gioco uscito da 3 giorni e ci sono gia i bot, ieri ne ho beccato una marea farmando mob che uscivano da un evento di un gate asura
    Almeno a livello di gameplay in se e per se i bot non dovrebbero dare troppo fastidio, visto che gli eventi basta fare la propria parte per prendersi rating gold, e i nodi di risorse non sono sharati...
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  10. #10
    Lieutenant Commander Devon's Avatar
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    Jan 2004


    ma posso bestemmiare?

    Edit: The fact that in-game mail is disabled means that it's currently impossible for account hackers to loot stolen accounts, so we're going to leave it disabled for just a little while longer, while we work to ramp up email authentication.

    cosa cazzo stanno facendo?

  11. #11
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Prague, Chick Republic


    shagaz dovrebbero uppare stanotte la patch con l'email authentication
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  12. #12
    Warrant Officer Piola's Avatar
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    State dicendo che non riuscite ad entrare ingame vero? Non succede solo a me vero? Non va neanche l'Email Autentication per fare il login right?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarsil View Post
    Brutto puttaniere di un Lorigan... /CUT
    Ti ci immagino a sfrecciare per la costiera romagnola con quella bestia... e chissà perché ti ci immagino ubriaco e con una zoccola vicino

  13. #13
    Warrant Officer Kadmillos's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Cazzo anche ieri sra un tot di buoni drop ma andati a cazzo completamente, corpetti medium a chi porta fine , chain a me che porto medium, roba light a chi porta heavy... du coglioni perdio non poterseli scambiare... auction down percui craft praticamente fermo... bestemmie....

    @Gramas : Ci sono bug ma non è niente di devastante come ad esempio :

    a) Chain stun senza immunità di DAOC Vortigern Italia al via , piccolo bug andato avanti per na roba come 6 mesi
    b) Stealth Kill degli SB sempre su DAOC Vortigern Italia dal via andato avanti per 3 mesi
    c) Bug dei duplicati di D3 (ancora in parte presente)

    Direi che ogni MMOrpg ne ha avute.... no?
    Last edited by Kadmillos; 31st August 2012 at 11:09.
    la mia nuova attività :

  14. #14
    Zaider's Avatar
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    Jan 2004
    Nella pianura della nebbia..


    io per ora ho switchato a pvp per evitare rosik eccessivi

  15. #15
    Warrant Officer Piola's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Ma scusate hanno risolto il problema dell'autenticazione via Mail? A me non funziona mi dice bad request quando clicco il linki della mail PZ!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarsil View Post
    Brutto puttaniere di un Lorigan... /CUT
    Ti ci immagino a sfrecciare per la costiera romagnola con quella bestia... e chissà perché ti ci immagino ubriaco e con una zoccola vicino

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