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Thread: 1.78a che ne pensate? :)

  1. #1

    Default 1.78a che ne pensate? :)

    Dark Age of Camelot
    Test Version 1.78a Release Notes
    The Island, Agramon
    July 29, 2005



    - The Island is now live on Pendragon! Please log on Pendragon for further testing and would appreciate feedbacks on bugs those players may have cropped up with.

    - Agramon are accessed through the bridges by the following zones in the Frontier:

    - Albion - Pennine Mountains

    - Hibernia - Breifine

    - Midgard - Jamtland

    - There are three keeps similar to the Old Frontier on the territory of the Realm on Agramon.

    - The Milegates can be claimed by guilds that have captured. Each Commander with guards controls the Milegate.

    - Enemies of the Realms will not have access to pass through the Milegate by a different Realm, unless siege. The Realm that have control of a Milegate will have access to pass through.

    - Monster population are in place on Agramon, please report any emptiness you may have encountered, please also include /location when you find a spot you may think is too empty of a space in the report.

    - Have fun exploring Agramon!


    - Divine Intervention will no longer work in Frontier zones. With the adequate data, players with buffbot roaming in the Frontiers have proved imbalances where the ability offered no risk to the player that have access to Divine Intervention. Please note, this changes has not been affected in PvE epic zones.



    - Summoning Mastery ability will no longer work with charmed pets.


    - We have added in an immunity timer with the Forceful Zephyr ability. Shield stuns and Forceful Zephyr will now share the same immunity timer.


    - Essence Flare ability cast time has been increased to 10 seconds.



    - (Bug fix) The Fire and Forget Turrets can no longer be placed inside the enemy's keep regardless in the Frontier zones.


    - (Bug fix) We have located and addressed a bug that the frontal bolts were able to hit players through the walls of a keep or towers. Bainshee frontal spells will no longer go through walls of any kind. The frontal spells now requires line of sight of targets.

    - We have toned down the radius in the Whirring Spike's frontal spell line to 500.

    - With the collected data and demonstration the Bainshee has given us, their ablative armor and damage spells usage has overpowered their groups. To help mitigate this issue, we have reduced the damage for the following Spectral Force and Spectral Guard spell lines.

    - The following ablative armor spell lines have their values reduced.

    30 Audible Barrier - Buff: 25
    40 Tumultuous Barrier - Buff: 50
    50 Resounding Barrier - Buff: 75

    - The following damage spells from the Spectral Force has been reduced.

    4 Blaring Pain - Damage: 5
    7 Boisterous Pain - Damage: 15
    10 Shrill Pain - Damage: 30
    15 Ringing Pain - Damage: 47
    20 Blustering Pain - Damage: 78
    25 Clamoring Pain - Damage: 94
    29 Bellowing Pain - Damage: 103
    36 Roaring Pain - Damage: 120
    42 Wailing Pain - Damage: 145
    48 Shattering Pain - Damage: 179


    Heretics are able to have access to certain Realm Abilities that increases their damage capabilities too high, significantly overpowers them. The following Realm Abilities has been stripped from the class and has their Realm Points refunded.

    - Wild Power

    - Mastery of Magery.


    - Hibernia base class spell, Prismatic Flare line has been changed slightly. Players were able to stun their target and destroy them with no risk. To fix this issue, Hibernia casters will now be able to inflict 15% of their current damage delves to their target that is stunned. Casters will be able to regain 100% of their damage when the target is no longer stunned. Please note, Cleric's Stunning Flash line and Healer's Halt Aggression, Suspend Charge, Paralyzing Glance, and Paralyzing Glare lines are not affected by this change.


    - We have added in a new spell that cures the group that is mesmerized and stunned with a reuse of 30 seconds in the Chant line:

    50 - Crusader's Cleansing - Dispel mesmerize and stun.

    - Crusader's Cleansing can be casted while stunned or mesmerized.


    - We have added in a minimum range requirement for Scouts by 1350 range to draw their bow toward a target. Scouts were able to stun the target and draw their arrows toward them with no risk associated. Please note, Hunters and Rangers are not affected with this additional range requirement changes since they cannot specialize in Shields.

    - Scout's stealth will now cancel when they make an attempt to block an incoming attack.


    - Shadowblade's Left Axe damage should now scale through levels instead of specializing. This should help mitigate the issues on Shadowblades damage table after the Left Axe was adjusted.


    - We have added a spell in Odin's Will:

    50 - Tears of Valhalla, dispels the group of any kind of harmful spells every 5 minutes.

    - Tears of Valhalla can be casted while stunned or mesmerized.


    - We have placed a restriction on Vampiirs that will no longer gain power from a trivialized players or monsters. The minimum to get power are the green considered monsters or higher.

    - We have toned down the Vampiir stats. Vampiir's gaining stats through the levels has been reduced by 2.

    - The claws damage reuse timer has been increased by 8 seconds. The claw damage will no longer perform critical hit.

    - Vampiirs will not receive the Vampiir stat benefits for 2 minutes when entering or exiting Passage of Conflict.


    - (Bug fix) The spell, Greater Bolt of Death should now be working properly, previously casters with AF buff on can deter some of the damage. Warlocks should now see more damage when casting the spell.

    - We have added in changes the way Warlock's chambers look. Previously the chambers look identical on every chamber. Each chambers through Witchcraft, will now look different. This should help Warlocks identifying which chambers have been fired or not in use and hopefully reducing accidental reloading chambers during combat.

    - We have added in a Witchcraft baseline for the Warlock class with an illusion spells along with weak reverse proc version buffs.

    5 Illusion: Mygga - Buff: Reverse Proc: Disease.
    8 Illusion: Morvalt - Buff: Reverse Proc: Str/Dex debuff.
    15 Illusion: Skeleton - Buff: Reverse Proc: Poison
    24 Illusion: Zombie - Buff: Reverse Proc: Disease and Str/Dex debuff.
    37 Illusion: Goblin - Buff: Reverse Proc: Poison and Con/Qui debuff.
    42 Illusion: Werewolf - Buff: Reverse Proc: PBAoE Disease and Str/Dex debuff.
    50 Illusion: Arachite - Buff: Reverse Proc: PBAoE Poison and Con/Qui debuff.

    - The illusion spell line has a duration of 10 minutes. The illusion will dispel when the proc has fired.

    - Spell of Creeping line has been changed slightly, when Albion or Hibernia players are affected by the spell, the cast time and weapon styles delay are increased by 50%. Albion players will be turned into a frog, while Hibernia players will be turned to a badger if struck by the spell.



    - Caer Sidi

    Apocalypse has obtained a strange gem from a fallen Armsman adventurer. It has granted himself a greater new power and a curse. What has become of Apocalypse? What curse did the minions of Apocalypse speak of? Something far superior has risen in Caer Sidi and grasp in control of the Apocalypse himself. Adventurers are desired to check out what has become of Caer Sidi.

    - We have upgraded equipment drops from Caer Sidi with the quality of Trials of Atlantis. The older version of the equipment drops has been removed. Please note, the equipments will not have the quality similar to artifacts from the Trials of Atlantis.

    - The necromancer that once served the Apocalypse, is offering truces with the adventurers to rid of the new ruler in return, offering of strange gears adventurers has never seen.


    - Tur Suil

    Balor has obtained a scroll from a fallen Mentalist adventurer. Balor's power has grown beyond his achievements, with his new destructive powers, has brought many concerns to the adventurers to check out what becomes of Balor and strange happenings in Tur Suil.

    - The equipments have been upgraded in Tur Suil with the quality of Trials of Atlantis. The old equipments have been removed.

    - Former servants of Balor, located near Tur Suil are offering quests to rid of the master they no longer know.


    - Tuscaren Glacier

    King Tuscar and Queen Kula have discovered strange powers from Issorden. Tuscaren Scouts has discovered that Issorden has become far powerful when Issorden obtained a strange looking hammer from a fallen Thane adventurer. Issorden has assumed his own control and summoned his own army against the King Tuscaren himself. Minions of Tuscaren are offering a truce with the adventurers to overthrow Issorden retake Tuscaren Glacier in offering strange new equipments adventurers have never seen before.

    - The equipments in Tuscaren Glaicer have been upgraded in quality of Trials of Atlantis. Please note, quality of the Artifacts are not placed in those equipments.

    - The Tuscaren Scouts are offering truces and rewards with strange gears with the adventurers in questing to rid of Issorden.

  2. #2
    Master Chief Petty Officer IamRoland's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Schio (VI)


    - Divine Intervention will no longer work in Frontier zones. With the adequate data, players with buffbot roaming in the Frontiers have proved imbalances where the ability offered no risk to the player that have access to Divine Intervention. Please note, this changes has not been affected in PvE epic zones.
    .................................................. ......

  3. #3
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Juha Lightbringer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    io sono chiuso in bagno a "toccarmi" da quando ho letto della spell per il pala

    chi l ha provata, please posti!

    ps: non è un fake sto post vero?

  4. #4
    Senior Chief Petty Officer IrideL's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Roma ( + o - )


    fanculo ci speravo troppo
    Last edited by IrideL; 2nd August 2005 at 23:44.

  5. #5
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    E' un fake... posta link da CM altrimenti
    Last edited by NoeX; 2nd August 2005 at 21:20.

  6. #6
    Lieutenant Junior Grade
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Rome - Italy - Europe - Earth


    Raga è un fake...

    5 Illusion: Mygga - Buff: Reverse Proc: Disease.
    8 Illusion: Morvalt - Buff: Reverse Proc: Str/Dex debuff.
    15 Illusion: Skeleton - Buff: Reverse Proc: Poison
    24 Illusion: Zombie - Buff: Reverse Proc: Disease and Str/Dex debuff.
    37 Illusion: Goblin - Buff: Reverse Proc: Poison and Con/Qui debuff.
    42 Illusion: Werewolf - Buff: Reverse Proc: PBAoE Disease and Str/Dex debuff.
    50 Illusion: Arachite - Buff: Reverse Proc: PBAoE Poison and Con/Qui debuff.
    Notare i nomi degli spell.

    Poi sull'Araldo non c'è il minimo accenno di questa patch.

    DAoC USA : Slystonexx OutCast - Druid - Caerleon - Out of Duty - Back on: Slystownex Cleric - Slysz Healer - Slystonex Druid
    once on i50 Shard: Slyx the Sorcerer, Unicorn Knight or Sly the Druid, Gilded Spear or Slyze the (Aug) Healer, Elding Herra.
    On BF 2142 : Slyst0nex
    On BF 2 : FullMetalSly

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Hudlok's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004


    che sukata lo scout ... LOl

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander HaWk's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



  9. #9
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Juha Lightbringer's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    fake dunque?

    la magia del pala se ho capito bene doveva essere un istant rimuovi mezz e stun ( castabile anche se si è stunnati, un pala che se lo piglia a fare purge? ) con recast di 30 sec.

  10. #10


    l ho trovato qua non so se sia un fake o no voi che dite?

  11. #11
    Razj's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Juha Lightbringer
    fake dunque?

    la magia del pala se ho capito bene doveva essere un istant rimuovi mezz e stun ( castabile anche se si è stunnati, un pala che se lo piglia a fare purge? ) con recast di 30 sec.
    si e c'era la marmotta che confezionava la cioccolata

  12. #12


    si e un fake ho letto sotto il 1 post ci sono cascato , ma anche voi lol asd

  13. #13
    [-- Bannato --] PooLpe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004


    asdasdasd pd ... voglio che nerfinola merda di vampiir
    Still In My Bed With My Love

  14. #14
    Warrant Officer Pioggia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    no ti prego, fammi fare prima il 50, poi devo powwarmi un altro pg su lamorak e poi siamo apposto
    I Was
    Vortigern Hib: Pioggia Barda 7Lx
    Lancelot Hib: Pioggina Barda 8Lx
    Igraine Mid: Pioggia Healer 5Lx
    Gareth Hib: Pioggina Barda 7Lx
    FreeShard Genesis: Cabalism Cabalista

  15. #15
    Warrant Officer Lars's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Pendragon e' Down ... la patch sembra 1 bufala ...

    fatto sta che il Vampiir ( lo dice un Vampiir ) in soloing andrebbe fixato ( anche se per il soloing hanno tenuto il necro cosi' da che mondo e mondo )
    certo che per quanto mi riguarda il fix sarebbe pesantissimo PER ME sia per il mio chierico ( puntava molto su DI ) e sul Vampiir su Lamo ...

    insomma ... vedo giustissimo il fatto che non ciucci mana da un grigio ( succedeva la stessa cosa con il necro nelle prime patch ) ma per il resto ci andrei con calma ( fix e' una cosa , nerf un'altra)

    se e' cosi' la storia allora rerollo un prete su albion ( per l'ennesima volta albion ) , imo la classe + sgravata e sottovalutata del game e vediamo!!! ( vabbe non avro' 2600pf ma arrivo ad un absorb che il Vampiir me lo sukkia in tutti i sensi )
    Quote Originally Posted by Randolk View Post
    i giochi serii sono per gente triste.
    on BLACK DESERT : Lapo/Lontra

    on MARVEL HEROES : Lapotto
    on PATH OF EXILE : BaroneBirra - MARAUDER 2H MACE

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