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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XVI: The Legacy of Vashna

  1. #1
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Default [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XVI: The Legacy of Vashna


    Speriamo che gli eredi di Vashna non ci facciano causa perchè gli abbiamo spaccato il pugnale Nel mentre, LW è ritratto nuovamente dopo essersi tinto i capelli e mentre brandisce l'altra arma che l'ha reso famoso: l'ascia a due mani. Inoltre, i non morti in copertina potrebbero essere (o meno) Eddie di The Trooper.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blurb
    You are Lone Wolf—Kai Grand Master of Sommerlund. The spirit of Vashna, greatest of all the Darklords, is imprisoned deep within the fathomless reaches of the Maakengorge. For centuries, servants of darkness have tried to summon him to do their bidding but always they have failed…until now!

    In The Legacy of Vashna, you must locate and defeat the Darklord’s minions before they can complete the resurrection of their master—the most powerful Lord of Evil your world has ever known. Will you succeed in your quest? Or will you and your fragile world perish in the wrath of Vashna?
    Dopo aver sconfitto il Warlord Bombolo in The Darke Crusade...è ora di replicare le nostre gesta di libri passati, impedendo - di nuovo - la resurrezione di Vashna! E cerchiamo di non farci chiudere in delle cantine a sto giro!

    ************************************************** ************


    TL;DR: Vashna, gran visir di tutti di non morti, non vuole proprio stare morto. A sto giro, è il dio Naar a volerlo ressare.

    ************************************************** ************

    Ciò detto...Discipline Grand Master! In spoiler la lista completa: ne possiamo, come al solito, scegliere 1 nuova. Questo ci da anche un bonus di +1 CS e +2 EP indipendentemente dalla disciplina scelta!


    E ora...Upgrade Time! (in spoiler, quelli precedenti)

    Sun Lord

    If you are a Grand Master who has reached the rank of Sun Lord (7 Disciplines), you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

    Grand Weaponmastery
    Sun Lords with this Discipline are able to cause the metal edge of any non-magical weapon to ignite and burn fiercely. When a weapon thus affected is used in combat, it inflicts an additional 1 ENDURANCE point loss upon an enemy in every successful round of combat. This ability cannot be used with a wholly wooden weapon such as a quarterstaff.

    Sun Lords who possess this skill are able to cause the outline of their bodies to become blurred and indistinct. By so doing, they can greatly increase their chances of avoiding magical and/or non-magical missiles directed at them.

    Grand Huntmastery
    Kai Sun Lords with this skill are able to see, with acute accuracy, light in the infrared spectrum, i.e. they can see complex patterns generated by heat in near or total darkness. They can also see light in the ultraviolet spectrum.

    Sun Lords who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to launch a Kai-blast—a pulse of intense psychic energy which is capable of affecting both psychically active and inactive enemies. This form of psychic attack is very effective, more so than a usual Kai-surge, Psi-surge, or Mindblast. It can cause an enemy to lose between 2 and 18 ENDURANCE points in one attack. A Kai Sun Lord using Kai-blast determines the damage inflicted on an enemy by picking two numbers from the Random Number Table. These numbers should be added together (a ‘0’ = 1) and the resultant total equals the damage inflicted. However, use of a Kai-blast will reduce a Sun Lord’s ENDURANCE points total by 4. It cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of psychic attack.

    Sun Lords who possess this Discipline are able to alter their body weight in order to walk successfully upon different kinds of surfaces, e.g. water, mud, lava, and quicksand. Time duration and degree of surface difficulty increase as a Grand Master rises in rank.

    Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Lord are able to use the following battle-spells of the Elder Magi:
    Penetrate—This increases the penetrative energy of any Arrow or Arrow-like missile, launched by a Sun Lord.
    Energy Grasp—This spell enables a Sun Lord to discharge a powerful electrical force into anything he or she touches. It is similar in effect to the Brotherhood Spell Lightning Hand, but differs in that it is easier to control and channel the resulting energy. It also requires the actual touching of an object or an enemy to effect the spell.
    A voi la scelta!
    Last edited by Jesper; 6th May 2013 at 10:39.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  2. #2
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Animal Mastery

    Ogni tanto ce la chiede...


  3. #3
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Io direi che è giunto il tempo di diventare dei grandi figli di Telegnosta.

    Anche Grand Nexus è cazzo camminare sulla lava sembra così sburro.
    spamm is life.

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Io dico Telegnosi.

    Non avremo più paura dell'acqua!!

    (ovviamente nel momento del bisogno Dever se ne dimenticherà ed affogheremo come merde merdose pur avendo l'abilità di Gesùccristo )

  5. #5
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Apr 2006


    Figo! Abbiamo la vista infrarossi, diventiamo quasi PredatorWolf.

    Voto per telegnosis dai.

  6. #6
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    telegnagna anche x me ed andiamo a reclamare x la garanzia del pugnale

  7. #7
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Ok, prendiamo Telegnosis! E per l'Equip, solita storia (frecce, laumpspur e meal(s))!

    Qualche parola di saggezza da Joe...
    Quote Originally Posted by Grand Master’s Wisdom
    Northern Magador, which borders upon the Maakengorge, is a notoriously wild and treacherous region. Be wary and on your guard at all times, for you can expect little help from the outlaws and fell creatures who dwell in this area.

    Some of the things that you will encounter during your mission will be of use to you in this and future Lone Wolf books, while others may be red herrings of no real value at all. If you discover any items, be selective in what you choose to keep.

    Pick your Grand Master Disciplines with care, for a wise choice will enable any player to complete the mission, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE scores may be. Successful completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures, although an advantage, is not essential for the completion of this Grand Master adventure.

    May the light of Kai and Ishir be your guide as you venture into the unknown.

    For Sommerlund and the Kai!
    E si parte!

    Quote Originally Posted by 1.
    The hours leading up to your departure from the Kai Monastery are spent in the company of your able advisor, Lord Rimoah. Having discussed the mission at great length, you busy yourself now with the practical preparations for your long journey to Magador. He gives you a Scroll which contains a written invitation from President Kadharian to attend his senate to ‘discuss trade between Sommerlund and Magador’. It will provide a cover for you should the need arise to justify your journey. (Record this Scroll as a Special Item that does not take up any space on your Action Chart.) Also, in the interests of secrecy, you decide it best to discard your formal Kai robes in favour of less conspicuous garments, and you choose instead to wear the simple clothes of a guildsman—woollen breeches, leather tunic, and a cloak. Dressed thus, and aided by your innate Kai skills of Invisibility, you feel confident you will be able to travel the road to Helgor, the Magadorian capital, without drawing undue attention to yourself or your purpose.

    By horse, the journey to Helgor could be expected to take five weeks. Your initial thought had been to send word to your friend, Guildmaster Banedon, requesting that he allow you use of his magical skyship, Skyrider. However, on this occasion you will have to forego the speedy comfort of his wondrous craft, for Banedon is using it himself on a quest to the distant land of Bhanar in southern Magnamund, and he is not expected to return to Sommerlund before the year’s end.

    Your second choice was also to prove unsuitable. Having resigned yourself to a long journey on horseback, you immediately sent an order to the monastery stables for your horse, Storm, to be saddled and made ready. This fine Slovarian stallion had been a gift to you from Elector Manatine of Palmyrion, in gratitude for the crucial part you played in the victory over the evil Cener Druids of Ruel. His strength, intelligence, and indomitable spirit had reminded you so much of your old Kai tutor—Storm Hawk—that you chose to name the horse Storm in his memory. But, as Rimoah quickly pointed out, such a magnificent horse would be sure to attract suspicion, especially if it was ridden by what appeared to be a humble guildsman. And so, albeit reluctantly, you had the stables prepare you another horse, a strong but less exceptional mount called Bracer.

    Turn to 105.
    Quote Originally Posted by 105.
    The journey to Helgor takes you south to the City-state of Casiorn, and then west to the Lyrisian capital of Varetta—a road you once travelled several years ago during your Magnakai quest. In the main, your ride is peaceably uneventful. By choice you keep to yourself and avoid staying too long in any one place. It is not until you reach Vakovar that the uncertain politics of this region give cause for concern. This squalid, lawless city is home to some of the Stornlands’ most notorious criminals and robber-barons. It is common knowledge that travellers who value their wealth and health wisely avoid Vakovar whenever possible. Forewarned by these rumours you choose not to dwell here, but ride swiftly through the city and press on to Helgor. Yet while you are within the city walls of Vakovar no less than a dozen separate attempts are made to relieve you of your money pouch and horse. There are no witnesses to these attacks, which is just as well, for when you ride out of Vakovar you leave a score of dead robbers littering the cobblestones.

    It is early evening when you eventually crest a hill and catch your first disappointing glimpse of Helgor. It is a damp and unwholesome-looking city, ringed by a rampart of mouldering rubble, the remains of a curtain wall which was destroyed during the war against the Darklords. Through the many gaps in this rampart you can see the thick fog that swirls through Helgor’s brick streets and crooked, filthy alleys. At first sight it seems that the Magadorian capital is little more than a beggar-city, a vast hotchpotch of slums and hovels, but as you ride nearer you notice several grand towers piercing the rolling grey mist.

    The main approach to Helgor is patrolled by presidential guards, heavily armed with crossbows and spears, who are checking everyone attempting to enter by road. They are dressed in flamboyant tunics of green, scarlet, and black calf hide, which seem too lavish for the garrison of such a squalid city. When asked your business, you show them the scroll given to you by Rimoah. They are impressed by the invitation and insist that an armed escort be provided to take you directly to the President’s palace. After your experience at Vakovar you welcome their offer.

    Despite the overwhelming squalor of Helgor’s dingy tenements and streets, you were expecting the President’s palace to be the exception. To your disappointment, it turns out to be little more than a fortified chateau situated at the centre of the city, atop a hill known as the Vanagrom Knoll. You are welcomed into the palace’s senate hall by an official called Stepona, a dour man who looks older than his thirty years. He sees to it that your horse is stabled, and that you are given refreshments while you await your audience with the President. An hour passes before the doors to the senate hall swing open and, without formal announcement, in strides President Kadharian of Magador.

    If you have ever visited the city of Aarnak in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 315.

    If you have never been to Aarnak, turn to 202.
    Si, eravamo dai Darklord...e in quella città abbiamo incontrato il nostro doppiogiochista di fiducia! E una volta tanto, faceva il doppio gioco PER noi!

    Quote Originally Posted by 315.
    Immediately you recognize the tall, muscular man who stands before you now; he was once known as the Slavemaster of Aarnak. He was an agent of the Elder Magi based in the Darklands who, seven years earlier, helped you to enter the dread city of Helgedad and bring about the downfall of the Darklords. Now he is known by a different name—President Kadharian of Magador.

    ‘Welcome, Grand Master,’ he says, smiling warmly. ‘It seems we have both come a long way since our last meeting.’

    The President is amused by your expression of surprise and offers an explanation of how he came to be leader of this rough republic. After the fall of Helgedad, the Elder Magi arranged for his safe passage to the Stornlands where he was granted a command in the army of Lyris. He distinguished himself in battle and later, once the remains of the Darkland armies had been vanquished, he returned to his native Magador and led an uprising against King Vanagrom VI, who had long been a puppet of the Darklords. The revolt ended with the King’s death and the abolition of the monarchy. Magador became a republic and the Slavemaster, whose given name was Kadharian, became its first elected leader.

    ‘And now to the reasons why I have requested your help, Grand Master,’ he says, as he pushes open the door to a smaller room which adjoins the senate hall.

    Turn to 100.
    Quote Originally Posted by 100.
    You follow the President into the chamber, your footsteps echoing as you walk across the mosaic marble floor. At the far end of the room a wiry wolfhound lies snoozing in front of a log fire which is crackling in an iron grate. The flames illuminate the chamber with a warm glow, casting flickering shadows across countless shelves stacked with thick rolls of parchment and papyrus. At the centre there stands a large table heaped with sand. The sand has been shaped to depict the topography of Magador, its towns, cities, mountains, hills, and rivers. The attention to detail is most impressive.

    ‘Somewhere, here, I fear there is a great evil at work,’ says Kadharian, pointing to a section of the table which depicts the territory north of Lake Vorndarol, an area uncomfortably close to the deep furrow which represents the Maakengorge.

    ‘Three moons ago, the lakeside hamlet of Vorn was reportedly destroyed by an unnatural storm, the first of many that have continuously swept the region. I dispatched a troop of my guards to investigate but they never returned. Since then, a second troop has also disappeared without trace.’

    ‘But what makes you think that a plot to resurrect Vashna is afoot?’ you reply, trying not to sound overly sceptical. ‘With due respect, President, this is a notorious region infested with renegades and brigands. There may be a far simpler explanation for the destruction of Vorn and the disappearance of your troops.’

    ‘Aye, ’tis so,’ retorts Kadharian. ‘At first, I too made the same assumption. But then I came into the possession of something which made me believe otherwise.’

    From a leather pouch hanging from his sword belt, Kadharian takes an item which is neatly wrapped in a square of patterned silk.

    ‘Here, Grand Master,’ he says, offering it to you, ‘I’ll let you draw your own conclusions from this.’

    Turn to 133.
    E' chiaramente un'action figure di Paido nudo incaprettato

    Quote Originally Posted by 133.
    You accept the package and carefully unfold its silken wrapper to reveal an amulet, oblong in shape, strung upon a length of crude twine. It has been carved from coal-black stone, flecked with grains of metal, which sparkle in the firelight.

    ‘Where was this found?’ you ask.

    ‘In the ruins of Vorn,’ replies Kadharian, ominously.

    If you possess the Discipline of Telegnosis and have reached the Kai rank of Sun Knight or higher, turn to 262.

    If you do not possess this Discipline or have yet to reach this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 49.
    Ebbene si!

    Quote Originally Posted by 262.
    Closer examination of the amulet reveals a wealth of detailed engravings which depict a chilling scene. They portray clearly the rising of Darklord Vashna and his minions from the depths of the Maakengorge. Your Kai skill reveals to you that this amulet once possessed a powerful charge that could have killed anyone who touched it. That charge is spent, but you can still detect the faint, lingering aura of the evil being who crafted this artefact.

    Turn to 238.
    Beh, lo sapevamo gia dal Blurb del libro <.<

    Quote Originally Posted by 238.
    ‘Who found this amulet?’ you ask.

    ‘A rogue, one who goes by the name of Smudd,’ answers Kadharian. ‘A patrol found him in the mountains close by the River Storn a few days after the second troop went missing. When he couldn’t give a good reason for being there, they arrested him and brought him back to Helgor for questioning.’

    Kadharian’s emphasis on the word ‘questioning’ leaves you in no doubt that Smudd’s interrogation probably involved some degree of torture.

    ‘Where is he now?’ you ask. ‘I’d like to, er, question him myself.’

    ‘He’s in Helgor. He stays at the Crooked Sage, an inn in the north quarter of the city. I’d willingly send a detachment of Palace Guards to fetch him here but that quarter of Helgor is rife with villains. Word would be sure to get out and he’d go to ground. My men would never find him. No, I’m afraid the only likely way you’ll get to speak to Smudd is by going to the Crooked Sage in person.’

    ‘Very well, President,’ you reply, ‘then that is exactly what I shall do.’

    Turn to 84.
    Pensare che sti tizi hanno una repubblica su magnamund è mindblowing <.<

    Quote Originally Posted by 84.
    ‘Do you mind if I keep this?’ you ask, motioning to the amulet.

    ‘I’ve no objection,’ replies Kadharian. ‘I hope it helps you to discover what is truly going on in the north.’

    Carefully you re-wrap the talisman and slip it into the pocket of your tunic (record this Black Amulet as a Special Item on your Action Chart—you need not discard another item in its favour if you already possess the maximum allowed). Then, after a meal and a soothingly hot bath, you bid farewell to the President and take your leave of the palace by way of the stables.

    Illustration V—A dishevelled fat man with a yellow-streaked beard.

    Night has thickened the blanket of mist which lines the narrow streets and alleys of Helgor. Guided by your Kai instincts, you set off northwards, but soon you have cause to regret not having thought of asking Kadharian for directions to the Crooked Sage Inn. Helgor is an old city and its chaotic streets follow no logical plan. After several wrong turns you come upon a square where the vanes of a rotting signpost point to three exits. Slumped at its base there sits a dishevelled fat man with a yellow-streaked beard, who is gulping mouthfuls of cheap ale from a filthy stone pitcher. You attempt to use your Kai Pathsmanship skill to read the signpost but with no success—it is completely illegible.

    If you wish to leave the square by the north exit, turn to 16.

    If you wish to leave the square by the east exit, turn to 332.

    If you wish to leave the square by the west exit, turn to 161.

    If you decide to ask the fat man for directions to the Crooked Sage Inn, turn to 287.
    Un sacco di opzioni! Che si fa ?

    PS: ecco la mappa. I baffi dello Slavemaster son quasi meglio di quelli di Prarg

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Sun Lord

    CS: 42 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +4 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +3 Levelup)
    --> 46 (con +4 Mindblast)
    --> 50 (con +8 Kai-Surge)

    EP: 44/44 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +6 Levelup)

    Discipline Grand Master
    - Grand Huntmastery
    - Grand Pathmanship
    - Kai-Alchemy
    - Kai-Surge
    - Kai-Screen
    - Magi-Magic
    - Telegnosis

    Weapons (2): Dagger, Scarlet Warrior's Sword

    Backpack (8): Rope, Adgana (LA DROGGA +6CS, su roll di 0 o 1 diventiamo dipendenti e perdiamo 4 EP permanentemente), Signet Ring, Brass Key, Meal, Meal, Laumpspur (cura 4 EP), Wine

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Helshezag (+5 CS, +7CS vs Darklords; al secondo round riduce permanentemente gli EP di 1), Statuette of Zagarna, Green Key, Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali)
    [Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith

    Money (50): 37 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 20 Lune (4=1C)

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    - Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
    - 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
    - Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
    ************************************************** ******
    Last edited by Jesper; 6th May 2013 at 15:29.
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    Chiediamo a ciccio pasticcio!

  9. #9
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    München - Vicenza


    chiediamo a ciccio magari sarà il nostro nuovo compagnio di avventura

  10. #10
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Beh se dobiamo chiedere indicazioni per una locanda chi meglio di sto trippone beone potrà darcele? (cmq sarà a W ovviamente )
    spamm is life.

  11. #11
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by 287.
    The drunkard gives a lopsided grin and wipes his greasy mouth with the back of his hand before replying to your question.

    ‘F’ sure I know where be the Crooked Sage. Fine ale to be had there, if only I was moneyed enough to afford it. I’ll tell you where it is for a small payment…say, ten Gold Crowns?’

    If you wish to pay the drunkard for this information, erase 10 Gold Crowns from your Action Chart and turn to 62.

    If you refuse to pay such a high price, turn to 185.
    Sto beone vuole fare fortuna alle nostre spalle Che si fa ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  12. #12
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    10 corone? Questo per una info ci chiede il prezzo di una spada a 2 mani... Se non fossi convinto che Dever gli ha affidato un ruolo chiave nell'avventura la sua testa adornerebbe l'ingresso della taverna che cechiamo dopo averlo spregiato e suonato ai campanelli per farsi dare l'indicazione, quindi si, paghiamo l'obolo al grassone di merda con estrema riluttanza... 185


  13. #13
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Dei soldi non ce en facciamo un tubo ma 10g per un'info sono una ladrata che andrebbe lavata col sangue.

    Andiamocene al 185 e che ringrazi se ha ancora entrambe le mani.
    spamm is life.

  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander Defender's Avatar
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    "se dai 10 monete d'oro a sto ciccione dimmerda io ti sparo per principio!" (semicit.)

    Col cazzo, che muoia di stenti, figurati se un ubbah mastah Kai con grand pathfinding, sesti sensi, telegnocca, cazziemmazzi vari si deve ridurre a foraggiare st'impunito per trovare una bettola...

    185, sputandogli in da face!

  15. #15
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    ero convinto chiedesse soldi ma non così tanti ahahah boh facciamo i genovesi e andiamo 185

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