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Thread: descrizione delle nuove classi

  1. #1

    Default descrizione delle nuove classi

    (raccolte da gamespy)
    The Zealot

    Albion's single new character class is the zealot, an evil cleric of sorts. Zealots originate as standard acolytes in the Church of Albion, but find their way to the dark side and convert into followers of Arawn, lord of the underworld. Zealots wear cloth armor and use flexible weapons, and can make use of fighting styles, combining spell focus effects with their attacks for high damage potential. Their initial rejuvenation spell line is turned into Hellsfire once the class conversion is made, adding direct damage spells to their healing capabilities. Their other specialization line is a series of buffs that fall under the title of "Demonic Attrition."

    The Warlock

    Midgard players will likely be quite excited at the potential offered by the newly introduced warlock character class. Warlocks have access to three spec lines: cursing, hexing, and witchcraft. Curses are primary spells, hexes are secondary, and witchcraft falls under utility spells. Warlocks also follow a different set of rules than other casters, and bring new game mechanics to the table.

    Whenever any primary spell is cast, Warlocks can combine it with any secondary spell for no power cost, essentially creating a free spell combo.
    All primary warlock spells take four seconds to cast, regardless of dexterity.
    Secondary spells can never be cast on their own.
    The utility line of magic allows for chambering spells and casting with other spell modifiers, such as greatly extended range.

    Primary spells encompass bolts, direct damage, roots, and heals. Secondary spells include lifetaps, damage over time, snares, spread heals, point blank area-of-effect spells, power regeneration, and nearsight. Utility magic allows for chambering spells, up to five total, and the casting of primers, or modified secondary spells.

    The Valkyrie

    Midgard's special female-only class is the valkyrie, a class that has been in popular demand since the game's original release. What makes this fighter-mage hybrid class special is its cone-shaped area attacks. Valkyries were designed to cut a swathe into the center of enemy forces, and let loose with these cone-shaped attacks, be they direct damage, cone snares, or dex quick shears or acuity shears. Valkyries, who draw their power from Odin himself, will also be able to resurrect the dead, thanks to their Call from Valhalla. Valkyries utilize swords, shields, and spears, and will have three or four unique fighting styles to specialize in.

    The Vampiir

    Hibernia's new character classes draw from the realm of the unliving, beginning with this half-vampire. At their core, these characters are a leather-wearing fighter class that make use of a piercing weapon, specifically the rapier, in its right hand. Vampiirs dual-wield, in a sense, because their left hand is a weapon all its own, used to cast their own form of magic. A Vampiir's magic doesn't draw from a standard power pool like other casters, and is instead fed by the blood of enemies (gained in combat, of course). This character design should be highly familiar to anyone who has read Michael Moorcock's stories of Elric of Melniboné or watched the seminal Vampire Hunter D anime films. Vampiir magic comes in the form of attacks, self buffs, and crowd control. Empty reserves can be gained with an initial ranged attack, but Vampiirs will mostly have to earn their spell energy through melee.

    The Banshee

    The final character class being introduced in the Catacombs expansion is the wailing banshee of mythological fame. The banshee is a cloth-wearing caster class whose magic is sound-oriented. In practice, these screams take the form of point blank area-of-effect spells. Different screams will yield different results, some of which have not been seen before in other class types. One type of moan, for instance, is a call to befriend, which turns otherwise neutral monsters into realm guards, who will come to the aid of the banshee when faced with invading forces. Another banshee shriek works as a fear spell of sorts, forcing all enemies to move away and out of her eardrum-piercing range. Banshees can also target their screams from a considerable distance for some effects, being able to inflict a form of nearsight on archers from afar if the situation warrants.

  2. #2
    Chief Petty Officer Darath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowcleaver
    The Vampiir
    A Vampiir's magic doesn't draw from a standard power pool like other casters, and is instead fed by the blood of enemies (gained in combat, of course). This character design should be highly familiar to anyone who has read Michael Moorcock's stories of Elric of Melniboné

    nota er chi non ha letto elric di melnibone': elric era un mago gueriero potentissimo nella sua arte ma fisicamente debolissimo che aveva bisogno di droghe per sostenersi in combattimento. Durante una sua avventura trova una spada (oddio termine riduttivo): Tempestosa, che mentre combatte assorbe le anime dei nemici e trasferisce potere a elric che cosi diventa piu potente mano a mano che uccide.

  3. #3
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Darath

    nota er chi non ha letto elric di melnibone': elric era un mago gueriero potentissimo nella sua arte ma fisicamente debolissimo che aveva bisogno di droghe per sostenersi in combattimento. Durante una sua avventura trova una spada (oddio termine riduttivo): Tempestosa, che mentre combatte assorbe le anime dei nemici e trasferisce potere a elric che cosi diventa piu potente mano a mano che uccide.

    Mi pare LA classe di keldorn....

  4. #4
    Chief Petty Officer Earenia's Avatar
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    Uhm sembrano carine, ma tutte queste nuove meccaniche di gioco introdotte.. mi viene tanto in mente quando usci' il Necromancer..

  5. #5
    Lieutenant Commander Faramjr's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Petty Officer 1st Class ScorpionRa's Avatar
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    The Vampiir

    Hibernia's new character classes draw from the realm of the unliving, beginning with this half-vampire. At their core, these characters are a leather-wearing fighter class that make use of a piercing weapon, specifically the rapier, in its right hand. Vampiirs dual-wield, in a sense, because their left hand is a weapon all its own, used to cast their own form of magic. A Vampiir's magic doesn't draw from a standard power pool like other casters, and is instead fed by the blood of enemies (gained in combat, of course). This character design should be highly familiar to anyone who has read Michael Moorcock's stories of Elric of Melniboné or watched the seminal Vampire Hunter D anime films. Vampiir magic comes in the form of attacks, self buffs, and crowd control. Empty reserves can be gained with an initial ranged attack, but Vampiirs will mostly have to earn their spell energy through melee.

    The Banshee

    The final character class being introduced in the Catacombs expansion is the wailing banshee of mythological fame. The banshee is a cloth-wearing caster class whose magic is sound-oriented. In practice, these screams take the form of point blank area-of-effect spells. Different screams will yield different results, some of which have not been seen before in other class types. One type of moan, for instance, is a call to befriend, which turns otherwise neutral monsters into realm guards, who will come to the aid of the banshee when faced with invading forces. Another banshee shriek works as a fear spell of sorts, forcing all enemies to move away and out of her eardrum-piercing range. Banshees can also target their screams from a considerable distance for some effects, being able to inflict a form of nearsight on archers from afar if the situation warrants.

    Non è morto ciò che in eterno può attendere.
    E con il passare di strane ere anche la morte muore.

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander Brendoh's Avatar
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    ha importanza?


    Quote Originally Posted by ScorpionRa
    già capito!!!!

  8. #8
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darath

    nota er chi non ha letto elric di melnibone': elric era un mago gueriero potentissimo nella sua arte ma fisicamente debolissimo che aveva bisogno di droghe per sostenersi in combattimento. Durante una sua avventura trova una spada (oddio termine riduttivo): Tempestosa, che mentre combatte assorbe le anime dei nemici e trasferisce potere a elric che cosi diventa piu potente mano a mano che uccide.
    Darath lascia perdere il PM...... ho appena riletto + attentamente il primo post e mi sono accorto che l'autore delle storie era già citato....... Va beh sono LAMMAH dentro
    Unicorno nero (Vortigen) sempre e ovunque!
    ma soprattutto sono lammah dentro sempre e ovunque!

    PG che sarà sempre nel mio cuore:
    Hyperion IlCinquantaPuoAspettare Paladino di 47 liv ormai in pensione su Vortirgen .

  9. #9
    Lieutenant Commander Pazzo's Avatar
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    mio dio che figata il vampir, mi toccherà farmene uno cmq anche se sarà una pezza, mi intrippa troppo

  10. #10
    Petty Officer 2nd Class tubularbells's Avatar
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    Uppp per Hyperion sul fatto che sia lammah

    sono davvero ansioso di crearmi un vampiro, credo sia molto simpatico da interpretare anche se non si consocono ancora stili/abilità ecc

    Quote Originally Posted by Tunnel
    è smoker il grafico, poi c'è jarsil che gestisce la parte tecnica e uein che si spippettola con i pornini.
    Quote Originally Posted by kraus
    al tuo teurgo danno un nuovo pet:
    Naples Pet: quando il pet viene summonato attacac il nemico piu vicino rubandogli soldi, armor e resettandogli le ML a 0, SPECIAL ABILITY: Blood of S.Genanro, ogni nemico killato dal pet rimane in uno stato di grazia per 20 min divenendo schiavo di Luceen e girando per la frontiera cercando motorini/autoradio da rubare

  11. #11
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Keldorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladro di anime
    Mi pare LA classe di keldorn....
    LoL perchè io ?^^

    Cmq l'unica classe che sembra scialba è lo Zealot.. le altre sono , almeno sulla carta, molto intriganti.

  12. #12
    Petty Officer 3rd Class angosha's Avatar
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    Dunque sia Mid che Hib avranno una classe a range aggiuntivo per contrastare gli arcieri, possiamo considerare questo un nerf agli arcieri ed agli scout in particolare, vedremo sul campo quanto sarà sostanziale...

    Al momento sembra che le nuove classi siano tutte interessanti, potrebbero essere sgravate o no, vedremo.
    Angosh - Celt ValeWalker - The BrotherHood - Merlin Hibernia
    Angosha - Norse Skald - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Valkyn Huntress - Da Horde - Igraine Midgard
    Angoscia - Briton Infiltrator - Ceridwen Albion
    Rosaspina - Celt Warden - Vortigern Hibernia

  13. #13
    Warrant Officer Ladro di anime's Avatar
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    Apr 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Keldorn
    LoL perchè io ?^^

    Cmq l'unica classe che sembra scialba è lo Zealot.. le altre sono , almeno sulla carta, molto intriganti.

    Vino .... sangue .... siamo la ....

  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    voglio la banshee è_é
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  15. #15
    Petty Officer 1st Class Llaydee's Avatar
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    Secondo me saranno talmente pompate queste classi che porteranno solo problemi per i 10 mesi successivi l'uscita di cathacombs.

    Quando Chuck Norris bestemmia, Dio compie delle metamorfosi per non contraddirlo.
    Quando Dio disse "sia fatta la luce", Chuck Norris disse "chiedi per piacere".

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