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Thread: Sempre piu' assurdamente bella questa espansione... GO IN!!!

  1. #1

    Default Sempre piu' assurdamente bella questa espansione... GO IN!!!

    Nuove notizie ufficiali e screen dall E3, scusate se non traduco ma la maggior parte di noi gioca in usa e penso si raccapezzi alla meglio, se qualcuno riesce fa una cortesia alla comunità:

    The story concerns the demons from the multi-realm dungeon Darkness Falls rising up and threatening the realms. The kings from each of the realms appear and players may gain an audience with their king. Through this players will embark upon the champion quests, which consist of five levels and grant players some extra abilities. Upon achieving each champion level, a player gains a champion point that he may spend at a base trainer for a mid-level skill. A 50 hero, for example, may visit a caster trainer and gain a level 15-20 spell. Champion points are achieved through regular combat, so level 50 players have a new incentive to engage in PvE combat. RvR combat will increase champion experience as well.

    Players who successfully complete the five champion levels will have access to the champion epic weapon. These weapons are tailored to each class and are more powerful than the artifact weapons from Trials of Atlantis for that reason. Another advantage they have is that they will be fully repairable. Each will have a distinct special effect that will be noticeable on the RvR battlefield. Bales showed a warrior wielding a large glowing sword. When the similarity between it and the trademark blade for Imperator were pointed out, Bales grinned at the notion that it might be a bit of subliminal advertising for Mythic’s upcoming Roman-themed game. Regardless, the champion epics look great and will surely be highly sought after.

    Another big addition is that of personal mounts. The players of Camelot have long desired their own mounts, and Darkness Rising will include them. Players will have to complete a task and spend a bit of money, but then they will have the ability to customize their steed with barding, armor, and other adornments. The mount may also have a saddlebag, giving players an addition inventory space for carrying siege gear into RvR battle or just toting around additional loot. Horses will not be killable, but players will be able to knock other players off their mounts. This begs the obvious question: Will there be in-game jousts? Bales laughed and said, “not in this release.” However, in true Mythic fashion, the door to this and other options is ever open.

    Finally, as the expansion’s story takes place in Darkness Falls, the dungeon will be getting a facelift. All new graphics will adorn the halls of DF, and Legion, the big baddie of the dungeon, looks even more menacing.

    The expansion is planned for release by the end of 2005. A press release is planned for the first of next week, so keep your eyes here for more information. To learn more about Dark Age of Camelot, visit the official site at>>

    <The Avatars>
    On Midgard Mlf Alexdragon PendraSpirit Skald 7L3 ML10
    On Merlin Hibernia Alexdragon TheIronWall Warden 8L3 ML10
    On Glastonbury Midgard Alexdragon StunMezBooM Healer
    <Realm Hunters>
    On Excalibur Hirbernia Alexdragonz Blademaster

  2. #2
    Petty Officer 3rd Class DuranD The Crazy Bard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    altri "master level"?
    Quando il gioco si fa duro... I duri iniziano a giocare....
    Now on Goa Classic
    On Lancelot server:
    Durand ZergHunter Celt Bard 9L7
    - Sleeping
    Durandina Saracen Sorcress 5L1- Sleeping

  3. #3
    Lieutenant Commander Brendoh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ha importanza?


    Quote Originally Posted by alexdragon
    . A 50 hero, for example, may visit a caster trainer and gain a level 15-20 spell. Champion points are achieved through regular combat, so level 50 players have a new incentive to engage in PvE combat. RvR combat will increase champion experience as well.

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Junior Grade Dictator's Avatar
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    Nov 2004


    ioioio mi posso prendere mezz istant di skald sul warrior? >_<
    Now on Diablo III @ Dictator#2395


  5. #5

    NO CC E PETS sicuramente, anzi dicono che stanno rivalutando tutti gli spell base proprio per espansione.

    <The Avatars>
    On Midgard Mlf Alexdragon PendraSpirit Skald 7L3 ML10
    On Merlin Hibernia Alexdragon TheIronWall Warden 8L3 ML10
    On Glastonbury Midgard Alexdragon StunMezBooM Healer
    <Realm Hunters>
    On Excalibur Hirbernia Alexdragonz Blademaster

  6. #6


    le abilita' sono predeterminate .. le decidono loro per ogni combinazione di classe / sottoclasse

    eg: se un tank decide di spendere champion point nelle linea di un caster ogni volta si prende lo spell che han deciso alla mythic (tipo uno sgravatissimo bladeturn singolo )

    interessanti anche le novità ante-espansione:

    Patch 1.76

    The focus for this patch is guilds.

    Guild Merit System
    A guild can earn points for the achievements of its members. Some examples of what would earn points for the guild include a member hitting 50. A member becoming an LGM Tailor, etc. Basically things that make the guild more powerful earn the guild merit points.

    Guild RvR Missions
    Special missions that have a variety of objectives set up as a checklist. For example, one of the items on your checklist may be to take a certain keep, or kill a certain number of hibernians, etc. They are trying to structure the missions in such a way that all RvR'ing guild members feel that they could contribute to its completion by getting an item off the checklist.

    Guild Banners
    That can actually be carried into RvR and provide a bonus to guild members within their radius while flying. Opposing realms can also capture the banners from a fallen guild, although there wasn't detail around what these types of bonuses the banners would provide, or what the bonus for capture would be.

    Guild Buffs
    Detail wasn't provided about what would be used to purchase these. Buffs for your whole guild can be purchased and have a timer (probably 24hrs).

    /edit update: "I might have said buffs, but, to be clear, the plan is that you can get a bonus that will affect your entire guild. Buffs are obviously a bit different." ~Walt

    Guild Dues
    Sort of like a guild loot tax. As long as your guild meets the requirements to toggle you can set it up so that automatically 2% of all looted coin goes into a guild bank. Then there would be permissions on who could take gold out of the bank. The way they have it right now this is withdrawl only.
    Last edited by Rudyom; 24th May 2005 at 14:57.
    Dalean bardo Checkmate @ Galahad - Hibernia
    Rudyel eldritch Checkmate @ Galahad - Hibernia
    Driz gimpmaster Checkmate @ Galahad - Hibernia
    Rudyom arcimago Checkmate @ Deira - Albion
    Dalcor menestrello Checkmate @ Deira - Albion

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    a me piace il fatto delle epic weapons indistruttibili e + forti degli artefatti di toa se ho letto bene
    finalmente posso spaccare la roba in testa alla gente quanto mi pare
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Brendoh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ha importanza?


    Quote Originally Posted by SharTeel
    a me piace il fatto delle epic weapons indistruttibili e + forti degli artefatti di toa se ho letto bene
    finalmente posso spaccare la roba in testa alla gente quanto mi pare
    belllissimo aasd!!

    quello dello stendardo LOL deve essere davvero una gran figata..

  9. #9
    Master Chief Petty Officer Darkwarrior's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Sembra davvero bella..che riporti daoc agli splendori pre-uscita wow?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rudyom
    Patch 1.76

    The focus for this patch is guilds.

    Guild Merit System
    A guild can earn points for the achievements of its members. Some examples of what would earn points for the guild include a member hitting 50. A member becoming an LGM Tailor, etc. Basically things that make the guild more powerful earn the guild merit points.

    Guild RvR Missions
    Special missions that have a variety of objectives set up as a checklist. For example, one of the items on your checklist may be to take a certain keep, or kill a certain number of hibernians, etc. They are trying to structure the missions in such a way that all RvR'ing guild members feel that they could contribute to its completion by getting an item off the checklist.

    Guild Banners
    That can actually be carried into RvR and provide a bonus to guild members within their radius while flying. Opposing realms can also capture the banners from a fallen guild, although there wasn't detail around what these types of bonuses the banners would provide, or what the bonus for capture would be.

    Guild Buffs
    Detail wasn't provided about what would be used to purchase these. Buffs for your whole guild can be purchased and have a timer (probably 24hrs).

    /edit update: "I might have said buffs, but, to be clear, the plan is that you can get a bonus that will affect your entire guild. Buffs are obviously a bit different." ~Walt

    Guild Dues
    Sort of like a guild loot tax. As long as your guild meets the requirements to toggle you can set it up so that automatically 2% of all looted coin goes into a guild bank. Then there would be permissions on who could take gold out of the bank. The way they have it right now this is withdrawl only.
    m pareva che le novità per le guilds facessero proprio parte della nuova arriveranno prima ben vengano
    DAOC [Marzo 2002 - Novembre 2005]
    Darkwarrior <Silver Knights> - Vortigern Hibernia [SOLD]
    Ivanhoe <Unknowns> - Deira Albion [SOLD]
    Obweji <Game Over> - Morgan Le Fay Midgard [SOLD]

  10. #10
    Lieutenant Commander BlackCOSO's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Darkwarrior
    Sembra davvero bella..che riporti daoc agli splendori pre-uscita wow?
    Naaa Darkgay, quest bellissime come questa :

    ciao Prode guerriero sono abdul-jafar-ahimdil-edgard-Jusef , ho un problema , vuoi aiutarmi per favore ? ( clicchi SI ) , bene devi sapere che il mio nome , e formato cosi perche' Abdul deriva da mio nonno che intraprese le guerre contro le orde malvagie , jafar e' in segno di rispetto verso il mio cane che tempo fa mordendo un osso si scheggio un dente , dente che fu guarito dal dentista BLI , Bli era un dentista ( ecc....qua continua per ore... procediamo nella quest )
    Devi andare ad Hillgran e uccidere....ah , ma aspetta ti raccontero' il perche di questa faida....ecc.......( poi dopo 2 ore che sei davanti a sta schermata con le palle triturate.. ..continua...)
    2 ore tizio continua a raccontarti il perche ha 3 palle...

    3 ore tizio ti spiega perche le galline sono isteriche...

    Alla fine conclude con: "vai a Hillgran uccidi 3 galline e portami le loro teste."

    Detto questo capisco il perche daoc e sceso in basso , probabilemente la scarsa qualita delle quest in confronto a quelle di WoW

    A parte ste stronzate che ho scritto , speriamo in bene per future espansioni
    Last edited by BlackCOSO; 24th May 2005 at 15:20.

    My Desktop :Cpu I5 3570 - Liquid Cooler Zalman - Motherboard Gigabyte Sniper M3 - 16 Gb ddr3 Crucial Ballistix - Nvidia GTX 780 TI - Corsair RM 750 - Corsair Graphite 600T White - SSD 500 Gb Crucial M500 & HD 1T WD - Dual Monitor Aoc 27" & Dell 24" -

  11. #11
    Petty Officer 3rd Class DuranD The Crazy Bard's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    speriamo che il pve non sia cosi pesante come quello di toa
    Quando il gioco si fa duro... I duri iniziano a giocare....
    Now on Goa Classic
    On Lancelot server:
    Durand ZergHunter Celt Bard 9L7
    - Sleeping
    Durandina Saracen Sorcress 5L1- Sleeping

  12. #12
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    la storia riguarda i demoni del dungeon multiream darkness falls che salgono verso il mondo esterno e minacciano i reami. il re di ogni reame appare e i giocatori possono chiedere udienza con il sovrano. da qui i giocatori dovranno svolgere dei champion quests, che consistono in 5 livelli e danno al giocatore delle abilità aggiuntive. al completamento di ogni champion quest, il giocatore riceve 1 punto campione da spendere a un trainer di base e ottenere 1 skill di medio livello. un hero 50, ad esempio, può far visita a 1 caster trainer e ottenere 1spell di liv tra 15-20. i champion level si fanno attraverso regular combat; in questo modo player di liv50 sono incentivati a fare pve.
    esperenzia campione sarà presa anche attraverso rvr

    i giocatori che completano i 5 champion levels ricevono la arma epic dei champion; sono armi fatte in maniera specifica x la classe e sono + potenti degli artefatti di toa. saranno completamente riparabili, e avranno 1 effetto visivo visibile in rvr( esempio warrior che usava 1 spada glowie)


    1altra aggiunta sono le cavalcature personali, a lungo desiderate dai giocatori di daoc. x ottenerle bisogna fare 1 quest e spendere 1 po di soldi, tuttavia dopo il destriero sarà interamente customizzabile. il cavallo avrà anche 1 spazio extra di inventario x portare armi da assedio in rvr o solo x metterci dentro i propri oggetti

    i cavalli non possono essere uccisi ma i giocatori potranno disarcionare altri players dalle loro cavalcature. Bales ha aggiunto che nn ci saranno scontri a cavallo(almeno in questa espansione...)

    x ultimo, visto che l'espansione ha come centro df, la veste grafica del dungeon sarà migliorata, inclusa la skin di Legion

    darkness rising dovrebbe uscire x la fine 2005. ulteriori info x gli inizi di settimana prossima

  13. #13
    Lieutenant Commander Brendoh's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    ha importanza?


    io spero che df abbia senso come anni fa..
    aveva un suo fascino, e vederlo deserto non è bello..
    btw. a me basterebbe un bolt range 1800 lvl 0 ;D

  14. #14
    Warrant Officer Rob's Avatar
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    Somewhere .. over the rainbow


    Ahhhhh... finalmente un pò di sano PvE, ne sentivamo la mancanza.
    I was Cekkinus (scout) and Cekkin (Ranger)

  15. #15
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Ashagan's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    Rome - Italy


    bello veramente,speriamo che le cavalcature in rvr diano si vantaggi ma anche svantaggi e spero non si squilibri troppo il gioco ( non ci credo).

    uppo tutto cmq ,speriamo bene.
    The Dark Isnt Always Evil..........

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