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Thread: [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XX: The Curse of Naar

  1. #1
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Default [LUPO SOLITARIO] Libro XX: The Curse of Naar


    Siamo all'ultimo libro!

    Quote Originally Posted by Blurb
    You are the warrior Lone Wolf—Kai Grand Master of Sommerlund. Fresh from your victory over your evil alter-ego, Wolf’s Bane, reluctantly you are forced to return to the Plane of Darkness. For there you glimpsed the fabled Moonstone and you have sworn to save this gem of mystical power from the clutches of Naar, the King of Ultimate Darkness.

    In The Curse of Naar, you must venture once more through the Shadow Gate and confront the Dark God. Only by finding and retrieving the Moonstone can you hope to save your world from invasion by Naar’s armies of night. In this ultimate Grand Master challenge, your life and the future of your entire world are at stake!
    Dopo aver fatto il culo al nostro clone malvagio in Wolf's Bane, è arrivato il momento di affrontare il malvagio dio Naar!

    ************************************************** ************


    TL;DR: mentre fuggivamo coraggiosamente da Naar alla fine dell'ultimo libro, ci siamo accorti che aveva tra i tentacoli la famigerata Moonstone of the Shianti; abbiamo capito che l'ha utilizzata fino ad ora per creare Shadowgate a bizzeffe per buttare i suoi mostracci su Magnamund. Ovviamente, dobbiamo fermarlo; ah, se capita vediamo anche di recuperare Miss Plot Device Alyss.

    ************************************************** ************

    Ciò detto...Discipline Grand Master! In spoiler la lista completa: ne possiamo, come al solito, scegliere 1 nuova. Questo ci da anche un bonus di +1 CS e +2 EP indipendentemente dalla disciplina scelta!


    E ora...Upgrade Time!

    Sun Prince

    If you are a Grand Master who has reached the rank of Sun Prince (11 Disciplines), you will now benefit from improvements to the following Grand Master Disciplines:

    Animal Mastery
    Kai Sun Princes with this Discipline are able to alter their appearance, including clothing and equipment, to take on the guise of any animal that they may come into contact with. This physical change will only be witnessed by the animal in question.

    Sun Princes with this ability are able to cause the regeneration of lost body parts, i.e. hands, feet, arms, legs, eyes, and internal organs. This improved Discipline can be used to repair a Sun Prince’s own body, or that of another person or creature. The time required to effect regeneration depends on the size and relative importance of the body part affected.

    Kai Sun Princes who possess this Discipline are able to create an illusory double of themselves and project this image up to a range of thirty feet. The Sun Prince must remain in visual contact with his/her image in order to maintain the illusion. Physical, magical, and psychic attacks upon the illusory image will cause no injury. The range of this ability increases substantially when a Sun Prince attains the rank of Kai Supreme Master.

    Sun Princes who possess mastery of this Discipline are able to focus their psychic power into a Kai-ray: a laser-like beam of mental energy capable of penetrating the strongest of psychic defences. This ability can be used once during a combat to reduce an enemy’s ENDURANCE score by 15 points. However, use of this Kai-ray will also reduce a Sun Prince’s ENDURANCE score by 4 points. It cannot be used if a Sun Prince’s ENDURANCE score is 10 or less, and it cannot be used in conjunction with any other form of psychic attack.

    Sun Princes who possess this Discipline are able to create a mental sanctuary in which to keep safe their minds from psychic assault. Creation of this sanctuary does not require thought or concentration; it occurs instantly whenever a Kai Sun Prince is subjected to psychic attack. The defensive strength of this sanctuary further increases when a Sun Prince attains the rank of Kai Supreme Master.

    Grand Huntmastery
    Grand Masters who have reached the rank of Sun Prince are able to control their direction and rate of movement when subjected to strong currents of air or water, or when venturing through non-material planes of existence, e.g. Shadow Gates.
    A voi la scelta!
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  2. #2
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Apr 2006


    Voto per assimilance!

    ma se è l'ultimo libro perchè parla di un ulteriore kai rank?

  3. #3
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Perchè a Joe piace il copia/incolla quasi quanto a me
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  4. #4
    Master Chief Petty Officer Rise-the-Sky's Avatar
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    Sep 2004


    Comunque non è l'ultimo libro..poi c'è tutta la saga dell'eroe senza nome!

    Cmq prendiamo assimilance..dubito che potremo trattare Naar come un gattino solo perchè abbiamo la skill da domatore di criceti. (anche se il nuovo rank è molto figo)
    spamm is life.

  5. #5
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Finito questo, in realtà, la scelta di suddivide se avete voglia di continuare: la saga del discepolo di LW col random generator dei nomi Kai idioti, o la serie di Grey Star (Oberon in italiano), che è un mago della stessa confraternita di Bademon. Entrambi sono incredibilmente più difficili di LW che è sostanzialmente in godmode tutto il tempo

    Comunque ne parliamo alla fine :P
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  6. #6
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    rofl, deliverance poco op cazzo, comunque go di assimilance

  7. #7
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Assimilance, modalità solid wolf...


  8. #8
    Sturm's Avatar
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    Jan 2005


    Beh essendo l'ultima rimasta direi Assimilance e andiamo a fare il culo a Naar
    “Perché io?”
    “Perché eri un cacciatore senza denti. Sei stato scelto per la tua rabbia, sei stato scelto per tutte le ferite che avevi subito, scelto per tutte le volte che eri stato colpito, picchiato e umiliato davanti agli altri. Scelto per la rabbia che eri costretto a tenerti dentro,per le parole che non potevi pronunciare. Scelto per la furia cieca che avvolgeva il tuo cuore come una morsa dopo ogni pugno e ogni calcio che ti veniva inferto,dopo ogni sasso che ti veniva lanciato. E per la rabbia più grande di tutte,quella che riservavi a te stesso,perché eri incapace di reagire,dato che loro erano sempre di più, e sempre più grandi, e sempre più forti. Ma se le cose cambiassero? C’è forse miglior cacciatore di chi un tempo era la preda? Qualcuno che sarebbe spinto a difendersi dalle forze oscure mandate dal mondo,che non si fermerebbe mai neppure se fossero tante, e molto più grandi e potenti di lui. Perché essendo stato un tempo preda non permetterebbe mai a se stesso di ridivenirlo. Non si arrenderebbe mai. Morirebbe piuttosto che sottomettersi. Perché tu? Perché fra tutti quelli che erano presenti quel giorno,c’era un solo cacciatore. E come ti dice la tua adorata scienza…i simili si attraggono,la presenza dell’osservatore influenza l’osservato,ed è matematico che non esistano casi e coincidenze. C’è solo…cortesia professionale.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfo in ts
    Sono un materialista del culo


  9. #9
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Sturm View Post
    Beh essendo l'ultima rimasta direi Assimilance e andiamo a fare il culo a Naar
    C'era rimasta anche An(im)al Mastery

    Ah, niente equip sto giro che stiamo ancora viaggiando per lo Shadow Gate!

    Quote Originally Posted by 1.
    Your journey through the Shadow Gate is a cold and lonely voyage, yet one that you endure without fear for you sense that Alyss is watching over you. She is using her powers to steer you safely home to Magnamund. As you hurtle through the timeless void, you remember vividly the last few moments which preceded your leap into the Shadow Gate and your triumphant escape from Naar’s throne hall, the innermost sanctum of his stronghold upon the Plane of Darkness. You recall how Alyss commanded you to flee whilst she drew away the frenzied attacks of Naar’s champion, Kekataag the Avenger. It was her selfless act of bravery which enabled you to escape and it has left an indelible mark upon your conscience. Inspired by her courage—and by the realization that if the Dark God is to be stopped from sending more of his foul creations to Magnamund you must deny him the fabled Moonstone of the Shianti—you vow that you will return to the Plane of Darkness and recapture that precious stone of power.

    After what seems like an eternity, gradually the inky blackness of the abyss is illuminated by a fluorescent vapour studded with whirling motes of light. Clumps of tiny stars swirl around your body like swarms of glowing moths until you become completely cocooned within a shroud of blinding white luminescence. Then, quite suddenly, you feel solid ground once more beneath your feet and you emerge from the light to find yourself standing in a dank, subterranean vault.

    Turn to 160.
    Quote Originally Posted by 160.
    You cast your gaze around the mouldering walls of this dimly lit vault and feel a surge of joy and relief well up from the pit of your stomach. The dripping granite is cold and cheerless, but to your eyes, having witnessed the horrors of Naar’s throne hall, this dank stone vault looks warm, welcoming, and reassuringly familiar. You have returned to the secret burial chamber below the Necropolis of Tyso, the place from where you began your journey through the Shadow Gate some time ago. With Alyss’s help you have arrived home safely to Sommerlund.

    No trace of the Shadow Gate remains; it vanished the moment you emerged from the cocoon of light and took your first tentative steps into the vault. With eager anticipation you leave the chamber and hurriedly ascend to the surface where you are greeted by warm summer sunshine. The commander of Tyso is Baron Tor Medar, and two of his stewards are dutifully guarding the gates to the city’s necropolis. When they see you emerge from a mausoleum close by, their jaws drop open in amazement as simultaneously they recognize who you are from the cut and colour of your Grand Master robes. Upon recovering their senses, the stewards volunteer to escort you directly to Baron Medar’s castle. During the brief journey through the city you are shocked to learn that a whole year has passed since you entered the Shadow Gate, even though the time that you spent upon the Plane of Darkness seemed no more than a few days at most.

    Baron Medar is an old and trusted friend and he welcomes your safe return to Tyso with a show of great warmth and affection. Having feared for the past year that you had perished during your pursuit of Wolf’s Bane, he is clearly delighted to hear that not only did you survive your ordeal beyond the Shadow Gate, but that you also vanquished the impostor. Naturally you are anxious to return to your Kai brethren without delay and Medar gladly offers his help. He gives you the finest horse in his stables and assigns a troop of his personal bodyguards to escort you swiftly across Sommerlund to the Kai Monastery.

    At the monastery you receive a rapturous reception from the ranks of the Kai, for whom your return is the fulfilment of a year’s hopes and prayers. Firestone, the most senior of the New Order warriors, dispatches journeymen to carry word of your triumphant return to the King in Holmgard and to Guildmaster Banedon, the leader of the Magicians’ Guild in Toran. Firestone had rightly assumed command during your absence and, as he accompanies you through the grounds of the monastery to your vault below the Tower of the Sun, you commend him on how well he has conducted his stewardship of the monastery and the training of the Kai in his charge.

    ‘Thank you, my lord,’ he says with pride, ‘yet truly I cannot lay claim to all of the credit. My duties would have been far harder to fulfil had it not been for the invaluable aid I’ve received from your wise advisors, Lord Rimoah and Lord Ardan of Dessi.’

    These two Old Kingdom magicians—Lords Rimoah and Ardan—greet you the moment you enter the vault. Ever since you disappeared into the Shadow Gate a year ago, they have resided at the monastery so that they could assist Firestone with the task of training the New Order Kai.

    ‘We sensed that you were still alive somewhere in the void beyond the universe of Aon,’ says Rimoah, beaming delightedly, ‘but neither I nor Ardan were able to discern precisely when you would return to Sommerlund. Come, Grand Master, tell us of your adventures beyond the Shadow Gate.’

    Eagerly they listen to your account of how you tracked and defeated Wolf’s Bane and escaped from the throne hall of the Dark God. But it is your surprise revelation that Naar possesses the Moonstone of the Shianti which seems to fascinate and frighten them the most.

    ‘This is grave news indeed, Lone Wolf,’ says Lord Rimoah, in a suddenly sombre tone. ‘The Moonstone contains great power. It can create life and it can also destroy life—utterly. If Naar were able to fully harness its power he could use it to destroy all life on Magnamund. I fear it is just a matter of time before he fathoms its secrets. The Moonstone was once a blessing for the creatures of this world. In Naar’s hand it could become the curse of us all.’

    ‘I for one shall not permit this,’ you reply defiantly. ‘I shall find the means to return to the Plane of Darkness and retrieve the Moonstone. This I vow. For Sommerlund and the Kai, so long as I live, Naar will never conquer Magnamund!’

    ‘Your courage is an inspiration to us all, Grand Master,’ says Lord Ardan respectfully.

    ‘Aye, to us all,’ echoes Lord Rimoah. ‘And be assured, Lone Wolf, soon you will have the opportunity to enact your pledge, for it is within our power to help you fulfil your vow.’

    Turn to 145.
    Quote Originally Posted by 145.
    Lord Rimoah summons a meeting of a secret council at the hall of the Magicians’ Guild in Toran. This gathering is attended by Magnamund’s wisest men, many of whom have aided you in the past. Among their number you recognize Guildmaster Banedon, Gwynian the Sage, Baron Medar, several of Dessi’s High Council of Elders, and the inner circle of magicians of the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star.

    Under Rimoah’s direction, these distinguished and gifted men deliberate how best they can help you to retrieve the Moonstone from the Plane of Darkness. A Shadow Gate has long existed in the dungeons below the Guildhall and it is quickly established that the High Council of Elders can, by pooling their ancient skills, use this portal to convey you to Naar’s forbidden realm. The thought of journeying once more to the Plane of Darkness fills you with a sense of dread, yet this daunting voyage could prove to be but one of the lesser perils you will have to face if you are to fulfil your vow. You are sorely aware that once you arrive upon Naar’s domain, not only will you have to survive the attentions of his loathsome followers, but you must also locate the Moonstone and then return with it to your home world.

    The members of the secret council consider these problems at great length. Reassuringly, they are able to offer you some practical help in overcoming them.

    Turn to 223.
    Quote Originally Posted by 223.
    You accompany the members of the secret council to the deepest chamber below the Guildhall wherein lies the Daziarn Portal. It is a perpetual entrance to a Shadow Gate and is one of only a handful which exist upon Magnamund. For many centuries the magicians of Toran have used this portal to banish criminals and traitors from Sommerlund, believing that it led to the limbo of deep space from where there could be no escape. However, in recent years their understanding of this portal has greatly increased following your own journeys through similar Shadow Gates. Inspired by your accounts of the planes of existence which lie beyond the material universe of Aon, and by their own experimentation, the Brotherhood magicians and the Elders of the High Council of Dessi have since been able to achieve limited control over the forces which exist within these supernatural portals.

    Using this newly-acquired knowledge of Shadow Gates, coupled with their powerful arcane lore, the council members begin preparations for a ritual which will culminate with you stepping into the Daziarn Portal. Rimoah oversees the drawing of an intricate pentagram upon the flagstones at the threshold of the portal, whilst Guildmaster Banedon instructs his guildsmen in the recital of complex spell chants and the placing of magical artefacts at key points around the chamber. The preparations are painstaking and lengthy. During this period you reflect on the quest you have vowed to undertake and Lord Rimoah takes time to reassure you of the vital importance of your mission. He also offers you some magical items which could prove invaluable during your quest for the Moonstone.

    If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 27.

    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 307.
    Ce l'abbiamo, quindi niente

    Quote Originally Posted by 27.
    Rimoah ushers you to a refectory table at the entrance to the chamber where Lord Ardan is carefully arranging artefacts upon a sheet of scarlet silk, and he invites you to inspect these curious items. He glances at your sword belt and smiles when he sees the finely-crafted hilt of the Sommerswerd protruding from your scabbard.

    ‘Well, I see you’ll have no need of new weaponry, Grand Master. Surely there can be no blade better suited to the slaying of the Dark God’s foul creatures than the one you already possess—the Sword of the Sun.’

    ‘Aye,’ comments Ardan, ‘ ’tis true. Your divine sword can vanquish any of Naar’s creations. It may even possess power enough to smite the Dark God himself!’

    Lord Ardan’s words lift your spirits. It is comforting to hear that you possess at least one effective weapon against the horrors you may have to face during your quest for the Moonstone.

    ‘It is a fine blade, Grand Master,’ says Rimoah, ‘but be sure to use it with utmost discretion. It was crafted upon the Plane of Light and it radiates a strong and goodly aura. In Naar’s domain its radiant energies could attract unwanted attention.’

    If you possess a Korlinium Scabbard, turn to 258.

    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 341.
    Ah, Rimoah e la fase di vestizione...

    Quote Originally Posted by 258.
    ‘But with respect, Lord Rimoah,’ you reply, ‘the scabbard in which I carry the Sommerswerd is woven from strands of pure korlinium.’

    You lift the sword, in its scabbard, and invite Rimoah to inspect it more closely. He steps forward and his eyes run up and down the length of the sword’s seemingly plain sheath. Sagely he nods his approval.

    ‘Indeed, it is korlinium and it will keep hidden the blade’s true power from Naar’s foul spawn,’ he says, and then he smiles wryly. ‘Until, that is, the time comes when you decide to unleash that power against them.’

    ‘Your scabbard will shield your goodly blade, Grand Master,’ comments Lord Ardan, ‘but what of yourself? You are imbued with Kai powers that may readily be detected. Your formidable skills could alert Naar’s minions to your presence among them.’

    If you possess a Platinum Amulet, turn to 53.

    If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 296.
    Abbiamo tuttooooh!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by 53.
    You reach to your throat, unbutton the collar of your Kai robes, and withdraw the Platinum Amulet by its braided cord.

    ‘Ah, I see that you already possess a sigil of power,’ says Lord Rimoah, approvingly. ‘It seems you are better prepared for the quest than we had anticipated.’

    With a nod of his head he motions to Lord Ardan who then retrieves an almost identical amulet from among the items on the table. Ardan gives the amulet to Rimoah and he slips it into his pocket.

    ‘You’ll not be requiring this after all,’ he says, ‘but there is something which I’m sure you will find most useful. And I’m certain that you have not come across anything of its like before.’

    Once again Rimoah motions to Ardan and the elderly wizard responds by taking up a small package that is wrapped in a silk handkerchief. Carefully he unfolds the patterned silk square to reveal a book which is bound in jet-black hide. A wave of nausea makes you swallow hard as your natural Kai instincts detect that the origins of this book are wholly evil. Ardan offers it to you and, reluctantly, you take it from him.

    ‘It was discovered a decade ago in Northern Dessi,’ says Ardan. ‘A party of our brethren found it on the Isle of Khor. It was buried in the ruins of Kazan-Oud.’

    Carefully you open the stiff black cover and, to your surprise, you discover that the inner pages comprise several sheets of pliable metal. They have the feel of parchment but they sparkle and glimmer like plates of polished steel. You turn through the pages and note that every one appears to be empty, devoid of script, pictures, or diagrams of any sort.

    ‘I do not see how this book will help my quest,’ you say, as you flick back and forth through the seemingly empty pages.

    ‘This may be true while you are here in Sommerlund,’ replies Lord Rimoah, ‘but once you arrive upon the Plane of Darkness I suspect that its secrets will be revealed. We of the High Council believe it contains information about the many realms and territories within Naar’s domain. It may help guide you to the location of his throne hall and, with luck, to the Moonstone of the Shianti.’

    You are dubious as to the true value of this item but, in deference to Lord Rimoah’s judgement, you agree to take it. (Record this Tome of Darkness on your Action Chart as a Special Item. You need not discard another Special Item in its favour if you already hold the maximum number permissible.)

    To continue, turn to 329.
    Klathu Verata Nictu anche a te, Rimoah. Fortunatamente non occupa spazio

    Quote Originally Posted by 329.
    Guildmaster Banedon announces that the preparations are now complete. With mixed feelings of fear and exhilaration, you step into the centre of the pentagram and stare resolutely into the inky black heart of the Daziarn Portal. The hypnotic chanting of the Brotherhood magicians rises in tempo and you feel gusts of icy wind play upon your face. Then the Elders of the High Council lend their voices to the sonorous chant and suddenly the chill wind becomes a howling gale. Crackling arcs of energy leap from the edges of the pentagram and disappear into the core of the portal. Above the deafening roar you hear Lord Rimoah shouting an ancient phrase of power and, in one breathtaking instant, you are pulled off your feet and sucked into the whirling maw of the Shadow Gate.

    If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery and have achieved the rank of Sun Prince, turn to 16.

    If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 274.
    Ce l'abbiamo!

    Quote Originally Posted by 16.
    As you tumble and spin through the void of the Shadow Gate, you struggle to keep your eyes focused on a tiny mote of light which glimmers in the dark, immeasurable distance. You sense that your passage through this astral corridor is being guided by the concerted will of the council gathered at the entrance to the portal. Using their psychic powers they are attempting to steer your body through a maze of channels which will lead towards that remote speck of light. Sensing this, you draw upon your improved Kai Discipline and use it to aid the magicians’ efforts. By doing so you are able to stabilize yourself and reduce the terrible fatigue of your journey.

    Turn to 90.
    Quote Originally Posted by 90.
    Gradually the distant speck grows larger until, with a sudden violent surge, you pass through its white-hot core and feel yourself engulfed by a damp and fetid atmosphere. Moments later your journey ends abruptly when you splash feet-first into a swampy morass. Despite the speed of your impact, your natural balance and agility prevent you from plunging beneath the surface of the stinking swamp into which you have fallen.8

    After wiping away the slime that has splashed your face, you cast your gaze out across an unlovely vista of steaming mud pools fringed with dark jungle vegetation. A cloying aura of evil permeates every part of this vile landscape, leaving you in no doubt that you have successfully arrived at your destination, the Plane of Darkness. You look up and scour the corpse-green skies, but dense clouds of acidic vapour hide all traces of the Shadow Gate through which you have entered this plane. Feeling suddenly vulnerable standing waist-deep in steaming swamp mud, you decide to wade through the gluey sludge towards a nearby mound of barren grey earth. Once out of the mire, you rest on your haunches and consult the Tome of Darkness given to you by Lord Rimoah. Its metallic pages appear to be as blank as when you first flicked through them, but then you turn to one page that is now very different. Coloured designs have appeared, surrounded by a ragged text which radiates a flickering spectrum of light. Using your Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, you are able to decipher much of this arcane writing.

    The text tells of a creature called Nza’pok, Lord of the Mire, and of his Throne of Power which is located upon an islet at the mouth of the River of Flies. It describes the many vile deeds he has perpetrated for the cause of Evil, for which he has been greatly rewarded by Naar. The Dark God has granted him his own domain within the Plane of Darkness. It goes on to list the names of the creatures that are enslaved to him. But most interestingly it tells of a secret name ‘Khula’ which can be used to bind him, and of an amulet which he possesses that will enable one to leave his territory. You study the text for some time and conclude that this swamp must be a part of Nza’pok’s realm. The pages of the Tome seem to hold the key to the hierarchy of the Plane of Darkness and contain information that is needed to move from one domain to another. Unfortunately, not all of the book appears legible at any one time. You close the Tome and slip it back into your pack. Your natural instincts tell you that the Moonstone is not to be found here in this swampland, and, in view of what you have discovered, you decide that you must escape from here as soon as possible. However, if you are to do so successfully you will first have to find Nza’pok, the ruler of this domain, and take the amulet which he possesses. Suddenly your Sixth Sense warns you that the seemingly empty swamp harbours hidden enemies. They are distant but they are drawing closer with every passing minute. You get to your feet and look for the best route away from this mound, but only two ways offer any promise. To the south, you see a shattered causeway of mouldering grey stones, and to the east, you catch sight of a shallow ridge that barely breaks the surface of the swamp.

    If you wish to explore the causeway, turn to 67.

    If you decide to investigate the ridge, turn to 202.
    Ok, dove si va ?

    PS: c'è pure una nota che ci ricorda che sul Plane of Darkness abbiamo +4CS se usiamo la Sommerswerd

    ************************************************** ***********************
    Lupo Solitario, Sun Prince

    CS: 47 (+8 Sommerswerd, +2 Silver Helm, +5 Weaponmastery, +5 Circoli Magnakai, +2 Silver Bracers, +3 Kagonite Chainmail, +7 Levelup)
    --> 51 (con +4 Mindblast)
    --> 55 (con +8 Kai-Surge)
    +3 CS se combattiamo disarmati

    EP: 52/52 (+1 Kagonite Chainmail, +11 Circoli Magnakai, +1 Silver Bracers, +14 Levelup)

    Discipline Grand Master
    - Grand Huntmastery
    - Grand Pathmanship
    - Kai-Alchemy
    - Kai-Surge
    - Kai-Screen
    - Magi-Magic
    - Telegnosis
    - Deliverance
    - Grand Weaponmastery
    - Grand Nexus
    - Assimilance

    Weapons (2): Dagger, Broadsword

    Backpack (8): Rope, Stone Bowl, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Matho's Potion, Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP), Laumpspur (Cura 4 EP),

    Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Silver Bow of Duadon, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Silver Bracers (+ 2CS, +1 EP), Quiver (6), Kagonite Vest (+3 CS +1 EP), Silver Rod, Jadin Amulet (+1 ai Roll per evitare proiettili normali), Black Amulet, Silver Seal, Sun-crystal, Gold Cup
    [Non occupano spazio]: Korlinium Scabbard, Map of Mogaruith, Wolfskin Cloack, Platinum Amulet, Tome of Darkness

    Money (50): 31 Corone, 60 Kika (10=1C), 52 Lune (4=1C)

    - Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
    - Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
    - Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
    - Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
    - Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
    - Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
    - Sparati da un Nano storpio (Libro VIII)
    - 1v1 con lo Zakhan Kimah (Libro IX)
    - 1v100 con il Baron Shinzar (Libro X)
    - Caduti durante la scalata ad Haagadar (Libro XI)
    - 1v1 con Vonotar all'ultimissimo sangue (Libro XI)
    - Sparati da un vecchio storpio (Libro XV)
    - Presi per sfinimento dai servi del Deathlord di Ixia (Libro XVI)
    ************************************************** ******
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  10. #10
    Bortas's Avatar
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    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Ispezioniamo Ridge e vediamo se sta bene con la sua mascella... 202


  11. #11
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
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    Jun 2005


    202, acqua è male

  12. #12
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by 202.
    The ridge leads you more than a mile into this unwholesome morass, yet you encounter no sign of animal life. A strange quietness overhangs the swamp, an eerie calm which accentuates the aura of evil that is radiating from every rock and murky pool.

    As you press on, the cloudy green sky begins to darken and you sense a storm approaching. Minutes later, a gentle rain begins to fall which turns the surface of the swamp a milky blue. You raise the hood of your cloak and continue, but suddenly you notice that your clothes are giving off wisps of smoke where they have been spattered by the rain. This rain is not water: it is a vile and corrosive acid. Your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus protects your flesh from the effects of this acidic rain, but your clothing and equipment are vulnerable. Rather than risk them being ruined, you look around for some place to shelter from the coming storm. The only cover that you are able to discern is a clump of stunted, thorn-studded trees which stand upon a knoll several hundred yards ahead.

    If you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery and have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian or higher, turn to 123.

    If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 78.
    Ce li abbiamo!

    Quote Originally Posted by 123.
    You have covered barely a dozen yards when the shallow ridge of ground disappears completely beneath the surface of the steaming swamp. Within seconds you are wading knee-deep through mud that clings like thick, warm treacle. Yet by drawing on your natural Kai abilities you are able to haul yourself free from this sticky mire and make your way slowly to the distant knoll.

    The boughs of the thorny-barked trees of this swamp island are tightly intertwined and form a formidable barrier. Through a gap in their tortured branches you can see a clearing at the centre of this copse and, when you magnify your vision, you glimpse part of a crude stone hut. You unsheathe your weapon and cleave a path through the trees to the clearing where you discover that the hut is surrounded by a moat brim-full of gelatinous black mud, the surface of which is pitted with a myriad of animal tracks. Sensing that the hut is empty, you leap across the moat and take cover inside from the corrosive rain.

    If you possess Telegnosis and have reached the rank of Grand Thane or higher, turn to 269.

    If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 348.
    Pure questi!

    Quote Originally Posted by 269.
    Your advanced Kai skill alerts you to a stone slab, one of a dozen which form the floor of this hut. You can detect the presence of a valuable mineral buried somewhere beneath the slab and, after first checking that it is not booby-trapped, you manage to prise it loose and lift it away. Lying in a hollow in the dark earth you discover a radiant gem the size of a walnut. (If you wish to keep this Blue Diamond, record it as a Special Item which you carry in your pocket.)

    Suddenly your attention is distracted from your discovery by the sound of screeching. You glance out of the doorway and catch sight of a flock of bat-winged creatures flying low over the surrounding trees.

    If you have ever been to the Ruins of Maaken in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 107.

    If you have never visited this place, turn to 252.
    Ci siamo stati!

    Quote Originally Posted by 107.
    The sight of the approaching creatures stirs distant memories of the Temple of Maaken, the forbidden place which lies buried beneath the ruins of an old Sommlending city that teeters on the edge of the infamous Maakengorge. These winged horrors are Daemonaks, a breed of vampiric predators who were originally spawned by Lord Vashna, the first and mightiest Darklord leader. You first encountered one of their kind at Maaken, but now you face a flock of twenty such creatures.

    As they descend towards your hiding place they give vent to a piercing wail that makes your flesh crawl. The sound of their cries unsettles you, but this discomfort pales in comparison to the shock you experience upon seeing the response to their hideous cries.

    Turn to 280.
    Anche se come dice la nota, siamo stati a Maaken ma non abbiamo incontrato sti cosi (a quanto ricordi io <.<). In ogni caso, sono 20!

    Quote Originally Posted by 280.
    From out of the dark earth surrounding your hiding place there arise monstrous shapes, alien beings long dead and buried yet cruelly denied an eternal rest. Muddy tatters of flesh hang from their pitted skeletal frames, and from their skull-mouths writhe wormy tongues riddled with decay. Numb with shock, you watch as this ghoulish legion draws itself to the surface and comes shambling towards you, driven on by the hellish cries of the swooping fliers.

    Instinct and training trigger you to draw your weapon in readiness to meet this sickening corpse-horde, yet before they begin their attack, you are faced by a threat from another quarter. One of the flying creatures circling above is clutching in its claws a length of chain to which is attached a smoking bundle. Suddenly this creature dives out of the clouds and comes swooping down over the horde towards you. At the last minute it pulls up to avoid crashing into the stone slabs of the roof and, as it does so, it releases the chain. The bundle hits the soft ground once and then bounces through the narrow entrance of your hiding place.

    Illustration XVII—The ghoulish legion claws itself to the surface, driven on by hellish cries.

    Instantly you are consumed by a cloud of acrid smoke that stings your eyes and threatens to close your throat. You sense at once that the smoke is a deadly poison, but fortunately your Magnakai Discipline of Nexus is sufficient to save you from a swift death.

    If you possess Grand Nexus, turn to 337.

    If you do not possess this Grand Master Discipline, turn to 229.

    Quote Originally Posted by 337.
    The poisonous fumes irritate your eyes and throat but your Grand Mastery saves you from suffering any lasting physical damage. You draw on your powers of infravision to counter the blinding smoke and at once you are able to make out the leaders of the shambling legion; they are now just a few yards from the entrance.

    If you wish to attempt to escape before they block the entrance completely, turn to 151.

    If you choose to stand and fight them, turn to 32.
    Che si fa ?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

  13. #13
    Warrant Officer Kaluisurrr's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005


    ma apriamogli il culo a sti coglioni

  14. #14
    Bortas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Valdarno's Baiou, near Padule


    Cazzo durissimo stand and fight


  15. #15
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by 151.
    Relying on the element of surprise, you leap through the entrance and rush towards a gap in the line of advancing horrors. They immediately try to close ranks but their reactions are deathly slow and you are easily able to barge your way through them. Unfortunately you do not get very far; a heavy weight hits you squarely in the back and knocks you to your knees. As you struggle to stand in the thick mud you are engulfed by a coarse rope net dropped from above. Frantically you scrabble to untangle yourself, but a second net smothers the first and delays you long enough for the ghoulish horde to close in and pin you down. Two of the winged flyers descend close by and hurriedly they thread ropes through the edges of the nets. When their task is completed they shriek loudly and suddenly you feel yourself being hoisted aloft.

    Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you have picked is 0–4, you lose 1 Backpack Item of your choice as you are lifted into the air. If the number you have picked is 5–9, your money pouch spills open and you lose all of your Gold Crowns.

    After making the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart, you may continue by turning to 63.
    Sfiga random!


    Scegliete cosa perdiamo dal backpack

    Quote Originally Posted by 63.
    Through the criss-crossed ropes of your net prison you see the surrounding flock. They are swooping and cawing delightedly, like successful hunters returning home with their captured prey. Above, you can make out the claws and leathery black bellies of the three winged creatures that are hoisting you ever higher into the rain-swept clouds. You are tempted to use your Kai powers to break free and slay your abductors, but a glance below at the rapidly receding ground is enough to dissuade you, at least for now.

    For more than an hour the flock transports you northwards through sickly green skies, hundreds of feet above a ceiling of storm clouds. Gradually this cloud cover thins until you are able to note that the swamp has given way to a tropical jungle which is thinly veiled by a swirling mist. A river snakes through this dense foliage, winding its way towards a coastline on the horizon. As you approach the distant sea, the river becomes wider and flows into a delta. Your captors follow the river and begin a slow descent to an islet on the eastern side of the delta, towards an area near its seaward shore where the jungle has been hacked down to make room for a primitive settlement.

    As the flock encircles the settlement prior to landing, you are able to make out a cluster of strange-looking huts, seemingly constructed from the hides of reptiles and the bones of huge fish. In the middle of these huts there is an expanse of cleared ground and a large circular pit. The shrieks of the fliers draw an expectant crowd, a score of creatures of two distinctly different species. From the air they resemble gigantic ants and deformed, pale-skinned humanoids.

    If you have ever visited the icy realm of Ixia in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 97.

    If you have not, turn to 301.

    Quote Originally Posted by 97.
    A feeling of dread makes your hands tremble the moment you catch a clear sight of the huge, ant-like creatures. You have encountered these insectoids once before, although in a location which could not be more different than the humid jungle settlement into which you are now descending. They are Dentaag, giant spindly-limbed insectoids who possess ghoulish heads implanted with evil composite eyes. They are an ancient breed, a cruel creation spawned by Naar for the armies of the Deathlord of Ixia. It was in the Deathlord’s frigid chamber, atop the Spire of Xaagon, that you last faced these terrible creatures and you had hoped then that your first encounter with them would also be your last. Fate has decreed otherwise.

    Memories of your ordeal in Ixia suddenly come flooding back to haunt you. As you recall your previous encounter, you remember that these horrific beings possess strong psychic powers. Forewarned, you draw upon your mental Kai defences as your captors prepare to land with you inside the settlement.

    If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 242.

    If you do not possess this Discipline, turn to 59.
    Abbiamo Kai-Screen!

    Quote Originally Posted by 242.
    You use your advanced ability to form a shield around your mind as a defence against a possible psychic assault. This precaution proves to be a wise one for as the net hits the ground, the Dentaag unleash a violent psychic attack in an attempt to weaken and subdue you.

    Turn to 82.
    Quote Originally Posted by 82.
    You feel the crushing power of the hostile Mindforce collide with the fabric of your consciousness like a tidal wave that leaves you reeling under its impact. Yet your formidable psychic defences absorb and deflect all of this destructive energy, and you are able to survive the attack with no lasting damage to your psychic senses: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.

    Turn to 290.

    Quote Originally Posted by 290.
    The net spills open as it touches the ground beside the yawning pit, enabling you quickly to disentangle yourself and unsheathe a weapon. Freed from the net but still trembling from the residual effects of psychic shock, you drop to one knee to steady yourself as you try to assess your situation. You look around for a way to escape from this alien settlement but all that you can see is an encircling wall of hideous humanoid mutants and ant-creatures. A tight wedge, comprising a dozen of these creatures, gibbers excitedly as it rushes forwards with frightening speed. You attempt to stand and meet their attack, but they hit you before you are fully upright and knock you headlong into the pit.

    Cursing your luck, you struggle to your feet amongst a deep carpet of bones and look up at the rim of the pit, some fifteen feet above. An unbroken line of ghastly faces are shrieking and staring back at you with unconcealed glee. Suddenly, the faces fall silent and a gap appears in their ranks to allow access to their hideous leader. You swallow hard to suppress the rising nausea you feel upon seeing this creature’s grotesque features. Its body resembles a huge bloated bubble, endowed with a misshapen humanoid face, like that moulded by a child from wet clay. Its pustulant raw skin is studded with warts and tufts of rust-coloured hair. Chuckling maniacally, it drags itself around the edge of the pit by means of six claw-tipped tentacles and you note, with disgust, that it leaves a trail of steaming grey slime wherever it passes. Through its bulbous lower lip there hangs a chain to which is attached an amulet, seemingly crafted of iron. You magnify your vision and see that an inscription on this crude amulet bears the name ‘Nza’pok’. Instantly you recall the text of the Tome of Darkness and realize that this creature must be Nza’pok himself, the ruler of this territory within the Plane of Darkness.

    Illustration XVIII—You realize that the hideous, semi-humanoid before you is Nza’pok himself, the powerful ruler of this territory.

    Nza’pok opens his crooked mouth to reveal several rows of rotting jagged teeth. Then words of the Dark Tongue rumble from his gullet to send shivers down your spine. You suspect that he is commanding his followers to slay you and your worst fears are confirmed when you witness spears being passed overhead to the front ranks of his chaos-horde. The humanoids snatch them up in their twisted hands and raise them in readiness to hurl at you upon the word of command from their hellish leader.

    If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 43.

    If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 184.

    If you possess neither of these Disciplines or choose not to use them, turn to 71.
    Un Barbapapà di Nurgle! Che si fa?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

    Let's Play: Highway Warrior, di Joe Dever

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