Un sacco di novità per i nostri Supporter

2009-03-17 11:33:00

Siamo molto orgogliosi di annunciare una nuova versione del nostro pacchetto Supporter. Durante quest'ultimo anno abbiamo migliorato notevolmente funzionalità e stabilità del sito, ed oggi il sito funziona molto bene (speriamo ve ne siate accorti e siate d'accordo). Consci di questo ci è molto più facile annunciare questi miglioramenti, proprio a quelli che ci hanno permesso di realizzarli – i nostri supporter.

Tra le novità troverai un bellissima funzione di preview della partita, che renderà più facile analizzare l'avversario. Avrai la possibilità di personalizzare la ricerca dei giocatori nel mercato e le tue scorciatoie. Troverai anche un editor HTML per gli annunci stampa e il guestbook, la condivisione delle divise di gioco, miglioramenti delle federazioni e molto altro incluso in questo upgrade del servizio Supporter.

É sicuramente riduttivo dire che i nostri supporter ed il pacchetto Supporter sono molto importanti per noi. Sono i nostri supporter che ci permettono di fornire Hattrick come un gioco gratuito per la grande maggioranza degli utenti, ed è grazie a loro se siamo in grado di continuare a sviluppare e migliorare Hattrick. Durante l'ultimo anno abbiamo fatto il più grande miglioramento di sempre in Hattrick: la riscrittura di tutto il codice, confezionato in un nuovo design, oltre a miglioramenti dell'hardware. Il risultato è stato un sito stabile, affidabile e funzionale; i nostri sforzi sono stati quindi ripagati. Abbiamo aggiunto anche qualche bella funzione per i Supporter con la release del nuovo design, ma prima di lanciarci in nuovi progetti, abbiamo sentito l'esigenza di dare qualcosa in più a coloro che ci permettono di continuare a migliorarci. Perciò da noi – insieme ai più sentiti ringraziamenti – a voi, queste sono le novità:

Head to Head
We have improved the old Head to head and turned it into a magnificent match preview feature. It gives you a complete overview over your upcoming opponent, making it easier for you to analyze how to outsmart him. You instantly get to know if they got any injuries or cards, if they’ve made any transfers recently and much more. You find the new head the head feature by clicking one of your upcoming matches. The first tab is shown for everyone. Status, latest matches, history are for Supporters only.

Create and edit your shortcuts
As a Supporter you get more handy shortcuts in the top right. Now, you can also edit them like you want them - plus creating your very own shortcuts. It doesn’t get much handier than that! To edit or create your shortcuts, hover the shortcuts icons.

Create your own transfer search profiles
You now get the option to create your own transfer search profiles and also set your default search. Very convenient to use, and a real time-saver, when you make the same search day in and day out. You set your profiles from the transfer search.

Transfer hotlist
If any of your bookmarked players is put for sale you’ll get info about it on My Hattrick space. You also get the option to hotlist the player, which means his bidding status will be shown on your transfer bid page making it easier for you to follow the bid race.

Create your own custom match orders
With lineup options it will be easier and faster for you to switch, for example, between your standard team and your reserves when setting your match orders. You add custom order using lineup options below the match order form. You can save any of your previous match lineups or use a lineup for an upcoming match as custom orders (so to set a predefined order; first set and save orders for an upcoming match, then go back to the order form and add it a custom order under lineup options). Your player orders will also be included.

Match kit sharing
We’ve seen amazingly many nice and cool kits since we released the new kit designer in December, and now we hope to see even more. You can now share your fantastic kit designs with the community, or design a limited edition for just one or a few teams. For you who may not have the time, interest or knowledge to design your own supernatural kit; you’ll get a whole wardrobe of nice kits to choose from.

Federation improvements
We put some more light on the members in your federations and made the members page more interesting. You now get to see some more info about your co-members; flag, team name, series standing, latest result and press announcement. We also added latest visitor, speed browsing among fed members and a search cloud when searching for federations.

Edit your avatar
You can let your manager avatar reflect your real mood, or the opposite around. You can change the mood of your avatar by tweaking eyes and mouth. You can also change hair and skin colour as well, to have it more your way. Player faces must still be switched on in your preferences in order to get an avatar.

Blacklist user
If you for some reason don’t want a user to support you or write in your guestbook, you can add that user to your blacklist in your preferences.

HT-ML editor additions and mail archive
In this Supporter upgrade we’ve also made it possible to use the HT-ML editor when writing your press announcements or signing a guestbook. Moreover, you can now also save your sent mails from deletion in your mail archive.

No more banners
Last but absolutely not least, as a Supporter you will get no traditional banners at all. “No banner reload” has always been included in the Supporter package, but now we take it one step further and promise you no banners at all. We may still have in-game advertising (for our own products or occasional sponsor messages for example) for Supporters, but blinking, annoying banners will be like wild parrots on the South Pole: non-existing.
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