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Thread: [PC] Civilization VI

  1. #136
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Se hai accesso alle loro citta' si puo' anche risolvere , se invece il civ in questione sta in una zona inaccessibile magari bloccata da altri civ e' piu' dura . Io sto risolvendo in ratica dichiarando cmq guerra al civ e quando arrivano gli zerg di missionari li uccidi con le unita normali passandogli sopra.
    Resta sempre un modo del cazzo di giocare , perche sei forzato a tenere quel civ in guerra perenne , anche quando non hai piu' unita religiosa , perche appena gil dai la pace , che dura almeno 30 turni e' capace che riparte oppure va a cappare citta di altri civ e chiude il game .
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  2. #137
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    hai provato a vedere se mettendo 1 inquisitore in città impedisci lo spread? in civ5 funzionava :V certo è dispensioso reclutare N apostoli, ma in mancanza d'altro...altrimenti tocca circondare le città di unità
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  3. #138
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    lo zergano :O
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  4. #139
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    wtf zergano anche gli apostoli in città? Hax.
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  5. #140
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Ah dicevi dentro proprio , non ho mai provato sinceramente .
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  6. #141
    NelloDominat's Avatar
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    Montreal - Canada


    ad oggi 5 partite... 2 perse e 3 vinte (culture wins lol) le 2 perse sono state una religiosa e una che mi hanno zergato al turno 30-40 3 città no military units..

  7. #142
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Patch time!


    Added a balanced six player map.
    Added a balanced four player map.
    ‘Cavalry and Cannonades’ Scenario Added
    Combat scenario with reduced unit maintenance costs and no strategic resource requirement for units.
    Larger starting army and additional starting techs.
    Time limit: 50 turns.
    Goal: Possess the largest territory.
    DX12 Support
    Complete Logitech ARX Support


    Added additional notifications.
    Added a “time defeat” for running out of time. This is always disabled if a Score Victory is available.
    Added additional Hotkey support (next unit, next city).
    Added the ability to rename cities.
    Added UI to show the next tile a city will grow to.
    Added a visual cue for Barbarian Scouts that are alerted to your city.
    Changed Dan Quayle rankings.


    Added prerequisite project (Manhattan Project) for Operation Ivy.
    Added Metal Casting as a prerequisite for Economics tech.
    Adjusted religious pressure when a religion is first founded to give them more resilience and convert the city.
    Adjusted relationship decay rates.
    Reduced the effectiveness of cavalry production policies.
    Reduced Warmonger penalties in most instances, and adjusted how this reacts to returning versus keeping a city. The last city conquered from a player now provides a heavy warmonger penalty, even if you have a Casus Belli against this player, because you are wiping out a civilization.
    Reduced border incursion warnings if the troops are within their own borders.
    Increased the number of Great Works of Writing slots in the Amphitheater to 2.
    Increased Counterspy operation time.
    Increased the cost of Religious units and applied additional charges.
    Units may no longer be deleted when they are damaged.
    Deleting a unit no longer provides gold.
    Updated Island Plates map to have more hills and mountains.
    Units may no longer remove features from tiles that are not owned by that player.
    Fallout now prevents resource harvesting.
    Barbarian camps must spawn further away from low-difficulty players’ cities.


    Adjusted AI victory condition focus to increase their competitiveness in Science and Tourism.
    Adjusted AI understanding of declared friendship.
    Adjusted the AI approach to beginning and ending a war based on potential gain and loss.
    Increased AI competitiveness in building a more advanced military.
    Increased AI usage of Inquisitors. Especially Phillip.
    Increased AI value of upgrading units.
    Increased AI use of Settler escorts.
    Tuned AI usage of units that cannot move and shoot, like Catapults.
    Tuned AI city and unit build planning.
    Improved the ability of city-states to maintain a strong military.


    Fixed some production Social Policies, Great People, and Pantheon bonuses that were not applying correctly.
    Fixed Royal Navy Dockyard not getting the right adjacency bonuses.
    Fixed some issues with how the Great Wall was built by players and AI, including proper connection to mountains and removing other players’ Great Walls as potential connection points.
    Fixed a unit cycling error with formations.
    Fixed a bug where the first military levy that expired would return all levied units (including those levied from other city-states) to that city-state. Now it should only return the levied units that actually originally belonged to the one city-state.
    Fixed several issues when Airstrips and Aerodromes are occupied, including forced rebasing of enemy units and UI updates.
    Fixed an exploit that allowed ranged and bombard units to gain experience when attacking a district with 0 hit points.
    Fixed an issue with wonders when transferring city ownership – conquering a city with a wonder would not track that wonder, and could lead to problems when attempting to use Gustave Eiffel.
    Fixed an issue where the Settler lens would not always show the right information to the player.
    Fixed an issue where AI would counter gold changes with the change desired, rather than the total amount of gold desired.
    Fixed an issue where the Tutorial intro and outro videos would appear off-center in certain resolutions.
    Fixed some crashes with units.
    Fixed an issue where multiple leaders of the same civilization would frequently show up in a game.
    Fixed an issue where Trade Route yields were doubling in some instances.
    Units in formations now break formation before teleporting between cities.
    The achievement ‘For Queen and Country’ was unlocking too frequently.
    AI with neutral relationships should accept delegations barring exceptional circumstances.
    Can no longer declare a Joint War if it is invalid for either party.
    Save game files should no longer be case sensitive.
    Certain wonders were sending extra notifications.
    Players will no longer receive any warmongering penalties from a joint war partner for actions in that joint war.
    Liberating a civilization back to life will now bring them back into the game properly.
    Observation Balloon range bonus was being incorrectly applied when stacked.
    Text and grammar fixes.


    Buildings on snow will now have snow on them.
    Added an Industrial Barbarian Encampment.
    Added a ranger tower to National Parks.
    Fixed some issues with buildings not culling around other world items properly.
    Fixed an issue with some Districts not showing properly.
    Miscellaneous polish applied to multiple improvements, districts, and buildings.


    Turn timers are always disabled on the first turn of a new game. This happens regardless of the advanced start or turn timer type selected.
    Allow multiplayer lobby's private game status to be toggled once the lobby has been created.
    Cap the max players to 12.
    Added LAN player name option to options screen.


    Added the number of specialists working a tile.
    Added some additional icons for espionage, promotions, etc.
    Added additional Civilopedia shortcuts, including right clicking a unit portrait.
    Added the signature to the diplomacy action view/deal view so that we can differentiate between duplicate players. Also added multiplayer screenname in diplomacy.
    Added Trade Route yields to the Reports screen.
    Added City Center to the City Breakdown panel.
    Added rewards and consequences to mission completed popups.
    Updated the leader-chooser when beginning a new game.
    Updated the end game Victory screen.
    Updated the multiplayer staging room.
    Updated city banners.
    Updated Espionage mission chooser flow.
    Updated to display what cities are getting amenities from each resource.
    Changed resource icon backings to reflect the type of resource it is.
    Auto-scroll to the first Great Person that can be claimed.
    Improved search functionality in the Civilopedia.
    Removed Barbarian data from player replay graphs.
    ESC now closes the Tech, Civic, and Eureka popups.
    When loading a game, the era blurb will be the current era of the saved game, rather than the starting era of the game.


    Added some missing mouseover sounds.
    Fixed the Oracle quote.
    Fixed an issue where the Advisor voice was not playing in some languages.
    Fixed compatibility issues with some sound cards, especially those set to high playback rates.


    Added a setup option "No Duplicate Leaders" that is enabled by default. This option prevents multiple players from selecting the same leader.
    Updated leader screen to support enabling/disabling bloom according to the 'Enable Bloom' graphics option.
    Plot Tooltip Delay is now available in the Options menu.
    Auto Cycle Units is now available in the Options menu.
    Benchmark updates.
    Credits updated.
    Last edited by SharTeel; 18th November 2016 at 17:53.
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

  8. #143
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Ci sono alcune cose dovute , come il fix sulle unita deletate , e la scorta fissa ai settlers , cosa che era imbarazzante .

    PEr il resto bho tra dire una ai fara' una cosa e farla realmente ci passa un treno in mezzo , bisogna vedere come reagiranno.

    Peccato non abbiano toccato ancora abilita' e unita speciali dei vari civ . Ci sono civ troppo "forti" e alcuni civ che oltre a king non possono essere giocati come si deve .
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  9. #144
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Roipnol's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by -=Rho=- View Post
    Ci sono alcune cose dovute , come il fix sulle unita deletate , e la scorta fissa ai settlers , cosa che era imbarazzante .

    PEr il resto bho tra dire una ai fara' una cosa e farla realmente ci passa un treno in mezzo , bisogna vedere come reagiranno.

    Peccato non abbiano toccato ancora abilita' e unita speciali dei vari civ . Ci sono civ troppo "forti" e alcuni civ che oltre a king non possono essere giocati come si deve .
    ma tipo?
    Quote Originally Posted by marchese View Post
    mandasse veramente a cagare steve jobs, mac, i-merd varia e tutti i coglioni che spendono 900euro per qualcosa che ne vale manco 200 solo perchè cià il design so cool

  10. #145
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Mettiamola cosi, giocare con germania o roma non é la stessa cosa di giocare con francia o norvegia

  11. #146
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Le ai hanno un nuovo problemino con le amenities , ho fatto un game alla sim city con le germania a immortal ( di cazzeggio ) per vittoria scientifica , e durante tutto il game , il primo che finisco post patch , c'erano alcune ai letteralmente ownate dai loro stessi ribelli . Ho conquistato la grecia che giocava wide con 5 unita' 5 , che aveva tutte le varie tiles brasate dai /barbari ribelli . Idem su altre ai , sciiti e arabi .
    Una roba comica
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  12. #147
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    Sono appena stato zergato da Roma ( deity ) turno 14 che si e' presentata con 5 warrior , seguiti il turno dopo da un altro war e uno slinger
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  13. #148
    Tanek's Avatar
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    Milano, Midgard


    Turno 14 con tutta quella roba?? Ma lol, almeno nel 5 i cheat AI per la difficoltà riguardavano un paio di unità ma soprattutto bonus.

    Tanek™: Game Designer & Algorithm Mastermind, Team Leader & SW Engineer and Dungeon Master!
    "Datte Foco"™ and "Ma KITTESENCULA"™ are registered trademarks of Tanek Entertainment Inc.
    ‎"One of these days, scientists will discover that second X chromosome contains nothing but nonsense and twaddle." - Sheldon Cooper
    Per non dimenticare:

  14. #149
    -=Mastro Pecoraro=- -=Rho=-'s Avatar
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    A deity la ai parte con 5 war e 3 settlers e 2 builder , e spawna un altro war quando fonda una citta , senza contare tutti i bonus di cog , gpt , res , etc etc .

    Ma va bene cosi' l'ai in assedio e' pessima , se non riesce a mettere la citta' bersaglio sotto siege ruota le unita in modo sconclusionato spesso senza neanche attaccare , finche non la miglioreranno ha bisogno di grossi aiuti .

    E i 3 settlers con cui parte fanno comodo ( sono direi indispensabili ) , catturarne uno o piu' e l'unica maniera per stare dietro alla ai in ricerca e cultura a deity . Poi a deity ma anche immortal il difficile sono i primi 70 turni , passati quelli dopo l'ai e' per forza di cosa in vantaggio di unita' il game diventa tanto facile quanto lo puo' essere a prince .

    Pero' non mi era mai capitato di essere zergato in modo cosi' brutale cosi' presto

    link educativo
    Last edited by -=Rho=-; 24th November 2016 at 16:38.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thor View Post
    sto stappando una delle migliori bottiglie che ho in casa
    ora siete coglioni al quadrato
    Quote Originally Posted by Nazgul Tirith View Post

  15. #150
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    la cosa + brutale è quando ti spawnano appena fuori dalla capitale i campi di barbari con i cavalli...e ti ritrovi lo zerg di horsemen+horse archers dopo 10 turni a bussare alla porta
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

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