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Thread: Nazza + oMG + Voongard

  1. #1

    Default Nazza + oMG + Voongard

    EVE System > Channel changed to Korama Local Channel
    Maxx Morphine > whoever ripped off my can I would like it back
    Maxx Morphine > I'm a peaceful person, haven't done anything to anyone
    Matakaru > lol...whoever did that isnt giving it back no use in asking
    Maxx Morphine > well they shouldn't be doing it in the first place
    Matakaru > its called piracy...
    Matakaru > big part of this game
    Maxx Morphine > I left the computer for one second and some grabs every bit of ore I mined myself
    Matakaru > lol, shit happens
    Matakaru > theres more ore anyway, just be careful

    Stiamo tentando di swappare il can ad un niubbo minatore, questo è un estratto della chat Local, indovinate chi è

    Vi terremo informati...

    Maxx Morphine > really guys not funny

    Nazza VonBraun > yarr!
    Maxx Morphine > Not really funny man, only left the computer for a second and what I was putting ore into was gone

    Last edited by Nazza; 27th March 2009 at 01:31.
    DAOC - Deira [off]
    Mamma - trolla sciamana 6L3
    Mammella - cobolda runemaster 3Lx
    Eve Online [off]
    Nazza VonBraun

  2. #2
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Sep 2005



    2009.03.26 23:54:00

    Victim: Mari CB
    Corp: Black Ivory
    Alliance: Construct Consortium
    Faction: NONE
    Destroyed: Iteron Mark V
    System: Korama
    Security: 0.8
    Damage Taken: 2232

    Involved parties:

    Name: Kjoe Lmdc (laid the final blow)
    Security: 0.1
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Caracal
    Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
    Damage Done: 1646

    Name: Voongaard
    Security: 0.1
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Brutix
    Weapon: Brutix
    Damage Done: 586

    Name: Nazza VonBraun
    Security: 4.4
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Buzzard
    Weapon: J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
    Damage Done: 0

    Destroyed items:

    10MN Afterburner I
    Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 2
    Veldspar, Qty: 71431 (Cargo)
    Small Shield Extender I, Qty: 3
    Salvager I
    Cargohold Optimization I, Qty: 3

    Dropped items:

    Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 3
    Small Shield Extender I
    Small Tractor Beam I

  3. #3


    Si, oltre 100 milioni di danno...

    E la chat continua!

    Maxx Morphine > Not really funny man, only left the computer for a second and what I was putting ore into was gone
    Nazza VonBraun > ehm, it's still there
    Maxx Morphine > well its mine and I'm taking it

    Arriva Mari CB, della sua stessa alleanza, per prendere il minerale del suo alleato Maxx. Ma magari neanche lei sapeva che c'era una Buzzard cloackata proprio sopra il can, con webber e doppio scrambler. Ed una Brutix ed una Caracal pronti a saltargli addosso.

    Mari CB > stop

    <boom> (suono di circa 120 mln che si volatilizzano)
    Inutile dire che negli oltre 100 giocatori in sistema, vari si divertono a schernire il niubbo finito vittima dell'ennesimo canswap assieme a noi; e qualcuno, che chiedendo aiuto ad un amico gli ha causato una perdita bella grossa, infila pure qualche proposito di vendetta futura...!

    Voongaard > yaar haar fiddle dee dee
    Matakaru > if you like to sail the sea
    Maxx Morphine > whats your beef man
    Matakaru > eh?
    Azmarel Whosayar > being a pirate is alright with me
    Matakaru > hey azmarel
    Azmarel Whosayar > Do what you want cause a pirate is free
    Azmarel Whosayar > YOU ARE A PIRATE
    Azmarel Whosayar > Hey Mata
    Matakaru > MO IN NOT D<
    Matakaru > NO*
    Matakaru > lol
    Matakaru > I am a good, upstanding citizen
    Matakaru > <_<
    Lord Amatash > Lies
    Lord Amatash > Like you would ever be one of those
    Maxx Morphine > someone should put a bounty on people like you
    Azmarel Whosayar > Who me?
    Azmarel Whosayar > Lord is another one of my alts
    Azmarel Whosayar > btw
    Nazza VonBraun > yarrr, the ebil pirates he means
    Azmarel Whosayar > XD
    Maxx Morphine > no jerkoff pirate Mazza
    Maxx Morphine > you'll get yours someday

    Azmarel Whosayar > We cant
    Azmarel Whosayar > they have to have a sec status lower than -1
    Nazza VonBraun > -1.5 to be correct

    Come concludere?

    Voongaard > Maxx we should go mining together someday
    Voongaard > lol
    Nazza VonBraun > we're already doing lol

    DAOC - Deira [off]
    Mamma - trolla sciamana 6L3
    Mammella - cobolda runemaster 3Lx
    Eve Online [off]
    Nazza VonBraun

  4. #4
    Master Chief Petty Officer Madeiner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    zomg uahuahu grandissimi!
    __The Legend of Mir__
    Mage of the 27th Level
    ___Account Sold___

    __Dark Age of Camelot__
    Armsman of the 50th Lev
    ____Clan Wallace____

  5. #5
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    "Nraag > u guys suck"


    2009.03.27 00:47:00

    Victim: Nraag
    Corp: University of Caille
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Destroyed: Navitas
    System: Korama
    Security: 0.8
    Damage Taken: 361

    Involved parties:

    Name: Kjoe Lmdc (laid the final blow)
    Security: 0.1
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Caracal
    Weapon: Thunderbolt Heavy Missile
    Damage Done: 361

    Name: Nazza VonBraun
    Security: 4.4
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Buzzard
    Weapon: J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
    Damage Done: 0

    Destroyed items:

    Miner II, Qty: 2
    Civilian Shield Booster I
    Veldspar, Qty: 3265 (Cargo)
    Expanded Cargohold I

    Dropped items:

    Hobgoblin I (Drone Bay)
    Expanded Cargohold I


    Eh beh

  6. #6
    Master Chief Petty Officer Madeiner's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    __The Legend of Mir__
    Mage of the 27th Level
    ___Account Sold___

    __Dark Age of Camelot__
    Armsman of the 50th Lev
    ____Clan Wallace____

  7. #7
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Poco fa ho sendato il prode Maxx Morphine... ha quittato la chat poco dopo, chissà perchè

    edit: pd nazza ti odio

    2009.03.27 01:33:00

    Victim: Lindow Draos
    Corp: Eve Corporate Enterprise
    Alliance: Virtual Alliance Core
    Faction: NONE
    Destroyed: Bestower
    System: Korama
    Security: 0.8
    Damage Taken: 3629

    Involved parties:

    Name: Voongaard
    Security: 0.1
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Brutix
    Weapon: Brutix
    Damage Done: 2777

    Name: Kjoe Lmdc (laid the final blow)
    Security: 0.1
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Caracal
    Weapon: Scourge Heavy Missile
    Damage Done: 852

    Name: Nazza VonBraun
    Security: 4.4
    Corp: W2K1 Corp
    Alliance: NONE
    Faction: NONE
    Ship: Buzzard
    Weapon: J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I
    Damage Done: 0

    Destroyed items:

    Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 2
    Y-S8 Hydrocarbon I Afterburners
    Small Shield Extender II
    Small Shield Booster II
    Small Tractor Beam I
    Defender I (Cargo)

    Dropped items:

    Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 2
    Concentrated Veldspar, Qty: 12067 (Cargo)
    Small Shield Extender II
    Salvager I
    Veldspar, Qty: 20445 (Cargo)
    Last edited by Kjoene; 27th March 2009 at 03:35.

  8. #8


    questo è stato il più veloce: warpo sopra, swappo, tempo 10 secondi il bestower prende il can; ed arriva una fregata faction sansha di quella corp a pistarmi di brutto, Voon warpa in ritardo e oMG stava ancora entrando in sistema; morale della favola, oMG arriva, spara un solo missile e da' il killing blow, io warpo via prima di venire esploso (sono rimasto con metà struttura).

    Però abbiamo aggiunto un'altra kill, mentre una Buzzard infesta il sistema!

    Farsi Caldoran > buzzard is breakdancing

    DAOC - Deira [off]
    Mamma - trolla sciamana 6L3
    Mammella - cobolda runemaster 3Lx
    Eve Online [off]
    Nazza VonBraun

  9. #9
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by Er_NaZZa View Post
    questo è stato il più veloce: warpo sopra, swappo, tempo 10 secondi il bestower prende il can; ed arriva una fregata faction sansha di quella corp a pistarmi di brutto, Voon warpa in ritardo e oMG stava ancora entrando in sistema; morale della favola, oMG arriva, spara un solo missile e da' il killing blow, io warpo via prima di venire esploso (sono rimasto con metà struttura).
    Però abbiamo aggiunto un'altra kill, mentre una Buzzard infesta il sistema!
    Farsi Caldoran > buzzard is breakdancing
    Ma quale 1 solo missile, se non arrivavo io ( mi sono fatto 4 jump nel tempo che voongaard ci ha messo a warpare verso di te ) avevate bello che sokato

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2008


    che palle, una delle poche sere che sono andato a letto con le galline , per la stanchezza mi fate tutto questo, e la mia caracal con warp scambler e jamming è sempre chiusa in garage a prendere la polvere..

  11. #11


    Ci saranno ben altre occasioni

  12. #12
    Tanek's Avatar
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    Milano, Midgard


    Pzzzzzzzz rosiko di non essere stato lì con voi, dannazione!!!!

    Tanek™: Game Designer & Algorithm Mastermind, Team Leader & SW Engineer and Dungeon Master!
    "Datte Foco"™ and "Ma KITTESENCULA"™ are registered trademarks of Tanek Entertainment Inc.
    ‎"One of these days, scientists will discover that second X chromosome contains nothing but nonsense and twaddle." - Sheldon Cooper
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  13. #13
    Lieutenant Sante's Avatar
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    Cazzo pure io non vedo l'ora, ma questo periodo sono davvero impicciato...

    P.S. Mi sono comprato una Dominix!!

  14. #14
    Tanek's Avatar
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    Milano, Midgard


    Idem, sta settimana è stata uno sbattimento unico, il weekend forse sarà un po' più tranquo, dannata RL è___é

    ps: la Dominix è una BS? Io verrò con la Caracal :P

    Tanek™: Game Designer & Algorithm Mastermind, Team Leader & SW Engineer and Dungeon Master!
    "Datte Foco"™ and "Ma KITTESENCULA"™ are registered trademarks of Tanek Entertainment Inc.
    ‎"One of these days, scientists will discover that second X chromosome contains nothing but nonsense and twaddle." - Sheldon Cooper
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  15. #15



    Il lavoro mi owna.
    Tuttavia sto skillando duro lol!

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