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Thread: Patch 1.05

  1. #61
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pazzo View Post
    dovrebbe uscire a breve, ieri MJ diceva tomorrow early morning, quindi fra qualche ora dovremmo vedere le patch notes. che non andranno live presto cmq perchè prima vanno su sul test server.
    qq ma perchè goa non c'ha test server

  2. #62
    Petty Officer 1st Class Tele's Avatar
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    Vado un po' OT ma vi linko qualche post di MJB su F13; è una discussione sul recente "stato del gioco", non aspettatevi discussioni su dettagli concreti o cose simili

    due quote interessanti a mio avviso:

    schild on October 18, 2008, 03:06:13 AM
    Actually, if you're even in theoretical 100% agreement that would be at the very least the tiniest glimmer of hope. But you've brought up the No-Scenario server more than once in this thread alone (which was once too many as we lolled about it in another thread). It's totally not a solution.
    I don't think any of it is simple. In the least.
    But you still, even in that response, haven't addressed the simple fact that PvE is the best way to get loot, scenarios are the best way to get experience, and RvR is too fragmented. I mean, comeon friendo, you're killing me here. Even if you boost RvR by 300%, the diminishing returns on multiple kills due to the tiers being so removed from eachother is going to kill that fast. And it would basically require that euros and such on US servers play during our peak hours.
    RvR is awesome. You're right. Scenarios are pretty great too! PvE could be pretty great if it wasn't so mind-numbingly non-rewarding. Fuck yea I'm pissed off. I did Tor Anroc some odd 200 times to get from 23-32. The fact I'm here arguing should tell you you're on the right path, I've already lasted here longer than any MMOG in the last oh, 5 years. But there are things at stake here, most notably the player base as the clock is ticking on Wrath and you keep referring to WoW players wanting a specific type of game. I'm not even sure Blizzard knows what they want. AFAIK most of those people are there because of the community, because that game is just not very good - it's just very polished. Obviously WAR isn't there yet, but you excel in other areas and unfortunately it seems like the steps being taken are... short-sighted.
    First, I'm glad to know that you realize how complicated changing things is. Just so you know, I've already had this exact same conversation with the key guys twice in the last week. And when I talk about baby steps or doing things slowly it is precisely because I know WotLK is coming. If we jump the gun (or jump the shark) now, it will be hard to get people to come back even after the ice melts. OTOH, if we take a little longer, make the right changes and don't FIU, then people will either stay and play both or leave and then come back. But, if we FUBAR, they won't. Ask yourself this, if you were me, would you take a long-term approach to this game's success or a short-term? If it's the long-term, well, you would look at everything carefully. You would take safer steps while you plan out the bigger steps. You would spend more time polishing key things and have more surprises in the wings. You would do everything you could to keep the game going nicely but expect the worst and be ready for it. If you take a short-term approach, you would immediately rush to action like the world is coming to an end. You would too quickly nerf and add just to keep players happy because you believe that they are right and you didn't gather enough evidence because you didn't have the tools or the time. You'd make all sorts of promises that you believe in and hope you can deliver but then reality rears its ugly head. You'd spend a ton of time trolling the forums and spending way too much time listening to what is said there and make other changes accordingly. You'd be looking for the modern equivalent of bread and circuses.
    Now, which sounds like a better plan? And which sounds more like 2001?

    Sjofn on October 18, 2008, 03:36:27 AM
    I wasn't aware saying, "No seriously, don't you think no scenario servers would help?" was really an explanation, exactly. Just restating the same thing ("C'mon, at least KINDA admit no-scenario servers could help!!!!") does, indeed, make it seem like you aren't listening at all. If you can see the issues with the idea, you might want to mention them in your defense, and say what benefits there would be to, you know, balance those. People have brought up a LOT of reasons it would be a bad idea, you have not really "defended" why it isn't besides "It's hard. "

    'Course, it's REALLY LATE now. Maybe it's time for bed. At least for me.
    My defense was this:

    What if we do all the things that people here want (other than cutting scenario exp/renown) and players still won't leave the scenarios. If this is the case, wouldn't having a scenario-free server work for those players who want non-stop RvR action?

    And I've said the same thing more than once. Again, it's very early now as it past late 3 hours ago, but all I've said and said and said was that *if* we are wrong about the WoWheads and they don't want to move out of scenarios and at the same time we care about our open RvR players, would a no scenario server work? Nothing more complicated than that. Because really, if we do everything people think is a great idea and people don't move we only have a limited set of choices:

    1) Force them to move out by cutting scenarios at certain levels (tiered)

    2) Cut experience/renown from scenarios

    3) Try something different like no-scenario server

    4) Do nothing

    I don't like 2 at all, I truly hate 4, 1 is a possibility and 3 was the no-scenario server or something else like that. Did I miss anything?

    Lugdaag rr7x shaman Karak Azgal
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  3. #63
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Zaor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miciomiao View Post
    l'unica classe che va potenziata è il mandriano:P
    Il madriano è gia sgravato ora, solo chi non lo sa giocare si può lamentare.

    Ma visto tutti i qq che c sono stati ovviamente lo potenzieranno..

  4. #64
    Master Chief Petty Officer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Miciomiao View Post
    l'unica classe che va potenziata è il mandriano:P
    cetto, l'ingegnere ad esempio è decisamente bilanciato ora

  5. #65
    Warrant Officer Taro Swarosky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odyen View Post
    Quindi se gioco nella distru significa che so zerger? forte.

    ho detto "classe fotm DELLA fazione zerg", o leggi in fretta o c'hai la coda di paglia.

  6. #66
    Enlisted Hashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tele View Post
    Vado un po' OT ma vi linko qualche post di MJB su F13;
    E' l'unico forum dove ho visto mark jacobs in difficoltà. Pare esserci una alta concentrazione di scassaballe non ortodossi (criticano tutto e tutti, ma motivano e propongono soluzioni). Non fosse che ogni reply contiene non meno di 2500 parole gli riserverei molta più attenzione.

  7. #67
    Ensign Jesper's Avatar
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    quell'intero thread è molto bello (nel senso che flammano tutti peggio di GR ma allo stesso tempo danno anche risposte sensate...anche se ora come ora è preda del disfattismo + totale e partigiano).

    Quote Originally Posted by Gramas View Post
    7) The "Ability Not Ready" message will no longer display when the remaining cooldown on an ability is less than or equal to the full global cooldown.
    fiufff,vediamo ste 17 pagine
    io non ho capito se questa modifica evita semplicemente lo spam di "abilità non pronta" o se ha effettivamente un impatto sul gioco. Cioè, se spammo come un pazzo uno stile melee che ha come unico cooldown quello globale non mi dirà + "abilità non pronta" e altro non fa no?
    Let's Play: la serie di Lupo Solitario, di Joe Dever

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  8. #68
    Petty Officer 1st Class Tele's Avatar
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    F13 è un forum della madonna, sempre letto con attenzione visto che il 90% dei post sono scritti da gente che sa di cosa parla
    Lugdaag rr7x shaman Karak Azgal
    Tulkion rr80 white lion Karak Norn

  9. #69
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Ged's Avatar
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  10. #70
    McWoT. McLove.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ged View Post
    ellamadonna ci vediamo domani per commentarla che e' un walloftext della madonna asd
    Non ho mai rivolto a Dio altro che una preghiera, molto breve: "Dio, rendi ridicoli i miei nemici". E Dio l'ha esaudita. -Voltaire-

  11. #71
    Hador's Avatar
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    evviva che bello mi fixano la classe, aumentano il danno del dot singolo (utileh!) e mi nerfano la cura singola da 1 secondo.
    bello eh.
    ma cristo...
    Last edited by Hador; 6th November 2008 at 21:13.

  12. #72
    Lieutenant Commander Glorifindel's Avatar
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    Root effects, with the exception of morale roots, will now grant a 5 second immunity from all roots to the victim when the effect breaks, and in addition will no longer stack with other roots.

    • Root effects will now properly have a chance to break whenever a player takes ANY damage. This includes individual tics of Damage over Time spells.

    • To promote population balance among the various scenarios, we have added a feature that reduces the number of times a scenario can launch in a short period of time. This will give scenarios which are launched less frequently an opportunity to catch up in the queue population and launch more often.

    Già andiamo moooolto bene

    edit: han nerfato il magnete e il chaotic rift
    hanno leggermente potenziato il dot ai bw (o meglio la contribuzione delle stats ai dot).
    ovviamente lo stesso per lo stregone su certe spell.
    Last edited by Glorifindel; 6th November 2008 at 21:27.
    On Steam: Gildarts
    On Glorfurion#2394

  13. #73
    Lieutenant Commander Miave's Avatar
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    ahhaahhahahahha hanno nerfato tutti gli healer e aumentato tutti i danni...

    PAPERINO come dev hanno...
    Quote Originally Posted by Mallus
    non rispondete a questi 4 pirla.. fanno apposta a provocarvi in piu sono dei perditempo , gia solo il fatto che si "debbano rispondere alle accuse fatte a noi" fa capire che questi ne lavorano ne scopano e forse non sono nemmeno persone.

  14. #74
    Crewman Rewave's Avatar
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    Il silence della sorca rimane di due secondi lel.

  15. #75
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    o paperinik

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