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Thread: [pc] playerunknown's battlegrounds

  1. #16
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zl4tan View Post

    io ho provato alcune partite, ho solo sperimentato cali di framerate paurosi, a volte va tipo a scatti, quando entro in un edificio si blocca...

    ps: ti ho aggiunto su steam
    Al momento è molto poco ottimizzato anche se ci stanno lavorando, metti tutto al minimo e al max le texture medie, ci sono punti in cui cala il frame inevitabilmente io sto tra i 40 e 80 a seconda dei punti della mappa.Domani mi arriva la 1080 spero di pote alzare qualcosa ma preferisco cmnq avere più frame.

    al momento gioco a 1440p con una 970 OC al massimo (1500mhz) e un i5 6600k a 4.4 ghz .
    Last edited by LuKas; 28th March 2017 at 09:36.
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  2. #17
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    ieri due divertenti sessioni con lukas in duo..

    ho abbassato ulteriormente le impostazioni video, nessun calo di framerate...
    se qualcun altro si vuole unire, si potrebbe pensare di fare qualche partita in team...

    comunque è un gioco veramente divertente ed imprevedibile, la concitazione dei primi minuti di gioco è bellissima... ti butti dall'aereo individuando un gruppo di case dove poter cercare equip... mentre scendi ti accorgi che altri hanno scelto la stessa destinazione... provi a virare, ti allontani un po... ma niente tutto attorno pieni di nemici...

    ieri con lukas ci siamo buttati su un agglomerato di case... ci siamo resi conto che almeno altre 10 persone avevano scelto la stessa destinazione,... io riesco ad allontanarmi leggermente in fase di discesa, punto un capanno isolato ad una 50 ina di metri dal villaggio... ma dentro non trovo nulla di utile.. lukas nel villaggio nemmeno,... scappiamo via disarmati vergo dei capannoni... e niente.. erano gia occupati pure quelli... ci hanno segato...

    sto gioco ha tante potenzialità...


  3. #18
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    La cosa migliore sembra sapere dove ci sono gli spawn fissi delle auto, buttarsi e arrivare prima degli altri e poi andare in zone difficili da raggiungere per altri inizialmente...
    Stai fuori anche dal cerchio iniziale (se trovi medikit e hai auto) e poi man mano stai sul perimetro esterno (lì va' a fortuna dato la randomicita' di come si chiude il cerchio)

  4. #19
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiinn View Post
    La cosa migliore sembra sapere dove ci sono gli spawn fissi delle auto, buttarsi e arrivare prima degli altri e poi andare in zone difficili da raggiungere per altri inizialmente...
    Stai fuori anche dal cerchio iniziale (se trovi medikit e hai auto) e poi man mano stai sul perimetro esterno (lì va' a fortuna dato la randomicita' di come si chiude il cerchio)
    Ho visto anche io qualche streamer giocare così.
    Aereo -> Auto -> agglomerato in periferia -> loot -> inizio del gioco vero e proprio

  5. #20
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    E' il modo migliore per arrivare a fine gioco con equip e meno casino... ti concentri solo sui cerchi finali e non hai rischi inutili all'inizio

  6. #21
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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  7. #22
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    io mi guardo sempre viss e halifax che giocano in duo

    sono estremamente bravi, tattici (hanno tipo in 2 piu' di 10000 ore di battleroyale alle spalle su arma) e non toxic come summit e josh sinceramente...
    Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

  8. #23
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by innaig86 View Post
    Ho visto anche io qualche streamer giocare così.
    Aereo -> Auto -> agglomerato in periferia -> loot -> inizio del gioco vero e proprio

    ieri ho cominciato a pensare anche io a questo tipo di strategia, l'abbiamo attuata con lukas, siamo stati sfigati ad esplorare ognuno dei due un palazzo di 4 piani dove in pratica non c'era un cazzo...

    basta guardare la traettoria dell aereo, i player si spargeranno lungo quell'asse nessuno ci si allontana di molto di solito...
    invece che atterrare per cercare le armi, con tutti i rischi che comporta (players che ti atterrano vicino, con conseguente perdita di tempo per cercare la tua arma +scontro ravvicinato, nel frattempo passa il tempo e si chiude il cerchio, e tu ti ritrovi ad aver lootato pochissimo in confronto ad altri) cercare subito un'auto e scappare...

    comunque io implementerei due cose: gli ultimi cerchi dovrebbero durare un pò di piu..


  9. #24
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zl4tan View Post
    comunque io implementerei due cose: gli ultimi cerchi dovrebbero durare un pò di piu..
    Week 1 Patch Notes

    This patch will be deployed for both clients and servers Thursday, March 30, 5PM KST/1AM PDT/8AM UTC


    Adjusted movement speed of endgame play zones
    Adjusted weapon sound volume in the lobby

    tra i vari fix e aggiunte c'è pure quello, non si sa di quanto però.
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  10. #25
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    perfetto... oggi ci faccio un salto dopo pranzo se ci sei...

    ma gli altri? chi l'ha preso?

    sarebbe bello provare la modalità squad


  11. #26
    Il Profumo della Vita innaig86's Avatar
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    Io non l'ho ancora preso perché per politica personale non compro Early Access, ma devo dire che mi sta tentando non poco.

  12. #27
    Lieutenant Commander Jiinn's Avatar
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    Idem come gianni... cioè immagino lì valga 30 euro (di solito valuto un gioco se mi fa' giocare almeno 1 euro all'ora) però al momento non ho manco connessione decente per giocare (e ho solo portatile quindi anche quello meh per giochi del genere)...

  13. #28
    Lieutenant Commander Zl4tan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by innaig86 View Post
    Io non l'ho ancora preso perché per politica personale non compro Early Access, ma devo dire che mi sta tentando non poco.
    prendilo vale tantissimo


  14. #29
    Lieutenant LuKas's Avatar
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    un pò di info presenti e future
    PlayerUnknown’s Talk w/ Twitch Streamer Oshi7

    1. The circle position is always random, and is only prevented from going to the edges of the map.
    2. There will be other maps in the future, but the current one took roughly a year to make, so won’t be any time soon.
    3. The map that players are currently playing on is 100% complete (when it comes to content), we’re just working on polishing it right now.
    4. We’re pushing daily updates to the servers, trying to optimize them to the best of our ability. Unreal Engine wasn’t made for open worlds or 100 players on a map, but we’re going to brute force it anyway.
    5. There will are two bigger optimization updates on the 7th of April and the 14th of April.
    6. We do have plans for consoles, but only after the full PC release.
    7. I have a few other game modes I’d like to add, but I’d really like to see what the modding community will come up with. After full launch.
    8. We will be giving people the ability to write core code without directly giving them C++ Access.
    9. First person hardcore will come without a crosshair, and a limited User Interface, there is no ETA at this time.
    10. I’ll probably be working on this for another year at least; not just the game but setting up for eSports.
    11. We have our leaderboards, we have ELO-based ranking. But we want it to grow organically, I just want to give the community the tools to build whatever they want.
    12. I always wanted to create a community sport.
    13. We’re adding take-downs.
    14. Standing take-down
    15. Crouch take-down
    16. You need to be sneaking up on someone that isn’t moving.
    17. We’re rewriting our propagation algorithm for foliage to make it look a little bit more natural, and add a little bit more cover so there will be a bit more bushes and stuff like that; cause right now it’s a little bit bare.
    18. We will make it so that foliage isn’t tactical. We don’t want it so that people that turn foliage down can see you hiding in the grass, and people with it on can’t.
    19. We will have 2D replays and 3D replays with floating spectator cameras.
    20. We’ll also have a record feature so you can analyze your moves, and look at your teammates’ movements.
    21. [Call of Duty esc} kill / death cams that rewind 5 seconds and show you how you were killed.
    22. The bug that makes houses not propagate is being worked on, but it’s very elusive. We do know of it, we’re just trying to track it down.
    23. Asked if he’ll have to reduce draw distance to increase performance: I like the 100 people, but we haven’t even touched performance, up until the start of early access we were only adding content, it’s just now that we’re starting to work on optimization.
    24. We are kind of happy at the level of customization with the weapons. No changing barrels etc. We’re happy with the calibers we have, I just want to add new weapons, if anything a few more scopes…
    25. We want to add a few more SMGs a few more ARs. I just want to work on balance first.
    26. We want to make it so that you’re not just maining to ARs
    27. Battleroyale is the fight between you and the other player, it shouldn’t be a fight between the UI or your surroundings.
    28. We want to add a gun range map, but it’s not a high priority. Right now the way that we’ve built the game it’s really hard to make a single player thing without a lot of work.
    29. We had to remove the crossbow for a moment, but we will be putting it back in.
    30. RE footsteps: “All the sounds need to be tweaked, all of these things will be changed.”
    31. Jumping system is on hold, but sounds in relation to jumps will be worked on as well.
    32. We’re in early access beta, so it’s all about performance, it’s all about optimization. There will be more content but it will be 80% optimization.
    33. No plans in adding mounted weapons to boats, mods can always do it, I feel it’s a little OP for Battleroyale.
    34. There will be Twitch integration. These are things that will be coming closer to full launch.
    35. The know-down feature “issue” in which you’re revived with almost insufficient health is intentional.
    36. Skins are not something we’re working on right now but we won’t be looking at that until the game is fully released.
    37. What I really want to do is make sure we have a skin economy, that’s why the crates quickly increase in price, there’s a soft limit to how many you can buy.
    38. There will be keys to open those crates, but not in EA.
    39. You’ll be able to find those skins in the world, we don’t want to punish people that can’t afford to buy keys to open crates.
    40. There are big bugs with the reward system, but give us time, we’ll fix them.
    41. Clothes will only be cosmetic.
    42. When you start reviving someone their revive meter I should I stop, but it’s bugged right now.
    43. We want to add air drag to bullets.
    44. The pan does deflect bullets.
    45. Animations are still being polished.
    46. We’re going to have emotes eventually.
    47. Right now the European servers…the problem is not that we have [bad] servers. We’re updating servers daily, it’s due to what we put on them – buying more servers won’t increase the performance the way we want, we’ve been focusing on stabilizing servers first, and we’ll continue to do daily server updates.
    48. We hope to be at full release in 6 months.
    49. We really don’t want to give serious rewards for winning cause that will lead to farming. We really don’t want to give something that’s valuable for winning cause that will lead to farming and cheating and people doing 20 man teams in solo just so they win.
    50. We will have leveling for “skills” with your AR, so you can unlock special reloads. It will add nothing to the game, they’ll be tactical reloads – they won’t go any faster, they’ll just look cooler.
    51. No KSVK.
    52. We’d like to implement C4 so you could put explosives on cars and walk away and trigger them when other people walk up by.
    53. There will be full in-game replays, much like CS:GO.
    54. And more ways to change your keybindings.
    55. This is the set price, it will not increase from $29.99
    56. No combat stances.
    57. No plans for traps or other hazards other than the bombs.
    58. We want to add more destruction, we want to add more environmental things but.
    59. We’re working on the fuckboi cabin.
    60. No sound when the electric field progresses.
    61. Swimming under the water is faster.
    62. We do want to do snow, in the way that as it falls it piles up, and to show your footprints but that’s really performance heavy so it won’t be anytime soon.
    63. Texture quality will be improved over time.
    64. Squad waypoints should be in the first monthly update.
    65. We will be adjusting grenades.
    66. They currently can be cooked though, and that will stay in game.
    67. We won’t be implementing the feature that makes you limp if you’re shot in the leg / aim badly if you got shot in the arm. We really don’t want to punish you that much for getting hurt, you’re already losing HP.
    68. I’m happy with loot at the moment. It needs to be tweaked and tooned, but it forced you to keep looting. This idea that you land and are geared within 2 or 3 minutes is not something we want.
    69. There is currently a 10% chance of getting a rain-ey server.
    70. Opening doors, getting into cars and picking up loot are all server-side operations, so they will be quicker when performance is improved.
    71. We annoucned on our Dev log yesterday that we’re looking into ping lock.
    72. Points are for cosmetic and crates, rankings are ELO rated. (more about this in my previous dev post.)
    73. The red zones are also random, we only put them in there to make you say “Oh shit.”
    74. I have other game modes plans, but for now just working on optimization focus
    75. We have our custom games, which are gonna start out pretty basic, but as we work on the custom game platform you’ll be bale to do so much more – give your own experience to Battleroyale.
    76. After early acces you’ll be able to buy keys with points and then use them to open crates.
    77. Microstransactions will never affect gameplay ever.
    78. We may later implement a way to change your username.
    79. Colorblind mode will be implemented in the next major patch (roughly three weeks from now.)
    80. (Contrary to what he said on his last stream) Okay there is bullet drop, but it’s very minimal. It’s gravity based… there is bullet drop, but because most of the bullets are supersonic they do drop very little over time. Once we add air drag it will all change…
    81. The way [loot] works is… you have residential buildings and military buildings. Military buildings have a higher chance to spawn military weapons but you’ll still find shit loot. And residential buildings have a higher chance to spawn “residential” weapons, or less powerful weapons but you’ll still find – every now and again – high value stuff.
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  15. #30
    Lieutenant Commander Pazzo's Avatar
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    io sono tentato ma sono rimasto scottato da DayZ

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