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Thread: livelli gratis ogni 7gg?

  1. #1
    Enlisted Erga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Default livelli gratis ogni 7gg?

    Ho letto nella pagina dell herall che nei reami sottopopolati ti daranno un livello gratis ogni 7 giorni se fai almeno un livello in quell lasso di tempo, oppure babelfish traduce male?
    ciao tnx agli anglofoni non come me anglofobi .

  2. #2
    Nazgul Tirith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Se intendi questo:
    Free Level System

    Now that Camelot is nearly three years old, it is becoming harder and harder for low-level players to find groups, which results in long leveling times and frustration. It is also a challenge for those players to enjoy the low-level game as much as they could. As such, we have implemented changes to the leveling system that will help all players level faster, no matter what server they play on.

    - All characters will now be granted a free level every seven days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. In other words, if you play your character and gain at least one level in a seven day period, your character will be given a free level.

    - Underpopulated realms characters will receive a free level more often, up to a minimum of every two days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. Pendragon is currently set to the minimum (characters will receive a free level every two days if the character has leveled by regular play in that time) for all realms.

    - When your character has gained a level by regular play, and qualifies for the free level, a pop-up will appear, informing you that you can now gain a free level's worth of experience at your trainer.

    - Please note that using the free level at the time it is granted will be the most beneficial to your character, if you save the free level until a later level (for example: you receive a free level at level 10, but wait until level 15 to use it), it will not be enough experience to grant you an entire level at that point.

    - Characters will not lose their skill respec if they use a free level at their trainer when the character is at levels 5, 20, and 40. Instead, the respec will disappear when the character has leveled again (for example: If your character is level 40, and your free level takes you to 41, your free respec remains on your character until used or until level 42).


    Cmq nn parla di reami SOTTOPOPOLATI , ma di qls posto o reame.

    --> no matter what server they play on.
    "not even death can save you from me..."

  3. #3
    Lieutenant Commander Kuroko's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Si e' cosi , se ne parlava giorni fa qui sul forum proprio...

    Reami sottopopolati....

    Albionesi di tutti i server:


    [Edito] Argh vero non parla di server sottopopolati ma Albs deve sogare ugualmente.

  4. #4
    Nazgul Tirith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Kuroko in quella release in test la mithic parla del nuovo Level nn di un aiuto per i reami sottopopolati

    [Edit] Visto ora l'edit
    "not even death can save you from me..."

  5. #5
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Dark Von Diakonov's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Underpopulated realms characters will receive a free level more often, up to a minimum of every two days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. Pendragon is currently set to the minimum (characters will receive a free level every two days if the character has leveled by regular play in that time) for all realms
    Infatti dice che quello dei tre reami che e' il più sottopopolato riceve un livello a seconda di quanto è sottopopolato rispetto agli altri due fino ad un massimo di un livello ogni 2 giorni invece che ogni 7
    In ANVI Lan staff :
    Dark Von Diakonov : Sono cattivo e di cattivo umore ...
    Now i am :
    Njordhr WaNTeD Level 50 Cobold Shaman on Midgard Lancelot. (WaNTeD Guild)
    On Daoc Lamorak :
    Darkolo VonDiakonov level 50 Inconnu Stregone (Suspended)
    On Daoc Lancelot :
    Sweetluxuriax Lvl 50 Frostalf Spiritmaster 7Lx. /sold
    On Daoc Ita :
    Sweetluxuria Lvl 50 Cobold Bonedancer 7Lx. /sold
    On Ultima On Line :
    Dark Von Diakonov Mage of Dark Templars /end

  6. #6
    Petty Officer 2nd Class PuPpEt's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    quindi anche noi albionesi e i reami ultrapopolati usufruiscono del free level
    Tu sei un ridere.

  7. #7
    Nazgul Tirith's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Von Diakonov
    Infatti dice che quello dei tre reami che e' il più sottopopolato riceve un livello a seconda di quanto è sottopopolato rispetto agli altri due fino ad un massimo di un livello ogni 2 giorni invece che ogni 7

    Si vero, ma nn e' che sia proprio un incentivo per il reame sottopopolato....alla fine in un reame dove sono il doppio rispetto agli altri 2, e te giocando su lancelot come me, hai visto quanti sono gli alb, che han bisogno pure di livellare facile?

    Cosi noi ci ritroviamo con tipo 50 nuovi pg a reame....loro 200
    "not even death can save you from me..."

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Kuroko's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Imho erano meglio i buoni e vecchi... /level 30

  9. #9
    Warrant Officer Pioggia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Psycho
    Se intendi questo:
    Free Level System

    Now that Camelot is nearly three years old, it is becoming harder and harder for low-level players to find groups, which results in long leveling times and frustration. It is also a challenge for those players to enjoy the low-level game as much as they could. As such, we have implemented changes to the leveling system that will help all players level faster, no matter what server they play on.

    - All characters will now be granted a free level every seven days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. In other words, if you play your character and gain at least one level in a seven day period, your character will be given a free level.

    - Underpopulated realms characters will receive a free level more often, up to a minimum of every two days, if the character has attained a level by regular play in that time. Pendragon is currently set to the minimum (characters will receive a free level every two days if the character has leveled by regular play in that time) for all realms.

    - When your character has gained a level by regular play, and qualifies for the free level, a pop-up will appear, informing you that you can now gain a free level's worth of experience at your trainer.

    - Please note that using the free level at the time it is granted will be the most beneficial to your character, if you save the free level until a later level (for example: you receive a free level at level 10, but wait until level 15 to use it), it will not be enough experience to grant you an entire level at that point.

    - Characters will not lose their skill respec if they use a free level at their trainer when the character is at levels 5, 20, and 40. Instead, the respec will disappear when the character has leveled again (for example: If your character is level 40, and your free level takes you to 41, your free respec remains on your character until used or until level 42).


    Cmq nn parla di reami SOTTOPOPOLATI , ma di qls posto o reame.

    --> no matter what server they play on.
    QUANDO INIZIANO? cosi 50nto subito
    I Was
    Vortigern Hib: Pioggia Barda 7Lx
    Lancelot Hib: Pioggina Barda 8Lx
    Igraine Mid: Pioggia Healer 5Lx
    Gareth Hib: Pioggina Barda 7Lx
    FreeShard Genesis: Cabalism Cabalista

  10. #10
    Warrant Officer
    Join Date
    Nov 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroko
    Imho erano meglio i buoni e vecchi... /level 30
    Penso anche io... un /level 40 e passa la paura
    I will be back, eventually.

  11. #11
    Warrant Officer Pioggia's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by NoeX
    Penso anche io... un /level 40 e passa la paura
    cmq credo che sti /level incentivino troppo i secondi terzi quarti, milionesimi pg e non va bene nonono
    I Was
    Vortigern Hib: Pioggia Barda 7Lx
    Lancelot Hib: Pioggina Barda 8Lx
    Igraine Mid: Pioggia Healer 5Lx
    Gareth Hib: Pioggina Barda 7Lx
    FreeShard Genesis: Cabalism Cabalista

  12. #12
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Dvalin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    a sto punto /level 50 senza avere manco 1 pg 50 e sei apposto
    - Firma under construction -

  13. #13
    Petty Officer 2nd Class santos's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    esatto nn serve a nulla

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Kuroko
    Imho erano meglio i buoni e vecchi... /level 30
    Io ho /level 30 + free level

    p.s. me li ero fatti prima che li mettessero su tutti i reami a 20

  15. #15
    Nazgul Tirith's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Un /level in se nn e' che serve molto, se la situazione su un server e' 70% albion e 30% il resto del mondo con un level qls alla fine la situazione cambierebbe ben poco. E nn puoi neanche tentar di portare le altre popolazioni al livello di quella albionese per esempio, perchè, che rvr sarebbe un 100vs100 perenne?
    "not even death can save you from me..."

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