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Thread: Spostare PG su altro acconto

  1. #1
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Spostare PG su altro acconto

    Qualkuno di voi mi potrebbe spiegare esattamente kome funziona e kosa devo fare ? grazie mille in anticipo

  2. #2
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    1) avere 1 pg da spostare su 1 account
    2) avere 1 altro account vuoto con max 40gg di vita (o 30??) di pari espansioni
    3) pagare 40 dollari x l'operazione
    4) avere le SW di entrambi gli account (ke devono essere attivi)
    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  3. #3
    Petty Officer 1st Class Bilu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    5)avere le sw di entrambi gli account

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    ho editato

    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  5. #5
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
    Join Date
    Mar 2004


    Comunque raga mi sa che sta storia del secondo account che deve avere max 40 gg di vita non è vera....... Mi sa che basta che sia vuoto.......
    Ve lo confermerò fra qualche giorno counque!
    Unicorno nero (Vortigen) sempre e ovunque!
    ma soprattutto sono lammah dentro sempre e ovunque!

    PG che sarà sempre nel mio cuore:
    Hyperion IlCinquantaPuoAspettare Paladino di 47 liv ormai in pensione su Vortirgen .

  6. #6
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Hypno's Avatar
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    Nov 2003


    basta che sia vuoto
    Luce Infiltrator - Deira
    Lotta Berserker - Deira

    Shaggable Reaver - Galahad

    Alyd Vampiir - Merlin

    Stiffupperlip Warlock - Lamorak

  7. #7
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    ok grazie mille, ma kome devo fare ? mandare mail, telefonare..

  8. #8
    Lieutenant Commander Sylent's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    What will I need to perform the character transfer process?

    In order to perform the character transfer process, you will need a game client that has no characters stored on it. (You may use an existing account that you have deleted ALL characters from the server you're trying to split to.) The destination account must have the same expansions activated on it as the original account. (In other words, if your source account has SI+Toa, the destination account must also have SI+Toa activated on it.)

    Will there be a service fee charge if I wish to transfer a character to a new account?

    Yes, the credit card that is on file from your source account will be charged a $40.00 transfer fee. Once you have verified the appropriate information with a support representative, your credit card will be billed and the transfer will be queued for processing.

    If I am a Pay By Cash user will I be able to perform the character transfer process?

    At this time, the character transfer feature is not available for Pay By Cash users. Only valid credit card users are able to perform this function for the time being.

    How do I begin the character transfer process?

    Here are the instructions to initiate the character transfer command line:

    1. To begin, please log into the account you wish to transfer your (up to four character(s) from (what we call the source account).

    2. Once you are logged into the source account, please type the following command: /charxfer newaccount charname charname2 charname3 charname4
    o Example A: If your destination account was called FREDROCKS and the character you wanted to transfer from your old account was called BOB, you would log into your old account on Bob’s server, and type the following: /charxfer fredrocks bob
    o Example B: If you wanted to transfer Bob, Joe and Darryl (remember, they have to be on the same server), you would type /charxfer fredrocks bob joe darryl
    3. If you had typed the command line properly and the account name and characters are valid, you will see the following message appear (using Example A):
    o Command confirmed! If you accept, the following characters: Bob the Saracen Armsman, will be moved to account fredrocks tomorrow morning between the hours of 4:00am through 8:00am eastern time. If you are logged in to the accounts during these hours, the characters will not be moved until the following day. You will be notified by e-mail of the move and any updates. Please check for the cost of the move. You will be billed to the credit card registered to the original account prior to the transfer being made. Up to four characters may be transferred in the move at once. After pressing ACCEPT, you must call customer support at (703)934-0169. (Phone support hours are 11:00am – 8:00pm eastern time, Monday through Friday) to verify your ownership of both accounts. At that point, the move will be queued. (Please note, this feature is not currently available for Pay by Cash customers to use at this time. If you are a Pay by Cash customer and have already clicked ACCEPT, please call customer support to cancel your request.)
    To cancel this move, press DECLINE now.

    Once I enter the command to begin my character transfer, can I log into my new account?

    After typing in the command to begin your character transfer, you must call customer support to complete the process. If you log into the new account before calling customer support, the characters will not be able to be moved until the following day. Both the source and destination accounts must not be logged in during the hours of 4:00am-8:00am eastern time.

    I have typed in the command to begin the character transfer and I have also contacted customer support to complete the transfer process. When will I be able to play on the destination account with my existing character(s)?

    Once a phone support representative authorizes the character transfer to proceed, the transfer request will be queued to occur between the hours of 4:00am through 8:00am Eastern time. Both the source and destination accounts will be sent an email advising the character(s) have either been moved with success or have failed the transfer process. At that point you may proceed to login and play or call a customer support representative for further assistance. Both the source and destination accounts must not be logged in during the hours of 4:00am-8:00am eastern time. If you are logged into the accounts between the hours of 4:00am-8:00am eastern time, the transfer process will not occur.

    I hit the ACCEPT button but have since changed my mind and do not want to transfer a character at this time, what can I do?

    Do not worry, at this point you will not be billed. If you decide you do not wish to perform the character transfer process after clicking the ACCEPT button, simply call our customer support representatives at (703)934-0169 Monday through Friday between the hours of 11am-8pm eastern time and one of our representatives will cancel the action for you after verification.

    Please note, after the process has been verbally confirmed over the phone and accepted, there is no way to cancel this request. Up until account verification/confirmation has occurred you are able to stop the move, but afterwards the move will not be able to be halted.

    When calling into customer support, what will I need to verify in order to proceed with the character transfer?

    When calling customer support you will be asked to verify the following:
    o Account IDs for both the source and destination accounts
    o The secret word for both the source and destination accounts
    o The last 4 digits of the credit card # on file for the source account
    Until all above information has been properly verified with a customer support representative, the character transfer will not occur.

    How many characters can I transfer at once to another account and will I be billed per character?

    You may transfer up to four characters at once to another account. If you transfer four characters at once you will only be billed for the one transfer fee, not per character.

    Can I transfer multiple characters from one source account to multiple new destination accounts at one time? In other words, if I want to move the skald to my husband’s new account, and the healer to my son’s new account, can I type both transfer commands during the same play session?

    Yes, just remember that there will be a $40.00 fee applied to the source account credit card for each destination account that you transfer to (in your case, you will be billed twice at forty dollars each). And of course, you can’t move the same character twice in one day. Just type the command to move the first character to the first destination account, hit accept when you get the pop up, and then enter the command a second time for the second character/new account.

    I have several characters (on different realms) on Gaheris/Mordred. Can I transfer these characters at the same time using this new feature?

    Yes! Simply use the command as on any other server (limit 4 characters at one time) and the transfer will go through, regardless of realm.

    The character I wish to transfer owns a house. Will I be able to perform the transfer?

    At this time, any character who owns a house cannot be transferred. Player houses are tied specifically to accounts as well as characters. Please note: Characters on the source account that do not own a house may proceed with the transfer, but will lose all permissions to the source account character’s house. (Phew, what a mouthful.) After the transfer, the character on the destination account may purchase a house if the player wishes.

    Will the character I wish to transfer keep all its statistics, treasure, and information?

    Yes. Your character will not lose any stored information. All levels, master levels, items, money and your guild status will be saved. The character move function is not at all like the program that copies characters to Pendragon, and works in a different way.

    Non c'è un caxx di mmorpg decente in giro...
    **work in progress**

  9. #9
    Petty Officer 3rd Class
    Join Date
    Apr 2004



  10. #10
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Alexon's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Reggio Emilia


    grazie mi serviva anche a me l'info


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