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Thread: Daoc in 2005

  1. #1
    Petty Officer 3rd Class luca78it's Avatar
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    Mar 2004

    Default Daoc in 2005

    This is the second in a series of announcements from me (the first was December's State of the Game) concerning improvements, changes, etc. that we will be implementing in DAoC. As I've said before, Mythic is committed to continually improving DAoC as long as our community supports it.

    Before I tell you the status of these improvements, as well as some new information, I want to take time for a bit of digression and address this week's subscription rate announcement. Let me answer some of the concerns that have been raised within the DAoC community about this price increase by simply saying that as president and CEO of Mythic Entertainment, I will make the promise that the additional revenue will go to the continued improvement and evolution of DAoC as long as we have the support of the community. We love DAoC and by continuing to improve and invest in the game, it will be able stand up in the face of current and future competition. We believe by continuing to drive DAoC's evolution, it will remain the top RvR-based MMORPG as well as one of the top MMORPGs in the world. If you agree with us, we're willing to put in the time and investment to make it happen.

    So, digression aside, let's turn to the status report. In December I laid out a number of items that we were going to be working on over the next quarter. As of today, here's where they stand, point by point.

    (1) For server clustering, we expect to have a version up on Pendragon by the end of January with a mid-February release to all servers. Everything is going quite well on it so far, and we are very confident that we will have it done within this timeframe.

    (2) Instanced RvR will follow clustering on Pendragon by the end of the February and will release in March to the live servers. We have some very interesting variants on the iRvR scheme and we believe that we will hit that release point with iRvR instancing with even more options to be implemented in the future.

    (3) New character customizations are on-track to hit the live servers starting in February with more to come in March.

    (4) We are continuing to improve ToA and we have a lot of new changes (many of which have been proposed by the community) to make it more enjoyable and easier for players to complete. While I won't go into too much detail here, these changes include increasing spawn rates, making the reward system more forgiving to link deaths and even failure to complete certain steps in a multi-step process, looking at leveraging our instancing technology within ToA (this is a longer-term implementation) as well as other improvements.

    (5) We are implementing new tutorials and improving the new user experience.

    (6) We are also improving the game's entry system to make it a lot easier for new players to understand.

    So, that concludes my status report and I hope you agree that when we deliver all of this, we will have exceeded what I laid out last month.

    However, that is not where the letter ends. As I've said repeatedly, we are committed to improving DAoC now and in the future. With that in mind, here are some of the major things we will be doing and talking about doing with the community (more on this later) over the next six months to make a great game even better. I've broken them down into a number of categories as follows, new user experience, market explorers, transportation, respecs, and casual play-style.

    We must make our initial play experience friendlier to the new user. As the years have gone by, we have improved the new user experience both with expansion packs as well as with regular updates. However, we can and must go further during the next year and beyond. Here are some of the things we will be doing:

    (1) Making the character creation process even easier than it is now;

    (2) Adding lots of new quest and task givers to all the starting areas;

    (3) Improving the display and recognition of all NPCs in a given area;

    (4) Pre-populating the quickbar with all applicable starting abilities, commands, etc.

    We are also looking at some other improvements including rollover text interface items, improved in-game mapping, and improving the in-game help system by integrating lots of additional information. Our goal is for DAoC to have the best user interface in the MMORPG industry and we will devote significant resources to bring this about.

    Next on the list is our consignment merchant system. When we first came up with consignment merchants, our system was one of the best in the industry. However, it is time to work on making it even better. We are looking at the system and laying out a plan to make the buying and selling of goods easier than ever before. This is a long term issue but we have begun to look at this as well as our crafting system for possible expansion and improvement.

    Third, the subject of movement in and around the realms of DAoC is always a favorite topic discussed by our players. We are looking at a whole suite of ways to allow our players to get around the Camelot world faster and easier than ever before. Some of these changes fall into the more long-term plans since we don't want to render the classes that specialize in group speed buffs ineffective or unwanted so we are going to tread carefully here.

    As to respecing in the game, we have done a lot already in DAoC to allow characters to respec easily at specific levels if they feel they have made a mistake or want to start again. We hope to improve communication of these methods to the user as well as look at making it even easier for the user to correct a single mistake but at the same time, not get caught in the "flavor of the month" syndrome as other games have in the past. There is a delicate balance here and we have a good system in place already that we hope to make a bit better.

    Last and certainly not least is that since the original launch of the game, we have looked at creating a new server type that is geared to players who have less time than others to commit to a MMORPG. This exciting new server will cater to both the casual player as well as address some of the concerns of players about bots and the time commitment necessary to complete ToA. We will be announcing full details about this server type in the coming weeks but I believe that this server will go a long way in making DAoC the leader of the pack in regards to the casual player. As part of this, we will also be looking at the impact of the death penalty and other aspects of the game on the casual player. Additionally, we will be looking at other server types that could come out of this rule set or even different rule sets. Players have continued to ask us to create different server types and we are going to put it to the community to get your feedback. This brings me to my last point, Mythic to player interaction.

    Over the next few months, we will be listening especially closely to your feedback on these issues, and any other issues, changes, etc., so that that you, the community, will be able to let us know what you think is important for us to do next. As with the creation of the team lead system and the user feedback that we sought and incorporated into New Frontiers, we will devote the same energy to soliciting your input, suggestions and comments And, of course, in keeping with our willingness to share other details with the community in the past - such as subscriber count, feedback, etc. - we will share the results of this feedback with you.

    As required by lawyers everywhere, the usual disclaimer that this letter is a guide as to what we hope to do during this period and not as a guarantee of any kind. This does not apply to my promise though regarding the price increase. I always hate saying this but that's what lawyers are for, to make us say things that we hate.

    So, that is a rather lengthy post from yours truly. As always, I expect that some of you will love what you hear, some will hate it, some will ignore it and many will throw rocks, stones and the occasional rotten fruit. If nothing else, I hope it shows our commitment to DAoC and its continued success.

    Oh, by the way, we have no plans for beginning work on the next retail expansion until all of this is done or off the schedule. There will be a third letter later in the year that will talk about other changes we will be making as part of our ongoing subscription based expansion pack of which this is only a part.

    As always, we thank the community for its continued support and patronage of DAoC!


    Scusate se e' old ma non l'ho visto postato da nessun'altra parte

    On Kazzak EU
    Savras LVL 70 Orc Shaman/1815 healing
    Animanera LVL 70 Trollz Shadow Priest
    Silverglory LVL 68 Lazy BE Paladin
    On Hakkar EU
    Some LVL 70 ally guys
    Ainwan ML10 Theurgist 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF
    Shinyobjects ML10 Paladin 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF

  2. #2
    Petty Officer 3rd Class luca78it's Avatar
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    Mar 2004


    Note principali riguardano il server clustering(up su Pendra da meta' gennaio e sugli altri server da meta' febbraio) e l'istanced rvr(che verra' uppato subito dopo)

    La cosa migliore cmq e' che alzano il tempo di repop dei mob di toa(finalmente pz,GOV per tutti )

    In piu' c'e' la notizia di questo nuovo server adatto ai casual player boh,sara' una specie di daoc light?

    On Kazzak EU
    Savras LVL 70 Orc Shaman/1815 healing
    Animanera LVL 70 Trollz Shadow Priest
    Silverglory LVL 68 Lazy BE Paladin
    On Hakkar EU
    Some LVL 70 ally guys
    Ainwan ML10 Theurgist 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF
    Shinyobjects ML10 Paladin 5LX Merlin Alb/OFF

  3. #3
    Petty Officer 3rd Class Soulaxes's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    qualcuno lo traduce tutto ?

    Rastix Savage Game Over Gank su MLF off
    Rulfx Mercenario Halfogre UNKNOWNS Gank su Deira off
    Rastix on Warhammer Beta

    Now On GRAW 2 and COD 4 Multiplayer

  4. #4
    Warrant Officer Virolo's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Quel ramo del lago di como...(opposto a quello di Duk)


    ok non ho voglia di leggerlo aspetto...
    Now on Caerleon cluster:
    Lodiso ViR - RR6L6 Warlock - Italian Job
    Himselfx ViR - RR3x Savage - Italian Job

    tornato al cazzeggio su gorthor destru...

  5. #5
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Lastdruid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by luca78it

    La cosa migliore cmq e' che alzano il tempo di repop dei mob di toa(finalmente pz,GOV per tutti )

    hm se alzano il tempo di repop = - gov -_-

  6. #6
    Axelfolie's Avatar
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    Jan 2004


    ha sbagliato la traduzione.. in pratica aumentano il respawn rate di certi mob di toa..

  7. #7
    Lieutenant Commander ahzael's Avatar
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    Apr 2004


    E cmq voglio vedere sto istanced rvr , secondo me sara una specie di doom in cui potremo usare solo la visuale in prima persona con tanto di staffa a mo di pistola (stile buon vecchio Heretic )
    In diretta dalla terra dei canguri
    On WoW Daggerspine - soon Outland
    Ermucco Lev 60 Fury Warrior
    Ahzael Lev 70 Epic Druid
    **** OnDeira Albion ****
    Ahzael Skyscream RR7L1 Smiter No.1 di vorti
    E tutti gli Ahzael del mondo
    Themaltake Soprano VX AMD 5000 2 gb Corsair
    Gigabyte GeForce 8600GT 512 , x2 250 WD
    Bachelor Computer Science, software engeneering @ Deakin University
    Honours of IT completed Thesis : "A novel IPTV system through mix P2P and Multicast system"

    Currently PhD
    Research "DDos attacks guard through multicore systems"
    "I PLAY" pd, magari avercelo il tempo per giocare :asd:

  8. #8
    Warrant Officer Piola's Avatar
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    Sep 2003


    Server senza bot?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarsil View Post
    Brutto puttaniere di un Lorigan... /CUT
    Ti ci immagino a sfrecciare per la costiera romagnola con quella bestia... e chissà perché ti ci immagino ubriaco e con una zoccola vicino

  9. #9
    Lieutenant Commander ahzael's Avatar
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    Apr 2004


    non puo esistere un server senza bot, a meno che non sia 1 VS 1 , altrimenti i bot ci saranno sempre , tanto puoi fare che non si lasciano al tp, ma tanto sono N quelli as avere N pc per loggarli e portaseli dietro.
    In diretta dalla terra dei canguri
    On WoW Daggerspine - soon Outland
    Ermucco Lev 60 Fury Warrior
    Ahzael Lev 70 Epic Druid
    **** OnDeira Albion ****
    Ahzael Skyscream RR7L1 Smiter No.1 di vorti
    E tutti gli Ahzael del mondo
    Themaltake Soprano VX AMD 5000 2 gb Corsair
    Gigabyte GeForce 8600GT 512 , x2 250 WD
    Bachelor Computer Science, software engeneering @ Deakin University
    Honours of IT completed Thesis : "A novel IPTV system through mix P2P and Multicast system"

    Currently PhD
    Research "DDos attacks guard through multicore systems"
    "I PLAY" pd, magari avercelo il tempo per giocare :asd:

  10. #10


    il server senza bot sarebbe il paradiso dei vampyr..

  11. #11
    Petty Officer 2nd Class Penniwise's Avatar
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    Jun 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by shadowcleaver
    il server senza bot sarebbe il paradiso dei vampyr..
    mordered e' il paradiso dei vampiri

    Camelot Monkey

    Quote Originally Posted by Kali
    [OT]Afk chiudo le finestre che potrebbero arrivarmi coltelli

  12. #12
    Lieutenant Commander Epilol's Avatar
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    Rome - Italy


    io tanto ho 3 buff bot e nn posso loggare 2 accounts in frontiera

  13. #13
    Warrant Officer Rob's Avatar
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    Somewhere .. over the rainbow


    Ma avete notato il fatto che per scrivere due minchiate circa le idee che hanno (perche' di fatto non si sono sbilanciati su nulla) hanno scritto una pagina intera di:

    Vi ascoltiamo
    Ora piu' che mai vi diamo retta
    Facciamo quello che ci chiedete
    Continuate a supportarci
    Siete la nostra fonte di ispirazione

    Bah, mi sembra tanto una "serenata" al cliente incazzato.

    I was Cekkinus (scout) and Cekkin (Ranger)

  14. #14
    Lieutenant Commander Shub's Avatar
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    Oct 2003


    Vedrai....Catacombs è una merdata pazzesca...come SI quando introdussero classi nuove...per ribilanciare il tutto toccherà aspettare 5 patch...

  15. #15
    Warrant Officer Rob's Avatar
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    Feb 2004
    Somewhere .. over the rainbow


    Quote Originally Posted by Shub
    Vedrai....Catacombs è una merdata pazzesca...come SI quando introdussero classi nuove...per ribilanciare il tutto toccherà aspettare 5 patch...
    Eh.. come quando dicono di stare attenti al bilanciamento dei reami/classi.. hahaha mi fanno spezzare dalle risate, come se oramai non si sapesse che mettono in campo cosciententemente robe da matti (per i mentecatti che hanno bisogno della classe sgravo per giocare e corrono a rollare cio' che e' piu' potente al momento) per poi livellare nel tempo la situazione, quanto basta a creare un nuovo sbilanciamento (ed alla via cosi') grazie a nuove espansioni. Ma che vadano a cagare (n.d.r.)
    I was Cekkinus (scout) and Cekkin (Ranger)

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