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Thread: 1.89e

  1. #1
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    Default 1.89e

    Oooh, oooh, oooh! Check it out!


    Dark Age of Camelot
    Test Version 1.89e Release Notes
    Class and Mythirian Adjustments
    May 17, 2007



    - When an archer misses a shot on a character who is stealthed, the stealthed target will remain stealthed.

    - Archers will now always see 'miss' messages.

    - Players will now receive messages when their pets use archery skills.

    - Bows now lose condition based on archery hits.

    - When an archer uses a Critical Shot against someone with Critical Shot Immunity, they will receive the correct message: “The target has a momentarily increased resistance to archery shots. You do less damage!"

    - The player's camera will now take the shortest path while snapping back to the set camera position.

    - The double mouse move forward can now be changed by the user through Options at the Character Selection screen and also in-game in the /keyboard interface.

    - Facial Morphs, the feature which players use to customize their character's face, can now be turned off, on, or turned on only for your character. This can be adjusted in-game under Options or by the slash command /showmorphs. This new feature will improve performance when set to none or self. The default setting is all on.


    - With this version we have focused on updating many of the existing spell sounds in the game. All classes will notice updates to various spell sounds in their spell lines.



    - Power costs, casting times, and heal values for all Heal Over Time (HoT) and Regeneration spells on the Valkyrie, Mauler, Warden, Vampiir and Friar have been adjusted. Specific tabled information may be found under the specific class sections below.

    - Miss rates of bolt spells on the Eldritch, Wizard, Runemaster and Shaman Classes have been greatly reduced.

    Friars - Rejuvination

    Healing Over Time

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    24 Blessed Encouragement Group 3.0/15s/0s 2000 range 40 35
    34 Holy Encouragement Group 3.0/15s/0s 2000 range 50 45
    44 Divine Encouragement Group 3.0/15s/0s 2000 range 60 55


    - Instant cast spell lines "Incinerating Embers" and "Fiery Stranglehold" in the Rejuvenation Spec line have had their movement restriction removed. They will now be castable on the move.

    - The "Reanimate Corpse" Monster Resurrection spell in the Rejuvenation spec line has been reduced in duration. It will now have a duration of 20 seconds, reduced from 45 seconds. The DoT produced from the spell should have a frequency of 6 seconds with a 12 second duration, reduced from 4 second frequency and 24 second duration.

    Maulers - Aura Manipulation

    - Buff (Health Regeneration, Group)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    28 Gift of Nethuni Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 40 35
    38 Grace of Nethuni Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 50 45
    48 Blessing of Nethuni Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 60 55

    - Heal Over Time (Group)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    24 Nethuni's Refreshing Waters Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 40 35
    34 Nethuni's Recuperating Waters Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 50 45
    44 Nethuni's Renewing Waters Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 60 55


    - The casting time of the Runemaster's Token of Destruction line of baseline Direct Damage (DD) spells has been reduced from 3.0 to 2.6 seconds to match other baseline DDs in the game.


    - The duration of all Savagery self buffs has been increased from 15 seconds to 30 seconds.

    Valkyries - Mending

    - Buff (Health Regeneration)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    30 Odin's Greater Antidote Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 65 45
    35 Odin's Greater Medicant Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 75 55
    40 Odin's Greater Cure Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 85 65
    45 Odin's Greater Elixir Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 95 75

    - Heal Over Time

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    5 Odin's Antidote Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 10 10
    10 Odin's Medicant Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 20 20
    15 Odin's Cure Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 30 30
    20 Odin's Elixir Friend 0s/10s/10s 2000 range 40 40

    - Buff (Health Regeneration, Group)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    32 Valkyrie's Aid Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 25 25
    37 Valkyrie's Alleviation Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 35 35
    42 Valkyrie's Redress Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 45 45
    47 Valkyrie's Remedy Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 55 55

    - Heal Over Time (Group)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    7 Shieldmaiden's Aid Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 10 10
    12 Shieldmaiden's Alleviation Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 20 20
    17 Shieldmaiden's Redress Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 30 30
    22 Shieldmaiden's Remedy Group 3.0s/15s/0s 2000 range 40 40

    Vampiirs - Shadow Mastery

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Effect Cost

    4 Recuperation Self 3s/15s/15s 15 6
    15 Restoration Self 3s/15s/15s 25 14
    21 Renewal Self 3s/15s/15s 45 20
    38 Regeneration Self 3s/15s/15s 90 40
    46 Greater Regeneration Self 3s/15s/15s 150 60

    Wardens - Regrowth

    - Heal Over Time (Group)

    Level Name Target Cast/Duration/Recast Range/Radius Effect Cost

    24 Nature's Exhilaration Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 40 35
    34 Nature's Uplift Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 50 45
    44 Nature's Invigoration Group 3.0s/15s/30s 2000 range 60 55


    Encounters - General

    - All Master Level and artifact encounters now have an average respawn time of 10 minutes (the only exception being Celestius, which now has an average respawn time of 20 minutes).

    - All Master Level and artifact encounter monsters will now drop their normal loot again if someone in the group killing them needs credit for the encounter. If no one in the group needs credit, they will function as they do currently on Pendragon, not dropping any significant loot.

    - The chance of receiving no loot at all from the new encounters has been slightly reduced.

    Aerus Encounters

    - The 'Avriel controller' monsters have been adjusted so they will no longer register as 'Not in view'.


    Mythirian Items

    - The Physical Defense Mythirian items now display correctly in the Attributes Window and the Bonuses Window.

    - The Mythirians which grant bonus to coins looted, will now function correctly when the Mythirian is equipped by a player who is not the group leader. However, only the group leader will receive a message that a bonus has been awarded.

    - Mythirians that grant players an increase in Damage Per Second (DPS) will now fuction correctly.

    - The Augmented Insightful Mythirians now correctly increases the player’s Acuity cap.

    - The Ektaktos Mythirians, when equipped, no longer require players to re-equip them when traveling between zones or when logging in and out of the game.


    - Hasteners in housing no longer require that a player purchase a music ticket and hands it to them. They will now cast 'Speed of the Realm' on the player when the player interacts with the hasteners. This includes both personal house hookpoint hasteners and the hasteners found around housing as NPCs.

  2. #2
    Chief Petty Officer Fu3g0's Avatar
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    HoT nerf
    Just a Dev
    Cloudborne Luxt Guardian Rogue OFF
    Gorthor Luxtenebra Witch Elf rr87 SOLD -- BT vids:
    USA Gareth Classic Elamshin Nordic Shadowblade 8l9 Lone Enforcer OFF
    EU Deira ToA Unknow Kobold Shadowblade 9L0 SOLD
    "Ezechiele 25.17:
    ..[].. E tu saprai che il mio nome è quello del Signore quando faro' calare la mia vendetta sopra di te. "

  3. #3
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Fu3g0 View Post
    HoT nerf

  4. #4
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    era ora, anche se l'hot del vampiro è ancora troppo alto imo...

    Poi sicuramente ho capito male, ma ora gli encounter ML non droppano più oggetti carini se uno non necessita del credito??

  5. #5
    Petty Officer 2nd Class
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    Dec 2003


    così magari la smettono di farmare... e se vuoi un drop aiuti qualcuno che ha bisogno dell'encounter...


  6. #6
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    e uno come li fa i soldi per farsi un nuovo tp?

  7. #7
    Senior Chief Petty Officer Evilcreation's Avatar
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    Mi sembra una cazzata, nel senso, se io ho bisogno di un corpetto 2.10 e ho già fatto il passo ml2.10, se me lo farmo nn mi droppa + ?
    Spero di nn aver capito una sega, altrimenti mi sembra na stronzata fuori misura...
    V.V.F dal 20/10/07
    Velut Ignis Ardens

  8. #8
    Chief Petty Officer Medrich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayvaughan View Post
    e uno come li fa i soldi per farsi un nuovo tp?
    Da via il culo!
    Dicono che sia una persona cattivissima, ma non mi conoscono....
    Ho il cuore di un bambino io..... sulla scrivania dentro un vaso da fiori

  9. #9
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    ma tanto non avevano detto che cambiavano chi droppava la roba?tipo mettevano 1po di djinni sparsi in giro e ad esempio lo zahur ring lo droppa uno di loro

  10. #10
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AceGentile View Post
    ma tanto non avevano detto che cambiavano chi droppava la roba?tipo mettevano 1po di djinni sparsi in giro e ad esempio lo zahur ring lo droppa uno di loro

  11. #11
    Petty Officer 2nd Class
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    se ho capito bene adesso se ti porti uno che ha bisogno del credito il mob droppa "quasi" sicuramente... quindi basta che ti porti qualcuno e il mob droppa senza farmarlo 20volte al giorno... questo ti permette di avere il tuo corpetto.. ma non di averne 20 da mettere sul mercato...


  12. #12
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    Jul 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by Rayvaughan View Post
    toh, piangi


    Reports are now coming in that many monsters previously slain for valuable loot seem to have been robbed! The best armor, weapons, jewelry can no longer be found on the vast majority of beasts that previously carried them.
    The only major exception seems to be Celestius whose powerful denizens have kept a more wary eye on their belongings.

    Worse yet, strange elementals and powerful djinn calling themselves Afrit are springing up everywhere across the planes of Atlantis. Those adventurers who have done battle with both claim that these seem to be the culprits for the mass larceny. These new Afrits seem immune to the ancient laws that affect the djinn and are only interested in treasure.

    Scholars who have been studying the phenomena have come to the conclusion that because the Afrit could not be bound, the Atlanteans must have banished them to the far corners of the planes long ago. With the waning of Atlantean magic, their prison has broken with disastrous consequences for all of the planes' other denizens.

    Encounters - General

    - All Named loot has been transferred from the Master Level and artifact encounters that previously carried them to new encounters involving the Afritti. This does not include Celestius.

    - The new encounters come in three tiers designed for different numbers of players: solo/duo, small group, and full group. Each tier drops loot from Master Level and artifact encounters that previously required a similar number of players to complete. The first two tiers also present opportunities to gain better loot if the player is really good or bring more friends than necessary for the main encounter.

    - The first tier of encounters, designed for solo players or duos (depending on class), are the elementals:

    Ooze Elemental - Made of earth and water, breaks apart into smaller oozes as it is damaged.

    Dust Elemental - Made of earth and air, casts a powerful Debuff that causes both Nearsight and a chance to fumble.

    Magma Elemental - Made of earth and fire, moves slowly, but pummels its opponents with both melee and fire spells.

    Storm Elemental - Made of water and air, pulses a dangerous electrical storm around it.

    Steam Elemental - Made of water and fire, those who approach will find themselves burned.

    Smoke Elemental - Made of fire and air, shy but dangerous, its hazardous fumes make breathing difficult.

    - Kill the weakened Afritti that made up the elemental for the possibility of additional rewards.

    - The second tier, designed for small groups (3-6 players), is made up of the basic Afrit. Though he worked hard to steal his precious loot, he's not afraid to use it as a weapon if threatened, albeit not necessarily in the way players might expect.

    - Kill the confused Afrit that is accidentally pulled into the battle for the possibility of additional rewards.

    - The third tier, designed for full groups, is the Master Afrit. He waits safely outside the trial planes, using his bound servants to fight and steal for him. Those who kill his servants must face his wrath.

    - Each of the new encounters can be found scattered across the outdoor zones of Atlantis. Note that camping the same spot one is found in isn't generally the best idea, as they may not always show themselves in the same place.
    Last edited by AceGentile; 18th May 2007 at 12:56.

  13. #13
    Lieutenant Commander Rayvaughan's Avatar
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    quindi io + bot ammazzo un mob solo e droppo un sacco di roba figa che prima si farmava in 8 o BG??

    facevano prima a disistallare toa dai server e "regalare" tutti gli item toa coi bps lol

  14. #14
    Tanto non Trombo AceGentile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rayvaughan View Post
    quindi io + bot ammazzo un mob solo e droppo un sacco di roba figa che prima si farmava in 8 o BG??
    facevano prima a disistallare toa dai server e "regalare" tutti gli item toa coi bps lol
    bisogna vedere se quelli in solo/duo droppano cosa (per me merdine) e quanto droppano

  15. #15
    Lieutenant Commander SharTeel's Avatar
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    e soprattutto visto che concentrano i drop in meno mob, quanto saranno farmati
    Currently playing:
    Le 3 Leggi di Burner:
    1) La figa può piacere a pochi ma il culo piace a tutti. (citazione da qualche parte )
    2) Se tu oggi hai failato più di me, è perchè ancora io non ho finito di failare.
    3) Se c'è la tecnologia per jumpgatare, si può pure sentire il botto nello spazio. (riferito ad Eve)

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