View Full Version : [LET'S PLAY] Lupo Solitario - Nostalgia, nostalgia canaglia: il ritorno

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3rd March 2013, 16:48
appunto, non ci può sempre dire culo con la sinistra....

3rd March 2013, 16:49
Utile tracking a sto giro...

3rd March 2013, 16:57

E ovviamente, Lupo Solitario 101 dice KILL > LOOT > GO LEFT :D

After a short walk, you arrive at a massive ice hall full of crystal stalagmites and stalactites. The floor is covered with animal tracks and bones, yet the vast hall seems empty and still. You notice that the northern wall is a completely smooth surface of granite blocks stretching upwards to the icy ceiling, over one hundred feet above. You suddenly realize that you are staring at the foundation stones of Ikaya—you have reached the ice fortress.

Illustration XIII—You arrive at a massive ice hall full of crystal stalagmites and stalactites.

Partially obscured by a large mound of crystals, you can just make out a ramp leading up to a massive stone door in the fortress wall. Your discovery brings renewed hope. If you can gain entry to Ikaya and quickly capture Vonotar, there is still time to reach your ship, the Cardonal, before the pack-ice starts to freeze.

If you wish to cross the icy hall and examine the stone door, turn to 52.

If you decide to stop and search the bone-littered floor, turn to 115.

Siamo arrivati alla fortezza! Andiamo dritti alla porta, o cerchiamo tra le ossa?

3rd March 2013, 17:09
Loot! Cerchiamo qualcosa di utile tra le ossa!

3rd March 2013, 17:11
fissato con sta sinistra, vabbè cerchiamo le ossa

3rd March 2013, 17:39
Cerca cerca

3rd March 2013, 17:54
You discover that many of the bones scattered among the stalagmites are of human origin. Shattered skulls, skeletal hands, and rib cages lie half buried in the ice. You are about to abandon your search when a small box made of carved bone catches your eye.

If you wish to open this box, turn to 218.

If you prefer to leave it, you can examine the fortress door by turning to 52.

Manco ve lo chiedo lol :D

The bone box contains a beautiful Diamond. Its many facets gleam and sparkle, even in the dim half-light of the ice hall. In Sommerlund, a jewel of this size and quality would be worth thousands of crowns. If you wish to keep the Diamond, slip it into your pocket and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.

You can now examine the fortress door by turning to 52.


As you climb the slippery stone ramp, the sound of cracking ice makes you spin round. The large mound of crystals at the base of the ramp is beginning to move. The crystals are alive! You stare in disbelief as the mound is transformed into a writhing mass of crystal coils. The coils unwind, and the ice creature slithers towards you.

If you wish to evade this creature and run towards the stone door, turn to 169.

If you wish to fight it, turn to 265.

Mmm pieno di serpentoni, sto posto...che si fa truppa?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 23 (Sommerswerd +8)

EP: 25/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Potion of Laumpsur (cura 5 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

3rd March 2013, 18:07

3rd March 2013, 18:15
Combatti! Uccidi! 265

3rd March 2013, 18:18
dodge, già lo so come finisce con sto veleno

3rd March 2013, 18:22

3rd March 2013, 18:28
ma che siamo lupi o conigli? all'assalto!

3rd March 2013, 18:48
Dodgia troppi ossi in giro, che spesso lupo solitario sboroneggia e poi le prende secche...

3rd March 2013, 19:12
Coniglio Solitario alla riscossa!!

As you reach the massive door, you desperately cast your eyes over it in the hope of discovering a way to make it open. The door is completely smooth; it has no handle, lock, or keyhole. The creature will soon reach the top of the ramp, and you are about to cry out in desperation when you notice a block of granite set into the nearby wall. It has a small triangle cut into its surface.

If you possess a Blue Stone Triangle, turn to 41.

If you do not, turn to 265.

La porta è chiusa! A quanto pare ci tocca fronteggiare la belva!

his strange creature is a Crystal Frostwyrm, a scavenging beast now living on the remains of the unfortunate creatures that have entered the cavern. Its hard skin is almost transparent, and its internal organs can be seen pulsating inside. A large mouth opens in the crystalline head to reveal row upon row of jagged crystal teeth. Your back is pressed to the stone door and there is no way to evade the monster. You must fight the creature to the death. It is immune to Mindblast.

Illustration XV—This strange creature is a Crystal Frostwyrm and you must fight it to the death.

Crystal Frostwyrm: COMBAT SKILL 15 ENDURANCE 30

If you win the combat, turn to 3.


Lupo Solitario -0
Crystal Frostwyrm -14

Lupo Solitario -2
Crystal Frostwyrm -11

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -4 (21)
Crystal Frostwyrm -7 (morto!)

Certo che l'1 ci scappa sempre :nod:

You watch with a mixture of fascination and revulsion as each segment of the creature shatters and then slowly dissolves into the ice. Soon, all that remains of the Crystal Frostwyrm are the undigested contents of its stomach. To your surprise, in the centre of this mess of fetid flesh and bone, you can see the shank of an Ornate Silver Key.

If you wish to take this Key, turn to 280.

If you would rather ignore it and look for a way to open the fortress door, turn to 344.

Il loot è loot indipendentemente dalla fonte :hidenod:

The Key is coated with a corrosive digestive acid that burns through your mittens and attacks your fingers. Lose 1 ENDURANCE point. You drop the Key and plunge your hand into the snow to ease the pain. If you still wish to keep the key, you can wipe it in the snow before placing it in your pocket, but remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. You must now search for a way of opening the fortress door.

Turn to 344.

HEALING, bitches!

The fortress door is completely smooth; it has no visible lock, hinge, or keyhole. However, turning your attention to the granite wall you notice that one of the massive blocks is different to all the others. A small triangle has been cut into its surface.

If you possess a Blue Stone Triangle, turn to 41.

If you do not, turn to 147.


You search every square inch of the door and surrounding wall, but there appear to be no unusual features. You are examining the stone ramp when a loud roar freezes your blood. A Kalkoth has entered the ice hall. You turn to see the creature bounding towards you—its jaws are wide open, revealing its barbed tongue. You cannot evade the Kalkoth and you must fight it to the death.



If you lose any ENDURANCE points during the course of the combat, turn immediately to 66.

If you win the combat without losing any ENDURANCE points, turn to 84.

10CS? Per non parlare del disegno :lol:

Certo quel "se subisci anche 1 solo danno vai al 66" non promette niente di buono...


Roll...0 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0

Come forse avrete intuito, il 66 è un'instadeath da veleno...e abbiamo avuto parecchio culo, dato che rollando 6 o meno avremmo subito almeno 1 danno!

You notice that the Kalkoth has a blue triangle of stone on a chain around its neck. Suddenly you realize the significance of this strange amulet. Grabbing the blue stone, you race back to the fortress door and press it into the wall recess. It is a perfect fit. (You may record this Special Item as a Blue Stone Triangle which you wear around your neck.)

You become aware of a faint tremor running through the ledge on which you are standing, followed by the grinding noise of stone upon stone. The door opens, but it has only opened three feet when there is a loud crack, and it starts to close. Without a second’s hesitation, you dive into the fortress and hear the massive door crash shut behind you.

Turn to 221.

The corridor in which you now stand is far warmer than the icy cavern outside. For the first time in many days, you can lower the hood of your cloak and remove your mittens without risking frostbite.

You notice that the stone passage ascends to a landing where another passage branches off to the east. M’lare bowls hang at regular intervals along the arched ceiling, their unnatural light illuminating the carved walls.

As you approach the landing, you notice an archway leading into a small room beyond. A strange sight meets your eyes. Ragged furs, pottery shards, and the debris of hundreds of years seem to have been thrown into this chamber. A large lever protrudes from the wall beside the archway.


If you wish to enter the room and investigate the contents, turn to 38.

If you wish to pull the lever, turn to 163.

If you wish to explore eastwards along the passage, turn to 237.

Siamo dentro la fortezza, infine!

Ora che si fa: cerchiamo del loot nella rumenta, tiriamo la leva a cazzo matto o andiamo avanti?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 23 (Sommerswerd +8)

EP: 25/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Potion of Laumpsur (cura 5 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

3rd March 2013, 19:19
cazzo matto culo stretto

3rd March 2013, 19:29
Leva leva leva

3rd March 2013, 19:29

3rd March 2013, 19:42

3rd March 2013, 19:50
237 voto di protesta :hidenod:

3rd March 2013, 19:55
loot then leva.

edit: lo sapevo che c'era il veleno di merda da qualche parte

3rd March 2013, 20:15

non c'è niente da segare, quindi lootiamo!

After ten minutes of searching the room, you discover an old fur Backpack and a long coil of Rope. You may take the Backpack only if you do not already wear one. The Rope counts as two Backpack Items, as it takes up extra space.

Finally satisfied that there is nothing else of value in this junk-filled room, you leave and continue your exploration along the east passage.

Turn to 237.

score! Un nuovo zaino e una corda!

peccato per la leva

in realtà la leva non fa niente: apre e chiude la porta della stanza in cui siamo appena stati

You soon reach the bottom of a flight of broad stone steps that ascends northwards to a landing, thirty feet above. The centre of each step has been worn smooth by the feet of the countless creatures that once inhabited the lower levels of cold Ikaya. As you climb, you wonder how long you will remain undetected. So far you have neither seen nor heard any other living soul in these deserted passages.

You have the element of surprise on your side; you now pray that Vonotar is unprepared for an intruder from the depths of his own fortress. You reach the landing and pass through an empty hall, towards a darkened archway beyond. Here, the passage splits and branches off towards the east and west. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

If you wish to take the east passage, turn to 92.

If you decide to take the west passage, turn to 297.

East-side o west-side?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 23 (Sommerswerd +8)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

3rd March 2013, 20:19
west west!

3rd March 2013, 20:38

3rd March 2013, 20:46

3rd March 2013, 20:58
Go west!

You have been walking along the passage for less than five minutes when it veers sharply northwards. Just ahead, to your left you can see a large stone door; the lever is up and the door is closed.

If you wish to pull the lever and open the door, turn to 317.

If you wish to continue northwards, turn to 126.

CHe facciamo? :D

3rd March 2013, 21:02
pull the lever con esattamente questa espressione :dumb:

3rd March 2013, 21:06
tiriamo la leva

3rd March 2013, 21:11
Tiriamo lo sciacquone!

3rd March 2013, 21:14
alla pugna leva e go on

3rd March 2013, 21:17
moriamo la leva

3rd March 2013, 21:19
Aauhauh l'instadeath mi ha fatto godere una cifra!

Pull the lever per me!

3rd March 2013, 21:32

The stone portal creaks open but grinds to an abrupt halt halfway across. The gap is a little over two feet wide and you are only just able to squeeze through to the chamber beyond. The air in the room is cold and stale; this chamber has obviously lain undisturbed for many thousands of years. Stone shelves are stacked high with bottles and flasks. On a table in the centre lies a beautiful pack full of different coloured potions.


If you wish to examine these ancient potions, turn to 10.

If you wish to leave the chamber and continue northwards, turn to 126.

Anche qui, risposta scontata!

The pack contains four ornate glass vials. They hold red, orange, green, and black liquids.

Which one do you wish to examine? (You may only examine each liquid once.)

Red? If so, turn to 90.

Orange? If so, turn to 171.

Green? If so, turn to 289.

Black? If so, turn to 225.

The pack may be used as a Backpack unless you already possess one.

You may leave this chamber at any time and continue northwards along the corridor by turning to 126.

Ok vogliamo esaminare le poziette? E quali? (possiamo esaminarle anche tutte volendo). Se votate "tutte!" ditemi quale ordine! :D

3rd March 2013, 21:33

ordine casuale: green, black, red, orange

3rd March 2013, 21:35

3rd March 2013, 21:37
tutte, black, red, green and orange! (ordine secondo sospetta pericolosita' lol)

3rd March 2013, 21:40
Tutte quante of course!
Black,green,orange e red (imho l'ultima è una pozione di cura)

3rd March 2013, 21:45
La rossa è Vigorilla fisso.

La nera mi sa di veleno e non l'assaggerei...

Cmq direi verde (che è l'altra che mi convince poco), arancio, rossa (la cura alla fine così se c'è del veleno ci curiamo :rommel: )

3rd March 2013, 21:47
Ok, partiamo dalla Nera!

The stopper is sealed with wax. If you wish to break the seal, you must risk smashing the thin glass of the Vial.


If you wish to attempt to break the seal, turn to 54.

If you are suspicious of the contents and do not wish to risk breaking the Vial, leave it and return to 10 to choose your next course of action.

Ciò detto: siamo sospettosi, o proviamo ad aprirla comunque?

3rd March 2013, 21:49
spacchiamo tutto cazzo

3rd March 2013, 21:51
a sto punto si spacca tutto

3rd March 2013, 21:52
Io coerentemente ribadisco il "no" all'apertura.

3rd March 2013, 21:59
Blob in bottiglia

3rd March 2013, 22:03
spaca botilia amaza familia :sneer:

3rd March 2013, 22:15
Spacca tuto mondo!

3rd March 2013, 22:17
Lo radiamo al suolo questo dungeon dimmerda!

The glass is very delicate and it takes all your concentration and skill to avoid smashing the stem.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Discipline of either Mind Over Matter or Mindblast, add 3 to the number that you picked.

If your total score is now 0–4, turn to 250.

If your total score is now 5–12, turn to 268.

Niente mind over matter o mindblast, quindi rolliamo liscio!


You manage to crack the seal in exactly the right place, and thereby avoid smashing the thin glass stem. The vapour rising from the black liquid is sharp and pungent.

If you have ever visited the Graveyard of the Ancients, turn to 177.

If you have not, you quickly replace stopper of the Vial. The vapour is making you nauseous, and you decide against keeping this suspicious fluid. Return to 10 and choose your next course of action.

Si, ci siamo stati nel primo libro!

You recognize the pungent smell of distilled Graveweed. This black concentration is a very powerful poison, and you quickly replace the stopper to prevent the noxious fumes from escaping. If you wish to keep this Potion, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

Now return to 10 and choose your next course of action.

Ottimo! Ed ora, via con le altre bottiglie!

La seconda con più voti è la Verde.

You manage to remove most of the hardened wax that covers the stopper, and ease the reluctant seal from the fragile glass stem.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, or if you have reached the Kai rank of Aspirant (you are skilled in six Kai Disciplines) or above, turn to 156.

If you do not possess this Kai Discipline, or if you have not yet reached the required Kai rank, you are suspicious of the dank mouldy smell of this liquid. You quickly put the Vial down. Now return to 10 and choose your next course of action.

Abbiamo sia la disciplina che il rank!

You recognize the aroma of concentrated Gallowbrush, or ‘Sleeptooth’ as it is commonly called in Sommerlund. This is the thorny briar your Kai masters once used to induce sleep when tending to ill or injured horses. This distilled brew made from the plant is a very powerful sleeping Potion. If you wish to keep the Potion, remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

Now return to 10 and choose your next course of action.

Abbiamo pure i Roofies ora!

La terza con più voti è l'Arancio.

The stopper in this Vial is jammed and you have to take great care not to break the slender glass neck. It gradually loosens and you sniff the orange liquid.

If you have the Kai Discipline of either Sixth Sense or Weaponskill, turn to 311.

If you do not possess either Discipline, you become suspicious of this potion and decide to discard it. Return to 10 and decide your next course of action.

Abbiamo Sesto Senso!

You recognize the Potion to be distilled Alether, a potion of strength. Your Kai masters used Alether to increase their COMBAT SKILL in battle, and there is enough concentrated Alether in this Vial to increase your COMBAT SKILL by 4 for the duration of one combat. For it to be effective you must swallow it immediately before you fight. If you wish to keep this Vial, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

Now return to 10 and choose your next course of action.


E infine la Rossa!

Wiping the grime from the stopper, you unscrew it and carefully sniff the red liquid.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 233.

If you do not have this skill, you are suspicious of the possible ill effects of this fluid and discard it. Return to 10 and choose your next course of action.

E abbiamo anche Healing! (che i vostri sospetti fossero esatti :D?)

You recognize the liquid to be distilled Laumspur, a herb of great healing properties. This concentrated Potion is powerful enough to restore 5 ENDURANCE points. If you wish to keep this Vial, remember to mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

Now return to 10 and decide your next course of action.

Yay! Siamo pieni di pozioni! A questo punto, avanziamo nel corridoio.

You notice that the ceiling and walls of the corridor are covered with strange carvings. They seem to depict small cyclones or tornadoes, gradually changing shape into almost human form. Although puzzled by the strange hieroglyphs, you continue until you reach a point where the tunnel takes a sharp right turn. Only a few feet along the northern wall is another stone door. The lever in the wall next to it is raised and the door is firmly closed. Several yards further ahead, a flight of steps disappears upwards.

If you wish to investigate the door, turn to 246.

If you wish to continue up the stairs, turn to 323.

Investighiamo la porta o saliamo le scale?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 23 (Sommerswerd +8)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

3rd March 2013, 22:22
Entriamo pure qui, more loot!

3rd March 2013, 22:24
la porta

3rd March 2013, 22:24
se x il momento e' solo "investigate" direi non ci costa nulla :afraid:

3rd March 2013, 22:27
vediamo la porta dove ci porta

3rd March 2013, 22:37
Spacchiamo la porta con un calcio e facciamo terra bruciata di ciò che c'è dentro!

3rd March 2013, 22:38
You depress the lever and the stone door slides aside to reveal a large chamber. It is cold, stale, and empty, except for a granite chest lying near the east wall.

If you wish to make a closer examination of the chest, turn to 45.

If you decide to ignore the chamber and continue up the stairs instead, turn to 323.

La nostra fame di bottino non conosce limiti. O li conosce?

3rd March 2013, 22:39
Nessun limite! Lootare tutto il lootabile! Voglio arrivare da Votar o come si chiama gonfio di roba per farlo tornare cipria,da buon frocione che è!

3rd March 2013, 22:43
C'è un forziere incustodito e ci chiedi pure cosa fare? :D

3rd March 2013, 22:52
mixo tutte le pozioni e bevo l'intruglio.
imo diventiamo spiderman

3rd March 2013, 22:57

3rd March 2013, 22:58
dalle col forziere che stavolta ci ammazza :S

3rd March 2013, 23:04
vai vai mai paura!

3rd March 2013, 23:09
per me è morte sicura ma loot is loot!

3rd March 2013, 23:19
Il forum s'è mangiato il reply ç_ç

The faces of grotesque and distorted creatures adorn the surfaces of the chest. Their obscene expressions and unnatural proportions make you shudder with revulsion. Set into the centre of the lid is a large stone block carved with a hideous face, the mouth of which is shaped around a keyhole.


If you possess an Ornate Silver Key, turn to 303.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 15.

L'abbiamo trovata nella pancia del serpentone di ghiaccio!

You insert the Key and turn it clockwise. A click confirms that it works. Slowly the shank of the Key slips from your grip and disappears into the lock and the great stone lid opens to reveal a magnificent Silver Helm. (Remember to erase the Ornate Silver Key from your Action Chart.)


If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 127.

If you wish to put this splendid Helm on your head, turn to 308.

If you decide to leave the Helm where it is, you can explore the stairs by turning to 323.

Vediamo cosa ha da dire Sesto Senso in proposito...

You sense that this Helm has magical properties that can aid you in combat. You detect no evil surrounding this item or the stone chest in which it lies.

If you wish to take this Helm and put it on, turn to 308.

If you are still suspicious of its possible ill effects, leave it untouched and explore the stairs by turning to 323.

Chevvelochiedo a fare :D

Despite its size, the Silver Helm feels light and comfortable. Mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item. If you are already wearing another Helmet, you must discard it if you wish to keep the Silver Helm. If worn during combat, it will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 2 points. The lid of the chest slowly closes and you leave the chamber, elated by your magnificent discovery. You continue along the corridor and explore the staircase ahead.

Turn to 323.


E per di più, +2 CS!!

Ora possiamo salire le scale.

You climb over a hundred stone steps before arriving at a narrow landing.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, Tracking, or Hunting, add 3 to this number.

If your total is now 0–4, turn to 76.

If your total is now 5–12, turn to 2.

Ancora una volta possiamo fallire il Roll solo con un 1...

Roll...2 :lol:

To your right, you notice that a stone door is cunningly concealed by an intricate wall carving. A close examination of the carving reveals a lever.

If you wish to pull this lever, turn to 290.

If you do not wish to pull the lever, you may continue climbing the stairs by turning to 76.

Visti i precedenti, mi vien da pensare che ci attaccheremo a tutte le leve che incontriamo (ehm)...ma magari mi sbaglio :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS)

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

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3rd March 2013, 23:21
see lever pull lever

3rd March 2013, 23:26
io questa la skipperei perche' si.

3rd March 2013, 23:28
:dumb: <-- sapete già cosa significa :sneer:

3rd March 2013, 23:50
:dumb: <-- sapete già cosa significa :sneer:

3rd March 2013, 23:50
Pull pull! evri lever!!

4th March 2013, 00:06

Il nuovo Lone Wolf 101:


The stone door moves slowly to one side. It reveals a narrow archway that is full of billowing and swirling mist, hiding whatever it is that lurks beyond. You notice a severe drop in temperature.


If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense and if you have reached the Kai rank of Guardian (you are skilled in seven Kai Disciplines), turn to 341.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense but have not yet reached the rank of Guardian, turn to 124.

If you do not have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, you prepare yourself to fight and pass through the misty arch. Turn to 264.

Abbiamo Sesto Senso e siamo Guardian!

You can sense the presence of a powerful life-force beyond the misty arch. As you concentrate, you suddenly recall a tale told to you when you were a small child, ‘The Legend of the Vagadyn Gate’. This was a tale of Ice Demons and how they once fought a war to be able to leave their world and come to Kalte. They were formless creatures, without shape and substance, and existed as pure energy in another dimension, beyond the confines of space and time. The Ice Demons discovered the Vagadyn gate, a sort of door between their world and Magnamund; they fought each other to enter this gate, unaware of the fate that awaited them. The Ancients had also discovered the gate. As the Ice Demons passed through the Vagadyn, their spirits were imprisoned in crystals by the cunning Ancients, who harnessed the power of the Ice Demons to build Ikaya. The M’lare bowls that light the fortress each contain the spirits of lesser Ice Demons trapped within. You also remember that the tale warns against destroying the crystal prisons: if an Ice Demon is released it will seek to claim the body of its rescuer.

Forewarned by your Kai skill, you enter the misty arch.

Turn to 264.

Rincuorati da queste parole di saggezza, andiamo al 264.

You enter a massive chamber, ill-lit and icy cold: a hidden temple of the Ancients. The floor is made from slabs of quartz and granite and is littered with rock and ice. Your eye follows a line of tall pillars leading towards a sacrificial altar set into an alcove in the northern wall. Upon this altar lies a strange statue, which seems to be carved from smooth white stone. At its head and feet, black staves rest upright in holes bored into the altar stone.

To the left of the altar there is a darkened archway, through which a flight of stairs ascends out of view.

If you wish to cross the temple and advance towards the staircase, turn to 60.

If you wish to cross the temple floor by stepping only on the quartz flagstones, turn to 168.

If you wish to cross the temple by stepping only on the granite flagstones, turn to 244.

Scelte interessanti! Che si fa?

4th March 2013, 00:18
only quartz 168

4th March 2013, 00:26
lo staircase sicuro ci cade in testa.

anche x me quartz 168

4th March 2013, 00:29
only quartz 168


4th March 2013, 00:35
staircase cazzoni , 60 !

4th March 2013, 00:38
As you step onto the quartz, you sense a vibration that runs up your leg to your knee. You see that, within the flagstone, a dull light pulsates and a humming sound can be heard emanating from the altar.

With your heart pounding, you prepare yourself for an attack and slowly advance.

Turn to 60.

Mmm forse non era il quarzo :D

You have taken less than a dozen steps when a brilliant crackle of blue energy arcs between the two staves. You see the white statue beginning to move as if activated by the surge of power.

If you wish to attack the creature before it rises from the altar, turn to 150.

If you wish to remain perfectly still and prepare for combat, turn to 31.

If you wish to run for the darkened archway beyond, turn to 306.

Ok, ultima scelta della serata! Attacchiamo subito, aspettiamo o conigliamo?

4th March 2013, 00:44

4th March 2013, 00:46

fuck this shit, I'm out of here!


4th March 2013, 00:46
Mmm forse non era il quarzo :D

come no, more loot!

aspettiamo 31

4th March 2013, 00:47
mmm conigliare no.

l'altra volta il low-profile c'ha fatti killare... io dico 150 e gg.

4th March 2013, 01:01
31 aspettiamo e prepariamoci a mostrargli il nostro dragon ball z level!

4th March 2013, 01:33
cazzo che m'ero perso mi so letto tutto oggi ffs è_é
cmq tattica skyrim anti-draugr -> If you wish to attack the creature before it rises from the altar, turn to 150.

4th March 2013, 01:38
vediamo se si alza anche senza gambe! 150

4th March 2013, 02:44
150 e ginocchiata in faccia

4th March 2013, 10:19
cazzo che m'ero perso mi so letto tutto oggi ffs è_é cmq tattica skyrim anti-draugr


La Violenza Preventiva vince!

Your blow splinters the smooth white surface of the statue. A freezing blast of wind hisses from the crack and, within seconds, a film of glistening ice covers every inch of the chamber. Unless you have applied Baknar oil to your skin, you lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to the sudden drop in temperature.

To your mounting horror, you see that the wind is taking the shape of a small cyclone. It is drawing all the loose ice and rock of the chamber towards its core. You have released an Ice Demon and it is intent on your destruction.

Illustration X—You have released an Ice Demon and it is intent on your destruction.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn immediately to 120.

If you possess a Firesphere, turn to 310.

If you wish to attack the swirling cyclone with a weapon, turn to 18.

If you wish to try to escape into the distant archway, turn to 211.


The raging wind tears at your clothes, and bombards you with sharp flumes of ice and rock. As you raise the Sommerswerd, an intense howling fills your ears. It is a cry of horror and desperation. You strike at the core of this demon, slicing through the cyclone and into the fabric of its being. In an instant, the wind and the ghastly wailing cease—all that remains are the shattered pieces of a hollow statue scattered on the floor.

If you wish to search the altar and alcove of this temple, turn to 274.

If you wish to leave, you may exit via the northern archway. Turn to 306.

Certo che vogliamo cercare, che domande :D

You carefully examine the altar, and the two black staves protruding from its surface. The crackling arc of energy that linked these staves seemed to die at the very moment you plunged the Sommerswerd into the cyclonic demon. You notice that where the statue had lain, two stone buttons have now risen from the surface of the altar.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 131.

If you wish to press the buttons, turn to 227.

If you wish to leave the temple, turn to 306.

Ah-ah! Sesto Senso!

You sense that these buttons are an ancient lock of some kind. If pressed in the correct order, they may reveal a secret compartment or chamber. But there is also the possibility that, if pressed in the wrong order, they may activate a trap.

If you wish to press the buttons, turn to 227.

If you do not wish to take the risk of setting off a trap, you can leave the temple by turning to 306.


"KAI KOMMON SENSE": hai presente quei misteriosi pulsanti nel tempio del male? Forse è meglio premerli nell'ordine giusto.

Comunque...dopo che Lupo ha dimostrato due volte di fila che anche i Kai Lord hanno ripetenti nelle loro classi, cosa si fa?

Premiamo i bottoni? E se si, in che ordine? (sx+dx, dx+sx, insieme).

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), FIresphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS)

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 10:23
Direi che ci sediamo col culo sui bottoni e GG ghghghgh
Premiamoli insieme o due volte sx per sicurezza ghghg

4th March 2013, 10:31
è da un pò che non crepiamo....ormai è ora.

Quindi direi di premere i pulsanti, sx+dx

4th March 2013, 10:40
Premiamo of course,sboroneggiando con la nostra spada laser anche! Btw dx e poi sx per me,in alternativa si morirà malamente!

4th March 2013, 10:47
Premiamo obv.

Dever ha già dimostrato più volte di essere un bolscevico, ergo di sicuro sarà prima sx poi dx.

4th March 2013, 10:54
per ora abbiamo:

2 sx+dx
1 insieme
1 dx+sx
1 per non premere

choose your destiny!

4th March 2013, 10:56
Io mi leverei dal cazzo magari fuori c'è le informazioni per la sequenza che useremo per aprire 306

4th March 2013, 11:05
Appunto perchè è bolscevico secondo me ha lasciato il sx per ultimo,come bottone decisivo per l'apertura!
Vergogna Bortas,si deve andare a cazzo dritto e premere i bottoni con la nostra jedi-cappella!

4th March 2013, 11:07
1Appunto perchè è bolscevico secondo me ha lasciato il sx per ultimo,come bottone decisivo per l'apertura!
Vergogna Bortas,si deve andare a cazzo dritto e premere i bottoni con la nostra jedi-cappella!


Visto che ancora non c'è una maggioranza netta, attendo 15min poi la scelta con più voti vince!

4th March 2013, 11:31
Ok, sx+dx vince!

E' un governo di larghe intese.

The stone buttons rise less than an inch above the smooth altar surface. You notice that they are each surrounded by strange, barely perceptible, hieroglyphs, eroded by the passage of time. You now have to decide in which sequence you will press the buttons. If you possess the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, you can depress the buttons without actually touching them.

If you decide to press the left button and then the right, turn to 102.

If you decide to press the right button and then the left, turn to 334.

If you decided to press them both together, turn to 299.

A secret compartment slides open at the base of the left altar staff. Inside, you discover a small statuette, a Stone Effigy of a strange tentacled creature.


If you wish to keep this Effigy, slip it into your pocket and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.

If you wish to activate the buttons again, turn to 65.

If you wish to leave the temple, turn to 306.

Loot? Maybe?

attivare i bottoni di nuovo

è una perdita di tempo: rimangono premuti e gègè

As you pass through the archway, you notice a lever set into the dark stone wall. You pull it and a door slides across, sealing the temple behind you. The temperature is warmer and you can hear a low rumbling sound somewhere in the distance. Ahead, you can see a light at the end of a dark passageway. You discover that it is shining out of an oblong portal, close to the floor, through which you can see a corridor ten feet below.

If you wish to squeeze through the portal and drop into the corridor, turn to 206.

If you decide to continue along the passage, turn to 6.

Are we thinking with portals? Or not?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Dagger

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 11:38
Via nel portale lvl up 206

4th March 2013, 11:39
Go portal!

4th March 2013, 11:44
POrtale portale portale....206

4th March 2013, 11:46
Mi ispira il portale. Go!

(sarà pieno di creature malvagissime)

4th March 2013, 11:47
andiamo verso la luce......

4th March 2013, 12:06

Holding your equipment and your breath, you try to land as quietly as you can on the dusty floor of the corridor. Unfortunately, you twist your ankle in the fall and cannot stifle a yelp of pain. Lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Then, to your horror, you see an Ice Barbarian seated less than thirty feet away to your left. His head is slowly turning in your direction. However, a quick glance to your right reveals another corridor heading north, less than fifteen feet from where you now kneel.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 74.

If you do not have this skill, you can try to run for the north corridor and pray that the Ice Barbarian does not see you. Turn to 183.

If you prefer, you can attack and attempt to silence the Ice Barbarian before he can raise the alarm, by turning to 161.

Solid Lupo Solitario

The stone walls of the corridor are covered with strange carvings, which cast deep shadows. Using your skill, you hide yourself in their gloom. The Ice Barbarian walks slowly towards you, his movements tense and unsteady. Your skin crawls as you notice for the first time his white pupil-less eyes. Holding your breath, you pray that he has not seen you.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 48.

If the number you have picked is 5–9, turn to 287.


The Ice Barbarian screams a low, unnatural cry. You have been spotted and you know you must silence him quickly before he alerts the whole of Ikaya to your presence. You turn to fight.

Turn to 161.


Discipline farlocche...

The Ice Barbarian slowly advances, his white pupil-less eyes sending a shiver down your spine. In his right hand, he clutches a bone scimitar. Although it is raised to strike, his movements are stiff and unsteady as if he were attacking against his will. He is immune to Mindblast.


If you win the combat, turn to 210.

Mmm tutto questo è alquanto bizzarro...vabben, giu botte.


Lupo Solitario -0
Ice Barbarian -14

Lupo Solitario -0
Ice Barbarian -16 (morto!)


A tooth-encrusted Bone Sword lies at the Barbarian’s side. You may take this weapon if you wish. You search his body and also discover a Gold Bracelet on his left wrist.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 316.

If you wish to take the Gold Bracelet, turn to 236. (Put it on your wrist and mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.)

If you do not wish to take the Bracelet, make your way quickly along the corridor towards a distant junction by turning to 215.

Mmm, vediamo che ci dice Sesto Senso.

There is an aura of power encircling the Gold Bracelet that makes you feel uneasy. The Ice Barbarians rely on tooth and bone for their weapons because there are no mines in Kalte. Not only gold but all metals are considered rare and precious; you have never heard of the Ice Barbarians trading their furs for any metal other than steel. Jewellery is of no interest to these hard and cruel hunters. You suspect that this Bracelet was worn by force and not by choice. If you wish to take and wear the Gold Bracelet, mark it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.

If you take the Bracelet, turn to 236.

If you decide to leave it, make your way along the corridor towards the distant junction by turning to 215.

Ce ne sbattiamo e lo indossiamo? O ci fidiamo del nostro Sesto Senso?

(ditemi anche se lootiamo la scimitarra d'osso e, nel caso, che arma scartiamo!)

4th March 2013, 12:14
Prederlo senza indossarlo no ???

MI fiderei del sesto senso e lo lascerie li .....215!!!

4th March 2013, 12:24
Prederlo senza indossarlo no ???

Lupo Solitario non è uomo di mezze misure.

4th March 2013, 12:26
Se non si puo prendere senza indossarlo,lasciamolo li,mi puzza di controllo mentale.

Scimitarra al posto del dagger per quanto mi riguarda

4th March 2013, 12:27
Non prendiamo un casso.


4th March 2013, 12:30
Lo lasciamo li.

(però poi voglio sapere che casso faceva!)

Ladro di anime
4th March 2013, 12:40
Lo lasciamo li.
(però poi voglio sapere che casso faceva!)
Se non ricordo male ti trasformava praticamente in uno zombie

4th March 2013, 12:45
alle dame l' inutili orpelli, allo viro l' arme et il membro ne le nerborute mano più s' addice.

4th March 2013, 13:14
lasciamolo li

4th March 2013, 13:28
Scimitarra d'osso al posto della daga e lasciamo il bracciale che puzza di fregna vecchia...

4th March 2013, 13:37
alle dame l' inutili orpelli, allo viro l' arme et il membro ne le nerborute mano più s' addice.


PS: ladrinu :love:

Ok prendiamo la scimitamarra al posto del dagger e lasciamo li il bracciale d'oro!

Se lo prendavamo

ci zombava, come ha detto Ladro. In realtà, Mindshield ci proteggeva e lo toglievamo prima di zombarci, ma se non avessimo avuto Mindshield sarebbe stato instadeath :D

Turning a corner, you breathe a sigh of relief. Behind you all is silent. But you become aware that the low rumbling sound you detected earlier is much louder in this corridor. A few yards along to your left, a short passage leads to a closed stone door.

If you wish to investigate the door, turn to 13.

If you wish to continue along the corridor towards the north, turn to 254.

proseguiamo nel corridoio o investighiamo la porta?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 13:42
c'è da chiederlo? PORTA

4th March 2013, 13:46
Investighiamo of course! Dentro sto posto non ci rimarrà nemmeno la polvere!

4th March 2013, 13:47
SISI portiamoci via la porta e vendiamola al mercatino dell'usato!!!

4th March 2013, 13:52

4th March 2013, 13:53
Invetigamola, magari l'oggetto di merda preso prima ce la apre...

L'effige di pietra di dubbio gusto che ci pesa nello zaino...

4th March 2013, 14:01
Se non ricordo male ti trasformava praticamente in uno zombie

ladrodiani :love:

4th March 2013, 14:04
la porta

4th March 2013, 14:12
La porc... ehm, la porta!

4th March 2013, 14:20
There is a lever in the wall and a spy-hole in the centre of the door. Peering through the spy-hole, you see a strange sight. A man in a dark robe is kneeling in the centre of a pentacle chalked on the floor of the chamber. His head is bowed and he seems to be in a trance.


If you wish to pull the lever and open the door, turn to 128.

If you wish to leave him where he is and continue exploring the main corridor, turn to 254.

So che sembra una domanda stupida...ma dopo esserci goduti il peepshow pseudoreligioso, vogliamo tirare la leva o andiamo avanti? :D

4th March 2013, 14:21
Macchè leva,calcione sulla porte gli lanciamo nella capoccia tutte le armi che abbiamo! 128!
E come dice deffo,con questa faccia : :dumb:

4th March 2013, 14:22
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ma che c'è qui una leva???? io tiro!!!!!!

4th March 2013, 14:26

già sapete.

4th March 2013, 14:34

4th March 2013, 14:36
ah ovviamente l'essere sarà un mostro schifoso che ci attaccherà istant provando a mangiarci.

Ma siamo pur sempre in presenza di una leva ---> :dumb:

4th March 2013, 14:42
Tira di più una leva....

4th March 2013, 14:53


As the stone door grinds open, the man jerks his head back in surprise. ‘Who’s there?’ he whispers, in a thin strangled voice. His eyes glint from beneath the shadow of his ragged hood. Suddenly he seems to recognize you and jumps excitedly to his feet.

‘The gods be praised, a Kai Lord! My name is Tygon. I’m a merchant from Ragadorn. The Ice Barbarians kidnapped me in Ljuk and brought me here. I now await an audience with their new Brumalmarc, the Sommlending sorcerer they call Vonotar: it seems that he shall decide my fate. But if you free me from this sorcerer’s pentagram, I’ll aid you as best I can.’

You recognize the pentagram to be a circle of binding, a magical prison that can only be broken from the outside. You can easily wipe away part of the circle and free this man.

If you wish to free him, turn to 170.

If you have ever visited Ragadorn, you can ask him some simple questions about the city, to allay any suspicions you may have about who he claims to be, by turning to 11.

If you prefer to close the cell door and return to the main corridor, turn to 254.

Effettivamente siamo stati a Ragadorn...( nel secondo libro) La domanda è: ci ricordiamo qualcosa? Queste sono le domande che possiamo fargli!

If you wish to ask who the current ruler of Ragadorn is, turn to 141.

If you wish to ask the name of the river that divides Ragadorn into east and west, turn to 159.

If you wish to ask the name of the tavern in Barnacle Street, turn to 234.

Se non ci ricordiamo una fava, invece: lo liberiamo o ce ne andiamo?

4th March 2013, 15:01
non ricordo una fava ma bluffiamo alla grande, 234!

4th March 2013, 15:10
Io mi ricordo vagamente la taverna in Barnacle Street,vai col 234 e fidatevi di me e della mia memoria!

4th March 2013, 15:12

4th March 2013, 15:14
chiediamo il nome della taverna.

Poi ovviamente sarà l'unico evocatore di demoni che si gira tutte le taverne del continente....

4th March 2013, 15:20
merda rega io di sturm non mi fido

4th March 2013, 15:27
Io direi che gliele chiediamo tutte e tre e poi se una delle tre ci torna familiare ok, altrimenti sukasse ghghghgh

(va bene anche solo la taverna :P)

4th March 2013, 15:31
chiediamo il nome della taverna.

Poi ovviamente sarà l'unico evocatore di demoni che si gira tutte le taverne del continente....

Ha la veste del tour alcolico +2!

The man hesitates and then answers. ‘Why, the Rusty Anchor Inn, of course.’

If you now wish to wipe away the outside of the pentagram and free him, turn to 170.

If you do not wish to free him, close the cell door and return to the main corridor by turning to 254.

Sarà la risposta giusta? E in ogni caso: che si fa :D?

4th March 2013, 15:34
Aspettiamo Sturm :D

4th March 2013, 15:37
X me nn si chiamava così la taverna dove siamo stati noi...era Star qualcosa....quindi lo lasciamo marcire li dove sta il bastardo!!!! 254

4th March 2013, 15:39
era la north star.


se non si può, lasciamolo li a marcire forever and ever.

4th March 2013, 15:48
Ok è un mostro schifoso.

Però magari droppa :D

Io dico 170 a sfregio tanto siamo ubbah e lo sfondiamo con la spada laser :sturm3:

4th March 2013, 15:54
Sfondare, sangue sangue san... ops è il nostro... 170

4th March 2013, 16:04
2 per liberarlo, 2 per lasciarlo e un'invocazione disperata a Sturm :D

4th March 2013, 16:19
a morte

4th March 2013, 16:20
M'hanno rotto il cazzo a lavoro,piddi rispetto per il lavoro altrui zero,sto cercando di salvare il mondo porca mignotta! Mica che sto a cazzeggiare!
Mi pare fosse north star come è stato detto,a cazzo dritto puniamolo con la nostra megaspadona! :/ meh liberiarlo e poi killarlo si puo?

Ovviamente this face---> :sturm3:

4th March 2013, 16:30
M'hanno rotto il cazzo a lavoro,piddi rispetto per il lavoro altrui zero,sto cercando di salvare il mondo porca mignotta! Mica che sto a cazzeggiare!
Mi pare fosse north star come è stato detto,a cazzo dritto puniamolo con la nostra megaspadona! :/ meh liberiarlo e poi killarlo si puo?
Ovviamente this face---> :sturm3:


Ok, il piano che va per la maggiore è liberarlo e poi segarlo :dumb:

Using the edge of your cloak, you wipe away a section of the pentagram that is wide enough to let the man escape. You notice that he is painfully thin and unsteady on his feet.

‘My thanks, Kai Lord. I shall endeavour to repay your kindness some day, if we ever escape from this fortress,’ he says. ‘You had best lead, for my eyes ail me. I have suffered snow-blindness and the pain still lingers on.’

You lead the way into the passage and are about to turn north into the main corridor, when a pair of steely-fingered hands suddenly close around your throat from behind. A hideous cry betrays the merchant’s true identity: he is a Helghast, a deadly shape-changing servant of the Darklords. He has tricked you into releasing him from the pentagram, and he now intends to murder you.

You desperately fight for air as his skeletal fingers burn and tear at your throat. You lose 6 ENDURANCE points. If you are still alive, you manage to break free of his grip, but you must now fight this creature to the death. Due to the surprise of its attack, you cannot swallow any potions before the combat.

If you possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 304.

If you do not, turn to 175.


The mighty sword illuminates the passage with its golden glow. The Helghast shrieks a hideous cry and retreats, its eyes glowing a fiery red with hatred and fear. It recognizes the power you wield, a force that spells death and eternal destruction to its kind. In blind panic, it attacks you with a powerful Mindblast. Unless you possess the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, you must lose 2 ENDURANCE points for every round of combat you fight with this creature. It is immune to Mindblast. However, because the creature is one of the undead, remember to double all ENDURANCE points that it loses due to the power of the Sommerswerd.


If you win the combat, turn to 20.

Fortunatamente abbiamo Mindshield!


Roll...9 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0
Helghast -32 (morto!)


The body of the Helghast bubbles and dissolves at your feet, a vile green gas seeping out from beneath its robes. As you stare in revulsion at the decomposing corpse, you suddenly realize that this foul creature must have been sent here to kill Vonotar—there can be no other reason for its being here. The Darklords of Helgedad crave Vonotar’s death in payment for his failure at the Battle of Holmgulf and have discovered his whereabouts. The wizard must have discovered the Helghast and imprisoned it within the pentacle until he could devise a way of permanently destroying it.

You gingerly touch your wounded throat and thank the gods that you possess the Sommerswerd; its powers have once again saved your life. Turning into the main corridor, you quickly leave behind the smoking remains.

Turn to 254.

E meno male si :D

On the west wall of the corridor you see another stone door, with a small spy-hole cut into the centre revealing a cell on the other side. An old man is huddled in the far corner of the cell, his face and hair matted with blood and dirt. His blue robes are so filthy that the crescents and stars embroidered on them are almost totally obscured.

If you wish to open the cell door, turn to 56.

If you decide to ignore this old man and continue along the corridor, turn to 276.

Venghino siore e siori a visitare l'incredibile galleria dei carcerati!

Che famo :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 22/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Gallowbrush (sonnifero), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 16:31
lasciamolo a marcire lì. Non sia mai che faccia casino e allerti mezzo palazzo
EDIT: questo era quello che volevo fare prima, ora dico di liberare il vecio, non potranno essere tutti stronzi, o si?

4th March 2013, 16:39
276 ignora è trappolone

4th March 2013, 16:42
Open Open seghiamoli tuttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

4th March 2013, 16:46
andiamo dal vecio con questa faccia :dumb:

comunque oh, più popolati sti sotterranei che le città che abbiamo visitato

4th March 2013, 16:46

4th March 2013, 16:49
Ma va,siamo i master of the universe,un po di civiltà,liberiamolo che magari c'è un bel premio :nod:

4th March 2013, 16:53

se quello di prima era il mostro questo sicuro è un alleato (che tanto creperà mezzo paragrafo dopo averci incontrato)

4th March 2013, 16:55

‘Upon my soul, a Kai Lord!’ he exclaims, his eyes now wide with astonishment.

‘How I’ve prayed for freedom, for deliverance from this infernal place. And although hope never deserted me, I never expected such an illustrious rescuer.’

In the middle of his excitement, the old man is suddenly disturbed by a fit of coughing that leaves him pale and exhausted. It is a few minutes before he can speak again. ‘My name is Loi-Kymar. I am an elder of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran,’ he says, slowly removing a small crystal star pendant, the symbol of the guild, from beneath his tattered robes. The guild is known as the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, and the magician shows his pendant as proof of his identity. You ask him how he came to be imprisoned here in Ikaya, many hundreds of miles from his native Toran.

Illustration IV—‘My name is Loi-Kymar. I am an elder of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran.’

‘Vonotar, that unspeakable wretch, is responsible for my plight. Days before the Darklord invasion of Sommerlund, he betrayed your Kai masters to win power—the black power of death and darkness. However, he failed to play his part in the war plans his evil masters had laid. The Darklords do not tolerate such weakness—mercy has no place in their brutal minds. In the bitterness of defeat, they sought to destroy Vonotar for his crime of failure. Vonotar knew that I possessed the only means to effect an escape from their vengeance, for my Guildstaff has the power of teleportation. He tried to steal it and flee to the safety of Ikaya by himself, but he learnt that its power is not for all men to share; only I am blessed with its secret. He was angry and would have murdered my kinspeople had I not agreed to bring him here, so I had no choice but to do so.’

‘Ever since, I have been a prisoner in this cell. Vonotar has tortured my body and my mind, but I have not divulged the secret of my Guildstaff, which he now keeps in the Hall of the Brumalmarc. For if I were to tell him, my life would no longer be of any value.’

You tell Loi-Kymar of your mission and of the events that have led to your meeting. He offers to show you a route through Ikaya to the Hall of the Brumalmarc where Vonotar now resides as ruler, and if you can retrieve his Guildstaff, he promises to teleport you to the coast in time to rendezvous with your ship.

For the first time since you fell into the caverns of Kalte, you feel confident that your mission can now succeed.

Turn to 192.

L'indizio era la veste con le stelle (come quella di Banedon!), anche se basta guardarlo in faccia per capire che viene da Sommerlund :D

If you possess a Glowing Crystal, turn to 267.

If you do not, turn to 44.

Paragrafo ricco. Comunque, no.

‘Follow me,’ says Loi-Kymar. ‘I’ve listened to the sounds of Ikaya for over a year, and the secret sliding doors and the hidden routes here are no mystery to me. I have learnt more about these corridors and passages from the confines of my cell than Vonotar has discovered with all of his cunning.’

You follow the old magician through a network of secret passages and tunnels, up long flights of stairs and into chambers dark and cold. At the top of one very steep staircase, you come to a stone door. A strange, sickly smell is seeping from a small spy-hole. ‘The kitchens,’ whispers Loi-Kymar, showing his distaste for Ikaya cuisine by sticking out his tongue and grimacing.

You can see that this secret door opens next to a fireplace in which burns a roaring fire. Hanging over the fire is a large stone cauldron of gruel. Two Ice Barbarians sit at a table nearby with empty bowls in front of them.

If you possess a Potion of Black Graveweed, turn to 79.

If you possess a Potion of Green Gallowbrush, turn to 157.

If you do not possess either of these potions, you can open the secret door and launch a surprise attack upon the unarmed Ice Barbarians, by turning to 270.

Le abbiamo entrambe! Quale vogliamo usare? Veleno o sonnifero?

4th March 2013, 16:55
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggg ggggg


4th March 2013, 16:59
79 , la nera era l'estratto del tanfo mefitico del cimitero , li stende sicuro sti barbari :S

4th March 2013, 17:00

4th March 2013, 17:00

4th March 2013, 17:00
Go sonnifero e poi sgozziamoli come animali!

4th March 2013, 17:01

uhm ma la nostra CS non è 25? :O

Lui ha (aveva...) 22, il combat rating dovrebbe essere +3... chissene eh, tanto lo sfondavamo uguale :P

Per la scelta, apriamo tuttoh! Libertaaaahhhh!! http://www.mystrengthforlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/braveheart-strength-mel-300x161.jpg

edit: sono arrivato tardi -.-

voto per il veleno!

4th March 2013, 17:08

4th March 2013, 17:20

4th March 2013, 17:43
@Deffo: e ch'ai raggione :D Fortunatamente lo stendavamo cmq al primo colpo :D

E' il momento della nanna!

You take the Potion from your Backpack and carefully open the door just wide enough to be able to empty the contents of the vial into the bubbling cauldron. You do not have to wait long for the Ice Barbarians to fall asleep after their meal. (Remember to erase this potion from your Action Chart.)


The kitchen is small and surprisingly well stocked with herbs. ‘These are from the Trading Post at Ljuk,’ says Loi-Kymar, peering closely at the labelled jars, several of which he crams into his pockets. Opening two herb jars, he mixes the contents, and offers them to you. ‘It will give you strength, Lone Wolf,’ he says. You eat the dry leaves and feel a warm glow radiating throughout your body.

Restore 6 ENDURANCE points to your current total and turn to 301.

Sticazzi del dopone di cura O-o peccato sia sprecato ç_ç

‘We’re on the same level as the Hall of the Brumalmarc,’ whispers Loi-Kymar, peering through a crack in the kitchen door. ‘It’s at the end of this corridor.’

Two Ice Barbarians stand beside the jewel-encrusted doors that lead to the great hall. They are covered from head to toe in strange bone armour, and armed with crystal swords. The old wizard steps back from the door and says: ‘We must deal with them silently and swiftly.’ He takes three jars from his pockets and mutters a strange incantation as he mixes the contents together in a stone bowl. There is a pitcher of water on the table. He splashes a few drops onto the herbs, and wisps of blue smoke arise. ‘This will silence the guards if we can move it close enough to them.’

If you have the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 122.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 228.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Hunting, turn to 347.

If you do not possess any of the above Kai Disciplines, turn to 179.

Non vi faccio votare tra Hunting e Camouflage perchè il risultato è lo stesso ;)

Loi-Kymar hands you some strips of cloth with which to plug your nostrils. You take a deep breath, pick up the bowl of smoking herbs, and leave the kitchen. Using your Kai Discipline of Camouflage to blend in with the shadows of the corridor, you edge your way nearer and nearer to the unsuspecting guards. You leave the bowl in the shadow of a pilaster and return to the kitchen to wait for it to take effect.

In less than a minute, the Ice Barbarians collapse to the floor and you approach the Hall of the Brumalmarc undetected. You are delighted to discover that one of the great jewelled doors is unlocked. Preparing yourself for attack, you gently push the door ajar and enter Vonotar’s chamber.

Turn to 173.

The Hall of the Brumalmarc is a vast chamber constructed of crystal blocks rising to a central plateau. On this stands the Brumalmarc throne, as old as Ikaya itself. There, Vonotar sits, surrounded by the tomes and eldritch trappings of a necromancer. He is rapt in study and does not see you enter the hall. He remains oblivious to your presence until Loi-Kymar sneezes.

‘Who dares disturb me?’ he hisses, rising from the Brumalmarc throne, his eyes searching for an intruder. Upon seeing you, he emits a horrified gasp and fumbles for his black staff. He has the look of a criminal who has been discovered in the act of some dreadful crime. Quickly you raise your weapon and begin to climb the crystal pyramid. You know that you have little time to reach him if you are to overpower and capture him alive.

You reach the edge of the plateau in time to see a wide circle of blocks descending around the throne. Between you and Vonotar, a deep moat is forming. Then from the depths of the moat you hear a ghastly, inhuman gibbering. You brace yourself for combat but are totally unprepared for the horror that now faces you. From out of the dark slithers a huge, ghoulish, green monster. Its deformed head is a mass of tentacles and suckers that ooze a putrid black slime. At the centre of this writhing mass a hideous yellow eye pulsates. Vonotar has control over this monster and he is directing it towards you.

Illustration XI—From out of the dark slithers a huge ghoulish green monster over which Vonotar has control.

If you possess an Effigy, turn immediately to 34.

If you do not possess an Effigy but do possess the Sommerswerd, turn to 164.

If you have neither of the above, turn to 200.


You suddenly realize that you possess an Effigy of this hideous creature. Taking the Effigy from your pocket, you hold it before you. It begins to glow with a strange iridescence that holds the creature mesmerized. Vonotar has lost control of the creature and it is yours to command. The wizard, realizing he has lost, retreats from the moat. Loi-Kymar arrives at your side. He is breathless and is trying to say something to you.

‘Use it, Lone Wolf…send it…against Vonotar!’

You will the monster to capture and hold Vonotar and it instantly obeys your command. The traitor shrieks with terror and faints as the slimy tentacles close around him. You notice Loi-Kymar hurl a handful of powdered herbs into the moat. Within seconds, a mass of vines and creepers coil upwards, forming a bridge across the moat to the Brumalmarc Throne. Once safely across, you will the creature to release Vonotar and return to the moat. Obediently it slithers into the darkness and the crystal blocks slowly rise.

‘Tie him, Lone Wolf,’ shouts Loi-Kymar, as he searches for his Guildstaff. ‘And be sure to strip him of his rings and amulets—he is a master of trickery. We would not want him to miss his special homecoming to Sommerlund.’

You follow Loi-Kymar’s instructions and make sure that Vonotar is securely tied.

‘Ah! Here she is!’ the old magician eventually cries triumphantly, discovering his Guildstaff amongst the tangle of vines at the base of the throne. He is anxious to leave so you thank him for his help and pass him your map of Kalte, pointing out the position of the ship Cardonal.

‘I’ll not be needing that,’ he replies. ‘Maps are invariably wrong; I prefer to rely on my own sense of direction.’

Loi-Kymar raises his Guildstaff and a dazzling beam of light flows from its tip. He makes three wide sweeps of the air and the Hall of the Brumalmarc is transformed into an umbrella of colour.

Turn to 350.

A quanto pare era l'effige del Boss Finale Anticlimax :/


As the colours fade, you become aware of a sudden drop in temperature. You now stand upon the Ljuk ice shelf at a point less than half a mile from where the Cardonal lies at anchor. Loi-Kymar and Vonotar are close by, both shivering in the chill morning air. Within minutes you are sighted by the ship’s lookout and a longboat is dispatched. As a wriggling Vonotar is hoisted unceremoniously aboard the Cardonal and deposited in the brig the captain is the first to congratulate you on your skill and daring.

‘But how did you manage to return so quickly?’ he asks incredulously. ‘We were not expecting you for another ten days.’

‘Let us say,’ interrupts Loi-Kymar, ‘that the wisdom of the Kai and the lore of the Magicians’ Guild can surpass the limitations of even time itself.’

A puzzled expression crosses the captain’s face, but it is gradually replaced by a smile as he begins to understand the magician’s curious answer.

Your journey to Anskaven is swift, but you are saddened by your memories of the brave guides that were left behind. Your arrival in the port is greeted by an anxious crowd. They fear that your early return is a sign of your mission’s failure. When the news of Vonotar’s capture becomes known, your warrior skills are required once again; this time in the defence of your enemy against the seething mob of outraged Sommlending that assault Anskaven gaol. Safe passage is eventually secured to Toran, where trial awaits the traitor.

Upon the dawn of the feast of Maesmarn, in the depths of the Guildhall of the Crystal Star, Vonotar the Traitor is tried by his brotherhood and found guilty of his terrible crimes. He is led away in silence to the deepest chamber of the Guildhall, wherein lies the Daziarn: a portal of total darkness, the door of an eternal prison from which there can be no escape.

Illustration XX—Vonotar is led away to the deepest chamber of the Guildhall wherein lies the Daziarn: the door of an eternal prison from which there can be no escape.

You are the avenger of his crimes, and it is you who cast the wretched traitor into the limbo of Daziarn. Your mission is now completed. You have survived the caverns of Kalte and freed Sommerlund from the menace of Vonotar.

But the heat of battle and the challenge of a new and desperate quest awaits you in Book Four of the Lone Wolf series entitled:

The Chasm of Doom

Mmmm invece di segarlo, Vonotar viene spedito in una prigione misteriosa da cui nessuno è mai fuggiro. Sono sicuro che non ne sentiremo mai più parlare :nod::nod::nod:

Parlando d'altro, abbiamo vinto!

Come al solito a fine libro, è il momento di VOTARE LA NUOVA DISCIPLINA e per il GIOCO DEL "SE FOSSE"!

Ecco la scheda finale

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 22/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy

Money (50): 46

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 17:51
mind over matter

da che libro iniziano i superpoter combinati delle varie discipline , non mi ricordo mica :D

4th March 2013, 17:56
Voto anche io mind over matter.....viene richiesta sempre più spesso

4th March 2013, 18:02
Gigi a noi! Anche se volevo moar blood!
Io voto Mind over Matter come prossima skill!

4th March 2013, 18:03
Mi unisco al coro!

4th March 2013, 18:05
mind over matter

da che libro iniziano i superpoter combinati delle varie discipline , non mi ricordo mica :D

Direi dal 6to (col 5to prendiamo tutti i poterih, dal 6to in poi dovrebbero iniziare quelli più sgravi)

Cmq che la Forza sia con noi e via di Mind over Matter.

SE FOSSE: quali erano le stat del boss finale? :D

4th March 2013, 18:08
mind over matter, anch' io son curioso di sapere come sarebbe stato combattere lo sgorbion finale.

4th March 2013, 18:09
SE FOSSE: come sarebbe andata se avessimo preso la strada lunga? E se non avessimo esplorato la caverna e fossimo rimasti cogli esploratori? (A proposito so schiattati by aura di morte di LW?)

4th March 2013, 18:10
@Deffo: esatto :D

se non avevamo l'effige

dovevamo segare il mostrone in 5 round o meno (23CS 50EP, non morto -quindi danni doppi dalla Sommerswerd), altrimenti era istadeath. Inoltre, una volta segato lui dovevamo catturare Vonotar (e anche qui se avevamo sfiga c'era un'istadeath).

Immagine bonus del tentacle rape su Vonotar!


se rimanevamo con gli esploratori

schiattavano lol:D Poco male, perchè se leggi bene si capisce che siamo gli unici ad aver fatto ritorno dal viaggio, insieme al mago :D

se facevamo la strada lunga

c'era 1/4 di libro diverso :D In almeno 1 dei percorsi uccidevamo un Baknar e le guide ci offrivano di cospargerci col suo grasso :lol: che proteggeva dal freddo. In questo percorso interagivamo molto di più coi barbari -a un certo punto potevamo anche prendere un bambino barbaro in ostaggio lol. Alla fine di tutte le varie disavventure finivamo nella zona dove c'erano gli sfigati con la Firestone. Ah, ovviamente le guide schiattavano lol

4th March 2013, 18:21
Vonotar è decisamente sommerlundiano :D

Eh il boss finale senza Spada del Sole era peso... soprattutto per il fatto dei 5 round!

(diciamo che la Sommerswerd rende un po' tutti i combattimenti più o meno una passeggiata de salute...)

4th March 2013, 18:26
(diciamo che la Sommerswerd rende un po' tutti i combattimenti più o meno una passeggiata de salute...)

ecco, dopo questa è matematico che al prossimo scontro esplodiamo in una nuvola di coriandoli di merda pure contro uno scarafaggio....:afraid:

4th March 2013, 18:32
e se anzichè la pozza di sonno usavamo il veleno?

4th March 2013, 18:36
mind over matter gogo! :metal:

4th March 2013, 19:19
e se invece di girare a sinistra (quando siamo arrivati al bivio e sx era l'entrata della fortezza) giravamo a destra?

4th March 2013, 19:24
e se anzichè la pozza di sonno usavamo il veleno?

lo versavamo sempre nello zuppone e i babbari schiattavano invece di addormentarsi :D

Mind Over Matter è la nostra nuova Disciplina!


You are Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords. To the south of your homeland of Sommerlund lies the rich but remote mining province of Ruanon. When a regular shipment of gold suddenly vanishes, the King dispatches a patrol of his best cavalry to investigate the suspected theft. They do not return.

In The Chasm of Doom, you are sent to recover the missing gold and locate the lost patrol, but you soon discover that it is a mission of direful consequence—for the fate of your country is at stake!

Mmm, a quanto pare adesso facciamo i picchiatori per conto della tesoreria reale lol :D


Ruanon is a remote mining province to the south of your homeland, Sommerlund. Nestling between the sullen peaks of the Durncrag and Maaken mountains, the people of this province have long prospered from their toil in the ore-rich mines, living and enjoying their wealth under the protection of their lord—Baron Vanalund.

The gold and gems that are mined at Ruanon yield an important source of revenue to your homeland. The heavily guarded convoy of wagons that leave the province and journey to the capital has become a regular monthly routine; a routine that had never been broken until one month ago when, suddenly, all contact with Ruanon ceased. A troop of one hundred cavalry from the King’s Guard were immediately dispatched to investigate the whereabouts of the missing convoy. Their commanding officer, Captain D’Val, was ordered to report back to the King as soon as contact was made, but he and his men have not returned: they too have disappeared without trace.

The King has summoned you, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Lords, to his citadel at Holmgard. Your quest is to find Captain D’Val and his men, discover what has happened to the missing convoy, and to uncover the veil of mystery that now hangs over Ruanon. The King has gathered a company of Border Rangers, a unit of élite scouts, all of whom are skilled in horsemanship and outdoor survival. He has ordered these fifty men to accompany you in the hope that, with your leadership, they may succeed where the larger and more visible force failed.

As you and your men enter the Royal Armoury to equip yourselves for the long ride ahead, you glimpse a black crow perched on a window ledge high above. It flies away, but not before a shiver has run down your spine: in Holmgard, the crow is a bird of ill omen.



Before leaving Holmgard on your ride south, you are given a Map of the Southlands, a Badge of Rank that you wear upon the sleeve of your tunic, and a pouch of gold. To find out how much gold is in the pouch, pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add 10 to the number you have picked. The total equals the number of Gold Crowns inside the pouch, and you may now enter this number in the ‘Gold Crowns’ section of your Action Chart. (If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf adventures, you may add this sum to the total of any Crowns you may already possess. Remember you can only carry a maximum of fifty Crowns.)

You may take your pick of the following items (in addition to those you already possess, but remember you may only carry two weapons). You may take up to six of the following:

Warhammer (Weapons)

Dagger (Weapons)

2 Potions of Laumspur (Backpack Items). Each of these potions restores 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. Each potion contains enough for one dose.

Sword (Weapons)

Spear (Weapons)

5 Special Rations (Meals). Each of these Special Rations counts as one Meal, and each takes up one space in your Backpack.

Mace (Weapons)

Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total.

Shield (Special Items) This adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL when used in combat.

List the six items that you choose on your Action Chart, under the heading given in brackets, and make a note of any effect it may have on your ENDURANCE points or COMBAT SKILL.

Ok gente, possiamo prendere SEI oggetti sto giro lol :D E prima che lo chiediate, SI la cotta di maglia si somma con il corpetto di cuoio (come da Errata ufficiali) ;) Ovviamente tenete conto che abbiamo spazio per 2 armi, 8 backpack items e 12 speciali solamente!

Indipendentemente dal Roll, andiamo a 50 Corone.

Ed ecco a voi il primo paragrafo del quarto libro!

For three days you lead your brave company of rangers across the lush plains of southern Sommerlund on the first stage of your urgent mission. The flat, treeless fields surround you with a seemingly endless expanse of wheat, so high that even though you are in the saddle it reaches well above your knees. Your horses seem to be swimming through a vast yellow sea of corn that is only interrupted by an occasional track, or group of isolated farmhouses.

The southerners welcome your sudden appearance, but you only make the briefest stops for food and rest, neither wishing to risk becoming a burden, nor alarm these good people with your mission.

By noon on the fourth day, you reach the Pass of Moytura. Here the plains give way to the broken foothills of the Durncrag Mountains. You soon reach a highway, the surface cracked and full of pot-holes, heading off towards the south. This is the notorious Ruanon Pike. South of the pass, the Ruanon Pike crosses a hundred miles of open territory known as ‘Raider’s Road’. Bandit tribes from the Wildlands and Giak war-bands from the mountains of the west frequently ambush those who travel along the Pike, and the regular shipment of gold and gems from the mines at Ruanon have sometimes yielded rich pickings to these merciless robbers.

‘Point and flankers,’ you shout, and immediately three groups of rangers peel away from the column and spur their horses to a gallop. You watch with pride as the expert horsemen take up their scouting positions to the front and side of the company.

It is late afternoon when a ranger scout approaches the company from the west. He points towards a craggy outcrop where a thin spiral of wood smoke betrays a hut hidden beneath the overhanging rock.


If you wish to investigate the hut, turn to 160.

If you wish to ignore the hut and continue on your ride along the Ruanon Pike, turn to 273.

Votate per tutto ;)

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Guardian

CS: 25 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2)

EP: 27/27 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Port Brax coach ticket, Red Pass, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy

Money (50): 50

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

4th March 2013, 19:28
e se invece di girare a sinistra (quando siamo arrivati al bivio e sx era l'entrata della fortezza) giravamo a destra?

finiviamo in un platform game (o Indiana Jones) lol :D
Dovevamo superare un baratro facendo tarzan con la corda e passare sotto una porta di pietra che si chiudeva. Dopodichè ci riunivamo al corridoio dove abbiamo trovato lo scrigno con l'elmo d'argento.

4th March 2013, 19:28
questo volume di Lupo Solitario lo adoro :nod:

@prendiamo lo scudo,chainmail,2 pozioni

4th March 2013, 19:29
andiamo a controllare, prendiamo lo scudo, la chainmail, 2 pozze di cura e 2 meals

4th March 2013, 19:33
Al momento abbiamo 3 spazi nello zaino e 1 negli oggetti speciali!!

Quindi se volete che prendiamo più oggetti, ditemi cosa scartare ;)

4th March 2013, 19:37
Minchia 50 ranger, sto giro la Death Aura avrà di che sfamarsi per bene :D

Chainmail Waistcoat
2 Potions of Laumspur
Meal (tanto per...)

Lo zaino è pieno e prendere altro imho non serve.

Per far spazio negli oggetti speciali butterei il Port Brax coach ticket e il Red Pass, penso siano decisamente inutili a sto punto.

Per la scelta, investighiamo! 160

4th March 2013, 19:40
come dice deffo

4th March 2013, 19:44
Investighiamo. E non prendiamo nulla che siamo gia overpowered cosi!

4th March 2013, 20:00
Come dice defender albero di natale inc, scudo, cotta obbligatori con due pozze è perfetto...

Chiaramente investigare 160, se c'è da girare obbligatorio a sinistra...

4th March 2013, 20:17
scudo, cotta, pozze, Investighiamo!

4th March 2013, 20:18
Direi di scartare la mazza/bone sword, in favore dello scudo, investighiamo!

4th March 2013, 21:56
imo la nuova flowchart dovrebbe essere: KILL > INVESTIGATE > LOOT > PULL LEVER > GO LEFT

per gli items, cotta, 1 x pozza, 2 x cibo
per lo scartare items, non so come funzia l'import nei nuovi libri, ma in caso fosse safe direi di scartare i vari key items dei libri precedenti in caso non avranno piu' uso (tipo la key usata per aprire uno specifico forziere o porta in un posto in cui non torneremo piu' perchè gia full lootato.)

5th March 2013, 00:07
è morto il master :/

5th March 2013, 00:09
La death aura di lone wolf ha colpito anche Jesper... era inevitabile :(

5th March 2013, 00:44
:\ peccato. i 50 ranger si salvano quindi :sneer:

5th March 2013, 10:22
:\ peccato. i 50 ranger si salvano quindi :sneer:

Non se posso dire la mia! :D

(i maligni potrebbero dire che ieri sera, dopo cena, mi sono abbioccato sul divano guardando un torneo di Dota2 :nod:)

Comunque si accettano scommesse sulla sopravvivenza dei Ranger!

Per ora entriamo ;)

An escort of five rangers accompanies you along the twisting narrow track that leads to the hut. The rough stone walls are covered with a damp moss into which is set a curious oval door. There are no windows. You have dismounted and are approaching the door when suddenly a man’s voice calls from inside the hut: ‘Come in, Lone Wolf, I’ve been expecting you.’

If you wish to open the door and enter, turn to 84.

If you wish to draw your weapon and kick open the door, turn to 205.

If you wish to send your rangers into the hut, turn to 306.

qui anche se conigliamo e mandiamo avanti i ranger, o sfondiamo la porta a calci, non cambia una fava quindi tanto vale proseguire!

In the dim light of the interior, you see an old man seated at a table. The flicker of a log fire is all that illuminates this foul-smelling hovel, yet it sheds enough light for you to see the clutter of charts and strange instruments that crowd the hut. The man slowly raises his gaze from a large crystal sphere and bids you sit opposite him.

‘You know my name—how?’ you ask warily.

‘The stars foretold our meeting long ago, Lone Wolf,’ he replies, slowly passing his withered old hands around the sphere. ‘Be not alarmed by my knowledge for I wish only to aid you.’ He produces a small scroll of parchment from within his robe, and he hands it to you. Upon the scroll is written the following verse:

When the full moon shines o’er the temple deep,
A sacrifice will stir from sleep
The legions of a long forgotten lord.
When a fair royal maid on the altar dies,
The dead of Maakengorge shall rise
To claim their long-awaited reward.

Illustration V—‘The stars foretold our meeting long ago, Lone Wolf.’


Alla fine si scoprirà che Sommerlund è una nazione di Goblin, e tutto sarà spiegato.

You ask the meaning of the strange verse, but the old man does not answer you. He seems to have fallen into a deep trance. You lean across the cluttered table to awaken him and are shocked to see your hand pass straight through his body. Gradually his image begins to fade. Within seconds he has disappeared completely.

You place the Scroll in your pocket. (Mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart.) You quickly leave the hut, pausing only to wipe the cold sweat from your brow.

Turn to 273.

PS: cosa buttiamo via per la Scroll?

You have ridden less than five miles when you see a group of wagons on the highway ahead. They are painted in a gaudy mix of bright colours and drawn by teams of oxen. A huge tasselled banner flies above the leading wagon, which bears the following proclamation:
The Famous Asajir Players—Troubadours to the Imperial Courts of Magnamund

Illustration XVI—You see a group of wagons on the highway ahead.

If you wish to stop to question these travelling minstrels, turn to 37.

If you wish to ignore them and let them pass, turn to 126.


ahahahha le illustrazioni di questo libro sono oro puro. Il bardo cui sta venendo un attacco di cuore diventa istantaneamente l'icona del nostro Mortometro.

Comunque sia...parliamo coi menestrelli o li ignoriamo?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

EP: 31/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Ornate Silver Key, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS)

Money (50): 50

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

5th March 2013, 10:36
Ma facciamoci 4 chiacchiere al massimo li killiamo!
La ornate silver key? Ma l'abbiamo usata? Ho un vuoto di memoria ?_?

Il menestrello è un win assoluto :rotfl: :rotfl:

5th March 2013, 10:45
Era la chiave dello scrigno in cui abbiamo trovato l'elmo d'argento!

5th March 2013, 10:52
Da buttare Crystal Star Pendant, ce l'abbiamo dal primo libro non serve ad un cazzo & Ornate Silver Key non credo che apra tutte le porte del mondo, ne apriva una e l'abbiamo passata...

Voglio parlare coi menestrelli più brutti di sempre, al max ci depredano e noi poi li dobbiamo massacrare a nocchini... 37

Ps: non avevo notato che sullo stendardo, la tipa con la spada ha gli occhiali da sole, hahahha...

5th March 2013, 11:02
Buttiamo la chiave d'argento imho.

E parliamo con i menestrelli, son curioso di sapere dell'incidente che ha ridotto così il bardo...

ah è la sua vera faccia? :afraid: :sneer:

5th March 2013, 11:04
ahahha credo sia una benda, probabilmente per sopportare la vista degli uomini di Sommerlund.

PS: avete notato che nn abbiamo incontrato manco una donna fin'ora? Sommerlund è il festival della salssiccia a quanto pare.

PPS: il crystal pendant sticazzi lo utilizza il libro

come flag ogni volta che deve controllare se abbiamo incontrato Banedon nel primo libro. Non ha senso, però, perchè se non abbiamo il crystal pendant (che, tra parentesi, ci dovrebbe esser stato rubato insieme al resto della nostra robba nel secondo libro) il libro si comporta come se non conoscessimo Banedon. Il che non ha senso, a meno che non sia anche lui della scuola "Superman e Klark Kent sono due persone totalmente diverse perchè una ha gli occhiali".
In sostanza

Volendo possiamo buttarlo, perchè non ha senso tenerlo.

Comunque, scopriamo la storia di queste carismatiche personcine!

You signal to the driver to stop. The wagons halt and a small, moon-faced man in a bright pink tunic throws open the rear door of the leading carriage. He shouts and curses the driver as he descends the ladder, pausing only to adjust the cummerbund that barely covers his huge stomach. Seeing your men, he lets out a strangled shriek and fumbles for a short sword hanging at his side. ‘Bandits! Robbers!’ he cries, and wrestles to free his sword from its ornate scabbard. A row of anxious faces appears at the wagon windows, but the expressions soon change to a smile when they recognize your Sommlending uniforms.

‘Calm yourself, Yesu,’ shouts an elderly woman. ‘They are Sommlending rangers. They will not steal your gold.’ Laughter ripples along the carriages as the little fat man suddenly unsheathes his sword with such force that he spins around and tumbles to the ground.

Illustration III—The little fat man spins around and tumbles to the ground.

‘You must forgive Yesu,’ says the old woman. ‘He means you no harm. “Raider’s Road” has made him a nervous wreck.’

You question the old woman, asking her where they have come from and their destination. You learn that they are a troupe of players and have journeyed many miles from their native land of Cloeasia in the east. They last played for the people of Eshnar, but it was a disappointing show. It seems that the town was as quiet as the grave; those who did come to see them were a sad and sorry crowd. They are now bound for Holmgard, and hopefully a more appreciative audience.

‘Light is fading,’ remarks the old woman. ‘Perhaps you and your men will camp with us tonight? We would deem it an honour, and would be happy to entertain you all with songs and dancing.’ You notice a hopeful look in the eyes of your men as they await your decision.

If you wish to set up camp with the troubadours, turn to 182.

If you decide to press on to Ruanon, turn to 247.

Vogliamo farci intrattenere con canti e danze? O teniamo alla nostra verginità anale?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

EP: 31/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Weapons (2): Mace, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

Money (50): 50

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

5th March 2013, 11:05
Ok la chiave d'argento,ma il crystal pendant potrebbe servirci più in la,per il momento direi di tenerlo

EDIT: Apposto allora buttiamolo pure e liberiamo spazio nell'inventario :nod:

5th March 2013, 11:15
Massì dai facciamoci sollazzare da questi trombadori (:look:)


5th March 2013, 11:37
vediamo sto spettacolo va.....un pò di relax ci vuole.

5th March 2013, 11:40
The wagons are drawn into a circle and you set up camp inside. A ranger is posted to patrol the perimeter. The troubadours construct a small stage onto which strides Yesu. He calls for silence before announcing the title of their play, ‘The Brave Warriors of Sommerlund’, a choice that meets with the hearty approval of your men.

During the performance, you notice something very odd; not only is one of the actors using a real sword, but it is a type of sword only issued to officers of the Sommlending cavalry. After the play you approach the man to question him about the sword. He looks at you nervously and makes a dash for the darkness of the perimeter wagons.

If you wish to give chase and have either the Kai Discipline of Tracking or Hunting, turn to 332.

If you do not possess these skills but still wish to give chase, turn to 58.

If you decide to let him go, return to your men by turning to 165.

Mmmm....lo inseguiamo? (abbaimo sia Traking che Hunting, nel caso)

O ce ne sbattiamo?

5th March 2013, 11:45
alla caccia! 332

5th March 2013, 11:50
Nel frattempo glielo appoggio a Deffo,go a caccia!

5th March 2013, 11:52
Chase mode: ON


5th March 2013, 12:05
yes inseguiamoooooooooooo!!!!!!

5th March 2013, 12:29
Although the wagons are shrouded in darkness, your Kai sense reveals to you the actor’s hiding place. You climb the ladder at the rear of a large caravan, push open the door with your weapon, and enter.

Turn to 222.

Siamo meglio di Batman.

In the plush candlelit interior of the caravan you find the actor, cowering beneath a blanket in the far corner. You flick the blanket aside and ask the petrified man to explain how he came to possess such a fine sword.

‘I…I bought it in Eshnar,’ he stammers, his eyes wide with fear, ‘from the innkeeper of the “Pick and Shovel” tavern.’ He grasps the sword by the blade and offers it to you. ‘If it is your sword I have unwittingly bought, I am truly sorry. Here, please take it.’

You grip the brass hilt and examine it closely. There is no doubt: it is a Sommlending cavalry sword, but the inscription on the blade makes your heart miss a beat: ‘Captain Remir D’Val—King’s Guard Regiment’.

If you wish to keep this sword, mark Captain D’val’s Sword on your Action Chart as a Weapon.

Turn to 165.

Mmm un oste che vende la spada di un capitano di Sommerlund...whatever.

You return to the troubadours’ stage in time for a meal that has been prepared by your hosts. The steaming broth smells most appetising.

If you wish to accept the meal, turn to 319.

If you decline the food, you must now eat a Meal from your Backpack or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Turn to 13.

Accettiamo l'offerta? E se vogliamo tenere la spada del Capitano, ditemi che arma scartare!

5th March 2013, 12:38
Se è aggratisse la spada direi di fare permuta con la mazza.

Per il cibo direi cortesemente di prenderci una razione, il cibo offerto mi pare sempre il trappolone soporifero, poi se uno si risveglia nudo so cazzi sua... 13

5th March 2013, 12:45
Boh, la spada possiamo pure lasciargliela, tanto abbiamo la nostra spada Jedi.

Per quanto riguarda la cena.....grazie, come accettato, ma ho il panino fatto a casa....

5th March 2013, 12:47
Abbiamo un intera compagnia di soldati a proteggerci,magnamo aggratisse!
Scartiamo la mazza!

5th March 2013, 12:47
Uppo Bortas

5th March 2013, 12:52
mmm io la spada al prenderei....magari scopriamo che torna utile avanti...x il cibo..no grazie! :D

5th March 2013, 12:56
Io prenderei cibo e lascerei la spada :)

5th March 2013, 13:30
Io dico di tenere la spada che può tornare utile per scopi diversi dal combattimento. Poi dico fanculo le nostre razioni stantie, magnamo, bevemo e speriamo ci sia figa.

5th March 2013, 13:38
prendiamo la spada e magnamo a scrocco

5th March 2013, 14:07
prendiamo la spada al posto della mazza...

per la cena sta 4 pari! E' il momento del random! Pari si mangia con i menestrelli, dispari si pranza al sacco!


Veleno mio, sto arrivando!

The food is delicious. You eat your fill and then make preparations for a good night’s sleep. At dawn, you and your company bid farewell to the travelling players and continue on your mission to Ruanon.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 25.

If it is 5–9, turn to 171.

Eccolo che arriva!


After journeying through the rich wheat fields of southern Sommerlund, the view that lies before you now looks especially bleak and colourless. The landscape is flat and desolate, only relieved here and there by a ragged copse of stunted firs or mound of broken earth. (You have entered the Wildlands south of the Pass of Moytura and cannot use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for food in this desolate area.) During the afternoon, storm clouds gather above the peaks of the Durncrag Mountains to the west, and the roll of distant thunder warns of imminent rain. It is early evening when your scouts find the ruins of an old temple, less than a mile from the highway.

If you wish to set up camp for the night in the shelter of the ruins, turn to 290.

If you wish to avoid the temple and continue, turn to 141.

O siamo stati culosi, o non era avvelenato :D

In compenso ora non possiamo usare Hunting, quindi fortunatamente abbiamo 1 pasto:D

Detto questo: ci accampiamo nelle rovine o prendiamo la pioggia andando avanti?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

EP: 31/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Weapons (2): Captain D'Val's Sword, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Meal

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

Money (50): 50

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

5th March 2013, 14:11
acqua cattiva , 290

5th March 2013, 14:16
Rovine rovine.

Magari c'è anche l'accesso a un dungeon :lootwhore:

5th March 2013, 14:18
Le rovine ai rovinati

5th March 2013, 14:20
Daje che da ste rovine spunta fuori qualcosa da lootare!!!!!

5th March 2013, 14:34
rovine, sidequest obviously

5th March 2013, 14:37
Rovine: i rangers sono durati anche troppo...è ora di sfoltirne un pò il numero.

5th March 2013, 14:45
The ruins are overgrown with weeds and roots, but you can make out the shape of the inner sanctum of the temple quite distinctly. The huge marble canopy is still intact and will serve as an excellent shelter from the storm. As you tie your horse to a withered shrub, you glance up to see two men hiding beneath the canopy, dressed in long black robes. You order them to come out and identify themselves, but they neither move nor answer your call.


If you wish to signal your men to attack the robed strangers, turn to 44.

If you wish to try to capture them alive, turn to 102.

If you decide to sheathe your weapon and approach them, your hand extended in a gesture of friendship, turn to 78.

Mmm stranieri misteriosi, nerovestiti, dentro le rovine. Probabilmente è una gita di preti!

Cloro al clero? O cerchiamo di catturarli? O ogni uomo è nostro fratello amico fratello?

5th March 2013, 14:57
Siamo personcine civilizzate e rispettabili.

Perciò ci avviciniamo amichevolmente, li salutiamo amichevolmente, gli parliamo amichevolmente e poi confischiamo qualunque loro avere, ma sempre amichevolmente.

Almeno finchè non protestano, nel caso li ammazziamo.

5th March 2013, 14:58
Cattura e tortura 102

5th March 2013, 15:06
78, se sono 2 helghast con la spada jedi li sciogliamo, no problem

5th March 2013, 15:06
78 , non si puo' sempre fraggare tutto , andatevi a gioca' crysis 3 altrimenti .

5th March 2013, 15:10
78 Mano destra tesa,mano sinistra aperta a schiaffo pronto!

5th March 2013, 15:14
Forse sono solo spaventati.

E se non lo sono, a breve saranno morti :D

Cmq 78, ma occhi aperti e colpo in canna

5th March 2013, 15:17
Questo cavallo e questi 50 Ranger non si ammazzeranno mica da soli!

(per ora)


As you approach they slip back their hoods to reveal two smiling faces. They seem relieved to have made friendly contact in the middle of this inhospitable wasteland. Neither of them speaks, but they remove amulets from around their necks and offer them as some kind of identification. The small wooden fish hanging on the neck-chains are symbols of a Holy Order known as ‘The Redeemers’, a silent order of pilgrims devoted to a lifetime of prayer and the study of the healing arts.


One of the pilgrims hands you a small earthenware Flask that contains a potion of Holy Water. If you wish to keep this Flask, mark it on your Action Chart as a Backpack Item.

Your men pitch camp beneath the marble canopy and preparations are made to get some sleep. You are hungry and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

Turn to 233.

Lol...erano davvero dei preti! Prendiamo l'Acqua Santa al posto del pasto.

Your rest is disturbed by the anxious shout of the night guard: ‘Awake! Awake! We’re under attack!’

Throwing back their blankets, your men leap to their feet, peering through the teeming rain at the shadowy silhouette of horsemen circling the ruins. Suddenly an arrow whistles through the darkness. Your lookout screams and falls to his knees. ‘Form a circle,’ you shout. ‘Keep behind cover!’

The rangers gather swords and shields and press themselves against the wet temple marble for protection. The sound of metal-shod boots on stone makes you spin around. A dozen warriors dressed in shiny red armour are clambering across the broken pillars. Two rangers run to block their advance, but they are felled by one sweep of the warrior leader’s broadsword. Then the warrior sees you and quickens his pace. His bloodied sword is raised to strike again. You cannot evade combat and must fight the warrior to the death.

Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 26

If you win, turn to 312.

Ranger rimasti: 48

Detto, questo, COMBAT RATING: +10


Lupo Solitario -0
Bandit Warrior -16

Lupo Solitario -2
Bandit Warrior -11 (morto!)

All around you the ruins echo to the clash of weapons and the screech of battle-cries. These armour-clad horsemen are no ordinary bandit clan; they fight with a discipline and skill unheard of among the lowly outlaws of the Wildlands.

You step over the dead warrior and call about you a handful of your men. The enemy have surrounded your horses, and you must act quickly if you are to save them from being taken. You lead a charge through the ruins, piercing the enemy line. They falter and flee back into the darkness. However, by the time you have reached the temple perimeter, only eleven of your horses remain—the others have vanished.

After much thought, you decide to choose ten rangers to continue the mission with you, sending the remainder of your company back to Sommerlund to report what has happened. As the gloomy light of dawn gradually fills the sky, you and your chosen companions bid a sad farewell to those who must march back on foot.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 120.

If it is 3–9, turn to 51.

Ranger rimasti: 10 :lol:
(è cosa certa che quelli che tornano a casa schiattano di diarrea fulminante a metà strada)

Comunque, Roll...4

You have been riding for over four hours when you see a flock of birds. They are black and very large and are swooping around the brow of a distant ridge.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 227.

If you wish to investigate the ridge, turn to 328.

If you would rather ignore the birds and press on, turn to 120.

Amici Animali, diteci!

You identify the birds as carrion crows, a despicable breed of Wildland scavengers. Whenever a creature lies dead in the wastelands you can be sure to find a host of these loathsome predators.

If you decide to take a closer look at what they are eating, turn to 328.

If you would rather ignore them and continue your ride, turn to 120.

Investighiamo? Saranno i nostri Ranger? O ignoriamo gli avvoltoi?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Journeyman

CS: 27 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2)

EP: 31/31 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4)

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Weapons (2): Captain D'Val's Sword, Bone Sword

Backpack (8): Rope (2 spazi), Graveweed Potion (veleno), Alether (+4 CS per 1 combat), Lampspur (cura 5 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Acqua Santa

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Crystal Star Pendant, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Diamond, Blue Stone Triangle, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Stone Effigy, Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Prophecy Scroll

Money (50): 50

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)

************************************************** ******

VIsto che mi ero scordato, questa è la mappa!

5th March 2013, 15:31
'namo a controllare

5th March 2013, 15:35
Andiam, andiam, andiamo a investigar!


5th March 2013, 15:37
e andiamo a vedere che se stanno a magnà!

5th March 2013, 15:44

5th March 2013, 15:50
Magari troviamo uno spuntino anche per noi!

E poi abbiamo ancora 10 ranger!

As you reach the top of the ridge, a gruesome sight meets you. The bodies of men and horses lie scattered across the shallow valley beyond, their bones picked clean by the scavenging crows. You hear the gasps of horror as your men recognize the armour and tattered white uniforms of these skeletons, for they were once your countrymen, Sommlending Guards of the King’s cavalry. They must have died in battle, for the corpses of bandit warriors lie entwined among them. Forty brave soldiers, nearly half of the squadron that left Holmgard one month ago, now lie before you, and it is with heavy heart that your men set about the grisly task of burial. As you ride away from this valley of death, you are comforted only by the knowledge that Captain D’Val was not among those you buried.


Turn to 120.

Una distesa di cadaveri orrendi. In quanto provenienti da Sommerlund.

Notare che sono sospettosamente 40. Così, per dire.

After many hours of riding you reach a highway junction. (You have left the Wildlands and may once again use the Kai Discipline of Hunting to hunt for your food.) A large signpost indicates two destinations: south to Ruanon (60 miles) and east to Eshnar (40 miles).

If you wish to continue south, turn to 33.

If you decide to go east, turn to 92.

Vogliamo andare a Ruannon o Eshnar? Date un'occhiata al paragrafo 1 per le nostre istruzioni, e alla mappa per la direzione!

5th March 2013, 15:56
Andiamo a est, sulla mappa è a sinistra, considerando che guadiamo verso sud...

5th March 2013, 15:59
Visto che bortas sicuro ha controllato mi unisco alla sua scelta! andiamo a sx!

5th March 2013, 16:08
Dico anche io est: la taverna dove il menestrello aveva trovato la spada del capitano delle guardie era li.

5th March 2013, 16:15
La nostra missione è andare a Ruanon a controllare, quindi io dico Sud...

Non siamo mica in viaggio di piacere!

5th March 2013, 16:16
Est è come dire sinistra se andiamo a sud!

It is noon on the following day when you reach the outskirts of Eshnar. To the south, the wooded hills gradually ascend towards the magnificent snow-capped peaks of the Maaken Range. It is a beautiful sight, one of stark contrast to the squalor of Eshnar and the desolate Wildlands to the north. You ride along the only street in this dilapidated town and eventually arrive outside a large tavern called ‘The Pick and Shovel’. Your men are exhausted and badly in need of food and rest.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 210.

If you wish to enter the tavern, turn to 132.

If you decide to continue along the street, turn to 301.

Abbiamo Sesto Senso.

You have a very uneasy feeling about this town. So far you have only seen women and children shuffling along the street; there has been no sign of any men whatsoever. The inhabitants all seem nervous and avoid looking you directly in the eye. Instinct tells you to turn around and leave as quickly as possible.

If you wish to follow your instincts, turn to 67.

If you wish to press on regardless of your instincts, you can investigate the tavern by turning to 132.

If you wish to continue along the street, turn to 301.

Ci fidiamo del nostro istinto e ce ne andiamo? O vediamo la taverna? O continuiamo per la strada?

5th March 2013, 16:19
Taverna con la mano sulla spada

5th March 2013, 16:43

5th March 2013, 17:03
132 ho sete di sangue e tanta voglia di spaccare crani con la mia Jedi-cappella!

5th March 2013, 17:09

5th March 2013, 17:28
A sto punto 132 e si entra camminando alla Trinità

5th March 2013, 17:32
Io ero più per l'istinto, ma è anche giusto spaccare un pò di culi sennò ci rammolliamo 132

5th March 2013, 17:55
A sto punto 132 e si entra camminando alla Trinità

*sequenza di schiaffi* "Non hai capito, vero?"

Your men tether their horses and follow you into the tavern. An old woman stands behind the bar, her face taut and lined as if in pain. She wears men’s clothes—a shirt and chequered trousers. The tavern is empty, but the tables are covered with ale mugs, many half full of beer.


If you feel uneasy about the tavern and wish to leave town, turn to 67.

If you wish to question the old woman, turn to 287.

Una donna! E' vecchia e indossa vestiti da uomo, e forse è un helghast...però è pur sempre un essere di sesso femmiline con cui interagire, in un libro di Joe "Sausagefest" Dever!

Ciò detto: ci sentiamo di rimanere in taverna, o ce ne andiamo?

5th March 2013, 17:58
Siamo entrati, cattiva idea, ora che siamo dentro badass mode on, inutile andarcene, direi che una morte a cazzo ce la possiamo permettere, via parliamo con il megamostro sotto forma di vecchietta 287

5th March 2013, 17:59
287 con le pannocchie in mano

5th March 2013, 18:01
entriamo, vediamo una donna e ce ne andiamo? lol via di 287!

5th March 2013, 18:13
287! Facciamogli sentire da quanto non vediamo una donna!

5th March 2013, 18:23
Ma questa è una culona inchiavabile....(cit.)

5th March 2013, 18:27
go di cazzoduro dalla vecchia

5th March 2013, 19:19
Boh io andrei via, e' gia la seconda opportunita che ci viene data.
Ci sara almeno una insta death in agguato.

5th March 2013, 19:36
namo via

5th March 2013, 20:35
Voglio essere ucciso da una vecchia

5th March 2013, 20:41
Mah io uppo l'andar via, i sensi di ragno ci stanno allertando da quando siamo arrivati, meglio non sfidare troppo la sorte e tornare sulla retta via...

(in realtà dico di andare solo perchè la tipa è un cesso, fosse stata una ubergnocca al senso di ragno gli si tirava un calcio in culo :D)

5th March 2013, 20:51
Voglio essere ucciso da una vecchia

weeee :D

go di cazzoduro dalla vecchia


PS: scusate la discontinuità...domani torno in ufficio, per cui gli update dovrebbero riprendere con la solita frequenza :nod:

You have barely taken a dozen steps when the old woman drops to the floor. A ranger shouts ‘Ambush!’ It is the last word he will ever speak. A razor-sharp disc of metal whistles down from the balcony above and sinks into his chest. Then, suddenly, the tavern is full of bandits, pouring in through windows and doors. Three charge straight at you, their battle-cries loud and savage. You draw your weapon and strike, beheading two of the dark-skinned warriors with a single blow. The third bandit is upon you before the bodies of the others have fallen to the floor.

Bandit Warrior: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 27

If you win the fight, turn to 75.

Ranger rimasti: 9

COMBAT RATING: +10 :metal:

Roll...9 :oldmetal:
Lupo Solitario -0
Bandit Warrior INSTAKILLATO!

No sooner has the first warrior collapsed when another is hacking at you from the side. As you turn to face him, a spear thrust gashes your left arm and you lose 2 ENDURANCE points. You recoil in pain and, in the crush of battle, you slip and fall to the floor, which is already strewn with bodies. Then you glimpse an open door and crawl towards it.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 0–5, turn to 192.

If your total is now 6–12, turn to 16.

La domanda è: di chi saranno i corpi? Quanti ranger saranno rimasti?


c'è andata di culo :D

You reach the door and quickly make your escape. The land behind the tavern is steep and heavily forested. Two of your men follow, but they are both badly wounded and cannot keep up with you. You turn to shout encouragement, only to witness their deaths as they are brutally stabbed to the ground. The bandit murderers wipe their blades and sprint towards you.

If you wish to run straight into the forest, turn to 123.

If you wish to try to change direction as soon as the trees hide you from your pursuers, turn to 169.

Ranger rimasti: 0 :lol:

Come vogliamo sfuggire ai cosplayer di Xena?

Immagine bonus che era in un'altra scelta

Notare il frisbee galattico spesso 1 dito che si conficca senza problemi attraverso la cotta di maglia del Ranger :nod: Ah, il potere della Death Aura...

5th March 2013, 20:55
rofl, la death aura è stata potente, vabè, go di 169

5th March 2013, 21:00
Se fallivamo il roll era insta death?

5th March 2013, 21:15
169! Abbiamo sciolto il party :nod: