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12th March 2013, 18:41
The green-skinned Kloon stares at you, the trace of a sneer playing on his thick rubbery lips. ‘Wait here,’ he says off-handedly and waddles out through the door, slamming it shut as he leaves.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 58.

If you wish to wait for him to return, turn to 116.

If you would rather leave the guild-house and continue on your way, turn to 105.

Niente Divination, quindi...rimaniamo ad attendere, o ce ne andiamo?

12th March 2013, 18:44

12th March 2013, 18:51
eh. ormai attendiamo

12th March 2013, 18:54
Sta richiesta di divination puzza tanto di probabile istant-death incoming...cmq l'abbiamo cercata...che venga a prenderci , noi non fuggiamo!

12th March 2013, 19:06
116 e fanculo abbiamo la spada e la droga oggi picchiamo pure i titani...

12th March 2013, 19:19
Suddenly, the door bursts open and in lopes a ravenous warhound. ‘Supper time, Goregasher!’ cries the Kloon, gleefully, as the slavering hound leaps at your throat.

Illustration VIII—‘Supper time, Goregasher!’ cries the Kloon gleefully.

Ravenous Warhound: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 25

You may evade this attack in the first round of combat only, by running from the room and escaping down the stairs to the street.

If you wish to evade combat, turn to 105.

If you win the fight, turn to 193.

manco ve lo chiedo :D

con Divination avremmo scoperto che

apparentemente, abbiamo offeso lo gnomo ributtante con la nostra domanda


Gli acidi fanno male, Joe!

Comunque, è ora di fare trippa di cane. COMBAT RATING +12

Roll...2 :/
Lupo Solitario -2 (32)
Ravenous Warhound -10 (15)

Lupo Solitario -1 (31)
Ravenous Warhound -16 (morto!)

The Kloon begins to wail as you dispatch his vicious watchdog. With scarlet tears streaming from his crimson eyes, he scampers out of the room and bolts the door. After wiping the blood from your hands, you pick up a Map of Varetta and hurry out of the room.

Turn to 16.

In the dim glow of a street lantern, you unfold the Map of Varetta and study the complicated network of roads and alleys. Mark this as a Special Item on your Action Chart. Brass Street is located on the far side of the city, close to the west wall. Suddenly, a bell tolls, its dull clang echoing among the rooftops and towers. It is the curfew: everyone must be off the streets within one hour. You will never reach the far side of the city in an hour, so you resolve to find a tavern for the night and resume your quest at dawn.

Turn to 135.

Il canicidio e il furto di mappe ci mettono sempre fame e sonno, quindi è ora di cercare una taverna. E ovviamente, dato che lo sgorbio manco era umano, era ovvio cosa gli sarebbe successo. E poi ora sappiamo anche la strada :nod:

You ride between ranks of carved stone idols, whose mouths hold flickering torches, which illuminate this broad avenue. Mercenaries of all races and nationalities pack the street, talking, boasting, or simply dozing in the shadows. At the end of the street, you arrive at a junction where a woman in filthy clothes sits nursing a crying child. As you pass, she holds out a grimy hand and begs for Gold Crowns to feed her hungry baby.


If you wish to stop and give the poor woman some Gold Crowns, turn to 333.

If you wish to ignore her and continue along the street, turn to 279.

Facciamo la carità o no?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Bow

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)

************************************************** ******

12th March 2013, 19:26
333 lulz

12th March 2013, 19:50
333 Lupo solitario picchia le vecchiette ma dopo avergli fatto la carità.

12th March 2013, 19:52

12th March 2013, 19:53
famogli la carità come minimo se non ce la caghiamo ci salta alla gola

12th March 2013, 20:27
Il bimbo potrebbe azzannarci il culo! Damoje sti du spicci!

12th March 2013, 20:31
Ma dove siamo arrivati a Pechino che in un'ora non si arriva dall'altra parte? o_o

Cmq diamo due spicci all'accattona, questi NPC di solito sono riconoscenti, mica come nella RL!

13th March 2013, 10:13
Quale marca di brandy sollazzera' il palato della vecchia, grazie alla nostra generosita'? Se non le davamo niente, ci faceva il malocchio? Ma sopratutto: la vecchia e' uno dei Darklords in incognito?

Le risposte, come sempre, tra circa un'ora!

13th March 2013, 10:24
Se non le davamo niente, ci faceva il malocchio?

Le mie spie a Varetta mi hanno inviato in esclusiva un'istantanea nell'NPC:


13th March 2013, 10:36
:rotfl: :rotfl:

13th March 2013, 11:07
Risposte alle domande precedenti:
Vecchia Sputacchiera (cit)
E questo no? (cit)

You are about to place a Gold Crown in the woman’s hand when a man appears as if from nowhere. He slaps her grubby palm with a studded gauntlet and bellows: ‘Begone, y’thievin’ hag!’

The woman’s eyes flash angrily as she nurses her bruised hand.

If you take exception to this and wish to attack the man, turn to 71.

If you wish to demand an explanation for his actions, turn to 154.

If you decide to ride away and avoid a confrontation, turn to 279.

Un villano! O un salvatore? Che facciamo :D?

13th March 2013, 11:09
Orsù,chiediamo spiegazione di un siffatto gesto!

13th March 2013, 11:11
Sentiamo che ha da dire il tizio...non ci sarebbe da stupirsi che la vecchia sia una ladra...e alla peggio se lui non ci convince possiamo pestarlo dopo (forse)

13th March 2013, 11:51
uppo il chiedere

13th March 2013, 12:07
Pestiamolo mi sono rotto il cazzo 71

13th March 2013, 12:15
Pestiamolo mi sono rotto il cazzo 71

Bortas ha sempre il voto di protesta :D

The man grasps the woman by the wrist and uncovers the arm cradled around her baby. Clasped between her fingers is a hat pin with which she pricks the baby’s skin to make it cry.

‘You’ll be beggin’ in the streets yourself before dawn if you be taken in b’likes of her,’ he says.

The woman pulls free from his grasp, curses, and disappears among the scruffy crowd of mercenaries wandering the street.

‘Who d’you serve?’ asks the man, his brutal face framed by a closely cropped red beard, ‘or d’you come in search of a captain, eh?’

If you wish to talk to this man, turn to 181.

If you wish to ignore him and ride off, turn to 279.

EDIT: :dumb: reading is hard

Gli rispondiamo o cavalchiamo verso il tramonto?

13th March 2013, 12:24
Era la vecchia che aveva l'ago.

Sentiamo che ha da dire il barbarossa...visto che sembra così saggio rispetto a noi creduloni.

13th March 2013, 12:29
Parliamoci e poi pestiamolo a morte! oieah!
Poi cerchiamo la vecchia e la pestiamo fino a che l ago non gli spunta dal culo a forza di botte!

13th March 2013, 12:32
Menaimogli e lootiamo!!!!

13th March 2013, 12:38
Oggiù parlamoci 181

Bortas ha sempre il voto di protesta :D


13th March 2013, 13:15
@Bortas: non vedo i video da lavoro ç_ç

You learn that the man’s name is Redbeard and that he hails from Soren, a town to the west of Varetta. He is sergeant-at-arms to a captain of mercenaries and has recently returned from battle against the Magadorians. He offers to take you to meet his captain who, he says, is the best soldier he has ever had the good fortune to serve under.

If you wish to accept his offer, turn to 256.

If you decide to decline his offer, bid him farewell and continue along the street, turn to 279.

Vogliamo incontrare il capiteni? O ce ne sbattiamo :D?

13th March 2013, 13:17
ormai, namo da sto capitano

13th March 2013, 13:27
Andiamo dal capitano ano!

13th March 2013, 13:49
Redbeard takes you to a tavern that looks more like a banqueting hall than a city alehouse. The Inn of the Crossed Swords is the largest and noisiest tavern you have ever seen. A constant flow of soldiers pours in and out of its cathedral-like doors and the stable is large enough to house an entire army’s horses. You stable your horse and accompany Redbeard through the massive oak doors.


‘Ale for my friend,’ he booms and immediately an inn-girl hurries to obey his command. He points to a table across the hall and says with a cheerful voice: ‘There he is—come and meet the captain.’

Turn to 211.

Birra gratis! Ed era da un po' che LW non si beveva addosso...

The captain is an imposing man, tall, muscular, with a strong-jawed face, unmarked by battle or disease. His blond hair is cropped close to his head, and likewise, his beard and moustache are trimmed close to his tanned skin. You are invited to join his company, and as you drink your ale, you listen to their proud talk of war, of victories, of loot, and wages—but never of defeat.

The captain and his men have grown tired of the war in the north. Prince Janveal of Helin is close to ruin, having sold all he owns to pay for a war against Baron Maghao of Karkaste that he cannot hope to win. The prince’s troops are demoralized and his mercenaries desert him at the first opportunity. You learn that the captain is recruiting men for a campaign in the south. The war between Salony and Slovia has reached boiling point, and there is much gold to be had in the service of the Salonese Prince Ewevin while he besieges the city of Tekaro.


‘You have the mien of a skilful warrior,’ says the captain, his steel-blue eyes cold and unblinking. ‘Why not join my company? I have need of fighters, and I pay with gold, not promises. We leave for Tekaro at dawn—will you ride with us?’

Politely you refuse the captain’s offer, saying that you have come to Varetta on other business.

‘What business is there for a warrior other than war?’ retorts the captain, to the raucous delight of his men. You finish your ale and bid the captain and his company goodnight.

‘If you change your mind, join us at Soren. We sail the river from there in two days’ time.’

If you have a Map of Varetta, turn to 17.

If you do not possess this Special Item, turn to 104.

Beh si, l'abbiamo rubata allo sgorbio dopo avergli ucciso il cane!

You walk to the bar and arrange a room for the night. There are many rooms, each of a different standard and price. A blackboard suspended from the ceiling shows the tariffs:

DORMITORY—2 Gold Crowns a night
SINGLE ROOM (second class)—3 Gold Crowns a night
SINGLE ROOM (with hot bath)—5 Gold Crowns a night

You may choose to stay in any of the above rooms, but remember to erase the relevant number of Gold Crowns from your Action Chart before turning to your chosen number.

If you decide to stay in the dormitory, turn to 144.

If you decide to stay in the second-class single room, turn to 202.

If you decide to stay in the single room with a bath, turn to 251.

Ok ciurma! Come ci trattiamo?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Bow

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)

************************************************** ******

13th March 2013, 13:50
Andiamo dall'ano!

13th March 2013, 13:54
251 trattiamoci bene, nella stalla ci dorme il primo cazzone non un kai master supremo...

13th March 2013, 13:55
Prima classe of course!

13th March 2013, 13:57
L'economia chiama e LS risponde!

5 corone e facciamoci sto bagno (e prepariamoci a dover combattere contro ladri/assassini armati solo del nostro possente pisellone)

13th March 2013, 14:01

13th March 2013, 14:05
Spremute d'arancia in bicchieri di cristallo?

The room is a disappointment. For five Gold Crowns you were expecting some degree of luxury, but the small and shabby accommodation you find leaves much to be desired. Steam rising from an open-topped barrel in a corner of the room clouds the air. At first you think it must be some form of heating, until you discover it is full of soapy water and realize that this is, in fact, your hot bath. The meagre luxuries of Varetta do not come cheaply.

You bathe before settling down to a good night’s rest, but in the middle of the night you are woken by a bright light. A shooting star of sun-like brilliance arcs over the city, shedding a rainbow of colour across your drab room. You watch as the star slowly fades and then settle down to sleep once more. It seems as if you have only just closed your eyes when the loud and loathsome clang of the tavern bell fills your ears.


‘All awake, all awake! A new day dawns, my fine brave lads!’ As the voice of the tavern-keeper echoes through the inn, you gather your equipment and collect your horse from the stable. The night’s rest restores 3 ENDURANCE points. Make the necessary adjustment to your Action Chart before setting off on your search for Brass Street.

Turn to 300.


As you ride west along a wide avenue of weathered red stone, you take in the early morning sights of this magnificent city. Window shutters slam open as the Varettians awake to a new day and smells of breakfast and freshly ground jala waft from shop doorways.

At the centre of the city, you cross a square paved with crystal slabs and pass beneath an archway of polished green stone. Stately halls and public buildings give way to dust-worn shops and a park full of glistening flowers with huge leaves of red, gold, and pink. Beyond the park, a street paved with white gravel leads to a fortified tower, the tallest in the city. It is the Tower of the King and it marks the entrance to Brass Street.

Turning into Brass Street, the sound of bubbling water and quiet chanting drifts towards you on the still air. Old men in brown robes, their heads covered by hoods, glide silently across the white gravelled path. You ride under an archway and enter the enclosed courtyard of a grand building, a hall of learning. Suddenly, a tingle runs the length of your spine as you sense you are close to your goal.

At the door to the hall, there is a sign that indicates the location of three chambers: the observatory, the library, and the temple.

If you wish to investigate the observatory, turn to 127.

If you wish to investigate the library, turn to 21.

If you wish to investigate the temple, turn to 320.

Un sacco di posti da investigare! Preferiamo l'osservatorio, la libreria o il tempio? :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Bow

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta

Money (50): 24

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)

************************************************** ******

13th March 2013, 14:09
Osserviamo dall'osservatorio! 127

13th March 2013, 14:11
Fico,quanta esplorazione abbiamo da fare,beh diamoci dentro nella biblioteca magari troviamo indizi interessanti sulla Lorestone!

13th March 2013, 14:16

13th March 2013, 14:31
320, magari qualche fraticello sa dirci qualcosa

13th March 2013, 14:51
al tempio che magari ci son le vestali......

13th March 2013, 15:05
al tempio che magari ci son le vestali......

Purtroppo stiamo giocando con Lone e non Fire Wolf... dubito che saremo così fortunati...però possiamo sempre provarci!


13th March 2013, 15:10
famo sto giretto in chiesa va 320

13th March 2013, 15:19
Ok, andiamo a farci santificare le feste!

As you approach the great doors of the temple, you hear the strident voice of a man preaching to a congregation. His words are echoed at intervals by a chorus of voices.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship or Divination, turn to 195.

If you wish to enter the temple, turn to 226.

If you wish to enter the observatory, turn to 127.

Pathmanship pare il nuovo Sesto Senso per numero di utilizzi, lol :D

Suddenly, you sense that you are in grave peril, and you listen carefully at the keyhole to determine what is being said by the preacher.

‘…and so I beseech you, my brothers, do not listen to Gwynian’s foolish and dangerous theory. The star that shone in the night is a warning to us to guard our knowledge, to keep safe the secret of the Lorestone. We must stop all those who would use its power for their own wicked ends.’

The preacher’s words are answered by loud chanting: ‘Keep the secret, keep the secret, keep the secret!’

The sound of a key in the lock makes you start. The meeting has come to an end, and the congregation are preparing to leave. Quickly, you sprint away and take cover in a darkened doorway. The brown-robed men pour out of the temple and disperse, but a small group are heading towards your hiding place; if you stay where you are you will be seen for sure. Without a second thought, you push open the door and enter.

Turn to 127.



The door clicks shut behind you. It takes a few seconds for your eyes to grow accustomed to the dimly lit interior, but the room appears to be the antechamber of a larger hall. Following the faint sound of voices, you pass through an archway, along a corridor, and into the main hall. Gathered about a circular table of gleaming steel, a group of elderly men are poring over books, star charts, and astral maps, engrossed in discussion. Globes of blue-white fire hang motionless in the air above them to illuminate their work. The old men do not see you until you are close to their steel table. Their reaction to your sudden appearance is astonishing—they look as though they have seen a ghost. There are yelps of shock and startled expressions; sweat forms on their brows. The sight is too much for one old man, who swoons and faints, falling limply across his books and maps. Only one man remains calm and collected.

Illustration IX—The elderly men are poring over their books and star charts.

If you have ever visited a hut on Raider’s Road in a previous Lone Wolf adventure, turn to 233.

If you have never been to this place, turn to 6.

Si! Era il vecchio che ci ha dato la Scroll con la profezia, poco prima che i nostri 50 Ranger finissero vittima della nostra Death Aura!

Instantly, you recognize the old man who stands before you now, calm and smiling. It is the same old man whom you encountered in a hut on the road to Ruanon some years ago; the same man who handed you a scroll that foretold the dangers of the Chasm of Doom.

‘Welcome, Lone Wolf,’ he says. ‘Once again the stars have dictated that our paths would cross.’

Turn to 6.

‘Calm yourselves, my brothers. It is he—it is the Kai Lord.’

Slowly, as the startled old men regain their composure, their shocked expressions change to ones of awe and reverence.

‘I am Gwynian,’ says their leader. ‘We have been expecting your arrival.’ He points to the charts that cover the table and to a massive telescope that is fixed to a platform in the domed ceiling.

‘The stars divine the shape of things to come—they are our advisors. We know of your quest for the Lorestone. We know that it is the true quest and we pledge our help, but there are many of our brethren who fear its power. They choose to ignore the wisdom of the stars and they have pledged themselves to a foolish and dangerous vow to keep hidden the location of the Lorestone and to kill all who seek it, for fear they would use it for their own ends.’


Suddenly, his words are cut short by the beating of fists against the observatory door: your horse has been discovered.

‘Give him to us!’ shouts a chorus of angry voices.

‘Quickly, we must leave,’ says Gwynian, and he ushers you into a smaller room. A hidden catch is pulled, and a secret panel opens to reveal a passage. As you follow the sage and his companions into the darkness, you hear the door to the observatory splinter and break.

Turn to 158.

Ok, quindi ci sono dei fanatici religiosi (probabilmente mulatti :nod:) che hanno la location segreta della Lorestone; e a quanto pare, sono qua fuori!

The passage leads to a vaulted cellar, as cold and as silent as a tomb. Gwynian talks with his brothers who then hurry off towards a distant portal. As they disappear into the dark, he returns to your side, his face sombre but composed.

‘The Lorestone of Varetta is hidden in the crypt of the cathedral of Tekaro. This key will unlock the tomb in which it lies.’ He produces a Small Silver Key from his sleeve and gives it to you.

‘My brothers will provide a swift horse for your journey. When the observatory clock strikes midnight, enter the portal and follow the passage to the end. It passes beneath the city wall, and your horse will be waiting where the passage comes to the surface. You are welcome to take any items you require from this cellar that may be of use to you on your quest. May the gods protect you, Lone Wolf.’ You nod your thanks and watch as Gwynian disappears into the portal.

The cellar is well stocked with provisions and you find the following items that could be of use on your journey to Tekaro:

Enough food for 3 Meals
Brass Whistle (Special Item)
Short Sword

Together with the Small Silver Key that Gwynian gave you (mark this as a Special Item that you keep in your pocket), you collect together all the items you wish to keep and settle down for the long wait till midnight.

Turn to 175.

Ditemi se vogliamo prendere qualcosa oltre alla chiavetta!

When the observatory clock strikes twelve, you are poised and ready to enter the portal. You follow a dry stone passageway until you arrive at an iron door. It opens with a grating squeal and a gust of damp, earthy air, mixed with a strange sweetness, billows out. Before you, a narrow stone stairway twists away into the darkness. You are forced to tread carefully on the green and slippery steps. At the bottom of the stairs a rough-hewn tunnel disappears to the west. You press on and eventually arrive at another iron door. Gwynian has kept his word, for beyond the door awaits a fine liver chestnut mare, saddled and ready to ride.

You are in a small copse close to a highway junction. In the light of the moon you can see a signpost that indicates two destinations—Amory and Soren. Consult the map before deciding which way to go.

If you decide to take the highway to Amory, turn to 331.

If you decide to take the highway to Soren, turn to 267.

Vogliamo andare a Soren, o andiamo a cercare guai a casa di Roark :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Bow

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 24

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)

************************************************** ******

13th March 2013, 15:34
Meal quelli che possiamo portarci, e il fischietto di rame se c'entra poi andrei ad Amory che è a sinistra nella strada da veretta a sud 331

Ps: non siamo andati all'osservatorio ne in biblioteca ed ho il presentimenti che ci abbiam lasciato oggetti utili, ma pace...

13th March 2013, 15:38
fischietto e 2 pasti andiamo 331

13th March 2013, 15:41
Amory, mi sembra la via più breve.

13th March 2013, 15:47
Meal quelli che possiamo portarci, e il fischietto di rame se c'entra poi andrei ad Amory che è a sinistra nella strada da veretta a sud 331

Ps: non siamo andati all'osservatorio ne in biblioteca ed ho il presentimenti che ci abbiam lasciato oggetti utili, ma pace...

Al'osservatorio si... invece di entrare nel tempio (e farci linciare) il nostro valoroso Pathmanship ci ha ridiretti nell'osservatorio.

Cmq oltre a cibo e fischietto cambierei anche l'arco normale (ormai abbiamo quello strafigo) con la staffa. non sia mai che per qualche motivo ci venisse richiesto se abbiamo un tipo specifico di arma almeno copriamo un range + ampio (la mazza l'abbiamo già).

Poi andrei a Soren

13th March 2013, 15:56
prendiamo il fischietto meal, quarterstaff al posto del bow e go soren

13th March 2013, 16:05
Mmm andiamo a Soren,li ci attende anche il capitano dei mercenari,magari ci da uno strappo per il nostro obiettivo,anche se sono fortemente tentato di andare a fare il culo a roark!

2 meal e il fischietto,il resto si può mollare li dov'è

13th March 2013, 16:08
3 a 3 tra soren e amory! Il prossimo voto, anche se duplicato, decide :D

Per il resto prendiamo 2 meal, il fischietto e la staffa al posto del bow normale!

13th March 2013, 16:13

13th March 2013, 16:24
armoury !

13th March 2013, 16:27
E Soren sia!

The night passes without sleep; the howling wind of the Varettian Plain is your only companion as you ride the long, straight, moonlit highway to Soren. When dawn finally breaks you find yourself on the outskirts of a small and undistinguished hamlet of half-timbered buildings—whose only unusual feature is a bronze statue of a roguish-looking young man that stands in front of the blacksmith’s shop.

If you wish to examine the statue, turn to 220.

If you decide to ignore it and continue on your way to Soren, turn to 73.

Questa statua ci interessa?

************************************************** ***********************

Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Brass Whistle

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 24

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)

************************************************** ******

13th March 2013, 16:30
Tutto ci interessa..anche se una statua femminile ci avrebbe interessati ancor di +.

CMq esaminiamo

13th March 2013, 16:30
Esamina esamina

13th March 2013, 16:31
chi se la incula una statua random, ignoriamola

13th March 2013, 16:34
Investighiamo! Se ci ha fermato per farcela osservare nasconderà qualcosa di utile,al massimo sarà solo l'instadeath più rosik del gioco :sneer:

13th March 2013, 17:02
The weather-worn plaque bolted to the base of the statue says that this is a true likeness of Vynar Jupe who led a band of robbers that preyed on travellers, especially merchants. His many crimes, including murder, did not prevent him from becoming popular, for he was resourceful and daring, and never plundered the inhabitants of this hamlet, where he himself was born. His exploits, and those of a score of his gang, were ended by the executioner’s axe after trial at Amory.

There is a slit in the belly of the statue through which Gold Crowns can be dropped. The plaque goes on to say that anyone who pays homage to the statue of Vynar Jupe will be protected by his spirit from robbers and highwaymen.

If you wish to make a donation, place some Gold Crowns into the statue of Vynar Jupe before leaving the hamlet. (Remember to erase however many Gold Crowns you wish to place in the statue from your Action Chart.)

Turn to 73.

Facciamo un'offerta? E se si, quanto?

Shortly before noon you pass through a deserted village. The burnt-out ruins of cottages and farmsteads dot the landscape like charred skeletons—the unmistakable signs of war. A mile or two farther along the highway you come across a church. A man, his clothes ragged and covered with mud, is moving amongst the gravestones, staggering like a wounded carrion crow. As you reach the church gate, he sees you and cries out pitifully for help.


If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 173.

If you wish to help the man, turn to 337.

If you do not wish to help the man and would rather ignore him and continue riding towards Soren, turn to 191.

Non abbiamo Curing...ci fermiamo o no? (E ricordatevi di dirmi se volete fare un'offerta alla statua!)

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Brass Whistle

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 24

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

13th March 2013, 17:10
1 corona di offerta e stiamo lontani dal moribondo.

Saremo anche dei mega monaci guerrieri diddio ma da quando è cambiata serie se non abbaiamo le abilità 'nuove' siamo i peggio merdosi, e senza cunning capace che ci prendiamo qualche malattia di merda.

13th March 2013, 17:10
Una corona pure troppo per la statua, il mio cinismo mi direbbe di lasciarlo morire gonfio il tipo, ma sicuramente è il nostro amico impiccato dai cattivoni, se abbiamo curing lo salviamo, se lo sganciamo muore ma ci dirà il terribile segreto prima di spirare, altrimenti si ciuccia, quindi 337 per me

13th March 2013, 17:12
5 corone alla statua e 337

13th March 2013, 17:41
Non diamo un casso alla statua e tiriamo diritto (cit.)



Jesper, ma se dal prossimo libro in poi aprissimo un topic ogni volta che cambiamo libro (e di conseguenza ambientazione)?

No perchè penso che chi volesse provare adesso ad affacciarsi al gioco si troverebbe un po' scoraggiato da un mattone di 1300+ reply, facendone uno nuovo ogni volta si incentiverebbero nuovi players imho.

13th March 2013, 17:58
2 a 2 tra fermarci e tirare dritto...il primo voto (anche se duplicato) decide :D!

13th March 2013, 18:12
Non diamo un casso alla statua e tiriamo diritto (cit.)



Jesper, ma se dal prossimo libro in poi aprissimo un topic ogni volta che cambiamo libro (e di conseguenza ambientazione)?

No perchè penso che chi volesse provare adesso ad affacciarsi al gioco si troverebbe un po' scoraggiato da un mattone di 1300+ reply, facendone uno nuovo ogni volta si incentiverebbero nuovi players imho.

Hai ragiuno anche tu Deffo...magari facciamo così: per ora metto i link dei vari libri e il "the story so far" dell'ultimo libro cui siamo arrivati nel post iniziale. Effettivamente la fine di questo libro è un buon punto per aprire un nuovo thread, dato che

dopo aver trovato la Lorestone, si inizia una sorta di libri in serie, con lo stesso scopo

13th March 2013, 18:12
Andiamo via.

13th March 2013, 18:34
aiutiamolo , siamo dei palatini del bene che pagano da bere e da mangiare agli sconosciuti , e non ci fermiamo per un moribondo ?!

Io invece preferisco un unico thread , se uno si vuole aggiungere , puo' anche farlo valutando le semplici scelte , se chi si vuole aggiungere vuole anche leggersi tutto il background dei libri precendenti , ha tutto a portata di mano in un solo topic invece che andarne a pescare altri 24.

13th March 2013, 18:41
Ok, direi di fare una votazione a fine libro per vedere se spezzare o mantenere un'unico thread ;)

Nel mentre ho aggiunto i link rapidi al primo post per maggiore praticità...e andiamo via!

You are tired after your long night’s ride, but you know you must press on if you are to reach the town of Soren by nightfall. You come to a shallow stream, which crosses the highway, and here you stop briefly at a ford to wash and rest. You must also now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. Beside the ford stands a signpost pointing to the west:

Turn to 102.


ci faceva capire che il sangue sui vestiti non era il suo: era un gruppo di tomb raider della domenica che provavano a farci un'imboscata!

Night has fallen by the time you reach the river town of Soren, and the sky is clear and full of stars that sparkle with icy splendour. You ride the main street towards the quay where a score of river ships lie docked at the town. Their signal lamps, shimmering red and green from the mast-tops, reflect upon the cold, dark waters of the River Storn.

A board standing beside the gangplank to a large transport caravel catches your eye. On it are chalked the prices of passage to three destinations.

LUYEN—10 Gold Crowns
RHEM—15 Gold Crowns
EULA—20 Gold Crowns

A fourth destination—Tekaro—has been crossed out and scribbled beside it is: ‘Cancelled due to war’.

If you wish to buy a ticket to one of the destinations, turn to 10.

If you do not wish to buy a ticket—or cannot afford to—turn to 68.

Vogliamo comprare un biglietto? Ecco un link veloce alla MAPPA (http://www.projectaon.org/en/xhtml-less-simple/lw/06tkot/map.png)

Abbiamo 24 Corone.

13th March 2013, 18:53

13th March 2013, 18:58
mmhh i soldi iniziano a scarseggiare, non vorrei che ci ritrovassimo nella spiacevole condizione di non avere una corona in tasca come nel 2do libro (situazione che ci ha causato un'instadeath tra l'altro :gha:), io dico di prendere il biglietto da 15 corone per Rhem.

13th March 2013, 19:25
Appoggio l idea di deffo, sta passando troppo tempo da quando abbiamo preso dei soldi. L inculata è dietro l angolo ! Go rhem!

13th March 2013, 20:05

13th March 2013, 22:09
Luyen stiamo sputtanando troppi soldi, in cazzate ora dobbiamo fare economia...

14th March 2013, 00:39
uppo anche io per luyen

14th March 2013, 00:53
rhem perche' nella mappa ce l'ha piu' grosso

14th March 2013, 10:08
Luyen ha vinto 4 a 3!

Ma e' vero quello che si dice di Luyen? Che e' il puttanodromo di Magnamund? E che tutte le sue passeggiatrici abbiano la scabbia?

Lo scopriremo tra 1h circa!

14th March 2013, 11:38
A jovial man, with long strands of hair hanging down from the point of his chin, lies in a hammock suspended at the end of the gangplank. One eye pops open as you walk onto the deck and, as quick as a flash, he jumps down and produces a fistful of tickets from his breast pocket.

‘Welcome aboard the Kazonara,’ he says excitedly, ‘the best riverboat that ever sailed the Storn.’ You glance back at the board and note the prices: 10 Gold Crowns to Luyen, 15 to Rhem and 20 to Eula.

‘We leave at midnight, sir, so’s you best be a’boarding your horse in the hold without delay.’ Once you have decided which Ticket you wish to buy, pay the man and erase the Gold Crowns from your Action Chart. Mark the Ticket as a Special Item that you keep in your pocket.

Turn to 82.

Paghiamo le nostre 10 Corone per andare a Luyen!

The hold of the riverboat is full of horses: not the slow carthorses favoured by merchants but strong and sturdy mounts that carry many scars of battle upon their muscular flanks. You unsaddle your mare, load her manger with feed, and then make your way back on deck.

As you emerge from the hold, a voice calls out to you and you raise your weary eyes. It is the captain—the mercenary leader you ran across at the Inn of the Crossed Swords.

‘Well met, my friend,’ he cries and slaps you enthusiastically on the shoulder. ‘So you changed your mind! You have come to join my band of fearless fighters.’ Before you have a chance to answer, the captain and his men, who are all considerably the worse for drink, stumble past on a quest of the utmost importance—the search for the wine store. You are far too tired and weary to follow—the thought of your cabin bed and a good night’s sleep is all that interests you.

Turn to 341.

Ah, quindi invece di andare a sbronzarci andiamo a letto <.<

With your horse stabled safely in the hold of the Kazonara, all that remains for you to do is find your cabin. This proves to be a tiny room at the bow, but at least it has a comfortable bunk and you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the feather pillow.


You wake an hour after dawn and peer out of the circular porthole at the shadowy river bank. Drizzle obscures all detail and the sky is tinged with grey. As day approaches, the river mist grows thicker and whiter and you go up on deck. The captain stands alone at the rail, the shoulders of his leather cloak soaked by the cold drizzle. He nods a welcome and points to the Cener Mountains now hidden in the mist.

‘This foul weather robs us of landmarks, but by my reckoning we should be in Luyen by noon.’ You stare through the grey, damp air and pull your cloak closely around your shoulders.

If you have completed the Lore-circle of Solaris (that is, you possess the Magnakai Disciplines of Invisibility, Huntmastery, and Pathsmanship), turn to 131.

If you have not completed this Lore-circle, turn to 44.

Abbiamo tutto il Circolo! (questo tipo di check è estremamente raro...)

Your keen eyesight enables you to make out a line of dark shapes in front of the ship. It is a line of logs chained together: a boom lying directly in the path of the riverboat. Instantly you recognize the danger and rush to the bridge to warn the helmsman.

‘Look out! There’s a boom across the river!’

Desperately, he spins the ship’s wheel, but it is too late to avoid a collision. The screech of twisted metal and splintering wood tears through the silence as the Kazonara swings broadside-on into the chained logs. You brace yourself and hang on tightly as the boat lurches and rocks back and forth.

Turn to 224.

E per il nostro incredibile potere Kai

evitiamo di subire 2 EP <.<

‘Hell’s teeth!’ cries the captain. ‘Have we run aground?’

As the words leave his lips, a grapnel and rope drop from the sky and bite into the ship’s rail. More follow and, through the mist, you can make out the shapes of longboats approaching.

‘River pirates!’ shouts the helmsman. ‘Prepare to repel boarders.’

Further along the deck, one of the captain’s men is felled by a thrown knife. His comrades rush to his aid, but by now the river pirates are pouring over the side and he is trampled underfoot.

‘Battle order!’ bellows the captain and immediately his men respond, linking shields and holding their ground. A swarm of grim-faced pirates are boarding close by. One of their number, a lean man with only one ear and a split nose, smiles at you with anticipation, his lips drawn back from his teeth and his eyes wide with excitement. He is obviously relishing the thought of ending your life.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 170.

If you wish to prepare for combat by other means, turn to 92.

If you wish to evade combat, turn to 286.

L'acqua (e le navi, di conseguenza) sono un luogo così pericoloso su Magnamund che ci sono pirati anche nei fiumi O_________o

Perchè ovviamente è facile sparire nel nulla dopo aver depredato una nave, quando sei su un fiume


Ciò detto: sfrecciamo? O affrontiamo i pirati a cazzo duro? O cerchiamo di imboscarci/fuggire?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Brass Whistle

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 13

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

14th March 2013, 11:47
Alla pugna! Prima un giro di arco per ammobidire 170.

14th March 2013, 11:52
Arco Diddio Pronto.
Fuoco (ricordiamo il +3 al dado)

PS: imho sta nave finirà per schiantarsi da qualche parte percui a prescindere da quanto avessimo pagato saremmo cmq finiti nello stesso posto...ergo bene la scelta del biglietto da 10c)

14th March 2013, 11:59
Ma si arco e poi a cazzo duro,ma ricordiamoci che abbiamo solo 4 frecce,ma si possono ricomprare? o una volta finite s'attaccamo alla nostra jedi-cappella?

(170 btw)

14th March 2013, 12:06
Prima o poi servirà pure la spada, in questo volume ci mettono l'arco, ma non scordiamo che abbiamo la spada diddio

14th March 2013, 12:10
Ma tanto come sempre l'arco si limiterà a indebolire l'avversario di turno che poi andrà accoppato a spadate. Ma meglio indebolirli gli avversari che sono ben + pompati rispetto alle serie precedenti mentre noi non siamo cambiati di molto.

14th March 2013, 12:18
Ho l'atroce sospetto che ci servirà anche weapon mastery prima o poi.

14th March 2013, 12:20
Abbiamo solo 4 frecce, io dico di passare questi debosciati a fil di spada.

14th March 2013, 12:38
Ok ARCODDIDDIO! (ci sono vari vendor/loot per rimpinguare la scorta di munizioni)

The riverboat is still rocking violently from the collision, throwing you off balance. You raise an Arrow, take aim at the man’s chest, and try to anticipate the shift of the deck as you prepare to fire.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to your score. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery, add 1 to your score.

If your total is now 5 or lower, turn to 23.

If it is now 6 or higher, turn to 265.

Ok, abbiamo +1 per Huntmastery e +3 per l'Arcodiddio, quindi possiamo failare solo con 1...


He screams and falls with the Arrow embedded so deeply into his chest that only its feathered flights can be seen. His comrades freeze in their tracks, their eyes wide with fear. As you move forward they scatter and run.

Turn to 77.


Leaping over the dead bodies, you fight your way across the deck to where the captain is in combat with five pirates. While he attacks with a longsword in his right hand, he parries enemy cutlasses with a bronze sleeve-shield that encases his left forearm. He fights with cool determination, making light work of the battle-clumsy pirates. Then a war-horn heralds the arrival of a new and formidable wave of attackers. You anticipate the captain’s danger and rush to protect his back from the snarling, mad-eyed pirate berserkers.

Illustration VI—You rush to protect the captain from the snarling pirate berserkers.

Pirate Berserkers: COMBAT SKILL 20 ENDURANCE 30

Due to their state of battle-frenzy, the pirate berserkers are immune to Mindblast, but not Psi-surge.

If you win the combat, turn to 297.

Ok, i pirati sono in frenzy, quindi niente Mindblast! Quindi la nostra COMBAT RATING è +8

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -4 (30)
Pirate Berserkers -7 (23)

Lupo Solitario -0 (30)
Pirate Berserkers -12 (11)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (30)
Pirate Berserkers -16 (morti!)

The tide of battle has turned in your favour. The pirates came in search of easy plunder, but your furious resistance has broken their nerve. They flee from the decks, scrambling into the longboats to escape. The captain follows them, hewing at them with his sword. He cuts his way to the ship’s rail and grabs the pirate leader by the neck. He rams the man’s head against the mainmast, once, twice, three times, with a rage that splits the timber and the pirate’s leather-clad skull.

‘Ha!’ he cries gleefully. ‘I’ve always said the Deldenians have no head for a fight!’

The battle ends as swiftly as it began, with the surviving pirates melting away like phantoms into the fog. There are few casualties amongst the mercenaries, but the boat’s crew have been decimated. The pirate berserkers trapped them below decks and slaughtered them—only one escaped their murderous blades.

The captain takes command, marshalling repairs and overseeing the burial of the dead. As the bodies sink beneath the dark waters, the Kazonara emerges from the mist to the welcoming sight of Luyen.

Turn to 19.

Ah! Luyen! Alla faccia dei disfattisti! (In realtà credo questa sia la barca su 10 che riesce a giungere a destinazione...in media le barche sono uno dei luoghi più pericolosi di Magnamund, e se non volano sono anche più pericolose!)

Luyen, the city of flowers and wine, greets you, its towers, timbered houses, and fortified perimeter walls silhouetted against the sky. It lies in the shadow of the Ceners, at a dangerous bend where the fast-flowing Storn undercuts the sheer slopes of Mount Prindar.

The captain docks at the Luyen quay for provisions, and as his men busy themselves with a myriad of duties and tasks, you accompany him on a visit to the Luyen apothecary.

The entrance to this famed establishment is marked by a huge stone jar, creaking on its chains. The shop is vast, and full of things that stir your curiosity. Towers of containered liquids, mountains of coarse-grained powders, and forests of roots and herbs crowd the bleached wooden shelves. The captain seeks medicines of strength and healing in readiness for the battle ahead, and the herbmaster’s eyes widen with delight when he reads the captain’s list—they are his most expensive preparations.

If you wish to examine some of the potions that line the shelves, turn to 2.

If you wish to take a look at some of the other shops in this street while the herbmaster prepares the captain’s order, turn to 152.

Ci interessa il pozionaro, o vogliamo dare un'occhiata agli altri negozi?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 32/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Brass Whistle

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (3), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 13

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

14th March 2013, 12:48
abbiamo abbastanza alether, laumpsur non ci è mai servita, quindi direi di andare a vedere gli altri negozi

14th March 2013, 12:49
Lasciamo stare le pozze abbiamo la birra magica + 2 cs, passiamo ad altro, ricordiamoci anche di riempire la faretra.

14th March 2013, 12:51
Hai capito il capitano che si faceva i pirati a mazzi di 5...

Cmq "lo dicevo io che erano dei vigliacchi!" (cit. Ajax)

Direi di vedere gli altri negozi, a doping siamo apposht.

14th March 2013, 12:52

14th March 2013, 13:08
Hai capito il capitano che si faceva i pirati a mazzi di 5...

E' l'unico motivo per cui è ancora vivo :nod:

You agree to meet the captain in the apothecary in one hour’s time before beginning your exploration of Luyen. Further along the street you notice a dusty shop window full of weapons. Above the door you see a sign.
DEMICO’S WEAPONSHOP—All Weapons Bought & Sold

If you wish to enter this second-hand weapons shop, turn to 98.

If you would rather continue along the street, turn to 275.

Ok, qui manco vi chiedo :D
Per evitare di intasare il thread con la lista della spesa, vi posto entrambi i negozi così mi dite...

The smell of dust and rusty metal wafts in your face as you enter the cluttered weapons shop. All manner of arms are stacked in racks that rise precariously to the ceiling. Their prices are chalked on a circular slate that hangs above the counter.

DAGGERS—2 Gold Crowns
SHORT SWORDS—3 Gold Crowns
WARHAMMERS—6 Gold Crowns
SPEARS—5 Gold Crowns
MACES—4 Gold Crowns
AXES—3 Gold Crowns
BOWS—7 Gold Crowns
SWORDS—4 Gold Crowns
ARROWS—2 for 1 Gold Crown

You may purchase any of the above weapons if you have enough money to do so. The shop owner will also buy any weapons that you may already have for 1 Gold Crown less than the price shown on the slate.5 Mark any changes on your Action Chart before you leave.

Turn to 275.

At the end of the street you stop to look in the window of a tall, half-timbered shop. It contains a fascinating selection of maps and charts, which detail the various cities and regions of Magnamund. You enter the shop and browse the shelves that line the walls. Three maps in particular attract your interest: a Map of Sommerlund (5 Gold Crowns); a Map of Tekaro (4 Gold Crowns); and a Map of Luyen (3 Gold Crowns).

The maps are Backpack Items. If you wish to buy one or all of them, make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart before returning to the apothecary.

Turn to 231.

Ditemi cosa compriamo!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Brass Whistle

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (3), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 13

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

14th March 2013, 13:18
Sei frecce 3 corone e stiamo apposto da qui alla fine del libro, le mappe anche no forse l'unica utile è quella di tekaro, per me teniamoci 10 soldi che fan comodo

14th March 2013, 13:20
tenete conto che la faretra playmobil porta al massimo 6 frecce (e ne abbiamo gia 3)

14th March 2013, 13:32
Allora se ne prende solo 2 per una moneta e fanculo, credevo fosse da 10 la faretra, certo sterminiamo i piratidi sticazzi e non casca nemmeno uno scellino, sto kai lord con le pezze al culo perchè ha il borsellino da 50 sacchi soli è un pò pacco.

14th March 2013, 13:40
Comprerei 2 frecce e la mappa di Tekaro.

Poi porcoddè troveremo pure una cacchio di bisca clandestina dove rifornirci di corone! è_é

14th March 2013, 13:44
Comprerei 2 frecce e la mappa di Tekaro.

Poi porcoddè troveremo pure una cacchio di bisca clandestina dove rifornirci di corone! è_é

Per la mappa cosa droppiamo?

14th March 2013, 13:45
2 freccie + mappa , diamo ragione al vecchio barbone

14th March 2013, 13:46
Compriamo 2 frecce e vendiamo la spada (che ci serve una spada se tanto abbiamo la spada diddio...) e poi compriamo la mappa di tekaro

PS: e mannaggia a me che ho proposto lo scambio arco->staffa... facendolo qui ci facevamo 3c di guadagno :saddest:

14th March 2013, 13:48
Per la mappa cosa droppiamo?

Ma io dropperei il fischietto, mica dobbiamo andare ad arbitrare!

14th March 2013, 13:50
Droppa 1 cibo... continuiamo a girare per locande oppure in boschi dove si spera di cacciare. 1 di emergenza dovrebbe bastarci O_o

14th March 2013, 13:54
Ok, vendiamo la spada di riserva, droppiamo 1 Meal e compriamo la mappa di tekaro e 2 frecce!

You help the captain to carry his purchases, which fill two large wooden boxes. As you stagger from the apothecary, he tells you he is anxious to return to the boat without delay. His men are good soldiers but poor sailors—he fears that without his watchful eye and stern command they will forget their work and drink themselves into a stupor. His fears are unfounded, for upon your return to the quay the Kazonara is fitted out and ready to sail.

‘Cast off,’ booms the captain, enjoying the novelty of his new riverboat command. ‘We’ll make Rhem by nightfall.’ The captain is as good as his word. As dusk settles over the Storn, you sail into the horseshoe harbour at Rhem.

Turn to 124.

The city is choked with people: mercenaries from the north and west, weapon merchants from the east, and ragged refugees from the war-torn south. The captain orders his men to sleep aboard the Kazonara this night, forbidding them to go ashore, for Prince Balonn of Rioma and his mercenary knights are encamped inside the city wall. A bitter and long-standing rivalry exists between the two companies, and the captain wisely wishes to avoid any confrontation.

Rumour has it that a number of the Stornlands’ most powerful princes are gathered in Rhem to plot the defeat of the Slovians. However, the captain believes it is more likely that the robber-barons are conspiring against each other to steal the riches of Tekaro for themselves.

You set sail at first light, bidding farewell to the slender twin-towers of the Rhem citadel, which overshadows the city quay. The Storn flows southwards through steep-sided fields of vines, arranged in endless straight rows like the waves of a green sea. The weather is warm, and you spend the day on deck watching the traffic of refugees heading north along a highway and the strange gigantic toads, the sloats, at work, pulling riverboats and barges upstream.

It is late afternoon when you sight the town of Eula in the distance. You saddle your horse and shoulder your equipment as the Kazonara berths at the town’s wooden pier.

If you purchased a Riverboat Ticket for the riverboat at Soren, turn to 59.

If you do not have a Riverboat Ticket, turn to 290.

Abbiamo preso il biglietto a suo tempo.

You sense that the time has come for you to decide whether to stay with the captain or to leave his company and ride to Tekaro alone.

If you wish to stay with the captain, turn to 290.

If you decide to ride to Tekaro alone, turn to 11.

Rimaniamo col capiteni, o ce ne andiamo a Tekaro?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Master Superior

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Bone Sword, Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Small Brass Whistle, Map of Tekaro

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (5), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta, Small Silver Key

Money (50): 11

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

14th March 2013, 13:59
Direi di andare da soli, visto che abbiamo la mappa e poi il capitano potrebbe fare la solita brutta fine dalla death aura per me 11

14th March 2013, 14:00
290 , se possiamo ammazzare qualcuno , anche involontariamente , ammazziamolo !

14th March 2013, 14:18
In effetti mi pare moscia la death aura! Facciamo fuori il capitano e tutti i filistei! 290!

EDIT: mi sono un po perso,dov'è che dobbiamo arrivare per la lorestone? :D

14th March 2013, 14:20
Ma scusate mi sa che qua c'è un bug...

Noi avevamo comprato il biglietto scrauso per andare fino a Luyen, poi invece ci caricano su e arriviamo fino a Eula? :O


Anyway, voto per andare a Tekaro...

14th March 2013, 14:23
Ma scusate mi sa che qua c'è un bug...

Noi avevamo comprato il biglietto scrauso per andare fino a Luyen, poi invece ci caricano su e arriviamo fino a Eula? :O


Anyway, voto per andare a Tekaro...

It's a mistery :afraid:

L'unica spiegazione che mi vien da dare è che Dever si sia dimenticato della cosa, o che in seguito ci venga richiesto se avevamo il biglietto per le destinazioni successive...anche perchè se scegliamo di andare a Tekaro, ci andiamo a cavallo e non in nave O-o

Comunque sia, la Lorestone dovrebbe essere nelle cripte della cattedrale di Tekaro, da quel che sappiamo!

Il voto per ora è 2 a 2! :D

14th March 2013, 14:57
Il dado deciderà se seguiremo la nostra sete di Sangue e la Death Aura, o se decideremo di seguire la Lorestone...

Pari Death Aura, dispari Lorestone!


Andiamo a Tekaro!

The town of Eula has been turned into a huge army encampment, its people having long since fled to the north, abandoning their homes and livestock to the gold-hungry soldiers. Soldiers from a dozen different nations rub shoulders with fighters of a less-than-human origin, united by their common greed. As you watch endless columns of soldiers marching towards the pall of black smoke rising in the south, your heart begins to sink. The city in which the Lorestone lies, Tekaro, is a city under siege, a city that can withstand the onslaught of ten thousand fighting men. As you ride across the soot-blackened fields towards the siege-works and entrenchments at the bank of the River Quarl, you curse the war that threatens to defeat your quest.

Illustration I—The town of Eula has been turned into a huge army encampment.

Turn to 280.

You ride along a muddy path running the length of a ridge that overlooks a great stone bridge. High stone walls and a fortified gatehouse rise steeply from the river bank, and the only access to the city is across the bridge.

You stare at the battlements of Tekaro with growing despair, for they bristle with archers and cauldrons of molten lead. The burnt-out hulks of siege towers and the bodies of dead soldiers lie strewn in heaps before the battered city gate. From where you are you can see the cathedral spire silhouetted in the glow of innumerable fires in the centre of Tekaro. If it were not for this accursed war you would be in the crypt in less than an hour.

You see that before you the path dips steeply towards a line of tents erected behind a wall of earth and logs. They overflow with the wounded from countless assaults across the bridge.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, you may stop and help the wounded men and turn to 42.

If you do not have this skill, or if you choose not to use it, you can continue along the path and turn to 70.

Nada Curing! Si prosegue.

The path ends at the point where the Rivers Storn and Quarl converge in a V-shaped bank. Ogron engineers and carpenters are busy at work constructing pontoons for floating bridges, which look like enclosed rowing boats and are destined to be used to cross the river further downstream.

Staring out across the water, you notice a dark shadow like the entrance to a cave at the base of the city wall. After concentrating for a few moments, you find you can make out the dull criss-cross of metal bars. It is a sewer outfall.

If you wish to ask the blue-skinned Ogrons what they know about the sewer outfall, turn to 133.

If you wish to try to take one of the pontoons and row across the river, turn to 163.

If you wish to swim across the river, turn to 171.

Ok abbiamo 3 opzioni e sembrano tutte e 3 letali, per gli standard di Dever...che si fa :D?

14th March 2013, 15:08
171 shshs

14th March 2013, 15:10
Direi di non essere razzisti e di parlare (e poi sterminare) gli Ogron

14th March 2013, 15:16
Sentiamo cos'hanno da dire i subumani.

14th March 2013, 15:20
Idem parliamo con sta feccia, per poi mozzagli dita e naso con la spada111oneone1hh11!!!

14th March 2013, 15:25
askiamo la feccia

14th March 2013, 15:30
Probabilmente sono qua per rubare il lavoro agli onesti ingegneri umani...

‘You’re looking at the “Hell-hole”,’ says an Ogron. ‘When the siege began, Prince Ewevin sent ten humans in there to find out where it leads. When they never came back he sent ten Ogrons in. Ain’t seen none of ’em since!’

Another Ogron, who is splitting a log with his bare hands, overhears the conversation. ‘We’ve heard noises in the “Hell-hole” late at night,’ he says slyly, ‘horrible noises.’ He draws a fat finger across his blue-black throat before returning to his work.

If you wish to ask the Ogrons if you can use one of their pontoons to row across to the ‘Hell-hole’, turn to 179.

If you decide to swim across instead, turn to 171.

Manco sanno usare le accette :/

Comunque, che si fa :D?

14th March 2013, 15:35
Tentiamo di farci dare una zattera và che proprio nuotare verso la morte pare brutto

14th March 2013, 15:38
Chiediamo informazioni e poi per ringraziarlli,stacchiamogli le palle!

EDIT: ultimamente sono un po lento -.- btw 179!

14th March 2013, 16:09
171 annamo a nuoto tipo uomo rana nella laguna, che sulla zattera veniamo sgamati immediatamente e presi a frecciate incendiate prima che tocchiamo la riva...

14th March 2013, 16:11
Go into the hell hole

14th March 2013, 16:12
ma 171 ce lo proponeva anche prima e penso che voglia dire "passiamo il fiume a nuoto e andiamo dritti verso la città"..

io invece voglio entrare nel Buco Della Morte Putrescente!


14th March 2013, 16:16
171 dobbiamo vincere sta fobia dell'acqua prima o poi

14th March 2013, 16:24
Non possiamo resistere all'Hell Hole usando uno dei piloni dei subumani!

They will not let you touch any of the pontoons. If any go missing they will each receive 100 lashes as punishment for their negligence. They keep a watchful eye on you until you leave the camp. As it is now impossible to take one of the pontoons, you resign yourself to a long, cold swim.

Turn to 171.

Mai fidarsi dei subumani <.< Si nuota!

The water is freezing cold. It saps your strength, and you find it increasingly harder to swim against the strong converging river currents. Eventually, you reach the rocky bank and stagger ashore near the sewer outfall. Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus, you lose 1 ENDURANCE point due to the cold.

Turn to 249.

Ci si restringono pure le palline Kai <.<

There is a gaping hole in the criss-crossed bars, large enough for you to pass through with ease. The fetid water that is combed by this grille contains all manner of filth, a veritable feast for rats and vermin. However, as you wade deeper into the tunnel, you gradually realize that the sewer is completely free of rats and, in fact, seems to be totally devoid of all life. Circular chutes appear at regular intervals in the tiled ceiling, but they are far too small and slippery to climb. Fifteen minutes after entering the sewer, you arrive at a major junction where two new channels flow into the main course.

If you wish to continue ahead, turn to 269.

If you wish to follow the left channel, turn to 318.

If you wish to follow the right channel, turn to 339.

If you have a Map of Tekaro, turn to 235.

Abbiamo una mappa macchiata di merda!

In the dim light of the sewer you can just discern the outlines of the curtain wall and the streets of Tekaro on your map. The cathedral is right in the centre of the city, approximately half a mile from the point where the two rivers meet, and lying due east of the point at which you entered the sewer. You fold the map and set off again towards your objective.

Turn to 269.

A hundred yards along the passage you see a flight of stone steps ascending to a stone trapdoor set flush with the ceiling.

If you wish to investigate the trapdoor, turn to 107.

If you wish to continue along the sewer, turn to 120.

Che si fa?

so gia che moriremo cento volte qua sotto lol :D Stando attenti a quello che il buon Joe ci dice e usando la testa, potremmo farcela. Ma non so come mai ho l'idea che non lo faremo :D


14th March 2013, 16:30

14th March 2013, 16:32

....TRAP... DOOR...


14th March 2013, 16:47
Muoriamo male nella trapdoor!

14th March 2013, 17:00
120, la trap door è na trappola, un bagliore vecchio 20 anni mi si è riacceso, la trapdoor è tipo una "chiusa" ma ho brutti ricordi a tal proposito, tipo di rimanerci incestrati e stiantare affogati con un tarpone morto in culo...

14th March 2013, 17:25
2 a 2! Il dado deciderà: Pari trapdoor, dispari andiamo avanti!


The trapdoor is heavy and stiff, but gradually its seal of rust cracks and loosens under the pressure. Inch by inch you force it open to reveal at last the cobblestoned city square. Across the square, directly ahead, is the cathedral of Tekaro. As the square is teeming with guards, you are forced to close the hatch quickly to avoid being detected.

You estimate that the cathedral is approximately two hundred yards due east. As you descend the steps and continue through the passage, you pray that the sewer will give access to the crypt.

Turn to 120.

Malfidenti :D

Less than fifty yards along the channel, another passage joins the main flow from the right.

If you wish to investigate this new passage, turn to 339.

If you wish to press on along the main course, turn to 140.

Dove si va?

14th March 2013, 17:27
il passaggio arriva da destra , quindi per noi e' una svolta a sinistra , scelta obbligata 339

14th March 2013, 17:33
La trapdoor è una botola..in questo caso nel soffitto.
Le possibilità che invesigando la apriamo per sbaglio e ettolitri di merda ci fluiscano addosso sono alte.
E' anche vero che col culo che abbiamo il fatto di NON esaminarla potrebbe far si che non la blocchiamo e la merda ci cada addosso invece per questo motivo.


Andiamo avanti e preghiamo.

EDIT: Arrivato tardi.

14th March 2013, 17:34
mmhh io starei nel percorso principale, abbiamo spizzato prima dov'era la Cattedrale e ci stiamo andando diretti, non vedo perchè deviare adesso.


14th March 2013, 18:04
Andiamo avanti!

You press on diligently, counting the steps that take you along the sewer until you reach a narrow vault a little over one hundred and fifty yards from the previous junction. An iron ladder, its rungs pitted with rust, rises out of the water to an arched stone door. Beneath the door, the sewer continues into the darkness.

If you wish to climb the ladder and investigate the arched door, turn to 259.

If you wish to continue along the passage, turn to 339.

Chessifa :D?

14th March 2013, 18:08
Andiamo alla porta, dev'essere la Cattedrale.

Quando abbiamo guardato la botola si trovava a 200 yards. Poi abbiamo trovato un'intersezione 50 yards dopo, e adesso dopo altre 150 c'è questa porta.


O no? :dumb:

14th March 2013, 18:08

14th March 2013, 19:42
Andiamo alla porta, dev'essere la Cattedrale.

Quando abbiamo guardato la botola si trovava a 200 yards. Poi abbiamo trovato un'intersezione 50 yards dopo, e adesso dopo altre 150 c'è questa porta.


O no? :dumb:

Guarda non ho fatto manco un calcolo ma ti voglio dare fiducia così sulla parola, go alla porta!

14th March 2013, 19:51

14th March 2013, 20:01
Saranno giusti i calcoli di Delfo? O Dever è scemo e ci sta facendo scegliere a caso?

no :D

The door is old and decayed—it has not been opened for over a hundred years. If you are to find out what lies beyond it, you will have to clear away the dirt that jams the hinges.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus or Psi-surge, turn to 186.

If you do not have either of these skills, turn to 156.

Non abbiamo ne Nexus ne Psi-Surge...

Only brute force will break the seal of encrusted filth and open the door.


To break open the door, you should follow the normal combat rules. Any ENDURANCE points that you lose during this ‘combat’ represent the fatigue you suffer as you hack and batter the door.

If you wish to cease ‘combat’ at any time and continue along the sewer, turn to 339.

If you reduce the door’s RESISTANCE (ENDURANCE) to 0, turn to 200.

LOL morire contro una porta sarebbe epico :nod:


Roll...9 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0

The old stone door creaks slowly open, and as the dust settles, you find yourself staring into the crypt of Tekaro Cathedral. Stepping into the chill, stale air, your heart begins to pound in your chest; the Lorestone is here—you can feel it.

Beams of ashen moonlight filter into the crypt, illuminating a line of sombre granite tombs that lie like sleeping giants under the earth. Clutching the Small Silver Key, you examine them one by one for the lock that guards the legendary Lorestone.

You find the lock and insert the key, but you are suddenly distracted, on the brink of discovery, by the creature that is advancing through the sewer door.

Turn to 334.

Siamo nelle cripte! Ottimo lavoro tutti :D Gli altri percorsi

erano tutti instadeath o quasi...e io da bambino ero troppo scemo per fare i conti di Deffo :nod:

A huge, lumbering monster stalks towards you. It is over ten feet high with thick, twisted, hairy limbs and eight-fingered hands tipped by razor-sharp talons. Baleful, monstrous eyes protrude from yellow slits in its glistening head, and a long reptilian tail whips behind it. Its hideous and peculiar gibbering fills the moonlit crypt as it draws nearer and nearer.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 209.

If you wish to prepare for combat, turn to 344.

Immagino che vorremo sfrecciarlo e

non mi fermo perchè tanto non cambia una fava; l'unica cosa che perdiamo è 1 freccia, ma siamo a fine libro quasi ;) e non voglio lasciare fino a domani questo voto che tra poco stacco :nod:

Trembling with fear, you draw the bowstring and fire. The Arrow glances off its armoured head and shatters against the crypt wall. There is no time for a second shot. You shoulder your Bow and prepare for close combat as the creature moves in to strike.

Turn to 344.

Arco inefficace :afraid:

The hideous creature gurgles with anger and springs forward to attack.


It is immune to Psi-surge and Mindblast.

If you reduce its ENDURANCE to 25 or less, do not continue combat but instead turn to 310.

Eh, grossimo l'amico...COMBAT RATING +3 (perchè è immune a Mind Blast)

Lupo Solitario -3 (31)
Dakomyd -7 (43)

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (31)
Dakomyd -12 (31)

Lupo Solitario -3 (28)
Dakomyd -6 (25)

The crypt floor is crawling with the severed remains of the monster, which still writhe blindly forward with maniacal intent. Spider-like, a severed hand climbs your leg and embeds its talons in your flesh. (You lose 2 ENDURANCE points.) As you fight to free yourself from its vice-like grip, the torn pieces of the Dakomyd’s body gather themselves together for another attack.

If you wish to leap forward and strike the creature before it has completely formed, turn to 323.

If you wish to unlock the tomb and retrieve the Lorestone, turn to 293.

Uhm...che si fa amicici? (Abbiamo 26 PF rimanenti)

14th March 2013, 20:13
Andiamo a prendere la pietra, che sto mob mi sa che non si sconfigge senza.

14th March 2013, 20:14
banzaaaaiiiiiiiiii è_é

14th March 2013, 20:28
unlockiamo la pietra e friggiamolo come solo un vero kai lord sa fare! La forza è con noi :metal:

14th March 2013, 20:40
293 prendiamoci sta lorestone

14th March 2013, 20:44
come i niubbi siete pd che lootate in combat -50 dkp per tutti

14th March 2013, 21:57
piglia pietra che anche se crepiamo la quest ce la da completata :nod:

15th March 2013, 02:20
uccidiamo il mostro!

Cazzo siamo delle checche che fuggiamo al primo combat serio? tralaltro la lorestone sarebbe alquanto inutile, è una pietra con iscrizioni e basta

15th March 2013, 10:39
Prendiamo la pietra e facciamo poppare la scritta ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED, livelliamo e uccidiamo il mostro con la sola imposizione delle mani :truestory:

15th March 2013, 10:43
Direi di spararci la pozza recupero vita (che tanto ogni inizio libro ce ne danno un altra da portarci via) e attaccarlo..la lorestone non dovrebbe essere un artefatto di potere.

Inoltre valuterei se usare pure una pozza +2 attacco in caso di ulteriore fight.

15th March 2013, 11:45
Bazai: 3
Pietra: 5

Si pietra!

As the door creaks open, a sun-like radiance pours from the tomb and floods the crypt with golden light, its searing intensity paralysing the Dakomyd. You grasp the Lorestone and your senses reel with newfound wisdom and strength. Instinctively, you raise your weapon and strike the monster at the base of its hideous skull. It shrieks and dies instantly. (Remember to erase the Small Silver Key from your Action Chart.)

Turn to 350.

Fuck Yeah! :lazor:

Before your eyes the Dakomyd’s skin ripples as if a wave were washing beneath its skin. Suddenly a criss-cross of wrinkles appears, and layers of transparent bone peel and fall from its shell-like skull. Its body becomes hunched, shrinking and folding by the second, until all that is left is a film of dust on the floor of the crypt. Time has at last caught up with this ancient terror.

Illustration XX—Time has at last caught up with this ancient terror.

As the golden light begins to fade, you stare at the object of your quest—the Lorestone of Varetta. But all that you hold in your hand is a hollow sphere of glass, transparent and unremarkable to look at.

Your quest has succeeded, for the power of the Lorestone has been transfused into your body and mind. Its strength and wisdom is now a part of you, and the transfusion signals the beginning of a new and deadly challenge on your quest for the Magnakai.

But be warned! The quest will draw you into a sinister realm where a malicious and terrible evil has grown in power since Sun Eagle first completed the Magnakai quest. If you possess the courage of a true Kai Master, the challenge and the quest await you in Book 7 of the Lone Wolf series entitled:

Castle Death

L'abbiamo squagliato!

Ben fatto truppa! Siamo sopravvissuti agli inganni delle fogne del Regno del Terrore senza morire!

Oltre al consueto GIOCO DEL SE FOSSE, in cui potete togliervi tutte le curiosità relative ai percorsi/scelte alternative che non abbiamo fatto, dovrete anche votare per LA NUOVA DISCIPLINA.

A differenza della precedente saga, le discipline Magnakai guadagnano POTENZIAMENTI ad ogni libro; quelli per il nuovo rank sono:

Improved Disciplines

As you rise through the higher levels of Magnakai training you will find that some of your skills will steadily improve. If you are a Kai Master that has reached the rank of Primate, you will now benefit from improvements to the following Magnakai Disciplines:

Primate (lol)

Animal Control
Primates with this Magnakai Discipline are able to repel an animal that is intent on harming them by blocking its sense of taste and smell. The level of success is dependent on the size and ferocity of the animal.

Primates with this skill have the ability to delay the effects of poisons, including venoms, that they may come into contact with. Although a Kai Primate with this skill is not able to neutralize a poison he is able to slow its effect, giving him more time to find an antidote or cure.

Primates with this skill have a greatly increased agility and are able to climb without the use of climbing aids, such as ropes, etc.

Primates with the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge will, by concentrating their psychic powers upon an object, be able to set up vibrations that may lead to the disruption or destruction of the object.

Primates with the skill of Nexus will be able to offer a far greater resistance than before to the effects of noxious gases and fumes.

The nature of any additional improvements and how they affect your Magnakai Disciplines will be noted in the Improved Disciplines section of future Lone Wolf books.

Le discipline Magnakai "base" le trovate qui:

This Magnakai Discipline enables a Kai Master to become proficient in the use of all types of weapon. When you enter combat with a weapon you have mastered, you add 3 points to your COMBAT SKILL. The rank of Kai Master Superior, with which you begin the Magnakai series, means you are skilled in three of the weapons in the list below.
- Spear
- Bow
- Dagger
- Axe
- Mace
- Sword
- Short Sword
- Quarterstaff
- Warhammer
- Broadsword

The fact that you are skilled with three weapons does not mean that you begin the adventure carrying any of them. However, you will have opportunities to acquire weapons during your adventure. For every Lone Wolf book that you complete in the Magnakai series, you may add an additional weapon to your list.

Animal Control
This Magnakai Discipline enables a Kai Master to communicate with most animals and to determine their purpose and intentions. It also enables a Kai Master to fight from the saddle with great advantage.

The possessor of this skill can restore 1 lost ENDURANCE point to his total for every numbered section of the book through which he passes, provided he is not involved in combat. (This can only be done after his ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) This Magnakai Discipline also enables a Kai Master to cure disease, blindness and any combat wounds sustained by others, as well as himself. Using the knowledge mastery of this skill provides will also allow a Kai Master to identify the properties of any herbs, roots and potions that may be encountered during the adventure.

This Magnakai skill allows a Kai Master to blend in with his surroundings, even in the most exposed terrain. It will enable him to mask his body heat and scent, and to adopt the dialect and mannerisms of any town or city that he visits.

This skill ensures that a Kai Master will never starve in the wild; he will always be able to hunt for food, even in areas of wasteland and desert. It also enables a Kai Master to move with great speed and dexterity and will allow him to ignore any extra loss of COMBAT SKILL points due to a surprise attack or ambush.

In addition to the basic skill of being able to recognize the correct path in unknown territory, the Magnakai skill of Pathsmanship will enable a Kai Master to read foreign languages, decipher symbols, read footprints and tracks (even if they have been disturbed), and detect the presence of most traps. It also grants him the gift of always knowing intuitively the position of north.

This psychic skill enables a Kai Master to attack an enemy using the force of his mind. It can be used as well as normal combat weapons and adds 4 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL.
It is a powerful Discipline, but it is also a costly one. For every round of combat in which you use Psi-surge, you must deduct 2 ENDURANCE points. A weaker form of Psi-surge called Mindblast can be used against an enemy without losing any ENDURANCE points, but it will add only 2 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. Psi-surge cannot be used if your ENDURANCE falls to 6 points or below, and not all of the creatures encountered on your adventure will be affected by it; you will be told if a creature is immune.

Many of the hostile creatures that inhabit Magnamund have the ability to attack you using their Mindforce. The Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen prevents you from losing any ENDURANCE points when subjected to this form of attack and greatly increases your defence against supernatural illusions and hypnosis.

Mastery of this Magnakai skill will enable you to withstand extremes of heat and cold without losing ENDURANCE points and to move items by your powers of concentration alone.

This skill may warn a Kai Master of imminent or unseen danger or enable him to detect an invisible or hidden enemy. It may also reveal the true purpose or intent of a stranger or strange object encountered in your adventure. Divination may enable you to communicate telepathically with another person and to sense if a creature possesses psychic abilities.

Ioltre IMPORTANTE: ci sono state proposte relative al proseguimento della serie; le opzioni sono:
1) Aprire un nuovo thread per questa nuova saga, in modo da aiutare i nuovi arrivati ad inserirsi
2) Continuare con questo thread, per motivi di continuità
Ricordatevi di votare anche su questo ;)

Nel mentre, aggiungo le copertine originali dei vari libri ai post, visto che sono il delirio totale...tipo:


15th March 2013, 12:06
uberlol @ la cover :rotfl:

uberyeah @ noi e la nostra powwanza :metal:

Voto per la Disciplina: Curing.
In questo libro ce l'avrebbe fatta usare ventordici volte...

Voto per il topic: come già detto precedentemente, sono per aprirne un altro: questo è diventato un mattone difficilmente gestibile per chi non è partito dall'inizio...

Poi si può valutare se aprirne uno per ogni libro o andare a "scaglioni", lì può decidere tranquillamente Jesper.

15th March 2013, 12:07
per quanto riguarda la nuova disciplina io voto Curing ;P

15th March 2013, 12:13
Peeh che famo le checcheeee peeeeh,l'avemo squagliato a quel coso! :metal: Moaaaaarrrr pauuueeerrr!

Curing anche per me,sul nuovo thread mi astengo :nod:

15th March 2013, 12:24
Se fosse: se lo attaccavamo ci corcava o c'era semplicemente un fight?

Thread: stiamo qui con il link come hai fatto per gli altri libri

Skill: abbiamo diverse scelte sensate:
-Weaponmastery ci consente di chiudere un altro circolo e, usando una delle armi prescelte (consiglio spada, arco e mazza) avremmo +2 attacco rispetto a ora (oltre a +2 in vita)
-Psi surge ci apre al circolo + remunerativo e ci da un +2 danno contro chi subisce i poteri (ma perdiamo 2 di vita a round)

-Nexus, Psi-screan e Divination sono tutte e 3 possibili salvavita.. aprono tutte e 3 lo stesso circolo (un circolo lunghissimo da chiudere)

Investigazione & co:
-Curing l'abbiamo visto...compare spesso nel libro. Solitamente non ha interventi risolutivi ma solo agevolazioni..però numerose (paragonabile a hunt/path che già abbiamo)
-Animal Control non è così tanto usata...a volte ci permette di evitare combattimenti o qualche danno ma imho è la skill peggiore tra tutte.

Io voto per Psi-screan (rispetto a Divination imho i vantaggi sono che spesso quando Divination viene richiesta c'è anche qualche altra skill alternativa per salvarsi...mentre Psi-screan solitamente è l'ultima risorsa per salvarsi le chiappe).

15th March 2013, 12:42
Per il se fosse: cosa succedeva se fossimo andati nella città di roark? Ci sarebbe stato lo scontro finale? :D

15th March 2013, 12:52
Se fosse: se lo attaccavamo ci corcava o c'era semplicemente un fight?

Se invece che ninjalootare la pietra attaccavamo il mostro

Dei pezzi che non avevamo visto ci aggravano ed era un'instadeath :D

Per il se fosse: cosa succedeva se fossimo andati nella città di roark? Ci sarebbe stato lo scontro finale? :D

Se andavamo ad Amory

Ci dava qualche vago preavviso di quanto fosse una merda di posto; se entravamo, ci riconoscevamo (c'è una taglia sulle nostre teste) e ci istagibbavano :D

15th March 2013, 12:55
Ci sarebbe stata mai la possibilità di farlo fuori a Roark dal parapalle meraviglievole?

15th March 2013, 12:57
Prendiamo Curing esticazzi...

Continuiamo sto thread che farne nuovi tutte le volte non ci si sta dietro e fanno laggare il forum...

Se non vedo errato Roark lo si sgozza e lo si fionda in un fossone al prossimo numero.

15th March 2013, 13:01
Dico solo che non è l'ultima volta che incroceremo la strada con Roark, Highborne of Roark :D

15th March 2013, 13:13
Brutti, avete bocciato la mia idea per raccogliere nuovi adepti :cry:

Cmq se non mi ricordo male il prox libro è uno dei più tosti... ho vaghi ricordi di morti plurime et sanguinose :fffuuu:

15th March 2013, 13:21
teniamo questo thread e prendiamo curing, inoltre cosa sarebbe successo se fossimo entrati nella libreria invece che all'osservatorio?

15th March 2013, 13:21
Mamma mia tutti aspiranti crocerossine :kiddingme:

15th March 2013, 13:35
come sempre fate le cose al contrario , dovevamo prendere curing al primo libro , ora servira' il giusto , ogni libro ha il suo circolo / displine dominanti , voterei psi surge ma tanto non serve avete tutti votato curing e curing sia

solo 1 tread niente split

15th March 2013, 13:47
Brutti, avete bocciato la mia idea per raccogliere nuovi adepti :cry:

Cmq se non mi ricordo male il prox libro è uno dei più tosti... ho vaghi ricordi di morti plurime et sanguinose :fffuuu:

Conosciuto anche come Castle Mindfuck :nod: Nonchè uno dei più razzisti! :D

Comunque sia, il popolo si è espresso: andiamo avanti con questo thread e scegliamo Curing!



You are the warrior, Lone Wolf, last of the Kai Masters of Sommerlund and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed your kinsmen during a bitter war with your age-old enemies, the Darklords of Helgedad.

Many centuries have passed since Sun Eagle, the first of your kind, established the Order of the Kai. Aided by the magicians of Dessi, he completed a perilous quest to find seven crystals of power known as the Lorestones of Nyxator. With their discovery he unlocked a wisdom and strength that lay within both the Lorestones and himself. He recorded the nature of his discoveries and his experiences in a great tome called The Book of the Magnakai. You have discovered this lost Kai treasure and have given a solemn pledge to restore the Kai to their former glory, ensuring the security of your land in the years to come. However, your diligent study of this ancient book has enabled you to master only three of the ten Magnakai Disciplines. To fulfil your pledge, you must complete the quest first undertaken by Sun Eagle over one thousand years ago. By doing so successfully, you, too, will acquire the power and wisdom of the Magnakai that is held within the Lorestones’ crystal forms.

Much of Sun Eagle’s script had faded with the passing years and little remained to help you find the seven Lorestones of Nyxator. Guided by the few words that could still be deciphered, you set out upon a journey that took you to the war-torn city of Tekaro in the hostile land of Slovia. There, hidden deep in the crypt of the city’s cathedral, you found the first Lorestone of Varetta. As you held the crystal triumphantly in your hand, its power was transfused into your being, and the location of the second stone formed slowly in your mind—Herdos.

The remote township of Herdos stands upon the shore of Lake Khor, high in the Xulun Mountains of Dessi. Here the Elder Magi, the magicians who rule the land, helped Sun Eagle on his quest long ago. Time has turned full circle, and once more their aid is sought by a warrior of the Kai.

‘Fate has brought you to us, Lone Wolf,’ intones Rimoah, speaker for the High Council of the Elder Magi, as you stand before them in the Tower of Truth at Elzian. ‘And our fate is bound to your quest.’

His clear voice fills the great cylindrical council chamber and the white-robed elders gathered around you respond with one voice, ‘It is so.’

Rimoah leads you to a circular dais, set like a deep well into the green marble floor. Carefully, he kneels and touches its liquid metal surface with his gloved hand. A current flows through the shimmering metal and, within its mirror-like depths, a strange vision slowly takes shape. You see a black-walled fortress set upon a rocky isle, its deep purple shadows reflecting in the dark waters of a moonlit lake.

‘You see before you Kazan-Oud. The Lorestone of Herdos rests in this castle, deep within its accursed halls. We will take you to this fortress, Lone Wolf, but you must enter alone, for our powers hold no sway over the forces that command this terrible place. In the years that have passed since Sun Eagle first came to this land, a great evil has consumed Kazan-Oud. We lack the means to destroy this evil but we have laboured to contain it, to prevent it from spreading beyond the Isle of Khor. Some of the bravest warriors of Magnamund have tried at our behest to defeat the power of Kazan-Oud, yet all have perished. But fate now brings us a Kai Master and our hearts rejoice, for the success of your quest will defeat the bane of Kazan-Oud and deliver us all from its evil shadow.’

A ripple of hopeful whispers arises from the circle of Elders when they hear you state that you will go to Kazan-Oud. As they accompany you from the council chamber to equip you for the dangerous mission that lies ahead, you ask the meaning of the words ‘Kazan-Oud’. An uneasy silence descends on the dignified company and all eyes turn to Rimoah.

‘In the language of the Sommlending,’ he says, his voice wavering, ‘Castle Death.’

You are Lone Wolf—the last Kai Master of Sommerlund. Your vow to restore the Kai to their former glory takes you to the fabulous land of Dessi, a land of monsters and magicians. The sorcerers of this realm pledge to aid your quest—but they demand a price for their help. Somewhere deep within Castle Death lies a key to the wisdom of your ancestors. Will you find this key, or will you, like all who have entered before you, succumb to the terror that stalks the dungeons of this nightmare fortress?


Before leaving Elzian on your quest for the Lorestone of Herdos, the Elder Magi give you a map of their land and a pouch of gold. To find out how much gold is in the pouch, pick a number from the Random Number Table. Add 10 to the number you have picked. The total equals the number of Gold Crowns inside the pouch, and you should now enter this number in the ‘Gold Crowns’ section of your Action Chart. If you have successfully completed books 1–6 of the Lone Wolf adventures, you may add this sum to the total sum of Crowns you already possess. You can carry a maximum of only fifty Crowns, but additional Crowns can be left in safekeeping at your Kai Monastery.

The Elder Magi offer you a choice of equipment to aid you on your perilous mission. You can take five items from the list below, again adding to these, if necessary, any you may already possess. However, remember that you can carry a maximum of two Weapons and eight Backpack Items.

Sword (Weapons)

Bow (Weapons)

Quiver (Special Items) This contains six Arrows. Tick them off as they are used.

Rope (Backpack Items)

Potion of Laumspur (Backpack Items) This potion restores 4 ENDURANCE points to your total when swallowed after combat. There is enough for only one dose.

Lantern (Backpack Items)

Mace (Weapons)

3 Meals (Meals) Each Meal takes up one space in your Backpack.

Dagger (Weapons)

3 Fireseeds (Special Items) When thrown against a hard surface, these Fireseeds explode and burn fiercely.

List the five items that you choose on your Action Chart, under the heading given in brackets, and make a note of any effect they may have on your ENDURANCE points or COMBAT SKILL.

Roll....8! Abbiamo 18 Corone in più!

E ora, un po' di saggezza dal caro vecchio Joe.

Your quest for the Lorestone of Herdos will be fraught with danger for the fortress of Kazan-Oud has a dark and sinister reputation for being the ruin of many a brave adventurer. Make notes as you progress through the story—they will be of great help in this and future adventures.

Many things that you find will help you during your adventure. Some Special Items will be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures, and others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so be selective in what you decide to keep.

Choose your three Magnakai Disciplines with care, for a wise choice enables any player to complete the quest no matter how weak his initial COMBAT SKILL and ENDURANCE points scores. Successful completion of previous Lone Wolf adventures, although an advantage, is not essential for the completion of this Magnakai adventure.

May the spirit of your ancestors guide you on the path of the Magnakai.

Good luck!

Si parte!

The hours leading up to your departure from Elzian are spent checking and double-checking your equipment and provisions. But, no matter how hard you try to concentrate on these preparations, your mind is constantly invaded by the shadowy image of Kazan-Oud, an image identical to the vision that appeared the previous evening in the well of the council chamber. You are filled with a deep dread, as you contemplate the probable site of your own grave. However, coupled to this terrible sense of foreboding is a far greater and irresistible desire to discover the Lorestone of Herdos.

Shortly before dawn, your thoughts are disturbed by a knock at the door of your chamber: it is Rimoah. The time has come for your mission to begin. You follow him through halls and galleries to a rooftop platform nestling among the crimson towers of the Temple of Truth. Here you are greeted by a young man. He is tall and dark-skinned, with plaited flaxen hair and sharp, cat-like eyes, and he wears the gold and scarlet tunic of a Vakeros—a warrior-magician of Dessi. ‘Hail, Paido!’ says Rimoah, bowing to this proud young man.

‘Hail, my Lord Rimoah,’ he replies, respectfully. ‘We are ready to sail.’

The first rays of the dawn light shimmer along the golden hull of a magnificent skyship that hovers above the rooftop platform. As the hum of its powerful engine rises, you thank Rimoah and bid him farewell before following Lord Paido to the boarding ladder at the edge of the platform. Once safely on board, the skyship rises into the chill dawn air, and Lord Rimoah and the Tower of Truth shrink swiftly beneath its golden keel. You look down with growing fascination as the sleek, bat-winged craft passes over the circling waters of the Elzian Canal and speeds northwards above the jungle of central Dessi. As the grey Chasm of Gorgoron looms into view, splitting the emerald-green land like a deep and terrible wound, Lord Paido joins you at the rail. Time passes in conversation, and you learn much about the people of this untamed land and their history. You learn that the Elder Magi are all that remain of a race of great magicians who ruled central Magnamund many thousands of years ago. They were wise and powerful, and their leadership was great until their numbers were decimated by a plague that swept across the world. Those who survived sought refuge in Dessi and have lived here, in the mountains and the jungle, ever since. The Vakeros are native soldiers of Dessi who have been taught the art of battle-magic by the Elder Magi to help them defend the northern border against invasion by the war-like Vassagonians.

When you tell Lord Paido of your own past battles with the desert warriors, you sense a sadness within him. ‘How I wish my brother Kasin were here with us now,’ he says, staring thoughtfully towards the distant horizon. ‘He could tell many a brave tale of the great desert wars.’ You ask what has become of his brother. There is a long pause before he replies solemnly: ‘Kazan-Oud.’

The land of Dessi is now spread out beneath you like a gigantic map. To the northwest you can see the foothills of the Carcos Range and a faint ribbon-like glimmer that is the River Doi; to the east, a bank of grey storm clouds advances unchecked across a sea of jungle vegetation. Shortly before noon you sight your destination. The low-domed buildings of Herdos appear on the horizon, followed by the waters of Lake Khor and a blackened finger of rock upon which sits Kazan-Oud. Even at this great distance, the awesome sight of the terrible fortress sends a chill along your spine.

Lord Paido orders his crew to prepare for landing, and within the hour, the great skyship is casting its shadow upon the flagstones of the Plaza of Herdos. You are welcomed by Lord Ardan, Elder of Herdos, and a detachment of his Vakeros guards. They escort you through the streets of the ancient town, past the tiny stone-walled dwellings of fishermen and miners, to a quay where a glass-domed tower several storeys high commands access to the busy harbour. As you enter the tower, you notice that the glass dome radiates a greenish light that, in spite of the blinding glare of the midday sun, can be seen quite clearly.

Later, as the sun sinks slowly behind the peaks of the mountains, the light emanating from the tower becomes more visible, covering Lake Khor with an umbrella of ghostly luminescence. Lord Ardan explains: ‘This tower, together with five others that encircle the lake, generates a shield of magical energy that imprisons the evil of Kazan-Oud. No creature, living or dead, can enter or leave the Isle of Khor so long as our shield remains intact. We dare not lower our guard, and, to allow you to land on the island, we have devised a means by which you may pass through the shield unharmed.’ He takes a gem the size of a small apple from the pocket of his silken robe and places it in your hand. It is a dull translucent red, but within its core a swirling mist of glittering sparks flickers with gold and silver fire.

‘It is a Power-key. Guard it well, for so long as you possess it you may fulfil your quest; lose it and you will never escape from the Isle of Khor.’ (Mark the Power-key on your Action Chart as a Special Item, which you carry in the pocket of your tunic.) ‘At midnight, my Vakeros will take you by boat to the edge of the shield. On board is a small coracle in which you can pass through the shield and make your way to the Isle of Khor. We shall pray for you, Lone Wolf.’

Midnight finds you standing on the deck of a square-rigged fishing boat. The sighing night wind and the creak of rope and timber are the only sounds that accompany you across the black waters of Lake Khor. You arrive at a wall of shimmering, green light: the power-shield. The Vakeros whisper their goodbyes, and you paddle through the wall, drawing closer with every stroke to the sinister island fortress.

Two hundred yards from the glistening black shoreline, you note two places where you can make a landing.

If you wish to land at a stone jetty to the west of Kazan-Oud, turn to 135.

If you wish to land at a sheltered bay to the east of Kazan-Oud, turn to 288.

Ok ciurma! Ditemi cosa prendere su (ricordatevi che possiamo portare solo 8 Backpack items e 12 Special Items), ditemi cosa droppare per la Power-Key, e ditemi dove vogliamo approdare!

Ecco la mappa!


************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Small Brass Whistle, Map of Tekaro

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (4), Silver Bow of Duadon, Map of Varetta,

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

15th March 2013, 14:01
Abbiamo 11 al momento, non 12 quindi non dobbiamo per forza buttare qualcosa.

Cmq lasciamo a casa la mappa e prendiamo le bombette , 6 frecce,
Nello zaino togliamo anche li la mappa e fischietto e prendiamo 1 cibo e 1 altra pozza vita "per la giustezza".

Per il posto dello sbarco..direi a ovest 135.

EDIT: tra l'altro la spada non l'avevamo venduta?

15th March 2013, 14:04
come sempre fate le cose al contrario , dovevamo prendere curing al primo libro , ora servira' il giusto , ogni libro ha il suo circolo / displine dominanti , voterei psi surge ma tanto non serve avete tutti votato curing e curing sia

solo 1 tread niente split

Dovevamo prendere,dovevamo fare, A Rho te l'hai letti libri e sai come funziona,io no,e vado a naso. Meno spippettamenti pls.

15th March 2013, 14:11
Sinistra = west = 135

Equip: prendiamo i 3 Fire Seed (contano come un unico oggetto vero?), e droppiamo la Map of Varetta (inutile ormai) per la Power Key. Dovremmo averne 12 così.

Con lo zaino direi che siamo apposht, a parte le frecce che le fulliamo.

Edit: dimenticavo, droppiamo sto cazzo di fischietto di ottone che è due avventure che ce lo tiriamo dietro e non serve a un beneamato, e prendiamo pozza di cura pls.
Ri-edit: sono stordito abbiamo anche la mappa di Tekaro, via e prendiamo un Meal.

In sostanza uppo Rise lol :D

15th March 2013, 14:24
droppiamo la jeweled mace per la power-key

prendiamo 2 fireseeds droppando la map of tekaro e lo small brass whistle e go ovest, 135

15th March 2013, 14:46
prendiamo i fireseed se 3 contano 1 slot , poi droppiamo la mappa di tekaro e prendiamo la lanterna , fulliamo le freccie , il fischietto so 2 libri che non serve , magari ci tornera' ultile ora ( anche se non ho memoria di averlo mai usato , ma sia mai :D )
pisciamo la map of vercosa per il passpartu' magico , e andiamo ovviamente a sinistra 137

15th March 2013, 14:55
I fireseed contano come 1 item solo si :D (e ho cancellato la Small Silver Key che abbiamo perso nell'ultimo paragrafo dell'ultimo libro)

Fulliamo le frecce, droppiamo entrambe le mappe e il fischietto, prendiamo 1 meal e 1 pozza di cura! E landiamo ad ovest!

A streak of green, forked lightning lights up the collapsed roof of Kazan-Oud, and for a second, it looks like the shattered ribs of a giant lizard. There is another flash of lightning, and a hundred tower windows glare at you like empty eyes edged with slivers of broken glass. A line of carved stone gargoyles adorns the black stone walls, overhanging the jetty. Rings of rusted iron are clamped in their snarling jaws, each wound round with slime-encrusted ropes that dangle in the water. At the jetty, it is deep enough to allow a large vessel to dock, but the current and the swell of the tide make it increasingly difficult for you to control your tiny boat.

Your stomach tightens as the swell threatens to dash you against the jetty.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 57.

If you wish to stop paddling and try to grab one of the ropes, turn to 203.

If you decide to abandon the boat and swim towards a line of rocks further west, turn to 325.

Non abbiamo Divination, e siamo gia in acqua lol :D Iniziamo bene!

Che si fa?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Meal, Meal, Lampspur (cura 4EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (6), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

15th March 2013, 15:06
grab the rope

15th March 2013, 15:08

15th March 2013, 15:10
Nuotare verso delle rocce mi sa di istantdeath...


15th March 2013, 15:17
tiriamo lo sciacquone al 203

(pd Divination, mo sta a vedere che ce la chiederà N volte QQ)

15th March 2013, 15:32
Ci attacchiamo e tiriamo forte!

With your trembling hands clasped tightly around the slippery green rope, you fight to lock your feet together to prevent yourself from sliding into the heaving swell. The crack of splintering wood fills the night as the coracle shatters and sinks without trace. A sudden jolt runs the length of the rope, and a snaky head rises from the black water. It dips and swerves upwards, opening its jaws, set with fangs like long yellow knives, and fixing you with its blind white eyes. You are clinging to the body of a deadly Lekhor that is poised to strike.

Illustration XII—You are clinging to the body of a deadly Lekhor that is poised to strike.

If you wish to release your grip of this deadly serpent and dive into the water, turn to 325.

If you wish to draw a weapon and defend yourself against its venomous attack, turn to 76.


Abbiamo iniziato bene dai :D Come proseguiamo?

15th March 2013, 15:34
rofl, è pure velenoso...veleno o acqua? siamo nella merda...

affrontiamolo comunque

15th March 2013, 15:36
Facciamo polpette di sto lombricone!


15th March 2013, 15:37
lol :D

sono tutte e due possibili istafrag tocca solo scegliere quale , io dico triplo carpiato e 325

15th March 2013, 15:44
Avete fatto prendere l'abilità di curarci che ora ci da pure resistenza al veleno...ora mica possiamo cagarci sotto di fronte a un verme mal cresciuto!

Prendiamolo a mazzangioiellate sul muso!

15th March 2013, 15:49
325 tanto istadeath per istadeath mi da l'impressione che il mostrone sia li per attirarci in un facile scontro per poi morire avvelenati...http://web-vassets.ea.com/Assets/Richmedia/Image/Screenshots/dragon's-lair-2-screen02a_656x369.jpg?cb=1334003533

15th March 2013, 17:03
Mazzate al serpente!

The Lekhor twists and writhes in frustrated fury, for it cannot shake you free from its trunk. The head rears up and a droplet of venom splashes the back of your hand. It burns like a red-hot dagger, and you cannot stifle a cry of pain. The serpent snickers, its red forked tongue lashing the air just a few inches in front of your face.


Due to your precarious position, you cannot make use of a shield or any two-handed weapon (i.e. Broadsword, Spear, Quarterstaff) during the combat, and, due to the corrosive venom of the Lekhor, you must treble any ENDURANCE point losses you sustain during the combat.

If you win the combat, turn to 296.

Coddue :D Fortunatamente, anche senza lo scudo, la nostra COMBAT RATING è +12

Lupo Solitario -1 (-3)
Lekhor -14

Roll...8 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0

Your killing blow severs the Lekhor’s head, sending it spinning into the cold black waters below. A wave of shock ripples through its body, and suddenly you are falling, its limp torso still gripped between your feet. Seconds later you hit the lake with a loud splash and sink like a stone.

Turn to 158.

Lol, e ora l'acqua!

Gasping for air, you claw your way to the surface and swim for the rocky shore. Heaving yourself from the cold water, you crouch down, breathless and exhausted, beside a line of huge boulders, half-buried in the coal-black sand, and take stock of your belongings. You have lost two items from your Backpack, and all the food has been ruined by the tainted water (erase all Meals and two Backpack Items of your choice from your Action Chart).

No sooner have you managed to control your breathing than you hear the sound of scraping, as if some heavy weight were being dragged across the rocks to your left. A vertical crack appears in the surface of the nearest boulder, and a sickly yellow light washes over you. It is not a boulder—you are staring at a huge eye.

If you wish to draw your weapon and attack the eye, turn to 265.

If you wish to leap to your feet and escape towards the sheer rock base of Kazan-Oud, turn to 41.

Ahahahah wtf :lol:

Scegliete quali oggetti perdiamo dallo Zaino oltre ai pasti...e poi, come procediamo :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 33/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Lampspur (cura 4EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (6), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
************************************************** ******

15th March 2013, 17:09
265 dagli all'occhio, per gli oggetti mbò via il cibo, 2 aleter tanto non si usano...

15th March 2013, 17:10
Imho meglio buttare le pozze di cura delle alether...

Il mostro schifoso merita di morire in quanto bestia immonda, ATTACK!


15th March 2013, 17:14
Via 1 lampur SICURO.

Per la seconda io butterei la corda che ci portiamo sempre dietro ma non usiamo quasi mai (e se la usiamo è perchè 2 paragrafi prima ne trovavamo 1).
Ma anche una delle pozze Buff è accettabile come sacrificio.

E poi direi di scaldarci andando a segare il mostrazzo roccioso.

15th March 2013, 17:28
uccidiamo la bestia immonda, buttiamo 1 alether, io direi di tenere le pozze di cura perchè qui senza meal e senza possiblità di usare hunting (suppongo) rischia che arriviamo al combat finale con pochissimi EP....detto ciò, ATTACK!

15th March 2013, 17:31
uccidiamo la bestia immonda, buttiamo 1 alether, io direi di tenere le pozze di cura perchè qui senza meal e senza possiblità di usare hunting (suppongo) rischia che arriviamo al combat finale con pochissimi EP....detto ciò, ATTACK!

Ma vah..rigeneriamo 1ep ogni paragrafo non combattivo...siamo degli incroci tra wolwerine e un troll di d&d :p

15th March 2013, 17:38
In realtà abbiamo houserulato (giustamente) che gli EP persi per fame non si rigenerano...

In ogni caso hunting dovrebbe funzionare lo stesso anche dentro la fortezza, spero :look:

15th March 2013, 17:47
Huntmastery funziona sempre, a meno che non sia specificato il contrario :D

Buttiamo 1 Lampspur e 1 Alether e meniamo l'occhio!

You plunge your weapon into the monstrous eye and gouts of a luminous jelly-like substance pour from the wound. A ghastly inhuman scream of pain rises from the ground beneath your feet. Jets of hissing steam erupt through the sand, and a stinging cloud of grit assails your eyes.

Illustration XV—You plunge your weapon into the monstrous eye and gouts of a luminous jelly-like substance pour from the wound.

You reel backwards, shielding your face from the blast, but an unexpected blow to your legs sends you sprawling to the ground (lose 2 ENDURANCE points). Before you can rise, a warty, green tentacle coils round your waist and pulls you slowly towards the mutilated eye.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-surge and wish to use it, turn to 190.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 121.

Non abbiamo psi-Surge :P

The tentacle lifts you into the air, tightening its grip with each passing second until almost all the breath is squeezed from your lungs. Suddenly you are hurled towards another massive boulder, which opens to reveal a monstrous jaw dripping with loathsome saliva. You are swallowed whole.

Your life and your quest end here.

:lol: sto libro è iniziato benissimo!

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)

Evitiamo di attaccare l'occhio :D

A terrible growling follows you across the bleak shore as you race towards the high rock wall that is the base of Kazan-Oud. At first the sand felt comfortably warm, but now your boots have become unbearably hot.

A few yards ahead, a line of stepping stones rises out of the scorching black sand. The stones lead away towards a jagged fissure in the rock wall.

If you wish to leap onto the nearest stone slab, turn to 177.

If you choose to avoid the stepping stones and press on through the burning sand, turn to 104.

Da cosa ci facciamo violentare adesso :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS),

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (6), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

15th March 2013, 17:53

Dio di un Dio, che instadeath dimmerda.... :pokerfacen:

Non ho parole...

Vabbè a sto punto mettiamo le ali al culo e lasciamo stare sto mob...

Sto rosikando :|

Edit: visto dopo l'aggiunta...

Direi di saltare sulle pietre alla Tremors :nod:

15th March 2013, 17:57
Proviamo a saltare sul sasso ..

15th March 2013, 18:02
psi surge :P , cmq 177

15th March 2013, 18:14
Che ve dicevo mi ricordavo bene che il mostro all'inizio era merda, bdw 177

15th March 2013, 19:05

15th March 2013, 19:55
Sto libro è una fagiolata di cazzi in culo :nod:

The relief is instantaneous. Quickly you move from one stone to the next until you arrive at the shadowy opening in the wall. Echoing in the darkness, you hear the rustle and slither of unseen things. Suddenly something round and black breaks through the surface of the lake, splitting the night with its hideous cry. It hovers for a few seconds above the water before hurtling towards you at an unnerving speed.

If you wish to take cover inside the fissure, turn to 16.

If you wish to draw a weapon and prepare for combat, turn to 342.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 225.


15th March 2013, 19:58
Proviamo con l'arco uber, 225.

15th March 2013, 19:59
in tutti e 28 libri di LS penso che questo sia quello dove son schiattato più volte :|
usiamo l'arco 225

15th March 2013, 20:23
ok prendiamo a freccie il polipo

15th March 2013, 20:49
Freccia nell'occhio e prepariamoci a schiattare 225

15th March 2013, 20:53
Frecciamolo,arrostiamolo,mangiamolo e poi caghiamogli sulla carcassa :nod:

15th March 2013, 21:16

16th March 2013, 12:37
Abbiamo un Arco e vogliamo usarlo!

Only the faint green light of the power-shield illuminates your moving target. You notch an Arrow and take careful aim as it speeds up the beach, weaving in and out of the boulders that litter its path.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Weaponmastery with Bow, add 3 to the number you have picked.

If your total is now 0–6, turn to 196.

If it is 7 or more, turn to 112.

Abbiamo +3 per l'Arcodiddio!

Roll...7 :oldmetal:

The Arrow pierces the centre of the sphere and disappears completely. Fearing that your missile has proved harmless, you shoulder your Bow and are about to draw a hand weapon when suddenly there is a flash of light and a tremendous explosion. The black sphere bursts into thousands of pieces and is consumed in a fireball of brilliant yellow flame. A wave of heat sears your face (lose 1 ENDURANCE point) and you are hurled backwards into the fissure by the blast.

Turn to 16.

Da un lato abbiamo appena nukato un globo di forza con 1 sola freccia. Dall'altro, siamo precipitati in una fenditura :nod:

It takes a few minutes for you to get your bearings in the gloom of the narrow corridor. Outside, strange sounds echo across the beach, making you forget your natural caution and move deeper into the darkness. The uneven floor is coated with mud, and the warm, moist air reeks with a repugnant odour that reminds you of gutted fish. You press on, taking great pains not to slip and fall, but the light soon fades completely and you slow to a halt.

If you possess a Kalte Firesphere, a Lantern, or a Torch and Tinderbox, turn to 61.

If you do not possess any of these items, turn to 277.

Ah, fedele Firesphere...l'unico Oggetto Speciale (a parte la Sommerswerd) di cui Joe si ricordi nei libri successivi...

Your light flares brightly in the moist gloom of the passage. A cavern lies immediately ahead, its high-arched roof a mass of dripping stalactites, hanging like thick spears of pearly white stone. Cautiously, you step across the cavern floor, your skin prickling, as peculiar sounds emanate from the shadows.

You wind your way through the labyrinth of tunnels, slipping on moss-covered rocks, grazing your head on low ceilings, and scrambling up and down steep ridges and rockfalls until you arrive at a smooth-walled chamber carved with precision from the hard black rock. A staircase ascends through an archway to your left, and directly ahead stands a massive stone door.

If you wish to examine the stone door, turn to 274.

If you wish to ascend the stairs, turn to 193.

Che facciamo? :D

16th March 2013, 13:15

16th March 2013, 13:23
Per una volta teniamo la scelta left come secondaria,voglio esaminare la porte :nod:

16th March 2013, 13:38
Ok sto facendo un tentativo di update via smartphone lol...vediamo come viene


At first glance, the door looks
completely smooth: no locks,
bars, rivets, or hinges mar its
polished surface. However, a
closer examination reveals a tiny
keyhole set near to the floor.

If you have a Gold Key, turn to
333 .

If you do not possess this Special
Item, turn to 54.

Niente chiave :-(

Your basic Kai skills tell you that
the lock that secures the door is
magical, not mechanical, in
nature. All attempts to discover
its secret are blocked by the spell
that shields the lock. Reluctantly,
you abandon the door and leave
the chamber by the stairs.

Turn to 193 .

Niente loot :-(

The staircase seems to continue
forever, coiling its way upwards
through the solid rock, but
eventually you arrive at a
landing from which a tunnel
stretches into darkness. You are
about to enter, when your basic
Kai instincts alert you to a
shallow step that crosses from
one side of the tunnel to the
other. A closer look reveals the
step to be a perfect square of
marble that covers the first ten
feet of the tunnel.

If you wish to prod the marble
slab with a weapon to test for a
trap, turn to 183.

If you wish to jump across the
slab into the tunnel beyond, turn
to 127.

If you decide to enter the tunnel
by walking across the slab, turn
to 277.

Che si fa? :D

16th March 2013, 13:40
cioe' 277 ahah

la formattazione e' un po' a culo jasper , pero' va bene uguale :)

16th March 2013, 13:51
277 a cazzo duro

16th March 2013, 14:04
Ma siete pazzi, saltiamolo 127

16th March 2013, 14:12

16th March 2013, 14:30
si si io trovo lulz che ci offre la possibilita di controllare se c'e' una trappola e anche la possibilita di saltarci sopra a cazzo duro , cazzo duro vince :D

16th March 2013, 18:21
Jumpiamo peso!

17th March 2013, 00:28
Poi vi lamentate delle istadeath 127

17th March 2013, 12:10
3 a 3 e un voto di protesta (non di Bortas :D)...non credevo mai che l'avrei detto in questa scelta, ma c'è uno spareggio tra buttarsi nella botola o saltarla :D Il dado deciderà: pari ci buttiamo, dispari lo saltiamo!


Lo saltiamo!

You clear the slab with one bound and press on along the winding tunnel. A warm, damp wind whistles along the rough-walled passage, carrying with it a rancid smell of sulphur and decay. For over an hour you walk down the tunnel, leaping over fissures in the uneven floor and taking care not to tread on glistening blue-black worms that slither away into cracks in the rock when your light invades their damp, dark world.


Eventually the tunnel opens out into an oval-shaped chamber. A staircase, festooned with cobwebs, ascends to an open trap door in the ceiling. The familiar pale green glow of the power-shield filters in through this portal. At the foot of the stairs lies the mouldering remains of a body partially encased in armour. A rusty sword is clenched in its skeletal fist, and a bone-handled dagger protrudes from the base of its skull.

If you wish to climb the stairs to the open trap door, turn to 93.

If you wish to examine the remains of the body more closely, turn to 199.

If you wish to leave the chamber and continue along the tunnel, turn to 318.

Botola nel soffitto, avventuriero morto o ce ne andiamo?

17th March 2013, 12:14

subito al volo spoilera cosa sarebbe successo se ci andavamo a cazzo duro , che senno poi a fine libro me ne dimentico

17th March 2013, 12:21
Esaminiamo i resti di Chester Copperpot al 199

(cmq non per fare il pignolo ma i voti nella scelta di prima erano 3 a 2 in favore del salto :P il dado ha fatto giustizia! )

17th March 2013, 12:51
Esaminiamo i resti di Chester Copperpot al 199

(cmq non per fare il pignolo ma i voti nella scelta di prima erano 3 a 2 in favore del salto :P il dado ha fatto giustizia! )

avevo contato 2 volte rho :look:

Comunque se saltavamo a cazzo duro nella botola

finivamo nella fossa del tempio dei serpentoni di Conan e dovevamo smazzare un serpente gigante piuttosto incazzoso :D e poi it's a mistery!

Comunque si ispeziona la scena del crimine!

You recognize the dead man’s hauberk as that of a Kakushi mercenary: the ten-pointed star of Nikesa, the symbol of that country’s capital city, adorns each of the rusty buckles that fasten his chainmail armour. In a leather pouch hanging from his belt you discover 6 Gold Crowns, and inside the tattered remains of his backpack, there is a Rope and a hooded Red Robe.

A close examination of the weapons shows them both to be quite useless: the bone-handled dagger crumbles to dust when you try to dislodge it from the corpse’s skull, and the blade of the sword is dull and eaten by rust.

If you now wish to continue along the tunnel, turn to 318.

If you decide to climb the stairs and investigate the open trap door, turn to 93.

Ok truppa, ditemi cosa prendiamo (nessuna figurina del baseball, purtroppo) e dove andiamo adesso!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Quarterstaff

Backpack (8): Rope, Lampspur (cura 4 EP), Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS),

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (5), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 29

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 13:02

17th March 2013, 13:06
93 , va bene cosi' jasper i miei voti li puoi contare anche 3 volte , anzi meglio è_é

17th March 2013, 13:07
Prendiamo giusto le corone il resto lasciamolo pure li e andiamo al 93 e investighiamo!

17th March 2013, 13:15
Mah se la Red Robe è un Backpack item non vedo perchè non prenderlo visto che abbiamo spazio.. Le Corone ovvio si prendono sempre.

Per la scelta uppo la TRAPdoor al 93 :dumb:

17th March 2013, 13:19
Prendiamo i soldi e le vesti se occupano 1 spazio in zaino, la corda gia l'abbiamo.
Poi andiamo al 93

17th March 2013, 14:08
Prendiamo le Corone (nel caso ci sia il vendor di RE4 da qualche parte :D) e le vesti!

Poi ovviamente :dumb:

@Rho: è jEsper ç_ç si sbagliano sempre tutti lol :D

Cleaving a path through the thick cobwebs proves more difficult than you anticipated. Sticky, rope-like strands soon cover you from head to foot and, to your horror, they begin to shrink. It is too late to evade this attack—you must fight for your life. The enemy is immune to Mindblast and Psi-surge. Owing to your restricted ability to move, reduce your COMBAT SKILL by 4 points for the duration of the combat.


If you win the fight, turn to 131.

Lol, uccisi dalle ragnatele (senza ragni) sarebbe secondo solo a "uccisi da una porta" :nod:

COMBAT RATING: +10 (no Mindshield e -4)

Roll...9 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0

Cutting yourself free from the last of the deadly strands, you race headlong up the stairs and out through the open portal. You discover that during the struggle you lost a Weapon and one item from your Backpack (erase a Weapon of your choice and the second item on your list of Backpack Items).


You find yourself standing in the ruins of a small storehouse. Through the shattered pane of glass of the solitary arched window, you can see the eerie outline of broken battlements and a fire-blackened tower. You are staring at the remains of Kazan-Oud.

Turn to 27.


Addio Quarterstaff e Lampspur ç_ç

Stepping carefully through the slime-smeared rubble, you stop for a moment to catch your breath and survey the shattered keep of Kazan-Oud. It is a desolate sight. Only stone buildings remain intact, and everything is covered with creepers and mildew. A great fire must have ravaged the inner fortress to have resulted in such total devastation.

In the centre of the keep stands the Great Hall, still an imposing stronghold and made all the more frightening by the constant flash of green lightning. Beyond its burnt and fungus-covered wooden door, twisted tree forms, with sharp, barbed thorns, sprawl across the cracked flagstones like coils of steel wire. You are about to enter when a movement in the air around your head arrests you. A shape is taking form in the doorway, a shadowy figure with flaming red eyes. An icy chill grips your heart as it sweeps past you with a swirling rush of wind. You spin round to see it hovering in the sky, its shadowy hand now gripping a great spiked ball and chain. It shrieks an unearthly cry, and the ball whistles down towards your unprotected face.

Illustration II—A shadowy figure with flaming red eyes is hovering in the sky, its hand gripping a great spiked ball and chain.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Psi-screen, turn to 38.

If you do not possess this skill, you must prepare to defend yourself, for there is no time to evade this sudden attack. Owing to the speed of the attack, deduct 3 points from your COMBAT SKILL total for the first three rounds of combat (unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Huntmastery).


If you win the combat, turn to 5.

Niente Psi-Screen, però abbiamo Huntmastery! COMBAT RATING: +10

Roll...0 :metal: (lol)
Lupo Solitario -0

Come dire...

The shadow flares red before dissolving into a dense grey mist that is carried away swiftly on the stormy air. A sudden chill makes you shiver. You pull your cloak around you, taking comfort from its warmth, but it is as if the cold comes not from the damp wind but from somewhere deep inside you.

You feel hungry and you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points. When you have finished, you make a quick check of your equipment before taking your first cautious steps inside the Great Hall.

Turn to 293.

Niente Meal, però ci mangiamo un paio di toponi con Huntmastery.

Stealthily, you cross the cracked, flagstoned floor of the Great Hall, your muscles and nerves tensed for the sounds of danger. The constant sound of dripping water and the howl of the storm add to the utter desolation of the chamber. A thorny jungle of briars climbs the walls with greedy claws, coiling around the rotten frames of paintings and weaving through damp and mouldering tapestries.

Suspended above the fireplace is a great Anarian broadsword, its pitted steel blade pointing to one side. Your eyes travel along the blade to the shadows of the fireplace, and you notice something lying in the grate. Moving nearer, you see that it is the body of a dead man. Behind it is a panel, wedged open by the corpse, and, peering into the gloomy opening, you can just make out some stairs disappearing down into the darkness.

Illustration XVII—The body of a dead man is lying in the fireplace; behind him, a panel is wedged open and you can just make out some stairs disappearing into the darkness.

If you wish to examine the dead body, turn to 146.

If you wish to explore the secret passage, turn to 11.

Mi sento stupido a chiedere, ma che si fa :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2):

Backpack (8): Rope, Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Red Robe

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (5), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 35

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 14:19
11 jeper 11

17th March 2013, 14:29

17th March 2013, 14:50
dat ass, examine body

17th March 2013, 14:53
Esamina ovviamente.

17th March 2013, 14:58
146,è già chino supino,lo si fotte meglio così :nod:

17th March 2013, 15:00


The first thing that you notice is the warrior’s lack of wounds: no sword cuts or arrow shafts pierce his armour. If it were not for the unmistakable smell of death, you could be forgiven for thinking that he was asleep. You turn the body over to take a look at his face and recoil in shock at the sight before you. The eyes are missing, leaving two ghastly black holes; the tongue hangs out, dark and swollen, and from the corners of the twisted mouth oozes a thick, greenish fluid. Filled with revulsion, you leave the body and step into the secret passage.

Turn to 11.

Lupo Solitario, fighetta Kai :truestory:

Descending the narrow staircase, you arrive at a tunnel-like corridor, sandwiched between two walls of mouldering masonry. Foul, oily water gurgles along a channel in the slippery floor towards a distant archway, which is blocked by a black iron portcullis. Bolted to the criss-crossed bars is a plaque which bears a curious design:


On the wall to your left is a large, rusty dial with a brass pointer. Set around it, like the numerals of a clock, are the numbers 1 to 40, and below the dial is a lever. Your basic Kai instincts tell you that by selecting the correct number, or numbers, and pulling the lever, you will open the portcullis.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 306.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Divination, turn to 167.

If you have neither of these skills, turn to 329.

Abbiamo Pathmanship!

Using your Discipline, you focus your attention on the strange triangular plaque fixed to the bars and, gradually, its purpose becomes clear. By finding the total number of triangles contained in the design and turning the pointer to the same number on the dial before pulling the lever, you will ensure that the portcullis opens safely.

When you think you have the answer, turn to the entry that bears the same number.

Maledizione! Non abbiamo preso Kai Grandgeometrymastery! Qual'è la risposta giusta? :nod:

PS: probabilmente se rispondiamo bene vinciano anche un Ipad :hidenod:

17th March 2013, 15:15


Edit: che poi mi piace che non dà alternative... cioè o la trovi o la trovi. Going back is not a solution :nod:

17th March 2013, 15:21
13 ipad miohh!

17th March 2013, 15:25


Edit: che poi mi piace che non dà alternative... cioè o la trovi o la trovi. Going back is not a solution :nod:

Certo che puoi tornare indietro , diciamo che io sono uno gnorri e ne conto solo 11 di triangoli , vai a pag 11 e controlla cosa succede :S

17th March 2013, 15:34

17th March 2013, 15:45

Comunque si, 11, cliccate QUI (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZZ7oFKsKzY) per il vostro IPAD 4 GRATIS!

The shriek of metal on metal reverberates along the tunnel as great iron cogs grind into action.3 Slowly, the portcullis rises into the roof. Wasting no time, you duck beneath the pointed bars and hurry into the passage beyond.

Rats flee, squeaking, as you stalk along the slippery flagstones. You wince as their claws rasp on the wet rock and their hairless tails furrow the stinking green slime that covers the surface of the tunnel floor. The passage widens as it approaches a staircase that leads down. Halfway down the stairs you disturb a colony of bats nesting in the ceiling. They squeal angrily and whirl around your head, battering you with their wings and nipping at your face with their sharp, needle-like teeth.

Illustration I—Halfway down the stairs you disturb a colony of bats nesting in the ceiling.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control or Psi-surge, turn to 180.

If you have neither of these skills, turn to 285.

Niente discipline ç_ç

The bats are ravenously hungry and have been stirred to a frenzy by the unexpected smell of their favourite food—warm human blood. It is too late to avoid combat; you must fight for your life if you are not to become their feast.

Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, you must double all ENDURANCE point losses you sustain during the fight, due to the bats’ poisonous saliva.


If you win the combat, turn to 161.

Almeno abbiamo Curing...COMBAT RATING: +11

Lupo Solitario -2
Vampire Bats -12

Lupo Solitario -0
Vampire Bats -18

Lupo Solitario -1 (31)
Vampire Bats -14 (morti!)

As the few remaining survivors whirl away into the darkness, you sheathe your weapon and kick aside the torn bodies of those who fell to your deadly blows. A stone room awaits you at the bottom of the stairs, featureless and bare except for a weapons’ rack hanging on the wall in the far corner. It holds a Spear and a Broadsword, both in remarkably fine condition. The torchlit tunnels offer an exit from this chamber: one descends to the north, the other to the east.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Pathsmanship, turn to 139.

If you wish to enter the north tunnel, turn to 187.

If you wish to enter the east tunnel, turn to 101.

Abbiamo Pathmanship!

Covering the floor of the north tunnel are myriad tiny animal tracks. Rats, mice, worms, and snakes—denizens common to every subterranean lair—have all left their mark upon the grime-encrusted flagstones. But the east tunnel bears no such markings. There the ground is smooth and undisturbed: not even a film of dust discolours the grey stone floor. Your senses warn you that this tunnel is more than it seems.

If you now wish to enter the east tunnel, turn to 101.

If you decide to take the north tunnel, turn to 187.

Accatto le armi che siamo senza...e poi, che si fa :D?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 33/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Spear, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Red Robe

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (5), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 35

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 15:50

17th March 2013, 16:01
Uuhh il misterioso tunnel dei misteri misteriosi!

Can't resist... 101

17th March 2013, 16:24
A corsa nell'istadeath 101

17th March 2013, 16:24
Tra i due quello piu a sinistra e' il nord, 187.

17th March 2013, 16:27
Manco a dirlo,tuffiamoci a braccia aperte e con doppio carpiato nel tunnel dell'instadeath! 101!
(il tutto a cazzo durerrimo eh)

17th March 2013, 16:33

Without any warning, a solid iron door slams down behind your back, sealing off the entrance to the chamber. The distant sound of rattling chains and sliding bolts makes your pulse quicken, and instinctively you reach for your weapon to defend yourself against a sudden attack. Several uneventful minutes pass before you relax your guard.

If you decide to find out where the tunnel leads, turn to 277.

If you wish to try to force open the iron door, turn to 214.

Ok, ora che si fa :D?

17th March 2013, 16:37
277 vediamo dove ci fa schiattare Dever!

17th March 2013, 16:38
No fear! 277

17th March 2013, 16:52
214 , notare come tutte le scelte di deffo ci mettono sempre nella merda :oro:

17th March 2013, 16:55
Alla pugna 277

17th March 2013, 16:56

17th March 2013, 17:18
214 , notare come tutte le scelte di deffo ci mettono sempre nella merda :oro:

Tsk sciocco Jambe, uomo di poca fede, seguitemi e vi condurrò alla vittoriah!


17th March 2013, 18:05
100! :laugh:

You have taken only a few steps when you hear a faint whispering sound. You watch, horrified, as the hard stone floor beneath your feet disappears into a yawning black hole. Helpless, you tumble into the void, knocking yourself unconscious on a jagged outcrop of rock as you plummet into unknown depths.

Turn to 164.


You regain consciousness with a start, reaching instinctively for your weapon lest danger be waiting to greet you. A dull throbbing fills your head as you sit up to take stock of your surroundings.

You find yourself on top of a mound of rotting vegetation, stacked high in the corner of a shadowy chamber. A harsh reptilian odour fills your nostrils: the unmistakable smell of snakes. As your vision clears, you notice, amid the slime that covers the floor, what appear to be undigested human bones. A rib cage, two skulls, and several vertebrae are illuminated by a shaft of light that descends from a grate in the ceiling. It flickers and, for a second, you catch a glimpse of a skull-like face through the iron bars. Fear wells up inside you as a chilling laugh pierces the silence. But it is not the sound of the cruel, inhuman laughter that freezes your blood, it is the sight of the colossal, wedge-shaped head that is rearing up through the mound on which you sit; it is the head of a gigantic snake.

Illustration IX—The colossal, wedge-shaped head of a gigantic snake rears up before you.

You leap to your feet and run to the far corner of the chamber, your heart pounding loudly in your ears. The snake rises up almost to the ceiling, its forked tongue flickering angrily below a single yellow eye which is set deep in the centre of its green scaly head. Once more the chamber echoes to cruel laughter as the monster shakes off its rotting nest and slithers forward.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control and have reached the Kai rank of Primate, turn to 137.

If you have a Bow and wish to use it, turn to 7.

If you have neither a Bow nor mastery of Animal Control, turn to 301.

Evito il voto inutile, perchè...

To your horror, you discover that the Quiver is completely empty. Your Arrows have fallen out and lie buried in the nest of vegetation upon which you awoke (erase these Arrows from your Action Chart).

With a cry of frustration, you shoulder your Bow and unsheathe a hand weapon as the snake draws itself back in preparation to strike.

Turn to 301.


The snake reveals its fangs. Like great curved broadswords glistening with venom, they shine coldly in the light that pours down through the grating high above. You grip your weapon, bracing your back against the wet stone wall and waiting for the right moment to strike. As the monstrous head sways awkwardly from side to side, you catch sight of a small tunnel cut out of the far wall, which was previously hidden from view by the snake and its nest. Your spirits are raised by the possibility of escaping from this nightmare, but first you must fight this hideous creature.

Unless you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, double all ENDURANCE points you lose during this combat due to the venomous bite of the monster.

Giant Hactaraton: COMBAT SKILL 22 ENDURANCE 60

After four rounds of combat you can attempt to evade the creature by crawling into the tunnel; turn to 91.

If you win the combat, turn to 21.

A quanto pare ce l'abbiamo fatta a raggiungere il botolone serpentone di prima :D

COMBAT RATING: +8 e abbiamo Curing!

Roll...0 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0
Giant Hactaraton -INSTAKILLATO!

Lol stiamo avendo un culo non indifferente con i roll...

A maniacal scream of anger echoes from behind the grating as the giant snake crashes lifelessly to the ground. Suddenly bolts of red fire are raining down all around you, splintering the stone floor and leaving nothing but molten cinders wherever they strike. You clamber across the snake and dive into the tunnel to avoid this rain of crimson death.

To your dismay, you discover the tunnel is no more than a shallow cave, a shelter for a clutch of eggs, each one no smaller than a barrel of ale. They rest upon a bed of packs and torn clothing, the last remains of adventurers who fell foul of the traps of Kazan-Oud.

If you wish to examine these items more closely, turn to 148.

If you wish to look for a way of escape from this tunnel, turn to 346.

Il padrone del Rancor pare non sia felice :sneer: In compenso questo significa che non possiamo recuperare le nostre frecce :saddest:

Domanda :dumb: Che si fa gente? :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Spear, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Red Robe

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (0), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 35

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 18:12

Vabbè tranquilli, ora ne usciamo... :look:

Esaminiamo i resti degli avventurieri precedenti, magari c'è qualche freccia...


17th March 2013, 18:38
notare ancora la scelta di deffo che quasi ci ammazza , grazie tanto alle " dita " magiche di josper che ci rollano bene , comunque quando c'e' una scelta tipo loot o va via puoi evitare di chiedere just go loot :dumb:

17th March 2013, 18:40
148 esaminiamo!

17th March 2013, 19:02
Loot! Just because :nod:

The eggs are warm, and you can feel tiny movements through the leathery shells. Carefully you roll them aside and sift through the debris of the nest; you discover several items of interest:
Mace (Weapons)
Padded Leather Waistcoat (Special Items) Adds 2 points to your ENDURANCE total when worn.
Sword (Weapons)
Helmet (Special Items) Adds 2 points to your ENDURANCE total when worn
Blanket (Backpack Items)
Bottle of Wine (Backpack Items)
Dagger (Weapons)
Potion of Laumspur (Backpack Items) Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed; enough for one dose.

If you take any of these items, remember to adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

The sound of a bolt and the creak of a dry hinge echoes from the chamber behind you, causing your pulse to race anew. Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 63.

If it is 5–9, turn to 346.

Ditemi cosa volete prendere :D e poi...


Desperately you tap the wall with the hilt of your weapon, praying for the dull, tell-tale thud of a thin or hollow partition through which you might effect an escape. The walls yield no such sound, but in the roof you discover an old trap-door hatch sealed off with bricks and mortar. The faint glimmer of light seeping through a hairline crack fills you with renewed hope.

With a flurry of blows the mortar crumbles and the bricks split and fall. Without waiting for the dust to settle, you climb through the jagged hole and emerge into a hall that is filled with a damp and earthy smell. Two rows of great stone pillars support the roof and a huge, granite sarcophagus stands in the centre of the floor. From within a black tunnel to your right, you hear the clanking of armour and the sound of approaching footsteps.

If you wish to hide behind one of the pillars, turn to 110.

If you wish to leave the hall by a tunnel to your left, turn to 201.

If you wish to lie in ambush for whatever is approaching the hall, turn to 319.

Scelte interessanti! E speriamo che le pietrone abbiamo sblattato le uova...

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 34/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Spear, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Red Robe

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (0), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 35

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 19:08
prendiamo la coperta il vino e la droga e poi 319

17th March 2013, 19:13
Essendoci un tunnel to your left, scelta obbligata 201.
Come oggetti prenderei il vino e il laumcoso.

17th March 2013, 19:16
abbiamo spazio lootiamo tutto , non si lascia nulla per terra >,>

17th March 2013, 19:23
Uppo Rho il contestatore, lottiamo tutto il lootabile, anche la carta igienica, e tendiamo un'imboscata a.... boh? Intanto tendiamola!


17th March 2013, 19:37
ma si tanto siamo dio (anche se mi sa che l'aura di culo prima o poi finisce...)


17th March 2013, 19:48

17th March 2013, 20:00
Coperta,vino,pozza e poi nascondiamoci dietro il pilastro con i nostri megapoteri Jed..ehm KAI!

17th March 2013, 20:11
Prendiamo la coperta, il vino e la droga e prepariamo il nostro travestimento da barbone per tendere un'imboscata a...

Taking up a position to one side of the tunnel, you press yourself flat against the wall and wait for the best moment to strike. Four warriors, dark and grim, march into the hall in single file. At first sight you mistake them for Drakkarim, for their black armour and skull-like helmets are identical to those worn by the evil human warriors who serve the Darklords of Helgedad. As you launch your attack, you see their features and realize that they cannot possibly be human. Great sloping shoulders support their unnaturally long arms; yellow-clawed hairy hands grip axes and spears of rough-wrought iron; and behind them swing long, tufted tails, like those of lions.

Your first blow shears through the backplate of the last warrior in the line, causing him to howl like a demon and collapse in a crumpled heap at your feet. The others spin to face you, their reactions battle-swift, their weapons raised to counter your threat. The leader throws open his visor to reveal a boar-like snout and tusks. He bellows a fearsome growl and stabs at you with his spear. The others echo his cry and close around you. You cannot evade combat and must fight all three as one enemy.

Zahda Beastmen: COMBAT SKILL 28 ENDURANCE 35

If you win the combat, turn to 56.

Beh dai, almeno sono solo 3...


Lupo Solitario -1 (33)
Zadha Beastmen -10 (25)

Lupo Solitario -2 (31)
Zadha Beastmen -9 (16)

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -5 (26)
Zadha Beastmen -4 (12)

Lupo Solitario -2 (24)
Zadha Beastmen -8 (4)

Roll...0 :metal:
Lupo Solitario -0 (24)
Zadha Beastmen -14 (morti!)

Swiftly you search the bodies of the slain Beastmen, looking for anything that could shed some light on the mysteries of the fortress. After emptying their packs and pockets, you sift through the following items:
2 Axes (Weapons)
1 Bow (Weapons)
2 Spears (Weapons)
1 Quiver with 4 Arrows (Special Items)
Enough food for 4 Meals (Meals)
Pouch of Herbs (Backpack Items)
Flask of Wine (Backpack Items)

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing and wish to identify the herbs, turn to 129.

If you wish to examine the sarcophagus, turn to 83.

If you wish to leave the hall by the tunnel to your left, turn to 201.

If you prefer to enter the tunnel from which the Beastmen appeared, turn to 323.


You recognize the herbs to be crushed Adgana leaves, a plant that grows in abundance in the Bavari Hills of northern Dessi. One dose is enough to increase your COMBAT SKILL by 6 points for the duration of a fight.

However, Adgana is shunned by most professional warriors and its use is outlawed in the Lastlands because it is highly addictive. If you decide to take this potion prior to combat, there is a small chance that you could become addicted. As soon as the combat is resolved, you must pick a number from the Random Number Table. If the number you pick is 0 or 1, you have become addicted and your ENDURANCE score must be reduced by 4 points. This reduction is a permanent loss to your basic ENDURANCE points score.

Should the opportunity to use a further dose of Adgana ever arise, its effect on that occasion will be only half that of the original dose (i.e. it will increase your COMBAT SKILL by 3 points instead of 6).

If you now wish to examine the sarcophagus, turn to 83.

If you wish to enter the tunnel from which the Beastmen appeared, turn to 323.

If you wish to leave the hall by the other tunnel, turn to 201.

O-o questa si che è droga...però 4EP persi permanenti è una bella inculata...

Ditemi cosa prendiamo dal bottino degli uomini bestia...e poi dove andiamo!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Primate

CS: 30 (Sommerswerd +8, Silver Helm +2, Shield +2, Mindblast +2, +1 Solaris)

EP: 26/34 (Padded Leather Waistcoat +2 EP, Chainmail +4, +3 Solaris)

Discipline Magnakai
- Pathmanship
- Invisibility
- Huntmastery
- Curing

Circoli completati
- Circle of Solaris (+1CS +3EP)

Weapons (2): Spear, Broadsword

Backpack (8): Rope, Alether (+2CS), Alether (+2CS), Red Robe, Blanket, Wine, Lampsur (cura 4 EP)

Special Items (12): Sommerswerd!, Dagger of Vashna, Padded Leather Waistcoat (+2 EP), Firesphere, Silver Helm (+2 CS), Chainmail (+4 EP), Shield (+2 CS), Jeweled Mace, Quiver (0), Silver Bow of Duadon, Power-Key

Money (50): 35

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)
- Inchiappato nel sonno da un agente dei Darklords (Libro II)
- Fatto Bunjee Jumping senza l'elastico insieme ad un Helghast (Libro II)
- Vittime di una Cantina (Libro IV)
- Tentacle-raped (Libro VII)
************************************************** ******

17th March 2013, 20:14
quiver e 323