View Full Version : [LET'S PLAY] Lupo Solitario - Nostalgia, nostalgia canaglia: il ritorno

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27th February 2013, 12:34
In questo thread troverete i primi 7 Libri della Serie; ciascuno dei libri successivi ha un thread a parte!

Siamo attualmente al Libro 20! Lo potete trovare QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109277&p=1964368#post1964368)

Primo Libro: Flight from the Dark QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&p=1928878&viewfull=1#post1928878)

Secondo Libro: Fire on the Water QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=13&p=1929698&viewfull=1#post1929698)

Terzo Libro: The Caverns of Kalte QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=31&p=1930468&viewfull=1#post1930468)

Quarto Libro: The Chasm of Doom QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=45&p=1930960&viewfull=1#post1930960)

Quinto Libro: Shadow on the Sand QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=58&p=1932052&viewfull=1#post1932052)


Sesto Libro: The Kingdoms of Terror QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=74&p=1933409&viewfull=1#post1933409)

Settimo Libro: Castle Death QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108393&page=94&p=1935283&viewfull=1#post1935283)

Ottavo Libro: The Jungle of Horrors QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108542&p=1936845&viewfull=1#post1936845)

Nono Libro: The Cauldron of Fear 9 QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108579&p=1938291&viewfull=1#post1938291)

Decimo Libro: The Dungeons of Torgar QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108611&p=1939851#post1939851)

Undicesimo Libro: The Prisoners of Time QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108637&p=1941035#post1941035)

Dodicesimo Libro: The Master of Darkness QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108687&p=1942805#post1942805)

Tredicesimo Libro: The Plague Lords of Ruel QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108760&p=1945091#post1945091)

Quattordicesimo Libro: The Captives of Kaag QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108802&p=1946634#post1946634)

Quindicesimo Libro: The Darke Crusade QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108854&p=1949170#post1949170)

Sedicesimo Libro: The Legacy of Vashna QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=108894&p=1950845#post1950845)

Diciassettesimo Libro: The Deathlord of Ixia QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109011&p=1954731#post1954731)

Diciottesimo Libro: Dawn of Dragons QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109094&p=1958576#post1958576)

Diciannovesimo Libro: Wolf's Bane QUI (http://www.wayne2k1.com/showthread.php?t=109168&p=1961374#post1961374)


Come qualcuno di voi si ricorderà, un paio di anni fa abbiamo giocato i primi 3 libri de "I Guerrieri della Strada" di Joe Dever sulle pagine di uein; il Let's Play si è poi arenato quando un cambio di lavoro mi ha impedito di proseguire (a metà del 3° libro, appunto) e le gesta di Spam Wolfenix, Guerriero della Strada, sono destinate a rimanere incompiute (dato che i libri sono rimasti in Italia).

Ora che ho nuovamente un impiego che mi consente di accedere a Wayne, potremmo però portare avanti LA saga di Joe Dever: Lupo Solitario.

Ma una cosa per volta; per chi non ha idea di cosa stiamo parlando, ecco una breve introduzione ai Libri Game, a Lupo Solitario e a "Come funziona un Let's Play"; nonchè la base che rende tutto questo legale per uein.


Un librogame o anche o libro-gioco è un'opera narrativa che invece di essere letta linearmente dall'inizio alla fine presenta alcune possibili alternative mediante l'uso di paragrafi o pagine numerate. Lettori diversi (o la stessa persona in occasione di una rilettura) potranno compiere scelte diverse e ciò condizionerà lo svolgimento e la fine della trama. Questo genere fu principalmente popolare negli anni ottanta.[3]
Nello specifico, Lupo Solitario rientra nella categoria di Libri Game dotati di una corpulenta componente RPG: non solo guideremo il nostro eroe nelle sue scelte, ma dovremo scegliere come "slivellare" (acquistando nuove abilità), troveremo mirabolanti oggetti magici e combatteremo nemici più o meno letali.

Non credo che questa serie di Libri Game abbia bisogno di molte presentazioni, data la sua immensa popolarità quando eravamo regazzini. In ogni caso, per chi se lo fosse perso, Lupo Solitario è una sorta di "Jedi Fantasy": fa parte di un antico ordine di monaci guerrieri dotati di incredibile perizia marziale, poteri mentali e abilità sovraumane in lotta con poteri malefici e soprannaturali (e si trova per motivi che vedremo a breve *SPOILER* ad essere l'ultimo del suo ordine).

Molto semplicemente, uno dei partecipanti (io) posta le sezioni del libro che gli altri partecipanti (voi) scelgono di esplorare. Ogni volta che si presenta una scelta (ES: se vuoi andare a destra, vai a pagina 123; se vuoi andare a sinistra, vai a pagina 456; se vuoi mangiarti un panino, vai a pagina 789) lascerò un certo quantitativo di tempo per votare. Non è necessario partecipare assiduamente o votare in ogni scelta: semplicemente, chi vuole (quando vuole) può partecipare alle decisioni. L'idea è ammazzare del tempo in ufficio. Per lo stesso motivo, gli update saranno frequenti (qualche volta al giorno), ma non immediati - a meno che non ci sia una partecipazione massiccia e sia evidente la volontà popolare di "andare avanti".

1) Siamo qui per divertirci: se qualcuno proprio non può astenersi dal fare spoiler, è pregato di usare l'apposito tag;
2) Il testo è in inglese. Questo perchè la scorsa volta dovevo scansionare a mano i libri game, hostare le scansioni e, in generale, diventare matto con la formattazione; questo non è possibile, oltretutto, dove lavoro adesso...quindi prenderò il testo gia formattato direttamente da ProjectAon. Il che ci porta a
3) Project Aon è un sito su cui sono hostati gratuitamente e per uso pubblico numerosi libri di Joe Dever - che nella sua magnificenza, ha deciso di renderli utilizzabili da chiunque voglia. La licenza d'uso è disponibile qui: http://www.projectaon.org/en/Main/License

************************************************** *******


You are Lone Wolf. In a devastating attack the Darklords have destroyed the monastery where you were learning the skills of the Kai Lords. You are the sole survivor.

In Flight from the Dark, you swear revenge. But first you must reach Holmgard to warn the King of the gathering evil. Relentlessly the servants of darkness hunt you across your country and every turn of the page presents a new challenge. Choose your skills and your weapons carefully—for they can help you succeed in the most fantastic and terrifying journey of your life.


In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.

The Kai monks are masters of their art, and the children in their charge love and respect them in spite of the hardships of their training. For one day when they have finally learnt the secret skills of the Kai, they will return to their homes equipped in mind and body to defend themselves against the constant threat of war from the Darklords of the west.

In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called ‘Sommerswerd’, the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

Now it is in the morning of the feast of Fehmarn, when all of the Kai Lords are present at the monastery for the celebrations. Suddenly a great black cloud comes from out of the western skies. So many are the numbers of the black-winged beasts that fill the sky, that the sun is completely hidden. The Darklords, ancient enemy of the Sommlending are attacking. War has begun.

On this fateful morning, you, Silent Wolf (the name given to you by the Kai) have been sent to collect firewood in the forest as a punishment for your inattention in class. As you are preparing to return, you see to your horror a vast cloud of black leathery creatures swoop down and engulf the monastery.

Dropping the wood, you race to the battle that has already begun. But in the unnatural dark, you stumble and strike your head on a low tree branch. As you lose consciousness, the last thing that you see in the poor light are the walls of the monastery crashing to the ground.

Many hours pass before you awake. With tears in your eyes you now survey the scene of destruction. Raising your face to the clear sky, you swear vengeance on the Darklords for the massacre of the Kai warriors, and with a sudden flash of realization you know what you must do. You must set off on a perilous journey to the capital city to warn the King of the terrible threat that now faces his people. For you are now the last of the Kai—you are now the Lone Wolf.


Questo è il corpo delle regole del libro; il tutto è abbastanza semplice ma, allo stesso tempo, abbastanza ampio rispetto alla media degli altri Libri Game. Le caratteristiche principali della scheda di Lupo Solitario sono:
- Abilità di Combattimento (COMBAT SKILL, CS): determina quanto il nostro eroe è abile a menare le mani. La nostra CS viene confrontata con quella del nostro nemico (o gruppo di nemici), e questo ci da un Modificatore di Combattimento (COMBAT RATING, CR); tirando un dado da 10, in base al CR, scopriremo l'esito di ogni round di combattimento (è più facile fatto che spiegato, in ogni caso!).
- Resistenza (ENDURANCE POINTS, EP): i punti ferita. Se scendono a 0, si muore.
- Discipline Kai (KAI DISCIPLINES): i nostri poteri Jedi! All'inizio del primo libro ne conosciamo 5 da una lista di 10. All'inizio di ogni nuovo libro ne scegliamo un'altra; inoltre le discipline guadagnano ulteriori poteri ad ogni libro (quindi anche quelle che abbiamo gia appreso diventano più potenti).
- Inventario: si divide in Armi (2 slot), Borsello (fino a 50 Corone d'Oro), Zaino (fino a 8 oggetti "normali"), Oggetti Speciali (fino a 12 oggetti "speciali").

Prima di iniziare a giocare, dobbiamo personalizzare il nostro Lupo Solitario!

I nostri punteggi di CS e EP sarebbero normalmente determinati casualmente, ovvero:
CS= 10+1d10 (10 vale 0)
EP= 20+1d10 (10 vale 0)
In alternativa, possiamo prendere dei punteggi "prefatti", ovvero:
- 15 CS, 25 EP
- 13 CS, 29 EP
- 17 CS, 21 EP

Come detto sopra, iniziamo il gioco con 5 di queste discipline! Votate!

Over the centuries, the Kai monks have mastered the skills of the warrior. These skills are known as the Kai Disciplines, and they are taught to all Kai Lords. You have learnt only five of the skills listed below. The choice of which five skills these are, is for you to make. As all of the Disciplines may be of use to you at some point on your perilous quest, pick your five with care. The correct use of a Discipline at the right time can save your life.

When you have chosen your five Disciplines, enter them in the Kai Disciplines section of your Action Chart.

This Discipline enables a Kai Lord to blend in with his surroundings. In the countryside, he can hide undetected among trees and rocks and pass close to an enemy without being seen. In a town or city, it enables him to look and sound like a native of that area, and can help him to find shelter or a safe hiding place.

This skill ensures that a Kai Lord will never starve in the wild. He will always be able to hunt for food for himself except in areas of wasteland and desert. The skill also enables a Kai Lord to be able to move stealthily when stalking his prey.

Sixth Sense
This skill may warn a Kai Lord of imminent danger. It may also reveal the true purpose of a stranger or strange object encountered in your adventure.

This skill enables a Kai Lord to make the correct choice of a path in the wild, to discover the location of a person or object in a town or city and to read the secrets of footprints or tracks.

This Discipline can be used to restore ENDURANCE points lost in combat. If you possess this skill you may restore 1 ENDURANCE point to your total for every numbered section of the book you pass through in which you are not involved in combat. (This is only to be used after your ENDURANCE has fallen below its original level.) Remember that your ENDURANCE cannot rise above its original level.

Upon entering the Kai Monastery, each initiate is taught to master one type of weapon. If Weaponskill is to be one of your Kai Disciplines, pick one of the following weapons: dagger, sword, spear, axe, mace, short sword, quarterstaff, warhammer, broad sword . This is the weapon in which you have skill. When you enter combat carrying this weapon, you add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL.

The fact that you are skilled with a weapon does not mean you set out on the adventure carrying that particular weapon. However, you will have opportunities to acquire weapons in the course of your adventures. If you pick the axe, you are lucky enough to be skilled in the one weapon Lone Wolf is carrying from the start of the adventure. (This will be explained fully in the Equipment section.)

The Darklords and many of the evil creatures in their command have the ability to attack you using their Mindforce. The Kai Discipline of Mindshield prevents you from losing any ENDURANCE points when subjected to this form of attack.

This enables a Kai Lord to attack an enemy using the force of his mind. It can be used at the same time as normal combat weapons and adds two extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. Not all the creatures encountered on this adventure will be harmed by Mindblast. You will be told if a creature is immune.

Animal Kinship
This skill enables a Kai Lord to communicate with some animals and to be able to guess the intentions of others.

Mind Over Matter
Mastery of this Discipline enables a Kai Lord to move small objects with his powers of concentration.

If you successfully complete the mission as set in Book 1 of Lone Wolf, you may add a further Kai Discipline of your choice to your Action Chart in Book 2. This additional skill, together with your five other skills and any Special Items that you have picked up in Book 1, may then be used in the next adventure of the Lone Wolf series which is called Fire on the Water.


You are dressed in the green tunic and cloak of a Kai initiate. You have little with you to arm yourself for survival.

All you possess is an Axe (note under Weapons on your Action Chart) and a Backpack containing 1 Meal (note under Meals on your Action Chart). Hanging from your waist is a leather pouch containing Gold Crowns. To find out how many, pick a number from the Random Number Table. This number equals the number of Gold Crowns you possess at the start of the adventure. (Note the number in the Belt Pouch section of the Action Chart.)

You discover amongst the smoking ruins of the monastery, a Map of Sommerlund (http://www.projectaon.org/en/xhtml-less-simple/lw/01fftd/map.png) (note under Special Items on the Action Chart) showing the capital city of Holmgard and the land of Durenor, far to the east. You place the Map inside your tunic for safety.

You also find two of the following: (Scegliete!)
- Sword (Weapons)
- Helmet (Special Items). This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.
- Two Meals (2 Backpack Items)
- Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total
- Mace (Weapons)
- Healing Potion (Backpack Item). This can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total, when swallowed after combat. You only have enough for one dose.
- Quarterstaff (Weapons)
- Spear (Weapons)
- 12 Gold Crowns (Belt Pouch)
- Broadsword (Weapons)

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Prima di iniziare, due parole di incoraggiamento dal nostro Joe Dever...

Your mission will be one of great danger, for the Darklords and their servants are a cruel and fierce enemy who give and expect no mercy. Use the map to help you steer a correct course for the capital. Make notes as you progress through the story, for they will be of great help in future adventures.

Many things that you find will aid you during the adventure. Some Special Items will be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures and others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so be selective in what you decide to keep.

There are many routes to the King, but only one involves a minimum of danger. With a wise choice of Kai Disciplines and a great deal of courage, any player should be able to complete the mission, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL or ENDURANCE points score.

The honour and memory of the Kai Lords will go with you on your perilous journey.

Good luck!

27th February 2013, 13:06
sono niubbo di queste cose ma ci provo :D

CS e EP io andrei di random con d10 oppure 15 CS 25 EP


Two Meals
12 Gold Crowns

parola d'ordine: non morire! :D

27th February 2013, 13:27
tranquillo, i Libri Game erano fatti per un pubblico di adolescenti brufolosi degli anni 80 :D (anche se a volte sono bastardi in maniera malefica)...

27th February 2013, 13:29
17 CS, 21 EP

Sixth Sense

- Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total
- Helmet (Special Items). This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.

27th February 2013, 13:41
15 CS, 25 EP

Sixth Sense
Animal Kinship
Mind Over Matter

Two Meals

27th February 2013, 13:54
Intanto Jesper grazie :D


1- CS= 10+1d10 (10 vale 0); EP= 20+1d10 (10 vale 0)
2- CS= 17; EP=21

se vuoi rollare i dadi altrimenti la 2 :D


1- Hunting
2- Healing
3- Mindblast
4- Weaponskill
5- Mindshield


1- Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total
2- Helmet (Special Items). This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.

parola d'ordine; Me rode il culo!!!

27th February 2013, 14:10
Ahah maddechè, si passa il tempo in ufficio :D

Btw, un bentornato ai membri dello scorso let's play e un benvenuto ai nuovi ;)

Un breve riassunto delle votazioni per ora:

2 x 15/25
2 x 17/21

4 x Healing
4 x Mindshield
3 x Camouflage
2 x Hunting
2 x Sixth Sense
1 x Tracking
1 x Mindblast
1 x Animal Kinship
1 x Mind Over Matter
1 x Weaponskill

3 x Chainmail
2 x Two Meals
2 x Helmet
1 x 12 Gold Crowns

lascerei le votazioni aperte ancora per un po'...Diciamo che se nessun altro si fa vivo per le 3 (e/o nessuno cambia voti), apro uno spareggio per le opzioni in pareggio!

27th February 2013, 15:55
Ok, visto che non ci sono nuovi voti, ecco la lista delle nostre Discipline Kai!

Sixth Sense

Prima di cominciare, dobbiamo decidere quale opzione scegliere per CS ed ED; per quanto riguarda l'equipaggiamento, il primo oggetto è la Chainmail; e c'è da fare lo spareggio tra le 2 razioni di cibo e l'elmo!

Per evitare di perdere troppo tempo, direi che la prima opzione a ricevere un voto vince! Votate!!!111!1one!

27th February 2013, 16:04
2 meals

sarò probabilmente lurker in sto thread però

27th February 2013, 16:04
Direi elmo visto che hunting in teoria ti procura cibo.

27th February 2013, 16:07
Direi elmo visto che hunting in teoria ti procura cibo.
non ha più senso alzare EP con le stats di partenza e prendere un item diverso?

con il tuo setup saresti 17 CS 27 EP

partendo diverso avresti 15 CS 29 EP 2 meals

insomma il totale di punti è uguale ma hai items in più

27th February 2013, 16:11
WB Miave :D Siamo tutti lurker in sto thread (a parte me magari lol), np ;)

Come detto vince il primo voto, quindi si va con 25/15 e 2 pasti! (in alcune sezioni non potremo usare hunting per mangiare...e a volte dovremo scegliere degli oggetti da "eliminare" dall'inventario, quindi anche i 2 pasti non sono inutili)

Si comincia!

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iRrRW6LQQ9w/TlFgK1uo5KI/AAAAAAAAAPs/gg-bgZ5JA7g/s1600/FlightfromtheDark.jpg http://www.dazeland.com/images/Livres/Flight_from_the_Dark.jpg

You must make haste for you sense it is not safe to linger by the smoking remains of the ruined monastery. The black-winged beasts could return at any moment. You must set out for the Sommlending capital of Holmgard and tell the King the terrible news of the massacre: that the whole élite of Kai warriors, save yourself, have been slaughtered. Without the Kai Lords to lead her armies, Sommerlund will be at the mercy of their ancient enemy, the Darklords.

Fighting back tears, you bid farewell to your dead kinsmen. Silently, you promise that their deaths will be avenged. You turn away from the ruins and carefully descend the steep track.

At the foot of the hill, the path splits into two directions, both leading into a large wood.

If you wish to use your Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 141.

If you wish to take the right path into the wood, turn to 85.

If you wish to follow the left track, turn to 275.

Una domanda: in genere le opzioni date dalle discipline sono "migliori" delle opzioni standard...volete che in questi casi mi fermi e chieda, o procedo direttamente?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15/17 con Mindblast

EP: 29/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Ascia

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP)

Money (50): /

************************************************** ******

27th February 2013, 16:12
Ho il libro qua accanto , date fiducia ad animal kinship :sneer:

D'oh so arrivato un secondo tardi , se e' una disciplina scelta vai dritto imho

27th February 2013, 16:15
Ho il libro qua accanto , date fiducia ad animal kinship :sneer:

D'oh so arrivato un secondo tardi , se e' una disciplina scelta vai dritto imho

too late to cheat!

e a sto punto direi sixth sense?

27th February 2013, 16:22
Ok, allora se ci sono opzioni "da disciplina" senza scelta, procedo automaticamente! Se per voi va bene direi che, sopratutto se gli update sono piccoli, potremmo procedere quando si verifica la prima delle seguenti opzioni:

- almeno 3 voti di vantaggio per un'opzione

- 30 minuti senza nuovi post, nel caso ci sia un vantaggio per una delle opzioni

Your Sixth Sense has warned you that some of the creatures that attacked the monastery are searching the two paths for any survivors of their raid, but you can avoid both tracks by making your way through the undergrowth of the woods.

If you wish to head south, turn to 56.

Or if you wish to cut through the heavier foliage towards the northeast, turn to 333.

A voi la scelta!

27th February 2013, 16:32

27th February 2013, 16:33

27th February 2013, 16:35
Tagliare a Nord est 333, chi non risica non rosica...

27th February 2013, 16:37
Weapons (2): Ascia

Backpack (8): Chainmail (+4EP), Meal, Meal

Special Items (12): /

Money (50): /

1- Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total
2- Helmet (Special Items). This adds 2 ENDURANCE points to your total.

Magari mi sbaglio ma la chainmail non va negli oggetti speciali?

si taglia, 333 :D

27th February 2013, 16:37
You have cut your way through the thick undergrowth for nearly half an hour when you hear the beat of wings high above the trees. Looking up you can just make out the shape of a Kraan approaching from the north. It is one of the monsters that attacked the monastery and on its back are two grey-skinned creatures armed with long spears.

These are Mountain Giaks—evil servants of the Darklords, full of hatred and malice. Many centuries ago, their ancestors were used by the Darklords to build the infernal city of Helgedad, which lies in the volcanic wastelands beyond the Durncrag range of mountains. The construction of the city was long and torturous and only the strongest of the Giaks survived the heat and poisonous atmosphere of Helgedad.

Hidden by the trees, you freeze, keeping absolutely still as the Kraan passes overhead and disappears towards the south. When you are sure that it has gone, you move off once again into the forest.

Turn to 131.

aggiorno fino a che non arriviamo a una scelta. Loading...

You have covered about a quarter of a mile when you hear shouting and a noise like thunderclaps ahead. Edging nearer, you soon make out a clearing that you recognize to be the site of the ruins of Raumas, an ancient forest temple.

A war party of Giaks, some twenty-five to thirty strong, are attacking the ruins from all sides. Many more of the Giaks are dead or dying among the broken pillars of marble, but still they assault whatever is hidden inside. Suddenly, a bolt of blue lightning rips through the front rank of Giaks sending the armour-clad creatures tumbling in all directions. A Giak, taller than the others and dressed from head to foot in black chainmail, curses at his troops as he whips them forward with a barbed flail.

With weapon ready, you move to the edge of the clearing, under cover of the thick foliage, and try to catch a glimpse of the defenders. To your amazement, the ruins are being defended by a young man no older than yourself. You recognize his sky-blue robes, embroidered with stars. He is a young theurgist of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran: an apprentice in magic.

Illustration IX—A young theurgist of the Magicians’ Guild of Toran.

Five Giaks charge forward, their spears raised to stab the apprentice as he hurriedly retreats deeper into the ruins. You see him turn and raise his left hand just before a bolt of blue flame shoots from his fingertips into the snarling Giak soldiers. Close to where you are hidden, you see a Giak scuttle past and climb one of the pillars of the temple. He has a long curved dagger in his mouth and he is about to jump on the young wizard standing below.

If you wish to shout a warning to the wizard, turn to 241.

If you wish to run forward and attack the Giak when he jumps, turn to 55.

If you wish to pick up a chunk of temple marble and throw it at the Giak’s head, turn to 302.

Or if you would rather turn and leave the battle area and run back into the woods, turn to 101.

Le illustrazioni sembrano uscite dal manuale di heroquest lol...comunque: che si fa? :D

EDIT: ops...la Chainmail è effettivamente speciale...la ripongo tra le cose nostre più care.

27th February 2013, 16:47
If you wish to run forward and attack the Giak when he jumps, turn to 55.

Cazzo lo manchiamo di sicuro ma è troppo stiloso l'intercetto :D

27th February 2013, 16:47
302!! "occhio di falco" lupo solitario

27th February 2013, 17:05
Che cazzo siamo, lupi o conigli??

55!! Al grido di FOR TEH REALM!!1!!

27th February 2013, 17:07

27th February 2013, 17:11
Che cazzo siamo, lupi o conigli??

55!! Al grido di FOR TEH REALM!!1!!

appunto, CONIGLIO SOLITARIO suona male :nod:

27th February 2013, 17:12
302, se scegliamo di attaccare quando il giak salta e per sbaglio l'omino teurgo panica e fulmina noi non è bellissimo

27th February 2013, 17:24
Ok, 302 si aggiudica 3 voti! Occhio di Lupofalco Solitario alla riscossa:

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–2, turn to 110.

If the number is 3–9, turn to 285.

Roll...2 (lol)

You quickly take aim and hurl the rock at the Giak’s head as hard as you can, but to your horror the creature ducks and the rock arcs harmlessly over its back. You must act immediately to save the wizard.

Turn to 55.

manco a farlo apposta, si va all'arrembaggio! FOR TEH REALM!!!

Just as the Giak makes his leap, you race forward and strike out with your weapon—knocking the creature away from the young wizard’s back.

You jump onto the struggling Giak and strike again. Due to the surprise of your attack, add 4 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this fight but remember to deduct it again as soon as the fight is over.


If you win, turn to 325.

COMBAT RATING: +12 (+2 mindblast, +4 sopresa)
Roll: 3 (ammazza che culo...)
Lone Wolf -2
Giak -11 (morte)

Upon seeing you emerge from the woods, the Giak officer shouts ‘Ogot! Ogot!’ to his cowering troops, who flee the ruins and run to the safety of the forest.

Shaking his mailed fist at you, the black-clad Giak screams, ‘RANEG ROGAG OK—ORGADAKA OKAK ROGAG GAJ!’ before leaving. Surveying the scene of battle, you count over fifteen Giak dead lying among the broken pillars of Raumas.

The young wizard wipes his brow and walks towards you, his hand extended in friendship.

Turn to 349.

Nota curiosa: il linguaggio Giak è "reale", ovvero, non sono parole a caso...nel mondo ci sono pure dei matti che sanno esattamente cosa stanno dicendo i Giak in ogni frase Se siete curiosi, probabilmente su google qualcosa si trova facilmente...

He is a young blond-haired youth with deep brooding eyes. His face is lined with exhaustion and the grime of battle, and his long sky-blue robes bear evidence of living rough in the wilds. He shakes your hand and bows. ‘My eternal thanks, Kai Lord. My powers are nearly drained. Had you not come to my aid, I fear I would have ended my days atop a Giak lance.’

He is weak and unsteady on his feet. You take his arm and sit him down upon a fallen pillar where you listen intently to what he has to say.

‘My name is Banedon. I am journeyman to the Brotherhood of the Crystal Star, which is the Magicians’ Guild of Toran. My Guildmaster has sent me to your monastery with this urgent message.’ He removes a vellum envelope from inside his robes and hands it to you.

‘As you see, I have opened the letter and read its contents. When the war started, I was on the highway with two travelling companions. The Kraan attacked us and we lost each other in the forest during our escape.’

The letter is a warning to the Kai Lords that the Darklords have mustered a vast army beyond the Durncrag Range. The Guildmaster urges the Kai to cancel the celebrations of Fehmarn and prepare for war.

‘I fear we were betrayed,’ says Banedon, his head bowed in sorrow.

‘One of my order, a brother called Vonotar, had explored the forbidden mysteries of the Black Art. Ten days ago he denounced the Brotherhood and killed one of our Elders. He has since disappeared. It is rumoured that he now aids the Darklords.’

You tell Banedon what has happened at the monastery, and of your mission to warn the King. Silently, he removes a gold chain from around his neck and hands it to you. On the chain is a small Crystal Star Pendant. ‘It is the symbol of my Brotherhood, and we are both truly brothers in this hour of darkness. It is a talisman of good fortune—may it protect you on your road ahead.’

You thank him, place the chain around your neck, and slip the Crystal Star4 inside your shirt. (Remember to mark this on your Action Chart.)

Banedon bids you farewell. ‘We must leave this place lest the Giaks return with more of their loathsome kind to put an end to us. I must return to my Guild. I bid you farewell, my brother. May the luck of the gods go with you.’

Turn to 293.

With a wave of his hand, Banedon leaves the ruins and you continue your mission, pushing on through the thick woods ahead. You have not gone far when you realize several pairs of yellow eyes are watching you from the undergrowth to your left. Suddenly, a black arrow skims the top of your head. It is a Giak ambush and you must run as fast as you can to escape it.

Turn to 281.

As you race through the trees you can hear the horrible cackle of the Giaks close behind you. Soon the trees start to thin out and directly ahead you can see a rocky hillside.

If you break cover and climb up the hill, turn to 311.

If you change direction and continue your run through the forest, turn to 77.

Che famo? PS: Grazie a Healing siamo gia full :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15/17 con Mindblast

EP: 29/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Ascia

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant

Money (50): /

************************************************** ******

27th February 2013, 17:32
77, uscire allo scoperto è too risky, abbiamo anche camouflage, io dico di continuare e provare a seminarli nella wilderness :O

27th February 2013, 17:33
Dopo il "for the realm!" direi azione conigliosa ma anche di studio quindi 77

27th February 2013, 17:33

27th February 2013, 17:48
ok, ci hiddiamo al 77!

The Mountain Giaks are unaccustomed to pursuing their prey through forests and you soon outdistance them, until finally the sound of their grunts and curses disappears completely.

When you are satisfied that they have given up the chase, you stop for a few minutes to catch your breath and check your equipment. With the memory of your ruined monastery still blazing in your mind, you gather up your meagre belongings and push on.

Turn to 19.

Just ahead through the tall trees you can see clumps of dark-red gallowbrush, a thorny briar with sharp crimson barbs. The common name for this forest weed is ‘Sleeptooth’, for the thorns are very sharp and can make you feel weak and sleepy if they scratch your skin.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 69.

You can avoid the Sleeptooth by returning to the track. Turn to 272.

Or you can push on through the briars, deeper into the forest, by turning to 119.

Ok, non abbiamo Tracking! Quindi, evitiamo la piantavalium o tentiamo di passarci in mezzo?

27th February 2013, 18:11
272, non rischierei i meandri di Sleeptooth.

27th February 2013, 18:23
Prudenza perdere pf può essere uno svantaggio, se arrivi al wall coi debuff rischi di cadere preda delle ombre 272 per me

27th February 2013, 18:27
up 272, scelta logica

27th February 2013, 18:35
180° indietro e torniamo nel canalone!

Keeping a watchful eye on the sky above, you move quickly along the track. You recall that this route leads to Fogwood, a small cluster of huts that have been used by a family of charcoal burners for nearly fifty years. After twenty minutes you reach the edge of a clearing where the huts are grouped in a small circle. There is no sign of the usual mist of wood smoke which gives Fogwood its apt name, and the huts are unusually quiet.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Tracking, you may turn to 134.

If you do not possess this skill, you prepare your weapon and stealthily approach the huts. Turn to 305.

Ci piglia per il culo :D

Through the open doorway of the first hut, you can see the body of a charcoal burner lying face down on the rough stone floor. He has been murdered, stabbed in the back by a spear. All his furniture and belongings have been smashed and broken and not one piece remains intact.

This is the evil handiwork of Giaks without any doubt, for they delight in the destruction of all things. A quick check of the other huts reveals a similar story of murder and wreckage. In the last hut that you search, you discover a Giak Spear—proof of your suspicions. You may keep this Weapon if you wish.

More determined than ever now to succeed in your mission, you continue along the track.

Turn to 105.

In the distance, perched on the branch of an old oak tree is a jet-black raven.
If you have the Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, you may call to this bird by turning to 298.

If you do not possess this skill, or if you do not wish to use it, turn to 335.

Niente pet per noi!

As you approach, the black bird flies off above the trees and soon disappears from view. You search the tree on which it was perched but find nothing unusual. Rather than waste any more precious time, you continue off along the track.

Turn to 121.

After a few minutes walking you see a stranger, clad in red, standing in the centre of the track ahead. He has his back towards you, and his head is covered by the hood of his robes. Perched on his outstretched arm is the black raven that you saw earlier.

Illustration VIII—Perched on his outstretched arm is the black raven that you saw earlier.

If you wish to call the stranger, turn to 342.

If you wish to approach the stranger cautiously, turn to 309.

If you would rather draw your weapon and attack, turn to 283.

Mmm un misterioso uomo del mistero! Che si fa?
PS: raccattiamo la lancia?

27th February 2013, 18:42
se prendiamo l'arma è in vista o no?
nel senso... una free weapon è una free weapon, ma se poi veniamo attaccati perchè credono siamo giak non mi pare una grandissima idea.

per la scelta, 309

27th February 2013, 18:43
Gioco di stealt è sicuramente un ombra al wall, 309

27th February 2013, 18:44
Se l'arma non comporta problemi si piglia, un si sa mai.

If you wish to approach the stranger cautiously, turn to 309.

27th February 2013, 18:44
In genere quello che trasportiamo è in vista, a meno che non sia specificato altrimenti.

You have taken less than ten paces when the raven squawks a warning to the stranger. Turning to face you, the robed creature utters a piercing screech that freezes your blood and grips your stomach with fear and panic. It is a Vordak, a lieutenant of the Darklords and one of the undead. Within seconds, a host of Giaks appear at its side and attack you. You fight bravely but you are greatly outnumbered.

The last thing you remember is the icy grasp of the Vordak’s skeletal fingers as they close around your throat.

Your life and your mission end here.

Cos...com...eh? DEVEEEEEEEEEEEER!! Alla fine, il party hiddato c'era davvero! E c'era pure l'esca non hiddata lol

Ok questa credo sia l'instadeath più imbecille e gratuita dell'intera saga lol :D Probabilmente è qui per dare l'idea che in sti libri si può morire...

Ciò detto: come agiamo in caso di morte? La soluzione più semplice è senz'altro segnare una "tacca" sul mortometro e scegliere un'altra opzione. Se preferite, però, possiamo anche fare un rewind a un punto precedente e procedere da li.

Oltre a questo: prendiamo la lancia o no, alla fine? Ci sono 2 "forse" per ora :D

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15/17 con Mindblast

EP: 29/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Ascia

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant

Money (50): /

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

27th February 2013, 18:50
Fanculo l'arma in terra va presa, mai lasciare un drop

27th February 2013, 18:58
si loota sempre

27th February 2013, 18:59
Ok, prendiamo la lancia :D Come la mettiamo con il party hiddato?

Facciamo un reload dal 121 e scegliamo un'altra opzione, o rewindiamo a un altro punto prima?

27th February 2013, 19:08
Che ve avevo detto del party hidddato, il problkema e lo dissi anche a Dever ai suoi tempi se hai abilità (come six sense, campuflage, hunting) un dubbio su ste trappole ridicole dovrebbe essere implicito che se ti avvicini in stealt sei stealtato, o almeno non ci caschi come un frescone, bhè in caso vogliate fare una corpse run e reimbucare al cimitero direi che la mia opzione è Kill Kill, revenge kill, quindi 283, rimuoriamo di sicuro e si risuka, poi alla seconda corpse run 342 e fargli un /wave da lontano prima di intuire la trappola e rinconiglirsi nel bosco.

27th February 2013, 19:15
Quando la luna è in trigono con urano, Dever si dimentica delle Discipline :D

Succede raramente, per fortuna; e quando succede, in genere, ha esiti mortali/esilaranti. Quando saremo praticamente Superman, alcune di queste istamorti saranno ancora più lollose :D

Cmq, per ora 1 voto per aggrare!

27th February 2013, 19:24
lo sapevo che la soluzione barbara era la migliore, ma qua siamo un banda di donnicciole!!!!!

If you would rather draw your weapon and attack, turn to 283.

si more con onore almeno cazzo!

27th February 2013, 19:26
Ma non ho parole, vi lascio soli per un'oretta e il pg muore, peeehhh!!

Cmq sì è un'instadeath davvero meh, gg Dever.

Io cmq voto per chiamarlo, 342.

Aggrare visti gli sviluppi mi sa che non ha senso, se invece rimaniamo lontani magari ci dice di culo e riusciamo a scappare (again.. -.-)

Edit: tra l'altro ricordi vecchi di 25 anni affiorano alla mente, ci rimasi anche la prima volta che ci giocai, e anche allora pensai "c'at vgness un'azidènt Giò Dever!" (se volete traduco ma penso si intuisca :D)

27th February 2013, 19:33
Per ora 2 voti per aggrare e 1 per pullare!

PS:Ahahah ma Deffo vedo solo ora che sei di Bologna :D Io sono natio di Cesena lol!

27th February 2013, 19:42
Per ora 2 voti per aggrare e 1 per pullare!

PS:Ahahah ma Deffo vedo solo ora che sei di Bologna :D Io sono natio di Cesena lol!

I know :D

Ma se si muore in combat che si fa? :look:

Si reloada il bivio precedente o si riprova il combattimento finchè non ci si riesce? (cosa un po no-sense imho)

Per la cronaca io ripartivo dall'inizio tutte le volte che schiattavo ma capisco che sia un pelo ingestibile qua.

27th February 2013, 19:57
Se si muore in combat direi di gestirla in maniera simile: o si ricombatte, o si rewinda a un punto precedente. Questo non toglie che faremo tutto il possibile per evitare di schiattare!

Giocandolo "a mano" ovviamente si può agire con più libertà, qui temo non sarebbe troppo divertente :D

PS: se vi viene in mente qualsiasi penalità da infliggerci in caso di morte, siete liberi di proporre!
PPS: tra 2 minuti vado a casa, quindi se il popolo lo reclama potrebbe esserci un update serale o due; altrimenti vi lascio votare fino a domattina ;)

27th February 2013, 20:07
- tira fuori il nr.1 di Lupo Solitario dalla vetrina dei libri sacri-

voto per attaccarlo al 283.

E soprattutto, quest'anno dovrebbe uscire il videogame di lone wolf,peccato sia solo per tablet per via dei costi di sviluppo, ma gg requisisco l'ipad alla sorellina :sneer:
Per le morti direi di tornare indietro di 1-2 capitoli/bivio/tiro di dado

27th February 2013, 20:21
- tira fuori il nr.1 di Lupo Solitario dalla vetrina dei libri sacri-

Ammetto di averlo fatto anch'io ma così non vale :D

27th February 2013, 20:31
giusto per sentire il profumo ç_ç

27th February 2013, 20:59
283 inca inca!
chissà cazzo droppa questo yummmm

(sì lo so che rimoriamo come degli stronzi)

27th February 2013, 21:35

You are only ten feet or so away from the robed stranger when the raven squawks a warning to its master who instantly spins around. You are frozen in your tracks by the hideous apparition of a Vordak, a lieutenant of the Darklords and one of the undead. You must fight him.

Due to the surprise of your attack, you may add 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the first round of combat only.

Unless you have the Kai Discipline of Mindshield, deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the second and subsequent rounds of fighting, for the creature is attacking you with the power of its Mindforce as well as with a large black mace!


If you win, turn to 123.

as well as with a large black mace

COMBAT RATING: +2 (primo round) / 0 (successivi) - perchè abbiamo Mindshield!

Lone Wolf -0
Vordak -14

Lone Wolf -1
Vordak -9

Lone Wolf -3 (25)
Vordak -6 (morto)

Gankato per benino!

As the creature dies, its body slowly dissolves into a vile green liquid. You notice that all of the grass and the plants beneath the smoking fluid are beginning to shrivel and die. A large valuable looking Gem lies on the ground near to the decaying body.

Further along the track you can see a large war party of Giaks running towards you.

If you wish to take the Gem, turn to 304.

If you would rather leave it and run, turn to 2.

Loot! O non Loot? Questo è il dilemma!

27th February 2013, 21:49
l'abbiamo segato per il loot, che lo lasciamo per terra ora? dai raccatta su :D

27th February 2013, 21:54
Ok, e loot sia! :D

magno poi butto su altro update

27th February 2013, 22:39
Nuoooooo corri forrest!!! 2

27th February 2013, 22:46

EDIT: lol Bortas, hai postato mentre stavo componendo l'update :D

The Gem feels incredibly hot and burns your hand. Lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

You quickly pick it up with the edge of your Kai cloak and slip this Vordak Gem into your Backpack. A Gem that size must be worth hundreds of Crowns. But the Giaks are very close and their arrows whistle past your head as you turn and run for the safety of the forest.

Turn to 2.

Il Loot è sempre Loot.

As you dash through the thickening trees, the shouts of the Giaks begin to fade behind you. You have nearly outdistanced them completely, when you crash headlong into a tangle of low branches.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If you have picked a number 0–4, turn to 343.

If you have picked a number 5–9, turn to 276.


You are held by the mass of tangled branches and roots. Eventually you free your right hand, grab your weapon, and hack your way slowly through the foliage to the clearer forest beyond. Your cloak is torn in several places and your left arm is cut and badly bruised above the elbow.

Lose 2 ENDURANCE points and turn to 213.

Certo che fin'ora i dadi non ci hanno aiutato troppo eh :D

You have been trudging through the forest for nearly two hours. The nagging fear that you are lost begins to seem a reality. Apart from the occasional cry of a Kraan in the far distance, you have seen or heard no evidence that the enemy is in this part of the forest. As you descend a rocky hillock, you see something unusual in the tangled woods ahead.

Turn to 331.

Surrounded by thorny briars and closely packed roots, you see the entrance of a tunnel disappearing into the hillside beyond. It is approximately seven feet in height and just over ten feet wide. As you get closer, you can feel a slight breeze coming from the inky blackness. If the other end of this tunnel emerges on the far side of the hill, it could save you many hours of difficult climbing. But it could also harbour unknown danger.


If you wish to enter the tunnel, turn to 170.

If you would prefer to climb the hillside, turn to 280.

Ok ragazzuoli! Avete tempo fino a domattina per decidere se ci imbuchiamo o no!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15 (17 con Mindblast)

EP: 26/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Spear

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): /

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

27th February 2013, 23:11
280 , basta cercare di fare i ninja e poi crepare come merde .

27th February 2013, 23:17
Ingresso dungeon 170, siamo Lupo solitario o educande...

28th February 2013, 00:10
Entriamo 170.

28th February 2013, 01:12
entriamo! 170

28th February 2013, 01:43
c'è un buco, io ci voglio entrare :v 170

28th February 2013, 02:16
Vedere un dungeon e non entrarci non esiste.

170 hands down!

28th February 2013, 09:33

cribbio! (cit.) pensavo fosse un gioco da ufficio! siamo gia morti due volte :P

cmq... in amore e in guerra ogni buco e' trincea!


28th February 2013, 10:15
Come due volte! :D

Preparate la vasella perche appena arrivo in ufficio (fuso orario permettendo) abbiamo un buco da esplorare! (ETA 50min)

28th February 2013, 10:18
Merda! Che mi ero perso! Ci sono anche ioooh!
Nel buco for ever and ever!

28th February 2013, 10:20
non posso esimermi dal partecipare!

Abbiamo trovato l'entrata del POC, si entra senza discutere

28th February 2013, 10:38
Siete delle fighette, andava gankato subito il merda :nod:

170 e non voglio sentire storie :D

bel libro comunque, perdiamo pf anche a respirare cavolo :sneer:

28th February 2013, 11:13
Si magnerà una razione della minchia che le abbiamo prese a fare...

28th February 2013, 11:37
Fortunatamente abbiamo scelto Healing :D La prima volta che ho giocato sto libro ho detto "PEEEH PROPLAYER CHI HA BISOGNO DI HEALING SARO' SUPER NINJA" e sono morto per attrito a metà libro lol :D

Cmq, nel dungeon!

The tunnel is dark and the air is much cooler than outside. You carefully advance with one hand on the tunnel wall to aid your sense of direction. You have been in total darkness for three minutes when you detect the foul smell of decay ahead, similar to rotting meat. If you have a Torch and Tinderbox in your Pack, you may light the Torch to see your way ahead.

Suddenly, something heavy drops from the tunnel ceiling onto your back and you fall to your knees. It is a Burrowcrawler and you must fight it, for it is trying to strangle you with its long slimy tentacles.

Illustration XI—It is a Burrowcrawler and it is trying to strangle you.

Burrowcrawler: COMBAT SKILL 17 ENDURANCE 7

If you do not have a torch, deduct 3 points from your COMBAT SKILL during this fight. The Burrowcrawler is immune to Mindblast and Animal Kinship.

If you win, turn to 319.


COMBAT RATING: -5 (No Mindblast, -3 perchè non abbiamo la torcia)

Lone Wolf -2
Burrowcrawler -7 (morto)

Mi rimangio quello che ho detto prima sui roll :D In Combat abbiamo avuto un gran culo, per lo meno!

The slimy creature lets out a long, ghastly death-cry and collapses. You are near to panic and scramble to your feet, grabbing what you think to be your belt from the jaws of the dead beast. You can see light in the far distance, and you sprint for it as fast as you can. When you finally emerge into the daylight, you fall onto the leafy ground and fight for breath in painful gasps.

Slowly sitting upright, you notice that you are still wearing your belt—you had not lost it after all. What you grabbed from the jaw of the Burrowcrawler was a leather strap with a small pouch and a sheathed Dagger halfway along it. You break open the clasp to find it contains 20 Gold Crowns. You may take both the Dagger and the Crowns if you are able to.

Feeling a little better now, you gather your Equipment together and push on eastwards into the forest.

Turn to 157.


The forest begins to thin out until finally you can make out a road through the trees ahead. The highway is full of people heading south. Many are wheeling their possessions along on handcarts.

If you wish to join the refugees and perhaps learn more of what has happened in the north, turn to 30.

If you would prefer to continue to move south but under cover of the trees, turn to 167.

Treniamo o restiamo in cima al canalone? E se volete prendere il pugnale, che arma scartiamo? Al momento abbiamo un'ascia e una lancia.

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 26/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Spear

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 11:43
30 e indaghiamo

per le armi... boh.. via la lancia e teniamo il pugnale?

28th February 2013, 11:46
30, andiamo a sentire le ultime news.

io terrei ascia e lancia....

28th February 2013, 11:55
Domanda ma che cambia da un arma ad un altra?!?

Io terrei Ascia e daga per il backstab :nod:

If you wish to join the refugees and perhaps learn more of what has happened in the north, turn to 30.

Cavoli dopo tanto uccidere rpende anche sete, qualcuno ci offrirà una birra :D

28th February 2013, 11:55
Imbuchiamoci alla festa,secondo me meglio ascia e lancia,il pugnale mi pare bono per limarsi le unghie

28th February 2013, 12:01
COMBAT RATING: -5 (No Mindblast, -3 perchè non abbiamo la torcia)

Ma non ho capito sta cosa Jesper, noi Mindblast non l'abbiamo come disciplina in ogni modo... :O

Cmq sono d'accordo sul 30 per la scelta da intraprendere.

Edit: dimenticavo l'arma. Se non ricordo male non cambia assolutamente nulla da un'arma a un'altra, (a meno che uno abbia la Disciplina apposita nel qual caso aggiunge +2)
Piuttosto possono esserci situazioni in cui se hai una determinata arma hai vantaggi e sennò suki..
Morale io scarterei la lancia e terrei il pugnale che lo vedo più adatto se tipo bisogna nascondere l'arma, liberarsi da legacci, combattere in situazione di impedimento, etc.

Poi magari so tutte pippe e crepiamo perchè a Dever tirava il culo :P

28th February 2013, 12:02
30 e indaghiamo
per le armi... boh.. via la lancia e teniamo il pugnale?
sei o non sei il mio skaldabagno preferito?!?

Imbuchiamoci alla festa,secondo me meglio ascia e lancia,il pugnale mi pare bono per limarsi le unghie
la lancia è da femmine tze
uccidere una persona da distanza ritze
uccidere significa imbrattarsi col sangue altrui, femminucce! La lancia vuole lui, hai paura di sporcarti ?!? :facepalm:
sturmolotto :love:

28th February 2013, 12:10
@Deffo: Mmm ehm, giusto :pokerfacen:

Non so perchè avevo sempre visto Mindshield e letto Mindblast (ma anche Mindshield lol).

Comunque, ci teniamo ascia e lancia (le armi di base non hanno differenze se non abbiamo Weaponmastery; a volte aprono alcune scelte diverse o danno alcuni bonus/malus) e treniamo!

The people look tired and hungry. They have come many miles from their burning city. Suddenly, you hear the beat of huge wings coming from the north.

‘Kraan, Kraan! Hide yourselves!’ the cry goes up all along the road.

Just in front of you, a wagon carrying small children breaks down, its right wheel jammed in a furrow. The children scream in panic.


If you wish to help the children, turn to 194.

If you’d rather run for the cover of the trees, turn to 261.

AHAHAHAHA ma sono i bambini più brutti della storia! :lol:

Li lasciamo in preda ai Kraan o cerchiamo di salvarli?

28th February 2013, 12:15
Vuoi mettere far sentire la possanza della tua lancia nel culo di un qualsiasi stronzo/a? Sono sensazioni forti!

Panzerottino :love:

28th February 2013, 12:17
Save the children! Save the world!

28th February 2013, 12:18
Al di là della bruttezza imbarazzante dei cinni, non possiamo sconigliare orrendamente..


28th February 2013, 12:22
ossu via, siamo eroi

If you wish to help the children, turn to 194.

secondo me è un agguato pure questo e sono quei cosi travestiti, so troppo brutti per essere veri :sneer:

Rimpiangeremo la daga, lo so già QQ

28th February 2013, 12:25

You sprint towards the wagon. People are running everywhere in panic as the Kraan make their attack, carrying their poor victims off into the darkening sky. A large Kraan is hovering above the wagon and three snarling Giaks drop from its back onto the startled horses. You must fight them or leave the wagon and run to the safety of a nearby farmhouse.

If you wish to fight the Giaks, turn to 208.

If you wish to run to the farmhouse, turn to 148.

Mmm Dever ci sta dando una possibilità di ritirarci? O sta usando la psicologia inversa?


28th February 2013, 12:30
If you wish to fight the Giaks, turn to 208.

son solo tre cazzo ci fanno a noi :nod:

ps seconda istamorte incoming :sneer:

28th February 2013, 12:30
Sono solo in tre....che volete che sia.

e poi mica possiamo fare la figura dei codardi proprio adesso?

ascia in una mano, lancia nell'altra e via all'attacco.

28th February 2013, 12:37
Go facciamogli il culo!

28th February 2013, 12:38
'mazza 1 vs 3 ci vuole il savage dell'1.60...


If you wish to fight the Giaks, turn to 208 <--- e sia!!

28th February 2013, 12:39
vai.. il ruggito del coniglio solitario! ammazza!! ammazza!!

28th February 2013, 12:46
Si morte cazzo vai al 208!!!, Tanto è il trappolone e prevedo seconda corpse run, ma noi siamo lupo solitario e quindi sukare non ci si addice. Io ero per tenermi la daga che la lancia è scomoda poi è da caccia e noi ora siamo più BM...

28th February 2013, 12:47
Dual wield buggato engaged!

The ghoulish creatures thrust their spears at you and attack. Fight these creatures as a single enemy.


If you win, you can run to the safety of the farmhouse by turning to 148.

Or you can return to the woods by turning to 320.


Lupo Solitario -4
Giaks -4

Lupo Solitario -2
Giaks -8

Lupo Solitario -1
Giaks -9 (morti)

Dopo aver postato il video 1v3 omg mad skillz su youtube, andiamo alle fattorie o ci rimboschiamo?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 21/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Spear

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 12:49
Owned,boh vediamo se c'è qualcosa da lootare nella fattorie,magari qualcosa da mangiare :nod:

28th February 2013, 12:52
prossima volta facciamo 1 vs 8 e gli powniamo tutto il party, 3 son troppo pochi: abbiamo l'ubercazzo di Deffo (tm) con noi!! :love:

Comunque fattorie a raccogliere gli applausi per il nostro coraggio.

28th February 2013, 13:08
Dopo l'ownage e camminando con baldanza propongo anche io "alle fattorieeee trovi la bontààà"

28th February 2013, 13:10
If you win, you can run to the safety of the farmhouse by turning to 148.

Ogni cazzo di eroe vive per soddisfare il suo ego!

Andiamo in parata alle fattorie tra 2 ali di folla festante!

28th February 2013, 13:11
Robiola Osella Ahoy!

Kicking open the door, you dive into the farmhouse. A Kraan soars overhead, letting out a shriek of victory, a victim hanging in its claws. Getting to your feet, you find yourself alone. But propped against the fireplace is a Warhammer. You may take this Weapon if you wish.

If you want to stay in the farmhouse, turn to 81.

If you would feel safer in the forest, you can make a dash by turning to 320.

If you wish to search the room further, turn to 199.

Even more loot! Tradiamo il warhammer per una delle altre armi? E poi, cerchiamo ancora, rimaniamo nascosti o scappiamo nel bosco?

28th February 2013, 13:21
Martellone FTW, caghiamo l'ascia per me. Avete voluto la lancia e ve la tenete :D

If you wish to search the room further, turn to 199.

abbiamo fatto tanta fatica per poi andare via?!?

naaaaa, /stealth mode on

28th February 2013, 13:22
piglia il warhammer (online) e molla la lancia, per un dualwield ascia + martellone.

e poi cerchiamo che sti zozzi di contadini di sicuro hanno imboscato altro sotto le assi del pavimento.

28th February 2013, 13:42
Lancia sacs, puzza di Giak, martellone ftw.

Need moar loot, cerchiamo ancorah! 199

28th February 2013, 13:42
Fanculo la lancia warhammer abbestia! E voglio esplorare tutta la fattoria! Questi sotto i materassi c hanno l oro!

28th February 2013, 13:48
Ok, swappata la lancia per il warhammer! E si loota!

Most of the cupboards and drawers are empty. Whoever lived here took nearly everything they owned with them, but you do manage to scrape together enough fruit in the cellar for one Meal. You may mark this on your Action Chart.

Turn to 81.

Credo che non ci siano obiezioni a intascarsi la salama del contadino...

After nearly an hour, the Kraan and their cruel riders vanish towards the west. As the shocked refugees start to emerge from the woods, you can hear the sound of horses in the distance galloping nearer. You stay hidden and wait as the riders come closer. They are the cavalry of the King’s Guard wearing the white uniforms of His Majesty’s army.

If you wish to call to them, turn to 183.

If you would rather continue along the forest edge towards the south, turn to 200.

Cerchiamo di joinare la gank guild o vogliamol'1v1?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 23/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 13:51
If you wish to call to them, turn to 183.

vediamo se qualcuno ci spiega qualcosa cristo!

male che vada si loota il cavallo, e va testato il nuovo martellozzo :nod:

28th February 2013, 13:52
Ma io joinerei.

Dopo un po' il combat in solo stanca...

183 imho.

28th February 2013, 13:53
Si tentiamo di joinare, non può essere sempre un trucco o un imboscata, 183

Siamo in una cazzo di guerra anche se guidiamo l'eroe, magari due alleati paccosi si possono trovare, magari 2 info...

Edit: alle brutte alziamo un pò i loot, mi sa che questi droppano bene.

28th February 2013, 14:00
LW LF party

The officer orders his men to halt and asks you your business. You tell him who you are, and how the monastery has been destroyed. He is deeply saddened to hear your news. He offers you a horse and asks you to accompany him to Prince Pelathar, the King’s son.

If you accept, turn to 97.

If you decide to decline his offer, turn to 200.

In caso di future scelte di questo tipo (di conferma, senza che però siano aggiunte informazioni), qualora ci sia stato una scelta unanime nello step precedente, come volete che proceda? Vado avanti automaticamente, o mi fermo a chiedere?

Qui non è chiarissimo, ma la decisione è tra joinare il party e andarsene da soli.

28th February 2013, 14:05
Non vedo motivi per non accettare.

Al galoppo!

P.S: imho Jesper vedi tu, se è na roba "palese" come in questo caso puoi tirare dritto easy per me, se invece c'è anche lontanamente puzza di imbroglio è meglio chiedere :)

28th February 2013, 14:05
Io direi 97, abbiamo deciso di Joinare, ci danno pure il cavallo, magari il figlio del re ci da delle side quest, prevedo imboscatona e fuga col figlio del re modello bodyguard, ricordo in passato che lupo solitario aveva sempre ste velleità di portarsi dietro pesi morti, che il più delle volte erano traditori o completi coglioni, ma direi che sto principe apre sviluppi redditizi...

28th February 2013, 14:06
Mah cavallo più indicazioni su cosa fare direi che è win,io accetterei: 97 per me

28th February 2013, 14:11
If you accept, turn to 97.


28th February 2013, 14:16
decline his offer, 200, mi giro e li attacco di sorpresa, rollo un critico e looto l'armor

just kidding, 97 go!

28th February 2013, 14:18
Si, Lone Wolf si porta dietro un'aura di morte mica da ridere per quanto riguarda cavalli e png assortiti...

Andiamo a vedere quanto è bello il figlio del re!

Ahead of you, you can see a fierce battle raging across a stone bridge. The clash of steel and the cries of men and beasts echo through the forest. In the midst of the fighting, you see Prince Pelathar, the King’s son. He is in combat with a large grey Gourgaz who is wielding a black axe above his scaly head. Suddenly, the Prince falls wounded—a black arrow in his side.

Illustration VII—The clash of steel and the cries of men and beasts echo through the forest.

If you wish to defend the fallen Prince, turn to 255.

If you wish to run into the forest, turn to 306.



*Heroism mode* on or off?

28th February 2013, 14:20
If you wish to defend the fallen Prince, turn to 255.

ovviamente al grido di FOR THE REALM!!!111!!1111!!

28th February 2013, 14:22
Gooooo spacchiamogli il culooo!

28th February 2013, 14:22
defend the prince, 255

se lo salviamo e ha una sorella è bombata assicurata! o magari la regina vuole ringraziarci...

28th February 2013, 14:41

The creature that you now face is a Gourgaz, one of a race of cold-blooded reptilian creatures that dwell deep in the treacherous Maakenmire swamps. Their favourite food is human flesh!

The Prince’s Sword lies at your feet. You may pick up and use this weapon if you wish. The Gourgaz is about to strike at you—you must fight him to the death.


This creature is immune to Mindblast.

If you win, turn to 82.



Lone Wolf -4 (21)
Gourgaz -5 (25)

Lone Wolf -2 (19)
Gourgaz -7 (18)

Lone Wolf -5 (14)
Gourgaz -3 (15)

Lone Wolf -4 (10)
Gourgaz -4 (11)

Roll...0! http://a.tgcdn.net/images/products/thumb/carousel/front/ed9a_m48_ranger_hawk_axe.jpg
Lone Wolf -0 (10)
Gourgaz -9 (2)

Lone Wolf -5 (5)
Gourgaz -2 (morto!)


The giant Gourgaz lies dead at your feet. His evil followers hiss at you and then fall back from the bridge. The Prince’s soldiers form a protective wall around you and their dying leader with their shields. Black arrows whistle past your head.

The dying Prince looks up into your eyes and says, ‘Kai Lord, you must take a message to my father. The enemy is too strong, we cannot hold him. The King must seek that which is in Durenor or all is lost. Take my horse and ride for the capital. May the luck of the gods ride with you.’

You bid a sad farewell to the Prince, mount his white steed, and head south along the forest path. The battle still rages behind you as the Prince’s men fight off another assault on the bridge.

Turn to 235.

Ammazza, manco abbiamo fatto in tempo a conoscerlo che gia schiatta...la death aura è famelica, oggi.

The Prince’s horse is indeed a magnificent animal, fast and sure of foot. You gallop along the twisting track as if it were a straight highway, until the noise of battle has disappeared far behind you.

You are hungry and must eat a Meal during your ride.

After several miles, the path stops abruptly at a junction. There is a signpost, but it has been hacked down.

If you wish to use your Kai Discipline of Tracking, turn to 254.

If you wish to turn left, go to 32.

If you wish to turn right, go to 146.

Facciamo merenda con una quaglia catturata grazie a Hunting quindi non perdiamo razioni!
Pero' niente Tracking e niente indicazioni, per cui...sinistra o destra? E se ci siamo incammellati la spada del principe, che arma lasciamo?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 7/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

MORTOMETRO: I (Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato)

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 14:45
146. teniamo excalibur e warhammer

28th February 2013, 14:59

e teniamo la spada del prinzipe che come minimo sarà tutta tempestata de gemme e molliamo l'ascia che è l'arma newbie.

28th February 2013, 15:14
Mbo tiro un dado: Ok il dado dice destra,spadona ftw,l'ascia affanculo.
Mazza oh manco il tempo di dirgli c hai che il prince è morto inculato. Eh vabbè! Go on!

28th February 2013, 15:17
Presa spada per ascia!

You have ridden about a mile when you are knocked from your horse by an arrow grazing your forehead. You lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

As you pull yourself to your feet, you see a patrol of Drakkarim emerge from the woods on either side of the road. You have been ambushed and must evade them as quickly as possible by going into the forest.

Turn to 154.

Sticazzi, abbiamo rimasto rimasto solo 4 EP!

You are dizzy from your wound and you stumble through the trees like a blind man.

Suddenly you fall forward as if the ground has been snatched from beneath your feet. You have fallen head-first into a hunting pit. As you look up, you can see four Drakkarim levelling their bows at you, evil sneers spreading simultaneously across their ugly faces.

As the world darkens, the last things you feel are the black shafts of their arrows deep in your chest. You have failed in your mission.

Ah ecco -.-

Stiamo andando a caccia delle rare "bullshit insta-death" e siamo super abili! La parte iniziale di sto libro è piuttosto brutale se non abbiamo Tracking lol :D

Ciò detto: giriamo a sx? O facciamo un rewind a un punto precedente? Nel caso specificate quando!

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato.
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak.

28th February 2013, 15:27
sinistra, non facciamo le pussy che torniamo indietro

28th February 2013, 15:27
PS: ho un corso di aggiornamento :D Avete un paio d'ore per decidere il da farsi! A dopo!

28th February 2013, 15:38
vi lascio per pranzo e mi rimorite -.-

sempre a sinistra cazzo!

che dite ci poniamo un obiettivo del tipo finire il libro entro le 10 morti?!? :D

visto l'inizio mi sembra tutto tranne che facile :sneer:

28th February 2013, 15:43
Lol e sinistra sia,boh io sono curioso di vedere l'evolversi della faccenda,anche se cazzo...manco il tempo di tirare un respiro...-.-

28th February 2013, 15:49
sinistra.. la death aura oltre che intorno a noi è anche dentro di noi..

mi tocca concordare con panuzzo per quanto riguarda un tot di casuality, magari non 10.. cos'e' siamo ancora a 1/4 del libro? :D

28th February 2013, 16:08
Dio boiler, certo che fare morire il pg per una svolta a destra piuttosto che a sinistra, bisogna proprio essere bastardi...

Cmq anche stavolta vi abbandono un'ora e steccate, peeehh!! :whatt:

28th February 2013, 16:31
Ok, pausa di 15min vedo di fare un update volante! Si va sx!!!

E riporto qui il sacro flowchart di lupo solitario: KILL > LOOT > GO LEFT! :D

You have ridden about three miles when, in the distance, you spot the unmistakable silhouette of five large Doomwolves. Riding on their backs are Giaks. They seem to be going on ahead to where the path leads down into an open meadow. Suddenly, one of the Giaks leaves the others and begins to ride back along the path towards you.

If you wish to hide in the undergrowth and let him pass, turn to 176.

If you wish to fight him, turn to 340.

Direi che gli EP non sono rigenerati, no? E' più tipo un "reload", imho, per cui ne abbiamo 8!

Se però la maggioranza decide che in questi casi ci rifulliamo, possiamo fare così!

Torno ad aggiornarmi, a dopo!

28th February 2013, 16:45
abbiamo pochi pf....per una volta direi di hiddarci e lasciare vivo il nemico.

28th February 2013, 16:50
Ma si,abbiamo tempo per distruggere tutto,lasciamolo passare,che se poi ci tocca il super scontro c'è possibilità di prendercela in quel posto :nod:

28th February 2013, 16:51
concordo, full hp per una morte piu serena poi

28th February 2013, 17:03
Direi di ripigliarsi un attimo, minchia non vi posso lasciare da soli che mi morite, che idea balzana è quella di svoltare a destra!!!

Full Hp e hiddarsi 176

Certo che sti cosi hanno anche rotto il cazzo bisogna cercare un posto dove fare ninjate serie, basta con sti boschi pieni di mostri zotici e poveri...

28th February 2013, 17:12
meh siete delle pussies

28th February 2013, 17:12
176 .

Aggiungo un piccola cosa , quando capitano queste istamortidelcazzo , propongo di esclusere l'ultimo ( cazzone ! ) che ha voltato per quella scelta fino all prossima morte , cosi' per ridere :D

28th February 2013, 17:41
lol :D

You hide behind some thick bushes so that the Doomwolf and its rider will not see your white horse. Luckily it works—the beast lopes past and vanishes down the track that you have just come along.

If you wish to attack the remaining Doomwolves and their riders, turn to 253.

If you wish to press on deeper into the forest, turn to 126.

Ok, come deciso dalla maggioranza, in questi casi vado avanti senza chiedere. Fatemi sapere se ho interpretato bene la volontà popolare o meno! :D

You ride deeper and deeper into the forest. Silently you thank the Prince for such a fine horse, for although the ground is a tangle of briars and roots, he never once falters. The Doomwolves are soon left far behind and you bring your horse to a halt. The light has faded fast and it is almost night.

If you wish to press on ahead, turn to 46.

If you wish to bear left (the same direction as the path you left far behind) then turn to 143.

OK popolo: dove si va?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 10/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 17:52

28th February 2013, 17:56
meal + 46

28th February 2013, 17:59
Uppo bortas,time to eat!

28th February 2013, 18:01
Meal dici per curarci? Non possiamo usarlo in questo modo :( L'unico uso per i pasti è mangiarli quando ci dicono di farlo (o perdiamo 3 EP; ma avendo Hunting non abbiamo bisogno di mangiare); o dropparli quando il libro ci fa perdere un oggetto a scelta nostra.

In compenso rileggendo l'inizio ho scoperto che abbiamo 1 altro Meal e 1d10 Corone, oltre all'ascia, quando partiamo! Yay!


Abbiamo 26 Corone e 4 pasti :metal:

EDIT @ Sturm: cosa voti per la scelta?

28th February 2013, 18:11
Siete una banda di conigli!
Il tizio da solo andava stupratooooohhh!!!!
Ok per la 46

28th February 2013, 18:18
You have covered about two miles when the trees ahead thin out. You can see a small wooden shack on the edge of a lake. A cloaked man approaches you and offers to row you and your horse across the lake for a fee of 2 Gold Crowns.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 296.

If you accept the offer, turn to 246.

If you refuse and try to ride around the lake, turn to 90.

Sesto Senso via!

You sense something is wrong. With fighting all around and the forces of the Darklords so near, why has this man stayed in the forest? You feel a strange aura of evil about him and decline his offer.

Turn to 90.

Night falls and you are soon engulfed in total darkness. To press on would be useless, for you would be sure to lose your way. Tethering your horse to a tree, you pull your green Kai cloak about you and fall into a restless sleep.

Turn to 18.

Mmm un malvagio uomo che ci tende un'imboscata! Però educato. Visto che abbiamo rifiutato la sua offerta, ci lascia stare :D

You are awoken by the sound of troops in the distance. Across the lake you see the black-cloaked figures of Drakkarim and a pack of Doomwolves and their riders. A Kraan appears from above the trees and lands on the roof of the small wooden shack.

It is ridden by a creature dressed in red. The Kraan takes off and begins to fly across the lake to where you are hidden.

If you wish to use the Kai Discipline of Camouflage, turn to 114.

If you wish to ride deeper in the forest, turn to 239.

If you wish to fight the creature, turn to 29.

Camouflage! Stiamo dando na spolverata a tutte le discipline che avevamo nel cassetto fin'ora :D

You coax the horse to lie down and begin to cover him and yourself with branches and dead leaves. You hear the wings of the Kraan as it passes over the trees. It returns and circles above you, but soon retreats back across the lake.

You decide to leave now, in case it returns with some of its friends.

Turn to 239.

As you push on into the forest, you hear the wings of the Kraan pass above the trees and disappear northwards. You ride on for nearly an hour until you come to a clearing. On the far side is a track that leads off to the south.

If you wish to enter the clearing and take the south exit, turn to 34.

If you would rather skirt the edge of the clearing and pick up the track further on, turn to 118.

Entriamo nella radura, o rimaniamo hiddati e seguiamo il sentiero?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 16/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 18:27
Scusa JEsper mi ero scordato di scrivere 46 prima :D

io ora opto per

If you wish to enter the clearing and take the south exit, turn to 34.

28th February 2013, 18:32

28th February 2013, 18:35
Posso unirmi? :D

Io direi 118. Siamo un pò troppo sfigati ultimamente per permetterci di andare allo scoperto :PP

28th February 2013, 18:53
Chiunque può unirsi ;) Welcome Ged!

E dopo 30min, l'opzione con più voti è rimanere infrattati!

You spur your horse to a gallop and race down the long straight path. In the far distance you can just make out the silhouette of Holmgard on the horizon, its high walls and tall spires glinting in the morning sun. Your path joins a highway running from north to south. It is the main turnpike road between the northern port of Toran and the capital. You set off towards Holmgard, your eyes peeled for Kraan in the clear morning sky.

Turn to 224.

You have ridden several miles and have seen no sign of refugees or of the enemy. You race on towards a high ridge in the middle distance. You should be able to see the capital from there.

As you reach the peak, the sight that meets you on the far side is one of hope—but there is still one challenge you know you have to face.

Turn to 153.

Before you are the tall grey-white walls and glimmering spires of Holmgard, the city’s banners fluttering from the battlements in the fresh morning breeze. Stretching out towards the west, the River Eledil traces its course from the mountains of the Durncrag Range to the Holmgulf. But below the mountain peaks you can see a vast black army marching relentlessly on towards the capital.


To your right you can see the highway heading off over the rolling plain towards Holmgard. At a gallop you could make the outer fieldworks of the city’s defences in less than an hour, but you would be in the open for most of the time and vulnerable to attack by Kraan. Directly ahead of you, a wide river drifts sluggishly towards the Eledil. If you abandoned your horse, you could swim towards the outer defences under cover of the river banks. Or there is a final alternative. To your left lies the Graveyard of the Ancients. These tombs and crumbling monuments to a forgotten age would conceal your approach but it is a forbidden area. Many are the unnamed horrors that lie there in restless sleep, waiting to consume the unwary trespasser.

If you will try your luck by the highway, turn to 202.

If you feel that you stand a better chance of reaching the capital via the river then turn to 135.

Or if you are brave enough to risk the unknown perils of the Graveyard of the Ancients, turn to 329.

Mmm scelte interessanti! Quale ci sconfinfera di più?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 19/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 19:00
il cavallo non lo mollo.
il graveyard mi ispira parecchi loot ma sicuro moriamo come stronzi.
la 202 ottima alternativa...

se altri 2 malati mentali votano graveyard dico 329, altrimenti 202

28th February 2013, 19:04
cazzo mi sono perso tutto finora :D

x me 329... nuovo dungeon :fap:

28th February 2013, 19:10
Tanto moriamo a presinere e il povero cavallo non ha colpa , 135

28th February 2013, 19:21
329 moar loot and death

28th February 2013, 19:24
finalmente qualcuno che non è una pussy!
GO A LOOTARE! o a morire provandoci...

28th February 2013, 19:28

As you descend the ridge towards the Graveyard of the Ancients, you are aware of a strange mist and cloud that swirls all around this grey and forbidding place, blocking the sun and keeping the Graveyard in perpetual gloom.

A creeping chill seems to penetrate your very bones. Your horse becomes startled and no matter how you urge him on, he refuses to go any nearer to this dreadful place. So you must leave your horse and press on by foot.

Turn to 284.

Cavallo intelligente...

Your passage through the Graveyard will not be easy, for the ground is broken and covered with a thorny graveweed. This wicked briar tears your cloak and cuts your legs. The air hangs heavy and still. Foul gases seep from open crypts and the haunting murmur of distant whispering fills your ears.

Illustration XVI—Your passage through the Graveyard is not easy—the ground is broken and covered with thorny graveweed.

Carefully, you approach a gap between two ancient pillars, and part the graveweed with your cloaked hand. Suddenly, the ground collapses beneath you and you fall in a tumble of earth and stone.

Turn to 71.

You are winded but not hurt. You have fallen fifteen feet or so through the roof of an underground tomb. The walls are sheer and you cannot climb them. An arched tunnel leads out of the tomb towards the east, in front of which lies the sarcophagus of some ancient noble.

If you wish to use the Kai Discipline of Sixth Sense, turn to 65.

If you wish to open the sarcophagus to see if it contains any treasure, turn to 242.

If you wish to leave via the tunnel, turn to 104.

Sixth Sense...

Your senses scream at you that this place is very evil. Leave as quickly as you can.

Turn to 104.

...or Common Sense, per meglio dire :D Ma chi prendo in giro: senza Sesto Senso avremmo aperto il Sarcofaco al 300% lol

The walls are dank and slimy. The stale air chokes you and cobwebs brush across your face. You can feel panic grip your stomach, as the tunnel gets darker and darker.

You reach a junction where the tunnel meets a corridor leading from north to south.

If you wish to turn north, go to 26.

If you wish to go south, turn to 100.

Ah, le scelte alla cieca...

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 24/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 19:31
Sud! Ho tirato una moneta ghgh

28th February 2013, 19:36
eh beh qui c'e' molto da ragionare -.-

andiamo SUD cosi' ci sono gia' 2 voti lol

28th February 2013, 19:41
dico nord! 26

28th February 2013, 19:43
E sud sia la morte ci attende

Abbiamo rigenerato pf è ora di menare le mani

28th February 2013, 19:58
E sud sia!

(ultimo update prima di stasera che vado a casa a breve :D)

The cold corridor suddenly makes an abrupt turning towards the east. You notice a greenish glow that lights the tunnel in the far distance. As you creep nearer you can see that the corridor opens out into a larger chamber.

The strange light seems to emanate from a large bowl resting upon the top of a granite throne. On a plinth in front of the throne stands a statue. It looks like a winged serpent curved in the shape of an ‘S’.

If you wish to sit on the throne, turn to 161.

If you wish to examine the statue, turn to 133.

If you wish to look for an exit from this chamber, turn to 257.

Mmmm siamo finiti a DF me sa.

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Initiate

CS: 15

EP: 25/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Axe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 20

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak

************************************************** ******

28th February 2013, 20:01
Cazzo il trono! Lo voglio!

28th February 2013, 20:06
anche a me attira sedermi ma non ne vedo l'utilita'... mi sa troppo da trappola :D


28th February 2013, 20:06

28th February 2013, 20:17
Siete un branco di pazzi ad esservi infilati nel cimitero lal :D

Lasciate che vi elargisca un po' di saggezza e vi sproni ad esaminare la statua (133) prima di sedersi a buffo sul trono e fare scattare tutte le ventordici trappole che DI SICURO ci sono qua dentro :P

28th February 2013, 20:24
Sit on the throne. Like a boss.

E' sicuro una trappola lol

28th February 2013, 20:44
sento puzza di guai

28th February 2013, 21:12
Qua esplodiamo sicuro come un mucchio di coriandoli,133 per me,almeno moriremo con un po di dignitaah!

28th February 2013, 21:13
Ahaha 3 a 3...seguiamo quello che vuole il primo che posta!

EDIT: Sturm porta a 4 il 133! Update inc!

As you approach the statue, several cracks appear in its stone surface. It suddenly explodes before you as a real Winged Serpent breaks free of its stone mantle and attacks you.

You must fight the creature.

Winged Serpent: COMBAT SKILL 16 ENDURANCE 18

(This creature is immune to Mindblast.)

If you win the fight, turn to 266.

Surprise Buttsex! COMBAT RATING: -1

Lupo Solitario -0
Winged Serpent -10

Roll...0! (lol)
Lupo Solitario -0
Winged Serpent -11

Ok, ownato lol.

As the beast writhes in its final death agony on the black stone floor, the portal in the east wall clicks open to reveal a corridor beyond. You quickly dash through the secret door just as it crashes shut.

Turn to 209.

Niente trono nel nostro futuro...

You see ahead a corridor sloping upwards, and as you reach the top of this slope, a stone portal slides across to reveal another passage ahead.

You step through the opening which then quickly closes with a crunch.

Turn to 23.


The corridor soon widens into a large hall. At the far end, a stone staircase leads up to a huge door. Two black candles on either side of the stone steps dimly illuminate the chamber. You notice that no wax has melted, and as you get nearer you can feel that they give off no heat. Ancient engravings cover the stone surfaces of the walls.

Illustration II—An ornate pin appears to lock the door, but there is also a keyhole in the lockplate.

Anxious to leave this evil tomb, you examine the door for a latch. An ornate pin appears to lock the door, but there is also a keyhole in the lockplate.

If you have a Golden Key and wish to use it, turn to 326.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 151.

If you wish to remove the pin, turn to 337.

Fico, tre scelte! Ehm, un momento...

Just as you remove the ornate pin, a loud crack deafens you.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number picked is 0–4, turn to 219.

If the number is 5–9, turn to 317.

Apparentemente se non hai Mind over Matter sei anche stupido in maniera asinina :D


Instinctively you dive away from the stairs, and land on the stone floor. Your quick reactions have saved your life, for a vast granite block has fallen from the ceiling and crushed the steps, just in front of the lockplate!

Shaken but still in one piece, you get to your feet. A shaft of dull grey light is seeping into the chamber from above, where the stone block was. Through a hole in the ceiling you can see a tangle of graveweed and the cloudy sky above. You clamber out of the tomb and head for the arched south gate of the necropolis as fast as possible. The pointed log walls of the city’s outer defence works are now visible.

Turn to 61.

Se qualcuno se lo sta chiedendo,
si: abbiamo appena superato un roll 50/50 bullshit instadeath -.-

At last you can reach the wooden fieldworks surrounding the outer city. As you race towards a sentry post, you can hear the excited shouts of the guards cheering you on. Thank the gods that they recognize you, for you must appear a ragged and suspicious figure. Your cloak is torn and hangs in tatters, your face is scratched and blood-smeared, and the dust of the Graveyard covers you from head to toe.

Splashing through a shallow stream, you stagger towards the gate. The full horror of the Graveyard encounter begins to catch up with you. The last thing you recall before exhaustion robs you of consciousness, is falling into the outstretched arms of two soldiers who have run from the fieldworks to help you.

Turn to 268.

Siamo fuori dal Cimitero! E siamo caduti tra i braccioni nerboruti di due soldati!

You black out for only a few minutes before you are revived with a measure of strong spirit. Feeling weary but thankful to be alive, you lean on the shoulders of the King’s men and you stagger towards the outer defences.

Turn to 288.

As you reach the walls of the fieldworks, the large oak gates open and you are quickly hurried inside. A sergeant, bloodstained and battle-weary, calls to an officer who turns and recognizes your cloak.

‘My Lord,’ he says. ‘Where are the other Kai Masters? We are in desperate need of their wisdom. The Darklords press us most cruelly and casualties are high.’

You inform the brave officer of the terrible fate of your kinsmen, and the urgency of your mission to seek the King’s council. Without saying a word, he motions to a soldier to bring forward two horses. You both mount and gallop off towards the high city wall of Holmgard.

Turn to 129.

Dever si è dimenticato la parte "game" di "Librogame"...

You reach the main gates of the capital, and stare in awe at the height of the city’s walls. Two hundred feet high, the walls of Holmgard have withstood the ravages of both time and the Darklords. You and the officer race through the tunnel of the inner gatehouse, one hundred yards in length, and finally halt outside the doorway of the main watchtower. Great crowds of soldiers and civilians are running to and fro.

If you wish to continue following the officer, turn to 3.

If you feel that you stand a better chance of making your way to the King’s citadel on your own, turn to 144.

TL;DR: siamo sopravvissuti al Cimitero e ci siamo imbattuti negli uomini del Re che ci hanno scortato alla capitale fortificata, Holmgard. Al momento siamo appena dentro le mura della città, dove c'è una fotta di gente. Per trovare il Re continuiamo a seguire l'ufficiale che ci ha fatto da guida, o andiamo da soli a cazzo matto?

28th February 2013, 21:59
Torniamo al cimitero e sediamoci sul trono.
Se non si puo, direi di andare a cazzeggio per conto nostro (144).

28th February 2013, 22:02
torniamo nel cimitero perche' non abbiamo lootato.

oppure 144 :D

edit: oddio kat lol

28th February 2013, 22:07
lol @ Kat :sneer:

Io dico di fare i bravi e seguire l'ufficiale (3), da soli come minimo ci perdiamo e finiamo in un bassofondo con instadeath by gang di bambini drogatelli stile favelas.

28th February 2013, 22:29
seguiamo l'ufficiale 3

ma mi metti in spoiler cosa succedeva se ci sedevamo sul trono pls? <3

28th February 2013, 22:38
Siamo 2 pari per la strada da farsi...il primo voto (anche se duplicato) decide!

Se ci sedevamo sul trono

Il serpente invece di attaccarci srotolava un metro di lingua e ci dava la Golden Key. No seriously :lol:

As you sit down, the stone serpent slowly moves forward on its plinth. You suddenly break out in a cold sweat and grasp your weapon with trembling fingers in case it should attack. A red forked tongue appears from the head of this strange statue and dips into the bowl of green light above your head. Slowly the tongue re-emerges holding a Golden Key which, to your surprise, it drops into your lap. A panel in the east wall clicks open to reveal an exit.

You take the Key and leave as quickly as possible.

Turn to 209.

28th February 2013, 22:42
no ma bravi
sempre a fare le pussies cazzo... no balls gnegne moriamo

28th February 2013, 22:49
Seguiamolo :)

28th February 2013, 22:50
dai cazzo su quel trono c'era scritto a chiare lettere IT'S A TRAP!, è Dever che come al solito si è fumato l'impossibile..

(se si moriva col roll sbagliato alla porta ragequittavo)

edit: bravo Ged :D

28th February 2013, 22:55
OK, lo seguiamo!

Staying close to the officer, you follow him through an arched portal and up a short flight of stairs to a long hall. Soldiers run back and forth bearing orders on ornate scrolls to officers stationed around the city wall.

A haggard and scar-faced man dressed in the white and purple robes of the King’s court approaches you and bids you follow him to the citadel.

If you wish to follow this man, turn to 196.

If you wish to decline his offer and return to the crowded streets, turn to 144.

Questo c'ha le cicatrici...seguiamo anche lui o no? Normalmente andrei avanti, ma dato che l'ultimo voto era molto diviso tra andare da soli o seguire le guide, vedo se qualcuno ha cambiato idea :D

28th February 2013, 22:58
mmhh il 144 è lo stesso bivio di prima già scartato, coerentemente dico: seguiamo lo sfregiato!

(sono anche poeta..)

28th February 2013, 22:59
a sto punto seguiamo 196

28th February 2013, 23:06
Seguiamo anche qua :D
Almeno non muoriamo soli, nel caso ghgh

28th February 2013, 23:10
Fino alla morte!

You follow the man into a small library off the main hall. He pushes one of the many books on the shelves which line all four walls, and you hear a metallic click. One section of the bookcase slowly slides back to reveal a hidden passage.

If you wish to follow the man into the passage, turn to 332.

If you do not want to enter the dark corridor, leave the guildhall and return to the street. Turn to 144.

Abbiamo detto fino alla mortehhh!

You walk for nearly ten minutes along a dark and winding corridor, and then start to climb a steep staircase to a small wooden door. The man presses a secret catch and the door opens. You enter a large, plushly decorated bedroom with a huge marble bath that takes up one corner of the room. The man suggests that you refresh yourself here whilst he seeks an audience with the King.

You quickly bathe and change into some white robes that have been left out on a large marble table. Shortly, the man returns and leads you through a long corridor lined with exquisite tapestries. You finally arrive at a large door guarded by two soldiers wearing silver armour.

You are about to meet the King.

Turn to 350.

Score! (per chi non lo sa, 350 è l'ultimo paragrafo di ogni libro...vittoria!)

You enter the Chamber of State, a magnificent hall decorated lavishly in white and gold. The King and his closest advisers are studying a large map spread upon a marble plinth in the centre of the chamber. Their faces are lined with worry and concentration. A silence fills the hall as you tell of the death of your kinsmen and of your perilous journey to the citadel. As you finish your story, the King approaches and takes your right hand in his.

Illustration XX—The faces of the King and his closest advisers are lined with worry and concentration.

‘Lone Wolf, you have selfless courage: the quality of a true Kai Lord. Your journey here has been one of great peril and although your news comes as a grievous blow, the spirit of your determination is like a beacon of hope to us all in this dark hour. You have brought great honour to the memory of your Masters, and for that we praise you.’

You receive the praise and heartfelt thanks of the entire hall—an honour that brings a certain redness to your young face. The King raises his hand and all the voices cease.

‘You have done all that Sommerlund could have asked of a loyal son, but she is greatly in need of you still. The Darklords are powerful once more and their ambition knows no bounds. Our only hope lies within Durenor with the power that once defeated the Darklords an age ago. Lone Wolf, you are the last of the Kai—you have the skills. Will you journey to Durenor and return with the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun? Only with that gift of the gods may we crush this evil and save our land.’

If you wish to accept the quest of the Sommerswerd, begin your adventure with Book 2 of the Lone Wolf adventures:

Fire on the Water

Summerlund è un regno piagato dalla bruttezza, evidentemente.

Cambiando argomento: ce l'abbiamo fatta! E con *solo* 2 bullshit instadeath!

Per stasera vi lascio con due onorate tradizioni di fine libro, ovvero:

1) LEVEL UP! Dobbiamo scegliere una nuova Disciplina! (andando avanti, inoltre, ci si sbloccheranno nuovi poteri per le discipline che gia possediamo!)

2) IL GIOCO DEL "SE FOSSE": ovvero, dove potete levarvi le curiosità sui percorsi/scelte che non abbiamo intrapreso.

Buona scelta!

28th February 2013, 23:19
disciplina direi Animal Kinship che ci e' costato un /rel ghgh

"se fosse" non mi viene in mente nulla... del trono nel cimitero abbiamo detto... magari sapere cosa sbloccava la chiave... :)

28th February 2013, 23:21
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee solo 2! :D ne immaginavo parecchie di più :P

Se la discussione continua qui per le Skill, io direi Mind over Matter.

Ah, e se ci fossimo messi a nuotare nel fiume invece del cimitero? :)

28th February 2013, 23:22
fino al nr.8 i disegni sono osceni,dal 9 in poi diventano >>>>
Come nuova skill "suggerisco" la scherma,+ 2 al combat se usi una delle armi in cui sei skillato :P

28th February 2013, 23:25
Summerlund è un regno piagato dalla bruttezza, evidentemente.



Siamo arrivati alla capitale, è tempo di trainare la nuova abilità...

Io direi che la scelta è fra Animal Kinship e Tracking, che sono poi le due abilità senza le quali siamo instamorti...

Propendo per Tracking, è più badass.

Il "SE FOSSE" lo passo visto che ho tutti gli originali e ora che l'abbiamo finito posso andare a vedere cosa capitava in tutti i bivi :D

28th February 2013, 23:44
Tracking come abilita.

28th February 2013, 23:58
animal kinship , il se fosse lo passo , non sono vecchio tanto quanto deffo ma sti libri li ho comunque ancora tutti .

1st March 2013, 01:56
Io opterei per "Mind Over Matter" più in su utilissimo un +2 a spada che da un tot si prende la spada del sole se non erro...

1st March 2013, 02:36
Go a killare il ritardato del primo oneshot pd

1st March 2013, 10:08
Imho Tracking,potrebbe rivelarsi ancora utile,anche se è talmente stronzo l'autore che questo potrebbe essere l'unico libro dove è richiesta :sneer:

1st March 2013, 10:20
Io voto per tracking....vediamo se fra questo e sixth sense si riesce ad evitare i trappoloni del kaiser.

1st March 2013, 11:46
Se passavamo per il fiume

Nella migliore delle ipotesi potevamo lootare un relitto, scampare a un gruppo di Giak cavalcalupi (o aiutare dei ranger che li combattevano) ed infine evitare di farci fiocinare dai soldati del re; nel caso, ci scortavano in città e ci riunivamo al percorso che abbiamo scelto noi.

Per quanto riguarda la Chiave

Serviva per aprire la porta alla fine del cimitero, evitando il roll 50/50 instadeath; anche Mind over Matter faceva la stessa cosa

Ok Tracking vince come nuova disciplina! Si comincia!


In Fire on the Water, the King has sent you on a desperate journey to retrieve the only power in Magnamund that can save your people: the Sommerswerd, the sword of the sun. Ahead of you lie terrible dangers—ferocious sea-storms, the tunnel of Tarnalin, and the ghostly death-hulks of Vonotar the Traitor. Use your skills wisely—for only you can save your land from the devastation of the Darklords.


The Story So Far…

In the northern land of Sommerlund, it has been the custom for many centuries to send the children of the Warrior Lords to the monastery of Kai. There they are taught the skills and disciplines of their noble fathers.

In olden times, during the Age of the Black Moon, the Darklords waged war on Sommerlund. The conflict was a long and bitter trial of strength that ended in victory for the Sommlending at the great battle of Maakengorge. King Ulnar and the allies of Durenor broke the Darklord armies at the pass of Moytura and forced them back into the bottomless abyss of Maakengorge. Vashna, mightiest of the Darklords, was slain upon the sword of King Ulnar, called ‘Sommerswerd’, the sword of the sun. Since that age, the Darklords have vowed vengeance upon Sommerlund and the House of Ulnar.

You are Lone Wolf, a young Kai initiate who was learning the secret skills of the Kai Lords. Two days ago, your peaceful country was plunged into war when a vast Darklord army suddenly invaded Sommerlund and completely destroyed the Kai Monastery. All the Kai Lords were in attendance for the feast of Fehmarn, and all were killed as the monastery was surrounded and destroyed, the walls collapsing in on the assembled company. You, the only Kai Lord to survive the massacre, vowed then to avenge their deaths. You knew your first task had to be to warn the King, for without the Kai Lords to lead her armies, your country, Sommerlund, would be unable to mobilize in time to drive the Darklords back.

Your journey to the capital was perilous indeed. The enemy had overrun much of the country and were marching upon Holmgard, the capital itself. But despite the many dangers, you fought your way through to the capital and delivered your warning to the King’s court. There you were greatly praised for your skill and bravery but told your mission was not complete: with the Kai Lords dead, there remained only one power in all of Magnamund that could save your people from the Darklords—the Sommerswerd.

After the defeat of Vashna, the Sommerswerd had been bestowed upon the allies of Durenor as a mark of trust and allegiance that exists between the two kingdoms. In return, King Alin of Durenor gave Sommerlund a magnificent golden ring bearing the royal arms of Durenor. This ring is known as the Seal of Hammerdal. At that time, King Alin vowed that if ever the shadow of the west should rise again to threaten Sommerlund, Durenor would come to the aid of her ally.

The King has given you the Seal of Hammerdal. Your quest is to travel to Durenor to fetch the Sommerswerd back. But meanwhile the enemy have broken through the outer defences to the capital and are preparing to besiege the city wall. As Captain D’Val of the King’s Guard leads you to the Royal Armoury to equip you for your mission, the King’s words keep coming back to you:

‘Forty days, Lone Wolf. We have strength to stand against them for only forty days.’

Ed ecco la prima scelta del giorno: equip!

Guard Captain D’Val leads you to the Royal Armoury where your green tunic and Kai cloak are taken from you to be repaired and cleaned. While you await their return, Captain D’Val hands you a pouch of Gold for your journey. To find out how much gold is in the pouch, pick a number from the Random Number Table. Now add 10 to the number you have picked. The total equals the number of Gold Crowns inside the pouch, and you may enter this number in the ‘Gold Crowns’ section of your Action Chart. (If you successfully completed Book 1, you may add this sum to the total of any Crowns you may already possess.)

On a large table in the centre of the armoury, a number of items have been laid out for your choice. You may take any two of the following:

- Sword (Weapons)
- Short Sword (Weapons)
- Two Meals (Meals)
- Chainmail Waistcoat (Special Items). This adds 4 ENDURANCE points to your total.
- Mace (Weapons)
- Healing Potion (Backpack Item). This can restore 4 ENDURANCE points to your total, when swallowed after combat. There is only enough for one dose.
- Quarterstaff (Weapons)
- Spear (Weapons)
- Shield (Special Items) This adds 2 points to your COMBAT SKILL when used in combat.
- Broadsword (Weapons)

If you are already carrying Weapons from Book 1, you can take this opportunity to exchange one or both of them.

List the two items you choose on your Action Chart, under the heading given in brackets, and make a note of any effect it may have on your ENDURANCE points or COMBAT SKILL.

Abbiamo 24 Corone!

Scegliete i due oggetti di partenza...e no, non possiamo utilizzare due cotte di maglia :D

Ecco la nostra scheda per ora!

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 15

EP: 25/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Spada del Principe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant,

Money (50): 24

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

Ma prima di procedere, qualche parola di saggezza da Joe

Kai Wisdom

Your mission will be one of great danger, for the Darklords and their servants are a cruel and fierce enemy who give and expect no mercy. Use the map to help you steer a correct course for the capital. Make notes as you progress through the story, for they will be of great help in future adventures.

Many things that you find will aid you during the adventure. Some Special Items will be of use in future Lone Wolf adventures and others may be red herrings of no real use at all, so be selective in what you decide to keep.

There are many routes to Hammerdal, but only one will enable you to retrieve the Sommerswerd and return to Sommerlund with the minimum of danger. A wise choice of Kai Disciplines and a great deal of courage, will enable any player to complete the mission, no matter how weak their initial COMBAT SKILL or ENDURANCE points score.

The fate of your country hangs on the success of your perilous quest.

Good luck!

E ora...via!

Captain D’Val and his guards escort you to the citadel gate where a small covered wagon awaits you. As soon as you clamber in, the gates are thrown open and you are hurried away through the crowded streets of Holmgard. After a short but uncomfortable journey, the wagon stops and the driver pulls open the canvas flap.

‘This is the quay, my lord. There is your ship, the Green Sceptre.’ As he speaks the driver points across the quay to a sleek trade caravel anchored near to the harbour wall.

‘The first mate’s name is Ronan. You will find him waiting for you across the square at the Good Cheer Inn.’ Then the driver bids you farewell and quickly disappears into the teeming crowds.

You reach the inn to find the front doors locked and the window shutters barred. You are trying to decide what to do next when a hand grabs your arm and you are pulled into the darkness.

If you wish to draw your weapon and attack your unknown assailant, turn to 273.

If you wish to try to pull free of his grasp, turn to 160.

E non dimenticate di scegliere gli item che ci portiamo dietro! :D

1st March 2013, 12:02
Per gli oggetti: Scudo e Healing Potion.

Per la scelta: 160, non partirei subito in zerk mode...

1st March 2013, 12:05
ma l'ascia non la avevamo già lasciata per strada in favore della spada del principe morto?

Per il resto uppo Deffo in toto, pozione e scudo e partiamo senza ammazzare subito il proprietario della mano....

edit: le corone non dovrebbero essere 34? 20 dalla scorsa avventura + le 14 che ci han dato ora...sbaglio? (si lo so, sono uno scassacazzi :P )

1st March 2013, 12:10
Io direi healing potion e meal,che possono tornare sempre utili.
Jesper ma non avevamo raccattato la spada del principe al posto dell'axe? Mi ricordo male?
Ma a quale scelta vi riferite? O_o

1st March 2013, 12:15
EHm...l'ho fatto solo per vedere se eravate attenti!

Suddenly Lone Wolf realizes that he's carrying an ornate Sword instead of an Axe. Lying on the ground there are 10 Gold Crowns.

Go to 160.


************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 17 (+2 Shield)

EP: 29/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Spada del Principe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem, Healing Potion,

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant, Shield (+2CS)

Money (50): 34

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

‘Forgive me, my lord, I did not mean to startle you.’ The man seems nervous, and the open hand that is extended towards you is shaking quite visibly.

With some caution you accept the gesture of friendship, and sit with the man at a tavern table. The place is deserted save for a couple of mice gnawing at a large chunk of cheese.


‘Captain Kelman has instructed me to take you to the Green Sceptre, but only if I am sure that you are the Kai Lord they call Lone Wolf. Can you prove your identity?’ You decide you must show your mastery of one of your Kai Disciplines.

If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Healing, turn to 16.

If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Mindblast, turn to 133.

If you are carrying a Weapon and wish to demonstrate your Kai Weaponskill, turn to 255.

If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Animal Kinship, turn to 203.

If you wish to demonstrate your Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 48.

If you do not possess any of the above Kai skills, or if you do not wish to demonstrate your skill, turn to 348.

Sboroniamo con Healing? O non sboroniamo affatto?

1st March 2013, 12:33
Ma che meal ne abbiamo a sufficienza scudo obbligatorio ftw e pozione cura

Io non sboronerei, sia mai che non ci insegna qualcosa di utile, 348 per me

1st March 2013, 12:34

ma con moderazione....non è il caso di autopugnalarsi alla gola solo per far vedere al tizio che la ferita guarisce...

1st March 2013, 12:45
Non siamo timidi, sboroniamoh!

1st March 2013, 12:51
Dopo mezz'ora, vince la linea della sboronata!

You pick up an ale glass and smash it across the edge of the table. The jagged glass is razor-sharp. As you draw it across the back of your left hand, a long cut appears trickling blood. Covering this wound with your right hand, you concentrate and feel the warmth of your power as the wound heals. When you remove your right hand, no trace of the cut or any scar remains. The sailor stares at you in amazement.

Turn to 268.

‘You are indeed a Kai Lord,’ says the sailor, but the astonishment on his face quickly changes to an unpleasant sneer.

‘Or should I say you were!’

Illustration XVI—You turn to see three harbour thugs advancing towards you.

As he speaks, a door crashes open behind you and you turn to see three harbour thugs advancing towards you. Each is armed with a scimitar and you have no choice but to fight all three as one enemy.


You may evade after two rounds of combat by running through a side door. Turn to 125.

If you win this combat, turn to 333.


Lupo Solitario -1
Harbour Thugs -10

Lupo Solitario -0
Harbour Thugs -11

Vogliamo finirli, o ce la diamo?

1st March 2013, 12:52
203 che e' pieno di topi sto bar :D

edit: azz un pelo in ritardo :P killiamo tutto! :D

1st March 2013, 12:59
Scappare con il nemico a 4pf? ma scherziamo?

Ammazziamoli tutti e poi sgozziamo pure il finocchio che voleva fare lo splendido cercando di fregarci con sta trappola per nabbi.

1st March 2013, 13:20
Roll...1 (lol)
Lupo Solitario -5
Harbour Thugs -4 (morti)

The sailor who claimed to be First Mate Ronan seems to have escaped during the fight. You quickly search the bodies of the harbour thugs, but find nothing of value. However, you do notice that each of them has a tattoo of a serpent on their left wrist. Whoever sent them to kill you must already know of the importance of your quest.

You leave the tavern by the side door and discover the dead body of a sailor lying beneath some stairs. Inside the collar of his bloodstained jacket is a tag bearing the name ‘Ronan’. This must be the real Ronan. He has been murdered. You cover the body and turn towards the quay, where the Green Sceptre is anchored about three hundred yards from the harbour wall.

If you wish to use one of the many small boats or coracles that are roped to the quayside, turn to 300.

If you wish to hunt down the impostor who pretended to be Ronan, turn to 67.

C'è gia un voto per inseguire lo splendido...gli altri che vogliono fare?

1st March 2013, 13:22
Massacro 333, così ci prendiamo la meritata prima morte, certo bastava sboronare meno, lupo solitario all'inizio di ogni libro deve stare un pò cacato e poi sboronare alla fine...

Ps: Lo abbiamo lo scudo o no?

1st March 2013, 13:26
INseguiamo inseguiamo!!!

1st March 2013, 13:27
Devono morire come la merda

1st March 2013, 13:42

1st March 2013, 13:44
67 siamo in frenzy

1st March 2013, 13:52
Sangeu all'occhi e vena gonfia!!!!!!

1st March 2013, 13:59

1st March 2013, 14:01
It's fucking revenge time! :swear:

1st March 2013, 14:17
Stamattina sono stato un po' busy, ora gli update dovrebbero tornare al rate normale ;)

Cmq si, alla fine han vinto Scudo e pozzietta di cura!


You quickly deduce that the impostor must have escaped by the main entrance to the tavern, and if he is still in the harbour area he must be in or around the main square.

You search the buildings and alleyways round the square but there is no sign of him at all. Rather than waste more time in a fruitless search, you return to the quayside and untie a small coracle from its mooring. As you row towards the Green Sceptre you begin to feel uneasy that so early in your mission your enemies seem already to have found you.

Turn to 300.

Mmm ci è sfuggito -.-

As you paddle towards the sleek trade caravel, you notice to your surprise that the boarding ladder is being pulled up. A mean-looking sailor leans over the gunwale and curses at you. He seems to think that you are a refugee trying to stowaway on board. But when you shout that you are Lone Wolf and you were ambushed by an impostor at the tavern, the ladder is soon lowered again. As you climb over the side of the ship, you are met by a tall man in a gold-braided uniform. His face is almost totally covered by a shock of bright red hair and a bright red beard.

‘Haul anchor!’ he booms. The crew spring into action as if their very lives depended on it.

The captain ushers you below to his cabin where he pours two glasses of wanlo, a strong spirit. His face shows concern as you tell him what has happened.

‘There is evil treachery at work and the enemy already has plans afoot to thwart your quest,’ he begins when you’ve told your tale. ‘It seems that you have lost the element of surprise—and I have lost a courageous first mate. Let us only hope that the voyage to Durenor be swift and safe.’


You leave him to go up on deck just in time to see the outline of Holmgard on the horizon. With mixed feelings of pride and apprehension, you descend the stairway to your cabin as the last spire of the capital disappears from view.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number that you have picked is 0–1, turn to 224.

If the number is 2–3, turn to 316.

If the number is 4–5, turn to 81.

If the number is 6–7, turn to 22.

If the number is 8–9, turn to 99.

Super Random Roll...8

The following morning you are woken by the cry of the ship’s lookout from high up in the crow’s nest.

‘Ship ahoy off the port bow!’

You clamber up a narrow ladder and join the captain at the stern. ‘Your eyes are younger than mine, see what you can make of her, my lord,’ he says, and hands you an ornate telescope.

You can make out the red sails and black flag of a Lakuri pirate warship on the horizon.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 326.

If the number is 5–9, turn to 163.

Pirati Roll...4

The captain orders the crew to hoist all the sails to attempt to outrun the vessel, but the pirate ship is fast and is trying to cross the bows of the Green Sceptre. A collision seems imminent.

‘Prepare to ram,’ the captain cries, as the side of the red-sailed warship looms up directly in front of the prow. There is an enormous crack of splintered timber as the Green Sceptre punches a large hole into the side of the pirate ship, and you are thrown to the deck with a jolt.

Illustration XIX—The black-clad shape of a Drakkarim warrior is advancing towards you, a large broadsword raised.

As the pirates clamber aboard, you are horrified to see the black-clad shape of a Drakkarim warrior in their midst. He has spotted you and he is advancing towards you, a large broadsword raised above his head. You must fight him to the death.


If you win the combat, turn to 184.


Lupo Solitario -2
Drakkar -9

Roll...1 :(
Lupo Solitario -5
Drakkar -4

Lupo Solitario -2
Drakkar -9

Lupo Solitario -1
Drakkar -10 (morto!)

EP: 19

As the Drakkar dies at your feet, the pirates falter at the sight of such a powerful warrior floored, and then flee to their sinking ship. Captain Kelman rallies his crew and leads them against the retreating enemy, driving them into the water with the fury of the attack.

The Green Sceptre pulls free of the pirate ship, which keels heavily to starboard.

‘Our thanks, Kai Lord.’ The captain grasps your hand. ‘We are proud and thankful to have you with us.’ A cheer resounds along the deck, and the crew voice their praise.

You help tend the wounded whilst repairs are carried out to the damaged prow. Within the hour, the wind fills the sails and you are back on course for Durenor once more.

Turn to 240.

After three uneventful days at sea, you find shipboard life rather dreary. If you have the Kai Discipline of Healing, any ENDURANCE points that you may have lost on your adventure so far are restored. This will bring your ENDURANCE points score back to your original one. If you do not possess the skill, restore half of any points you have lost in combat.


On the afternoon of the fourth day, you are talking with an injured sailor up on deck when you smell smoke seeping from the hold.

If you wish to enter the hold, turn to 29.

If you wish to shout ‘Fire!’ turn to 236.

If you wish to warn the captain, turn to 101.

Full hitpoint! Parlando d'altro, però, c'è del fumo nella stiva :D Che si fa?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 17 (+2 Shield)

EP: 29/29 (+4 chainmail)

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Spada del Principe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem, Healing Potion,

Special Items (12): Chainmail (+4EP), Crystal Star Pendant, Shield (+2CS), Shield (+2CS)

Money (50): 34

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

1st March 2013, 14:25

1st March 2013, 14:28
E facciamola una buona azione....avvisiamo il capitano...magari ci fa bombare la figlia gnocca e vergine...101!!!

1st March 2013, 14:30
mah all'inizio si diceva che si viene ricompensati facendo i coraggiosi ma... io avvertirei il boss, 101 :P

1st March 2013, 14:35
Full hp? It's a trap!

Btw non mi va di gridare come una donnicciola (so che miave apprezzerà) diamo un'occhiata e vediamo cos'è quel fumo!

1st March 2013, 14:35
meglio gridare al fuoco, se entriamo come minimo stiriamo, e se avvisiamo il capitano perdiamo troppo tempo ed esplode qualcosa

1st March 2013, 14:37
E se perdiamo tempo a cercarlo e nel mentre il fuoco divampa?

Io urlerei come prima cosa... 236

1st March 2013, 14:38
Voi state dando per scontato che sia fuoco... e se non lo fosse?

1st March 2013, 14:39
e cosa potrà mai essere? qualche marinaio che si è rintanato sottocoperta a fumarsi un bel bong?

1st March 2013, 14:40
Al momento abbiamo

2 voti per urlare
2 voti per dirlo al capitano
2 voti per entrare

Il prossimo voto (anche se duplicato) decide!


Magari stanno giocando a incularella e gli sfrigola semplicemente l'ano


1st March 2013, 14:40
Magari stanno giocando a incularella e gli sfrigola semplicemente l'ano

1st March 2013, 14:41
e gridiamo al fuoco e basta

1st March 2013, 14:45

Suddenly panic strikes. The ship is thrown into a frenzy of activity as sailors grab buckets and blankets with which to fight the fire. Flames are roaring through the hatch cover, and it takes over an hour to contain the blaze. The damage to the ship is great. The entire store of food and fresh water has been destroyed and the mid-section of the ship badly weakened.

The captain appears from out of the smoking hold and approaches you, his face black with soot. He is carrying something in a bundle under his arm.

‘We must talk in private my lord,’ he says quietly.

Without replying, you turn and follow him to his cabin.

Turn to 222.

"Beh, Capitano, fortunatamente abbiamo Hunting lol" :D

After taking care to close his door, the captain opens the mysterious bundle and tips the contents onto his cabin table. A large charred earthenware jug and several blackened rags drop in a heap. They give off a strange oily smell.

Illustration XIII—Captain Kelman opens the mysterious bundle and a large charred earthenware jug drops out.

‘This was no accidental fire,’ he says solemnly. ‘This was an act of sabotage. The forward hold is a food store yet I find this oil jug and these soaked rags upon the floor. Someone on this ship is prepared to risk his life to stop us reaching Durenor.’

You both stare at the burnt rags as if they hold the answer to your questions. Suddenly a cry from up on deck breaks the silence.

‘Ship Ahoy! Ship off the port bow!’

Grabbing his sword and telescope, the captain disappears through the door and up the ladder to the deck above.

If you wish to follow him, turn to 175.

If you would rather make a quick search of his cabin, turn to 315.

Andiamo di sopra? O il Capitano è troppo brutto per meritarsi privacy?

1st March 2013, 14:47

1st March 2013, 14:51
Maronn è di una bruttezza rara... (in linea però col resto dei giannizzeri già visti finora)

Un search per del loot non si nega mai, in fondo siamo in una missione sacrah, anything useful must be taken!

Fanculo l'onore e go 315.

1st March 2013, 14:54
Glielo appoggio al deffo: lootare tutto il lootabile!

1st March 2013, 14:58

magari si scopre che il responsabile di tutto è proprio il capitano...con quella faccia....

1st March 2013, 15:00
E si dai sperando che nn escan fuori cosacce!

1st March 2013, 15:07
Come se ci fosse stato bisogno di chiedere :D

Keeping one eye on the door, you quickly search the drawers of an ornate chart table. There does not appear to be anything unusual about the contents. You find mainly charts, island maps, and navigational instruments. You are about to abandon this fruitless search when you notice a small lever hidden below the tabletop. You push it and a panel flips open to reveal a small wooden box with a brass lock.

If you have the Kai Discipline of Mind Over Matter, turn to 287.

If you wish to prise open the lock, turn to 190.

If you wish to replace the box and join the captain on deck, before he suspects something is wrong, turn to 175.


1st March 2013, 15:14
.....e che si fa prima cerchiamo e poi nn apriamo quello che troviamo????

Forziamo la Box!!!! 190

1st March 2013, 15:17
175, andiamo a vedere che succede di sopra e lo forziamo dopo con calma che mo il capitano schiatta di sicuro

1st March 2013, 15:21

Ok la loot mania, ma andare a scassinargli il bauletto rischiamo lo sgamo, e trovarsi contro il capitano incazzuso non so quanto convenga...

A malincuore dico 175.

1st March 2013, 15:25
NOn avete voluto prendere la disciplina utile solo per poter parlare con le cernie, mo si va su e si fa i bravi bambini, 175

1st March 2013, 15:26
190 , solo perche sono curioso su che cosa ci abbia piazzato dentro Dever che ci possa uccidere malamente

1st March 2013, 15:31
Ci imboschiamo il bauletto e torniamo sul ponte...

‘It seems our bird has flown,’ says the captain, pointing to a longboat moving swiftly towards another ship on the horizon. ‘She flies no flag, and her hull is of a strange shape. I’ve ne’er before seen the like.’

You watch as the longboat reaches the mysterious ship. As if by magic a sea fog appears from nowhere and engulfs the vessel. Moments later, both the ship and the fog have disappeared.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 53.

If the number is 5–9, turn to 209.


The crew start to whisper. You hear the words ‘ghost-ship’ and ‘cursed voyage’, but the muttering stops when the captain’s voice booms out an order for all hands on deck. Only the creaking of the timbers can be heard as Captain Kelman climbs to the rear deck to address the crew.

‘Men, we’re three days’ sail from Port Bax. The fire has robbed us of our provisions and our freshwater has been fouled. We shall have to steer a new course for Ragadorn, where we shall make good our repairs and replenish our stores. That is all.’

The crew seem pleased by the captain’s announcement, and set about their duties with renewed vigour.

Then the captain turns to you. ‘We’re about eight hours from Ragadorn, my lord. My orders are to see you safely to Port Bax and pass you into the care of the Sommlending consul, Lord-lieutenant Rhygar. But time is not our ally and I fear the repairs may take a week or more to complete. When we drop anchor, you will have to find your own route to Durenor—by sea with us or alone by the coast road.’

As you return to your cabin, the King’s words haunt your thoughts: ‘Forty days, Lone Wolf. We only have strength to stand against them for forty days.’ You do not have long to complete your dangerous mission.

Turn to 197.

As dawn breaks, a fierce storm rises and you are woken by the violent rocking of the ship. The floor of your cabin is awash, and the shouts of the crew can hardly be heard above the howling wind. You quickly dress, gather up your equipment, and make your way to the deck.

You are soon joined by the captain, who takes hold of your arm and orders you to return to your cabin. Suddenly, as you start to go down, there is a thunderous crack as, high in the rigging, part of the mast snaps. You look up to see the shattered pole falling towards you.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 1–4, turn to 78.

If the number is 5–9, turn to 141.

If the number is 0, turn to 247.


As the mast smashes into the deck, a splintered beam hits your head and you are knocked overboard. Gasping for air, you fight your way to the surface and catch hold of a hatch cover. You are half-stunned. You lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

You pull yourself onto this makeshift raft and cling to it with all your strength. If you are wearing a Chainmail Waistcoat, you must discard it now or otherwise you will be drowned for sure.

You feel dizzy and sick. As the heaving sea buffets you relentlessly, you gradually slip into unconsciousness. When you awake many hours later, the storm has passed. By the position of the sun, you judge it to be late afternoon. In the distance you can see a small fishing boat and beyond it, on the horizon, land. The only trace of the Green Sceptre is the hatch cover on which you now sit.

If you wish to use your cloak to try to signal to the fishing boat, turn to 278.

If you wish to ignore the boat and paddle towards the shore, turn to 337.

Diciamo ciao ciao con la manina alla nostra amata Cotta ç_ç ç_ç ç_ç

Come abbiamo appena scoperto, uno dei temi ricorrenti di Lupo Solitario è che l'acqua è il peggior nemico di Lupo Solitario...davvero, vien da pensare che i genitori di Dever siano stati uccisi da una cernia o qualcosa.

Comunque: nuotiamo a riva, o segnaliamo alla nave?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 17 (+2 Shield)

EP: 23/25

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Spada del Principe, Warhammer

Backpack (8): Meal, Meal, Meal, Vordak's Gem, Healing Potion, Scrigno del Capitano

Special Items (12): Crystal Star Pendant, Shield (+2CS), Shield (+2CS)

Money (50): 34

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

1st March 2013, 15:34

1st March 2013, 15:35
pd vado a fare un colloqui di lavoro e guarda che cazzo di casino combinate.

278 segnaliamo ai pescatori va, che tanto sicuro è un'altra imboscata

edit: per il gioco del "SE FOSSE" se incavamo il primo omino con il corvo lo segavamo o era instadeath uguale?

1st March 2013, 15:41
E segnaliamo alla nave di pescatori che si riveleranno trafficanti di coca!!!! 278!!!

1st March 2013, 15:41
Dopo essere morti l'abbiamo incato ;)

Era per altro la soluzione più vantaggiosa

fare i cauti è l'instadeath che abbiamo preso; se richiamavamo la sua attenzione aveva tempo per prepararsi e aveva 19CS invece che 17.

You desperately wave your Kai cloak above your head until you are near to exhaustion.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table to see if your effort has been rewarded.

If the number you have picked is 0–6, turn to 41.

If the number is 7–9, turn to 180.


You are in luck, for the boat has seen your distress signal and is heading towards you. It is a small fishing boat from the port of Ragadorn. The fishermen are a rough-looking bunch, but they wrap you in a warm blanket and offer you some food. The captain suggests that you sleep, as it will be two or three hours before they arrive back in Ragadorn.


If you wish to take his advice, restore 1 ENDURANCE point and turn to 194.

If you prefer to stay awake and keep watch for any other survivors of the storm, turn to 251.

Per onore di cronaca, siamo a 24EP su 25 e il prossimo paragrafo, se non si combatte, andiamo full. Vogliamo comunque andare a nanna?

1st March 2013, 15:43
sono stordito allora sorry.

dicci come moriamo con i pescatori allora

1st March 2013, 15:46

1st March 2013, 15:49
NONO che nanna così questi nel sonno ce lo troncano nel......restiamo svegli e cerchiamo altri sopravvisuti.

1st March 2013, 15:50

1st March 2013, 15:51
NOn avete voluto prendere la disciplina utile solo per poter parlare con le cernie, mo si va su e si fa i bravi bambini, 175

Eh lo so, Tracking in mezzo al mare in effetti conta come il cazzo alle vecchie, mo vediamo se riusciamo a toccare sta benedetta terra...

Per la scelta di adesso, io dico di rimanere vigili, non ha senso dormire per 1 misero pf.

1st March 2013, 15:52
251 meglio sveglio che nudo legato in stiva dai pescatori trafficanti di coca, che aspettavano il momento giusto mentre dormi

1st March 2013, 15:59
Choice is an illusion -.-

It is nearly dark when the small fishing boat passes through the harbour entrance of Ragadorn. You have still seen no sign of survivors from the storm and you fear the worst.

You notice that three of the fishermen are acting very suspiciously. They whisper to each other and their eyes often glance at your money pouch. As the boat sails into the estuary of the River Dorn, they surround you and demand that you hand over all your gold. You are about to fight them when an unexpected blow from behind knocks you to the deck. You see one of the fishermen raise his foot. As it strikes your head, suddenly everything fades into darkness.

Turn to 194.

Pescatori >>> Kai Masters


When you awake, you are shocked to find yourself lying beneath a wooden jetty, and the shallow water surrounding you fills your nostrils with a foul stench. As you stand, your head throbs violently as if you had been knocked unconscious. This is exactly what has happened to you, and your Gold, your Backpack, your Weapons, and all your Special Items (including the Seal of Hammerdal) have been stolen by the fishermen.10

With a groan of despair, you climb out of the slimy water and pull yourself onto the jetty. Looking up you see a faded sign.

Welcome to Ragadorn

You fear the rumours about this place are true. It is nearly dark and it has started to rain. You must find the Seal if you are to persuade the Durenese to give you the Sommerswerd. Looking round, you see a large market square with a stone signpost in the centre, indicating the various roads that lead off the square.

If you wish to go east along Barnacle Street turn to 215.

If you wish to go south along Eastbank Wharf, turn to 303.

If you wish to go north along Booty Walk, turn to 129.

If you would rather go west back to the jetty and search for the fishing boat, turn to 86.

Welcome to Ragardon indeed -.-

Che si fa?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 15

EP: 25/25

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2):

Backpack (8):

Special Items (12): Crystal Star Pendant

Money (50): 34

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

BTW, questa è la mappa del secondo libro


1st March 2013, 16:05
86, vediamo se riusciamo a ritrovare qualcosa....

1st March 2013, 16:07
SISI 86...je vojo rubba tutto il carico de coca e poi far un festino con 10 mignotte stile bunga bunga!!!!

1st March 2013, 16:08

1st March 2013, 16:10
There are many ships of all sizes and nationalities moored on this side of the harbour. The River Dorn, which divides the city of Ragadorn, is always busy.

You are about to give up your search, when you spot the thieves’ fishing boat. There is nobody aboard, but a thorough search of the cabin reveals a Mace and 3 Gold Crowns hidden inside a folded hammock. The hammock bears a label that reads:
North Star Tavern—Barnacle Street

You take the Mace and Crowns and return to Stonepost Square.

If you choose to go east along Barnacle Street turn to 215.

If you choose to go south along Eastbank Wharf, turn to 303.

If you choose to head north along Booty Walk, turn to 129.

Ok, la risposta credo sia ovvia, ma che si fa ora?

************************************************** ***********************
Lupo Solitario, Kai Aspirant

CS: 15

EP: 25/25

Sixth Sense

Weapons (2): Mace

Backpack (8):

Special Items (12): Crystal Star Pendant

Money (50): 3

- Istakillato dall'esca+party hiddato (Libro I)
- Caduto in una trappola da caccia Giak (Libro I)

************************************************** ******

1st March 2013, 16:15

1st March 2013, 16:16
Ufff direi di cercare la North Star Tavern in Barnacle Street.....215!!!

1st March 2013, 16:16
e che vuoi fare?

si va a rompergli la mazza sui denti. 215.

1st March 2013, 16:20
215 Kill Kill Kill

1st March 2013, 16:23
Ma li mortacci tua Dever -__-

Barnacle Street con la bava alla bocca, nau!

1st March 2013, 16:25
Botteeee 215!!1